If you don’t think 2015 is going to be your best year yet then you’re looking at it all wrong! Because it is Dean’s PERSONAL mission to make sure it IS your best year yet.
And if real estate investing is truly something you are excited about then this month is your month to make sure you don’t miss a SINGLE weekly wisdom. Because Dean and Matt are going to give out some awesome tips and tricks... if you don’t mind
So check out this week’s Weekly Wisdom and find out what Matt and Dean are so excited to share with you!
Thank you for the message
And looking forward to this months weekly wisdom's. Thank you for all you do!
That was great!
I love to watch and hear you two speak and share. You two are different and I learn so much every time I watch you two on this site.
I really have learn from you both and I really appreciate it more then you know.
Hey Dean and Matt!
So true let's all focus on ourselves and ask what can we do better? It's what we have control of and why compare or judge others? It does not bring anything positive to our lives.
Excited for what you have to share and looking forward to upcoming videos.
Make it a great week!
Great weekly wisdom Dean and Matt!
Be Self Sustaining!
That is what I promote to people.
If everyone takes responsibility for them self in every area of life; what food you eat, your personal hygiene, your activities, your transportation, how you think, what service you provide, getting more knowledge, what you wear, being comfortable in your home; so many people would be happy and confident with themselves, instead of the envy hater attitudes.
I innerstand I need to do me first, but recently I incorporated my family with my believes and at first they were on the defense and it took a few weeks for me to get my point across. Now I am aware that by putting my heart into what is best for me, my actions will lead others to figure out what is best for them.
I will keep digging down. I feel better when I am pursuing my definite chief aim.
Thank you Dean and Matt for the message.
Thanks Dean and Matt. Great video, and looking forward to the future ones. ALSO, SEE THE MOVIE!! What a great movie, it will impact you like the book, its not a leave feeling good movie, very humbling. I was more impressed with his forgiveness then all of what he went through, a truly impactful story.
Awesome Message
I want to thank you Dean and Matt for this Weekly Wisdom. If I listened to what everyone else says and thinks I certainly wouldn't be where I am today. Thank you so much for all you do.
Great Message
Hi Dean & Matt,
Thanks for the WW we do a lot of worrying about what others think and do around us when we should be looking straight ahead without veering off. We all are guilty of doing this but with help the we maybe don't do it a often and for as long as we get better.
Keep up the good work and look forward to more WW from you in the future.
Just keep digging!!!!
Thank you both!!!! The just keep digging hit home. I keep looking for other ways instead of just digging. You guys are great!!!
Great Weekly Dean and Matt!
Thank you Dean and Matt for doing another awesome Weekly Wisdom together!
Great reminder, to keep focused on ourselves, not on others.
Can't wait to hear about Matt's tips on flipping!
Looking forward to another great year!
Ready to profit
Great video you guys, you always set a spark under my A@#, thank you so much, Roger
Pen and Paper at the Ready!
I'm so looking forward to this month's WWs!! I love Matt Larson and can't wait for him to spill all his beans! lol Thanks you so much!! woowhoo I'm ready!
Ready to profit?
Hi Dean, and Matt
Another great weekly wisdom......
I am old school......I will read the book " Unbroken " not the audio....
The phase that Jesus speaks is : " Let he who is without sin cast the first stone ".....a very wise man indeed.....
Thank You Dean.......for all you do.......xo
Hi Dean & Matt, Thanks to you and your students, and your educational material I'm finally getting past my fears. These wisdom videos help a great deal. Please keep up the great work.
Best Wishes,
Ahhgh.... no kidding, where are thine accusers, that is a close one. For real got to focus on me and my walk with God. And I need to go forward, I feel like I am going nowhere fast. I have had my goals crushed and have no vision and feel like I am perishing. <3 I do feel overly religious with myself, meaning condemning myself.
Good to see you guys again. Really.
I have your training, got to do this. I wish you would keep going and going. And don't worry Matt you are so advanced I would never in this life time be a competitor. Matt we need your experienced wisdom. Thanks I want to walk on the water and not focus on it.
Keep the wisdom coming yeah 2015
Another great WW
As time goes by and I hear all these WWs, I learn more and more why my marriage failed. It was because I wanted to live the life you are trying to teach us to live while my wife was all the things you tell us to get away from. No wonder I got happier, A LOT happier once I was out of that situation.
So now I am 7 years into my digging and that hole seems to get easier and easier to dig because I can tell the big reward is just a few more shovels full away. So I keep digging!
As for the RE lessons, I can't wait to hear more!!!!
Until next week......
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013 & 2014 EDGE Alumni
More Words of Wisdom-!
Keep Up those W-W,
They are very inspirational-!
Also, the Man Up Above has a lot to do with it so I don't have a problem with you mentioning Him. Praise HIS Holy Name.,AMEN
Signing Out-!
It's good to see Matt
I can't wait to hear Matt's new strategies Dean!! This year is going to be awesome.
Got lost.
I took your course about a year and a half ago. I have to tell you that getting busy with other things in my life and work really do pull you away from staying focused. I am going to re-read all my notes and your book again so I can live the life I truly want to live. Thanks for all your weekly wisdoms and enthusiasm.
Shine Your Light
That was really a good message and thank you Dean and Matt for shining your light. I'm looking forward to the next message.
That's what I do. I shine my light and allow my spirit to soar. Then, something happens and I dull out and I have to remind myself to keep shining my light. Keep going strong. I have not a had one flipped house or wholesale in my life but I'm learning all the time and I know this is what I'm going to do. I'm so close to getting my first house and will only grow from there. So anything you can teach me about getting funds or anything is very appreciative.
remain unbroken
Never give up or give in, Mind your own business, Concentrate on what your doing. Your are all you've got. Thanks Dean/Matt..Dan in Seattle..
Thanks, Dean and Matt, Matt and Dean. Like has been mentioned above, I am looking forward to this month's Weekly Wisdom videos from you. Because you two are such good friends, you bring out the best in each other and it shows. Thank you in advance.
Be your very best always-Judy Williamson
Change. Change is life giving. It helps us grow into someone greater than we already are.
Keep focused
Thanks Dean and Matt for sharing! This year is going to be our best year. You also have to have personal growth with any business, and I can actually see the difference in most successful people is personal development and the ability to push through the hard times.
I look forward to seeing more!!!
Tina Scott
This covers it...
You can find the story in John 8
thank you dean and matt i will be digging
i will be digging