Weekly Wisdom #259 - Check Ya'Self

...'Before Ya Wreck Yourself' as the saying goes. Are you being intentional in your thinking, your conversations and what you focus on? Here's some food for thought on how that is affecting your success and your happiness.

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Such a great weekly wisdom Dean

I love watching your weekly wisdom. Keep bringing them on. It motivates me to push forward investing in real estate. I love your strategies its working perfectly for me.

I just spoke with my mum this morning and she told me how she had interview with US citizenship government people and they refuse to give her citizenship paper (she sounded depressed and sad) and I felt the wave over the phone lol trying to come towards me. So immediately I changed the topic and was like hey its not the end of the world as long you got a shelter above your head and you got food to eat an da job. You have everything to be thankful and be happy.

Also, most of the people who I come across in my daily life, I always try to be careful of the kind of conversation we get into. Most people out there, the only thing they are good at is talking negative things about things they are going through or others are going through. Usually when I noticed such a thing I try to switch they topic lol because I don't want to get affected by such negativity around me
Miami, FL
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"If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."- Karen Ellsworth

"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

"If you are not making offers on properties you can not make any money" - Success Coach

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The way we look at things !

kcw6150's picture

Dear Dean, As usual you get up on Monday morning
with a terrific way of looking at life. I'm positive that this is a result of how YOU look at things. Then you time precious time to pass that on to all of us. I know that you have heard this, but you are a special person. Thanks Again.
Kevin Warner

You are correct Mr. G.

Wisdom from my mother one week prior to her passing. She took me aside because she knew I would dwell on her passing for a long time so she told me this out of her love for me. "Remember me but let me go." That's all she needed to say.


Hi Dean. Great weekly wisdom. I agree that there is too much negativity talk and i am definitely gonna cut down on negative news mindset.Thanks Dean.

I need to watch my mouth

You are so right Dean. I have been pretty negative lately and it has affected my mindset. I will stop watching the news because their is too much going on in the world today that just enforces negativity. Thank you Dean for all you wisdom.

#259 Check yourself

Great, I needed to hear that. I know some who are in the ditch and I may just have to leave them there.What happens to me when I come into contact with negativity is I know more than ever that I am on the right path. Thank you.

Check Ya'Self

marvinwardsbiz1's picture

I agree Dean, There is way to much negativity in this world to always talk about depressing stuff. We need to be thankful and talk about good things. Life is to short and we need to enjoy life while we still can. It starts with a change in attitude. I for one am going to change mine. I use to be a follower, but now I took a chance and became a leader by becoming a manager at the business I work for and now I'm glad I stepped outside of my comfort zone. Just go for it. I say.

weekly wisdom 259 and good vibrations

Dean, you hit it out of the park this week and at
some points it brought tears to my eyes. I agreed with you so much, as I live with an eternal pessimist and I'm the eternal optimist...I perfer to look for the good in things and the pessimist
only sees the bad! all to often our differences end
in an out right argument and sometimes a very heated one. Lately I just get up and say OK whatever and leave the room.This weekly wisdom was actually like going through a car wash and stripping away all the garbage to put my mind back into a better perspective. Thanks Dean.
God Bless, Phil.

Hump day

Great wisdom Dean, thanks!

Your weekly wisdom

Kountry's picture

Dear Mr. Graziosi,

It is obvious that you have raised your level of consciousness in your life and your vibrational level is higher than others and that is obvious with your statements of fact as you perceive them. However, I am not aware that you are a master teacher in any discipline other than a student in consciousness. I personally asses that you are giving people half truths about some of this mind discipline and meditation techniques. If you want too provide this I think its awsome, but it should be provided by a master not a student. I see that you are all excited and such and that is nice. However, it is obvious that you have taken some training and there are many disciplines and theory to put your ego in checkmate. As you know that the Bible, Qur'an, Buddhism all spell this out in text and so does Tao for an additional example. I do applaud the effort(s) you put forth, but my assessment is that you are leading these people down a path and leaving them stranded without teaching the whole program of being able to get into a altered state of consciousness and indeed quieting the "ego". Your mind if you ask it is going to repeat what the "EGO" wants. So Mr. Graziosi as much needed and well meant are your teachings are. They are incomplete and very unfair to those who have never had the opportunity to be guided or has been taught this in a program of some origin. It would be really fantastic if you had a certified Master teach on your website these things you are learning in your classroom. Yes you truly would raise the consciousness of the world by your students alone. I realize that this is a common valediction however;



PS: Mr. Graziosi thanks for the hard work the world does get it and all the indigo's do for sure:)

"Reaction Report" to #259

seagarden's picture

One of your best yet, Dean. I'm 2000% with you on this. It seems that generation after generation of entire cultures vow never to forget the tragedies and traumas that happen in life, thus preventing themselves from ever experiencing pure joy. THAT is, in itself, a tragedy. Joy is such an incredibly, indescribably wonderful thing.

What really needs to be remembered is that healing takes time and effort, and virtually everywhere around the world there are not just tragedies but atrocities that have been - and still are being - endured from which it is excruciatingly difficult to recover. We never know really what any individual has gone through, and the reactions and healing process are different for everyone.

We all must be patient with and understanding and respectful of each other and ourselves as we do what we need and go our own pace to heal. There's no doubt in my mind, though, that healing into joy is the only right thing to do, to honor those who have gone before, regardless of what they endured. Doing so can have huge and powerful effect on the health and wellness of our entire planet.

About your family and friends dwelling on the grief that befalls others. Maybe translation rather than criticism of their patterns would help. Yes, maybe they DO talk about sad things because it makes them feel better somehow. I suggest that it may be because it reminds them that they are caring, connected individuals, and THAT - the caring, the expression of it, and the accompanying sense of community - is what makes them feel good. The hidden reminder in it all and for us all is that light can overcome darkness, love can overcome hate (though maybe not quite the way we anticipate). So, too, joy can overcome sadness. The spark deep within each and every one of us can sometimes seem to flicker and die, but it is possible to fan it back into life by respecting it and giving it what it needs. Sharing and caring - even if only in the smallest of droplets - are a big part of what it needs, a VERY big and important part of healing.

Now, back to joy! While you were in NY, I was enjoying fabulous autumn weather, inhaling great gulps of energizing fresh sea air, beachcombing, picnicking as I watched the sunrise over the Atlantic, finding seasonal rentals and houses for sale, and wondering at fun paranormal surprises. I do wish, however, that I had known you were in NY. Now HERE's a creative idea - you could visit NY TWICE this year, and we could get together when you do? Break YOUR pattern and let's talk?

Thus endeth this epistle!

Keeping ones self Positive

Hi Dean, It is always easy to complain, people want to blame someone else for there lack, but when you talk to them about doing something to help themselves, they shut up.

Thanks always for the great messages.


One more thing

seagarden's picture

In response to another person's comments here -

About choosing to be happy when you are sad - on a small scale, maybe that's ok. But consider the source of your sadness. Is it poor nutrition? Lack of sleep? Drugs? Not enough exercise? In the case of tragedy, read on.

As a teenager, my only sibling died suddenly. I never grieved, but consciously chose to remain upbeat and strong (so I thought) to help keep the family together (again, so I thought).

As a 29-year-old professional, after the intervening years of downplaying grief, my world fell apart when the family finally fell apart. Parents divorced, much upheaval. My inner self translated that as being time finally for me to grieve.

Trust me on this - allow yourself to grieve when the moment is there. Don't delay it, hide it, or cover it over. That's a colossal waste of time and energy and life. Grieving decades later is NOT the easiest, nor the recommended, way to go, and is likely to be far more destructive than you can imagine, affecting others as well as yourself.

Another Great Blog Dean

blackboard's picture

You are such a inspiration to us all,I went to a live event a couple years ago,which I already read all your books,was rolled into your success academy.I just went because I thought you was going to be their.I just wanted to see if you was a real person,lol.I'm not the one to listen to anyone to long on the internet,but I can listen to for hours,I hope someday I can meet you.



Wow! understanding the negative! getting rid of it! not allowing it - love your passion on this subject.

Decide right now -
Have an amazing week! right back at ya!

thanks so much

re: You Are So Right On With This Topic

Dean you are sooooo right. I have been making that statement also to those that I love and know, it has gotten to the point that I don't communicate with them as much because of their negativity. I only connect with like minded people and will continue to from now own. Not only has it made a difference for my own mindset but it actually has change my financial situation. I told my sister the other day when she called me with gossip and negative conversation that I did not want to hear it. Call someone who does. Amen to this post.

Ya betta check ya self

Thanks Dean your words each week are always so inspirational and right on time.

check yer-self

you've had many a good weekly wisdoms but this one is by far one of the best - we all forget how BLESSED we are and as you stated we need to be more attentive to our thoughts - be it negative or positive we all can be easily drawn into that feeling of others if not paying attention to ourselves, I'm sure it's out of compassion at times but it's just as easy to bring in the positive to change that flow of negative energy

Keeping positive

TinaScott's picture

Dean, thank you for sharing, I just had major back surgery and my mother has come to stay during the week days to help us with our kids. I have not watched the news since February, however, my mom watches the news, I continuously ask my mom why does she care so much about what she can't control and all the negativity that is on the news. She can't really answer me, I let her watch her news, however, I will not watch it and can't even be in the room 5 minutes and she is trying to be my news anchor, I tell her, mom this is a new day, let's focus on what we can do and not go there, please don't tell me because I really don't want to know. She has continuously talked all week about stuff that is depressing and I have had to get on to her. When she gets back from taking my kids to school I am going to make her watch this video and maybe she might get it. Thank you for help changing my mindset and not allowing the negative and depressing things continue in my life, it has been so much better without all of that. Have a great week.

Thank you, Dean

lateinlife's picture

Dear Dean,
Thank you again for your vision of life!!!

Stuck in Stinkin' Ditch!

Ninthfloor33020's picture

Our ATTITUDE determines our ALTITUDE!

Ok, back to building my buyers list, Make it a great day EVERYBODY!!

I was Just Talking About This With My Friend...

Funny how life is. I sent a text early this morning to a good friend sending her well wishes, telling her I hoped she had slept well (she has had a tough time sleeping lately) AND also wishing her a great day! Her reply back was not what I expected. She told me how difficult her day was going to be and then proceed to tell me why..... She then asked me to pray for her. My immediate first thought was, "REALLY?!?" Here is what I wrote back. I have omitted her name to protect the guilty in this case:

"AYE ###! It's all going to work out just fine! Don't set yourself up for a bad day by creating it in your head... What the mind believes, it achieves! Yes, I am praying for you. I pray that you realize once and for all that you understand how important thoughts are to your well being AND how they create the world around you! Always wishing you the best dear ###! Always! :)"

I hope she gets the message. Bottom line, we become our most dominate thoughts. Think small meaningless things and you become just that! Think BIG, EMPOWERING, MAGICAL & POSITIVE thoughts worthy of a King or Queen and you can create a masterpiece of a life.... Guard well both your daily internal dialogue and your spoken words. For they are the children of your future!

Blessing to all!


Love this !!!

Mntn42's picture

What you speak about you bring about !!! We have to take captive negative thoughts and words and create our future with them !!! Just imagine if everything that we spoke came true.... What would we chose to talk about ??
Love the share Dean

+++ consversaition & thoughts

Roryjarrell's picture

Your so right I have been watching the news,,and it has realy brought me down & stresst me out! And worrying about thangs I can't change, to the point that , that's all I've done, no work on my life's plan. Thanks for waking me up, lifting me up. No more news for me, back to my life & goils. Thanks Dean I realy needed that.


Yosemite Guy's picture

I am with you on that, I always like to think positive My dad taught me That tomorrow was always a better day! And this is what I teach my kids. We always have to focus on the future, A Bright Future:)
We Can't focus on the Negative things & Unfortunately I see & hear a Lot of it, Some of my own relatives do this in conversations & I quickly try and get them on to another Good positive conversation " It Drives me Nuts to Hear these type of conversations" I like to Focus on the Good,Positive things in our lives and Count Our Blessings for what we have. We do have to deal with things sometimes, But we should deal with it head-on and Move on,
Back On To The Sunny Side Smiling
I like to Call Them HUMDRUMMERS Or Negativiers/ Pretty close to Nay-sayers
Lets Enjoy Life Because It Is Too Short Not Too Smiling
Darren From Calif

Great Advice Dean

dmedlin77's picture

I also am from a small town and you really hit home with this, everyone is always talking about who died and who is dying or what bad happened and I am always changing the conversation. Your video explains to me why I change that conversation, I like to thrive on positive energy and these are just the opposite. Thanks for putting those thoughts into words for me. On another note we just landed our first Flip Property, it took 6 offers but we stayed on it and they finally came around. That light at the end of the tunnel gets brighter every day.


positive conversations

Thank you for being positive and challenging me and so many others to become more positive and focus on what is right with the world. I hear a lot of sad things and use it as an opportunity to pray. Then I am practicing moving on and I appreciate you and your positive comments. I look at this as another catalyst to truly live each day to its fullest.

I am glad someone else noticed this

spellbound's picture

You are right and for some reason most of the world wants to live in negativity. They only talk about what has happened bad today and not about what has happened good today. If you watch the news its all about negativity and you hardly ever see anything positive.

I try and stay away from the negative people so they wont bring me down and if they stay around me i will try and bring them up. Its hard to be negative when you are laughing !! Happy people do better in life. Have you ever seen the guy at work who hates his job ( every job has them and some of them are us ) but will not find one he likes. He will come to work every day with a negative attitude and make his job bad for him just because of his mindset ...( he always looks at the negative side of it ). Why would you want to live that way and if you feel that way at work you will feel that way at home also.
I have no reason to be negative...I am healthy, working for my self in this amazing job ( my REI business, A positive mindset ), I have time for my family now and will give them a great and blessed life ( as long as the lord is willing )as we all should strive to do for our loved ones. I like helping those who i can and seeing the joy it gives them.

If you let the negativity in your life then what do you have to look forward to ? only a positive person looks forward to things they can do with their life. Its in your hands or should i say in your mindset.

checkin ma self

john.hervan's picture

Hey Dean,
Great weekly wisdom... I call it a crab pot mentality. The crabs you see trying to climb out of the pot are being pulled back I to the pot by the others. Negative, negative, negative. I have been getting caught up in way too much negativity for the past three months and you have brought it up at just the right time. I have been sitting on my haunches here and watching everything go by wondering when I am going to have my turn. I have to focus on the here and now. Just wanted to let you know that I am back and will start by catching up on what I have missed and will get started all over again.
Thanks again

Making a Difference

Jrace13's picture

Dean your right on of what your saying.. so true of the negative.. my self i stay away from it..
Some great news to share, I received a call for a job offer well it turned out to just be a one day event in which i do building maintenance, and the job was to take the old caulking out on 2 bathtubs, replace with new.. i didn't complain i looked at it as when i get done it will look new.. than my cell phone rang and another job offer, i said great its 20 miles from where i live and working from a punch list.. I started on Monday-Friday @ 8 am til 5 pm weekends off
its great and i have to put up with some stuff and the guy im replacing is on workers comp, and my boss really likes how i handle things with the customers, but there undecided to hire me full time with the company, but i do work there full time just a different wage.. i look at it that i'm glad to have the opportunity to be working and making a difference in peoples lives for that's why i'm there .. it's only been a week and yeah i'm a little tired for haven't worked in a while but its great i wouldn't trade it for anything.. get inspired have fun life is to short.


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