Dean's Weekly Blog

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #86 - Cutting Through The Bull of Automation

In this week's blog, Dean talks a bit about how you, as an investor, need tools that can help you succeed. The struggle, as you know, is always "who can you trust, how do you discern the goop from the gold?" Especially in so called "automation".

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #85 - What can You Gain by Being Direct?

Hold on to your hats everybody. In this week's blog, Dean introduces you to a marketing method called Direct-Response. In case it's a new term to you, it is marketing, designed to cause a response which is specific and measurable. The response is direct between the viewer and the advertiser, that is, the customer responds to the marketer directly.

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #84 - I'm Gonna Live To 105, What About You?

Watch this week's blog and let us know what you think the hidden, or maybe not so hidden message is. Also, what are you going to do about it?

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #83 - Accomplish More By Dividing Your Week Into 3 Days

Dean's still recuperating from the bug that had him down last week but you'd never know he was feeling less than 100% after watching this.

In this amazing blog, you'll get a million dollar technique that can be your Investor Time System. It totally changes your relationship to time, allowing your personal and professional life to get the proper amount of attention – in other words... to be in balance and as a result, you generate energy for each part of your life! You'll love this...please make sure to share your comments below -and ENJOY!

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #82 - Where the Heck is Dean? Get the scoop and great info...

The bad news is for the first time in a few years Dean got sick and he ended up losing his voice and even though he tried, he simply couldn't do the video blog this week... The good news is Ryan has made up for it by giving you a taste of what happened at this year's EDGE event with some great information from Matt Larson.

Dean will be back for next week's blog, but until then enjoy this clip!

For all the fathers out there - Happy Father's Day!

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #81 - Why is he Outside When It's 110 Degrees?

This week Dean's got it made in the shade.

More accurately, he shot the blog video in the shade because it's too HOT to think.

In any case, he shares something worth thinking about and gives you a clue about his upcoming BIG announcement. So, grab a cool drink, sit back and watch...

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #80 - Ever Tried a Little Creative "DESTRUCTION"?

Many things in life seem to fly in the face of common sense.

At first glance, this might be one of them. can order really come out of chaos? Can we simultaneously create and destroy?

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #79 - The Word on The Street Is...

…The EDGE was the place to be on May 22-23rd.

Yep. EVERYBODY is talking about last weekend's BIG event, the live TWO-DAY EDGE seminar. For those of you that were with us, here are some great clips of what you experienced.

For those of you who could not be there, Dean hopes these clips are a special treat for you!

PS: You can preregister for the EDGE 2010 Home Study DVDs right now!

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #78 - Even If You Don't Garden, You Still Plant!

The question is, what are you growing with the seeds you sow? Want to ensure that what you plant produces a good harvest? Then watch this weeks V-blog to find out.

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #76 - Mother's Day

If it weren't for the great Mothers in this world, a lot of great people would never have risen to change the world.

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