What do Dean Graziosi and Anthony (Tony) Robbins have in common? They're both agents for change in the lives of others. In this edition of the weekly wisdom, Dean tells you what happened during his recent visit with Tony Robbin's and how that has impacted his life. Dean reveals a simple series of questions Tony asked a woman from on stage that changed her life in an instant. This is the secret to gaining the ultimate unfair advantage. Watch and see what Dean Graziosi rediscovered during the one-on-one time he and Tony spent together and how that is going to change your life in an instant today!
Register NOW for Dean's Live Training This Thursday the 1st of August. Click Here: http://deansinsider.com/livecast/register/
Thanks Dean
I try everyday to be positive and create a great story for my life. I can on a few occassions not to think so positively and come up with a few excuses as to why I can't accomplish something in real estate.
Thank you for this weekly wisdom on reminding me about being positive and staying motivated.
This also reminds me of a verse that I always use to say from the Word, and I am going to use this daily.
"Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think."~Ephesians 3:20
Thanks Dean.
Thanks Dean for another great blog! We all need a reality check/wake up call once in a while!
positive thinking
Hi Dean,
Awesome message!!! So many people in the corporate work force have such negative attitudes. I have tried to share some positive energy with them but it doesn't work. You all say "Don't quit your JOB Yet." But it is a challenge I face everyday because I go to break and listen to your weekly wisdoms to keep me motivated knowing that I am striving for that first deal and will reach it very soon. So thank you again Dean for your motivation, enthusiasm, encouragement, and passion for real estate. Take care!!!
The story we tell ourselves
Also known as self fulfilled prophecy.
There it is again
There it is again Dean,
You keep putting those positive, mind changing lessons out there for us. I know how it works but it most certainly helps to be reminded. Believe me, I appreciate it,
Thank you and have a great week!
John Wakefield
Just what I needed to hear
This weeks blog def hit close to home. I've been following for while now but still have not made the first step towards a betta future. The fear I have for failing is eating me alive.
changing my story
Thank you Dean for hope and encouragement to change my story. I just started to reading the 30day book i am taking action.
Anthony Robbins
Thanks Dean for all that you do for us!! I am so grateful however someone Hacked my computer a week ago and I have to keep changing the password ..I am trying to figure how to solve this problem so I can continue to train with you!!
any suggestions?? #247 WW was Awesome! muxh love and respect for you..
Great video!
As I watched this video I thought of Henry Ford's quote " whether you think you can or you think you can't your right"
We are our own worst enemy in this! Change the story, change your life! I love it!
Great wisdom!
Unleash the power
another great blog.thanks for sharing and educating all. Carol in texas
Wisdom # 247
Tony Robbins is phenomenal
Your insights are always amazing. This particular subject is very close to me and my own personal struggles.
I am taking your words and re-examining my own beliefs. I need to write a new script for my own beliefs.
Thank You
I haven't been on vacation Dean, I have been working my butt off trying to make a deal to get enough money to give my family a vacation. After negotiating a property and winning with my offer, I couldn't pass it on to an investor. They all wanted more than the deal was offering from the spread. I felt a bit depressed and stopped working on any more deals for a few days. I am starting back up and I will have to catch up on all the videos you've done for the last few weeks. I don't want to disappoint my family, they've been very aware and supportive of all my attempts at RE for the last three years and when I make my first deal I will celebrate with them. I'd like to thank you for trying your best to motivate people everywhere. You will be blessed,
I'm in
I'm in for the live cast. Can't hear it enough! Battling several professionals and catching them at making mistakes. Now I'm getting them to correct the mistakes, and it's draining me. Could use some positive thinking to not let that bother and drain me any longer. So disappointed in the so called professionals (not you Dean).
A question and a request
Hi Dean,
I am looking for a local representative in Philadelphia area. Is there anyone that can help me. I do not have any down payment and not sure where to start from.
I have another request, I want to talk or write to you directly. Is that possible?
Thank you.
Love Tony!
If you did a UPW, you must have done a firewalk...
As a Mastery University graduate, the lessons I've learned from Tony never grow old. Every now and then, it's time to get a dose of "living with passion"
or just putting on Haddaway "Life"
puts me right in that state again!
Thanks for sharing!
LOL - I've heard that before
I sent my husband to a UPW about 18 years ago when he was in a slump. All he kept saying is, "Yeah, but I'm not going to walk on hot coals!" I told him by the end of one night with Tony, he'd do whatever Tony asked him to (and I'm cleaning it up a bit - young eyes, young eyes). Well, about 2 am he comes storming into the room where our infant was sleeping. He was COMPLETELY FULL OF ENERGY, PASSION, ENTHUSIASM, just absolutely full of life, screaming and fist pumping the air! "Whoa! Yeah! I walked on hot coals, Baby! I walked on hot coals!" I just smiled at him and said, "I know you did!" My husband got his passion back for life. He, to this day, hasn't forgotten the Giant Within (pardon the pun). Of all the events I've attended with Tony and was even blessed to staff, EVERYONE (and there are events with thousands of people) did the firewalk and EVERYONE had that little spark inside them burst into flame, if only for that moment. You would do it! I guarantee! And...you would LOVE IT!
Positive thinking
Thanks Dean for another week of advice. Looking forward to tonight's web cast. There is so much to learn. I keep hoping for the day I make my first deal.
Thank You Dean for your help and encouragement!
This is great encouragement dean what goes in our minds comes out so we must only allow positive and productive things in our minds a bodybuilder once told his muscle " I command you to grow". Food for thought.
Don't want you to stop making videos
Thanks Dean!
Your weekly wisdom videos are a big help. I've never felt like I've personally known a people's advocate before, but now I do.
Please don't stop making these videos...you really reach me!
Thanks for the Weekly Wisdom
Hey Dean, thanks for everything, I always enjoy the weekly wisdom, and the unfair advantages.
Thanks, Ray
thanks dean
hell Dean & the DG family.thanks for this weekly wisdom.i needed it badly.the whole month of july has been back to back setbacks.but im still trying.thats what counts!thanks dean
We R OUR Worst Enemy...
Yes Dean, It is soooo easy to listen to the negative voices in our heads that prevent us from achieving our goals! Thank you for the Reminder that We are capable, and mostly that we are "Loved"
You make me smile from cheek to cheek!
Great Weekly!
I also admire Tony Robbins; as a matter of fact, I'm currently reading his book Awaken the Giant Within; what an awesome book. We have the power to control how we think, how we feel, and what we do.
Thank you Dean for your amazing energy and knowledge that you share with us week after week... You have no idea how it helps me stay on course and keep moving forward in rei and enabling me to overcome obstacles on my path to success!
Tony Robbins - a great motivator!
I did the firewalk about 5 years ago. It wasn't just a firewalk - it was an entire seminar ending with the firewalk. It is truly amazing what you learn about yourself!
Thanks for sharing,
thanks. Weekly Wisdom Dean
thanks. Weekly Wisdom Dean will illustrate the shift occurring in the market and show us how and where to focus to make ridiculously huge amounts of money this year and beyond is a good news
This is so eye opening. We
This is so eye opening. We have more power within ourselves than we can even fathom. Just remember, you get to choose what you tell yourself and how you feel. Thank you so much for always sharing all of your wisdom.
Change your Thoughts
Change you thoughts to change your life. The possiblities are endless!!
Thanks Dean and Matt
Thank you for the refresher on the 25:1 strategy. I've been away from investing. Had a multi-house deal go south, medical issues and a daughter's wedding. I have not given up. This video was a big boost.
Lookig to get back in Realestate
Thanks for the truth as this is how you feel when you know others are in the game and your not.
Would love to talk to other investors just for the inspiration and direction where to go next.
Thank you! We are hard on
Thank you! We are hard on ourselves and must have more positive thinking to move forward!