I received some PM’s some here some on FB. One particular on FB stood out. I want repeat, because most was stemmed from ignorance, anger or jealousy. For whatever their reason, I don’t know. I did have to pray about it because at first it stung then it made me mad. So I had to sow it as a seed and prayed over them. But made me think which led to what I’m about to say.
In the same way as when a guy (or vice versa) is looking for a mate and let’s just say that would probably rate a 3 in most cased he want be attracting to many 10's to add to his little black book; same hold true to us in RE. We all start out at 1, 2, 3 etc. as we continue to grow, expand, doing deals we slowly grow up the totem pole. When we need it the most is when it seems to be the scarcest. As in capital, deals, buyers you name it. As you become more seasoned, have a track record and turning more volume in a month than most in a year….you’ll draw some resources out of the woodwork! As much as we would like it $1M in PM isn't going to land on your lap while you’re parked on the couch! You want stumble over the next big deal going to the kitchen.
But like will attract like. You will draw to you what you are. Reap what you sow. That’s why we must ALWAYS work on ourselves. Keep growing to keep going! You'll have to give up to go up! The same person that has gotten you where you are today IS not the same person to get you where you want to go. You'll have to change. Your MINDSET has to change, your ACTIONS have to change, your ASSOCIATIONS will have to change. If you want to attract a 10 you have to BE a 10!
The only difference in the most successful DG students from the novice is simply the way they THINK, DECISIONS they make and what they DO.
You may be saying "sure Jen, sounds great but you just don't know the negativity around me, no one supports me, you just don't how broke I am, how ill I am, I didn't have a strong upbringing, I'm divorced, my credit is sucks, I hate my job, have kids, I know nothing about RE or you just don't know what I've been through." Doesn't matter what you fill the sentence with. It's nothing more than an excuse dressed in different clothes.
Yes, I have personally overcome each and every one of those obstacles. I've never had one single person call me, just to encourage me and really still don't. But I am determined to GIVE it when I need the most. When I closed my first wholesale I had $13 in my account. I did have some health stuff a few years ago but I am a conqueror! Was told I was a mistake, lazy, selfish, fat and a loser pretty regular. I was the first out of 2 sisters and a brother to finish High School (my son was 6 mo old when I walked the field and graduated on time) and the first ever to go to college.
What was supposed to last a lifetime didn't. After my divorce I ended up filing bankruptcy, hated every job I ever had and well you get the picture…:-)lol
So equipped with nothing more than a burning desire to change my life, hope and an unwavering motivation that I WOULD prove every one of them to be liars! You CAN overcome ANY obstacle!
What I do know is that God is no respecter of persons. What He has done for one He will do for another. But You have to move if you want Him to!
You don't NEED someone to pump you up every day! Someone else does NOT define your self-image or self-worth (NOTE: the ‘self’ in there) Don’t base your decisions on feelings! I bet there are days you don’t FEEL like going to your job, but you do! Then it comes to REI or ANYTHING you are building to change you and your families life/circumstances and then you punk out! What’s that about?!?!
When you need encouragement find those that 'speak' to you. That fire you up and inspire you, track their previous post on here. You may not be in direct contact with them but you CAN read their journey! People remember....success leaves clues! We are so easy to forget. We look at all the success and a lot of time we only see the 'bling' and overlook the bruises and scars! I cannot tell you how many times I've came HERE just to get me through! I STILL dig up old threads when it’s been a tough day, when I got a hit ‘below the belt’ or a shot to the back! I NEVER speak on it, because what good is that going to do. You guys don’t want to hear it, I don’t want to relive it and definitely not speaking life over it! Kill it, clean your wounds, get a Band-Aid and move on! The ground is no place for a champion! GET UP!
I've spent hours reading Matt’s post as well as others like Carol, Rina, Joe and Stacey, Andrea & Chip, Jan & Jeremy, DG coaches and sooo many others. Up til whee hours of the morning revisiting past conference calls and old video blogs. None of them are 'just lucky', nor were they birthed with a portfolio and a list of PML! Go back, dig up their clues.
CHOSE TO BECOME THAT PERSON YOU WISH TO BE! The one that isn’t controlled by fear! That’s an overcomer! The true winner that you are! Awaken the warrior within! Choose to make the rest of your life the best of your life!
Begin again!
Don't you get it....your past does NOT determine your future! YOU DO! Don't give away your power by letting them win. PROVE them all lies! YOU write your own praises! You are destined for greatness. There is a destiny that only YOU can fulfill!
MAKE it happen!
God bless,
Hi Jen,
Thanks for writing that great article,if everyone would see,and believe, that it is actually themselves that control everything around them,the world would be a much better place.
David Boisvert
Don't you get it....your past does NOT determine your future! YOU DO! Don't give away your power by letting them win. PROVE them all lies! YOU write your own praises! You are destined for greatness. There is a destiny that only YOU can fulfill!
I will repeat these lines to myself often. Thanks Jen for this wonderful post, spoken true and from the heart. Resonates well for those "new" like myself, and "old" that need a swift one
Thanks for the initial amazing post Jen, and thanks to everyone else including Dean that posted after in this thread. I read through the whole chain and then just sat immobile for a few minutes thinking. Then I felt like I had been catapulted into action by your words. I spend a lot of time surfing around on this site, reading and rereading posts, but this is absolutely the best post and thread I have read. It is not answering a technical question about REI but instead talks about how to survive and thrive in LIFE with giving back at its center. HURRAH
I am really looking forward to meeting everyone at the EDGE in a few weeks.
What else is there to say, but extremely amazing. Thanks Jen for that pick me up. God Bless.
"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Thank you Bill. Yes, do NOT think I have forgot. You and Jim use to pop into my journal, checking in, trying to catch up / decipher all of my 90 to nothing ramblings! LOL I remember Jim reminding me to 'breathe'! haha
I truly do appreciate your belief in me! You know you always have a special place!
Thank you for doing what you didn't have to, but did because that's the kind of person you are!!
Big hugs,
Thank you for reminding us!
Way to go Shirley! Keep taking action. Whether it is crawling, baby steps, running or big leaps.....IT'S ALL FORWARD PROGRESSION! (even the falling down - lol) Staying consistent and persistent is key!
Great work!
I felt really down about it, really mad at myself for NOT being able to close on a deal that could help turn me around significantly. But then I got on that TOUGH ARMOR that we develop as WARRIORS on our mission to change our lives, change ourselves and change our outcomes. I jumped into another deal immediately on the side to get my mind off of THAT deal that I was certain to lose.
I was able to focus on the new, positive endeavor and completely turn my mind around and go BACK to that deal I previously resolved was certain to not be able to close on and told myself that 'its NOT acceptable' to accept that in 48 hours I will lose the deal, and have to wholesale it. I made up my mind then and there to only think, I'm going to close this deal by April 5th! I remember another deal I lost that would have paid out over $150K, and how at that moment I vowed that NEVER again would I let something like that happen take over my now positive mindset.
I said it to myself at least 20 times and repeated it to myself every couple of minutes. I posted it right in front of where I stand every day where I work on my computer and looked at it and pushed through DETERMINED to close that deal. I posted on FB, I posted on Dean's FB, I posted in a few investment clubs, I asked for advice on how to make my offering more attractive to a potential PML or JV partner. On April 3rd, the day I was required to close by, I had a JV PARTNER who wanted to do the deal with me!!!!! I pleaded to extend the escrow and promised the funds would be coming in but were tied up (they were and had to be unlocked before they could be sent). 2 days later APRIL 5TH all the funds were wired into escrow. 100% of them, closing costs, all of them. (The seller delayed closing until today, but its now CLOSED!)
I let my MIND determine my outcome instead of the way the outcome was looking. If I relied on that, I'd have focused on the grim reality that was staring me in the face. All my PML and HML fell through, they wanted a higher loan amount, they were no longer funding in CA, they had just locked up their money somewhere else, they got scared because it was still too new to them. I GOT UP OFF THE FLOOR and decided to be the CHAMPION that is hidden inside of me, that I only have to ALLOW to shine!
After this deal, I got at LEAST 250 criticisms from the biggest pessimist and skeptic in my life; strong to the point of bringing me to tears on several occasions. But, AGAIN , I got up and wouldn't let that thunder be stolen from me!
THANK you for this post and your wonderful, wonderful words of wisdom! You are an absolutely beautiful woman of God, inside and out! You are a force to be reckoned with, and you are an inspiration to all.
Excuses and focusing on what outcomes 'LOOK' like they're going to be will NEVER move anyone ahead. Push through them like Jen did. And like I found the courage to do too! ANYONE can do this!!! But its up to YOU to determine whether you will or won't succeed... If you tell yourself that you are going to have enough money to , for instance, pay your rent this month, and KEEP telling yourself that, you WILL do it if you don't let your mind think about ANYTHING negative. IT WILL HAPPEN with your mindset , and taking all the action you need and letting NO excuse, and NO naysayer (a HUGE obstacle for me) stop you from doing what needs to be done to accomplish it.
It is CERTAIN we will SUCCEED! Can't WAIT to meet you at EDGE!
Go Tammy, Go Tammy! LOL Awesome way to pull it out! I commend you for having 'stick-ability'! Persevering, being creative, o.k who am I kidding.....CONGRATS for kicking booty girl!!! lol
Thank you for the kind words.
I'm going to share something with you that I did respond to someone on DG the other day in a PM (so if that person reads this, I just felt it was applicable and possibly beneficial to all). For those that don't believe this was way, I can respect that.....just take the grocery store approach: Take what for you, leave the rest on the shelf! We were both Christians so I shared as I did:
'Stay focused, stay persistent. Remember God wouldn't have put a dream or desire in your heart if He had not already equipped you with what you need to accomplish it. You are destined for greatness!
It's like when you watch a movie and love it then a couple months later you happen to stumble across it again. But this time you know what's going to happen. It could be half way through and the tragedy happens. The big shocker right in the middle. But you don't sweat it. BECAUSE YOU NOW THE OUTCOME! You know they win the fight, the guys gets the girl, happily ever after, etc. God has done the same thing for us! there are promise after promise that we will prevail. The price has already been paid. His plans are to prosper us to give us hope and a future. We are blessed going in and coming out. We can do all things through Christ that strengthens us! So rejoice....you are fighting a fixed fight! You're destined to be victorious!!
But we have to move if we want to see God move in our lives. We have to do the natural and God will do the supernatural! If it's comfortable you aren't using faith! We have to get out of our comfort zone and into the growth zone! We have to be willing to get out of the boat. We have to burn the canoe and leave no avenue for retreat!
See you in 2 wks Tammy!
God bless
I like it that Dean acknowledged your post. So wonderful. I am learning so much by being connected to this site. What a blessing it is. I do not know who said or did what in the pm's you referred to but I do know that it is not by accident and the good Lord knew that what you have to say will help a lot of people. Excuses be gone. We are each in charge and responsible to design our own lives and to make it work.
Thank you. By making this post you have added more value to your own life and character. I always enjoy reading what you have to say and you are such a giving person.
Thank you Diane! love ya back! I am soooo blessed that in some small way you found something I contributed to be a encouragement to you.
May your cup always overflow!
God bless,
Now you got me fired up. That's what I love about this family. Other than KEB64, Keith, I have never personally met but are sincere & true about everybody's dealings. This site's been my benchmark as to where I am as a REI and where I need to go. As you have mentioned, personal growth is the biggest part. I need to be a TEN as a REI.
I'd also would like to give credit where credit is due - GOD. I believe He orchestrated contacting with Val & Keith through this site & now, we're in the process of me joining the "Ohio Players." I admit that being that this site's free & anybody can join in, I was a bit conservative as to what I post or contribute. However, as the Good Book says, "by their fruits, you will know..." Jen, thanks for stirring up in me the desire to succeed. It will come to pass! May God bless u with peace & prosperity.
Awesome John! Seriously that is terrific. Absolutely connect with as many DG do'ers as possible! Iron sharpens Iron!!!
May everything you put your hand to, multiplies and prospers!!
God bless,
I am really looking forward to meeting everyone at the EDGE in a few weeks.
Thank you Judi!
I just felt we all (or at least 99%) have already read Dean's book. Tons have addl training, etc. Know what to do. Have everything they NEED to do a deal. But yet some don't / never do. Makes me ask myself WHY? If the tools are there, what's missing??? ANSWER: WE are. We are the common denominator. If we can't get over ourselves. Deal with life. Make the necessary decisions (to take action!) you could have all the knowledge in the world but never applied STILL renders you no better off! Now you're just Information constipated (i know terrible choice of terms) but it's true!
I just hope to maybe jog at least one person in to taking that chance, having faith and stepping out. Take action to change their lives!
Judi....2 wk.....can't wait to meet ya!
God bless,
You are very welcome. You have never been anything but supportive and encouraging. You always speak the truth and you say what needs to be said without coming accross as harsh and demeaning. You are able to deliver the content in a way that makes people stop and think about it without them feeling discounted personally. You have a straight forward approach to inform people in a way that people can receive it, process it and apply it if they have the will to do so.
I look forward to meeting you one of these days very soon. Til then, take care and God bless and keep you.
Thank you Jen,this was so inspiring. As an upcoming REI sometimes you need something just like this to recharge. This is a must read for all up and coming REI. Thank you again.
I LOVE reading your posts you are such an inspiration to the rest of us ladies
(and everyone else) I know you will continue to make things happen for yourself. Best of Luck
Cathy B
Follow my progress at:
Ya hoo! Way to stay positive! I too am in a bind this month, and reading your post after Jen's... thanks! I needed that. I have also been not trying to think about the "bind," and keep moving forward. I know this is just a bump in the road, just a tiny little bump!
" Doesn't matter what you fill the sentence with. It's nothing more than an excuse dressed in different clothes.
Dear Jen, Very nice post like everyone has said.
This one line above really says it all for me. I seem to complain a lot, to myself, about not having enough time because of work, or something blah blah blah!! This is so true for me this IS the mind set I have to change. I think I have been waiting for something. I don't even think I know what just something that will push me up over the top! It is like I am climbing a hill and I'm just about to the top... but just can't quite reach it. I have been holding my self back because I am afraid..... Oh my I said it I am afraid..
I read alot on this site to and you are very inspiring. I appreciate you kind heartfelt words and the swift kick in the butt!!! Only I can do it only I CAN DO IT.
You are truly amazing BAMMA GIRL. It is a long hard road you have traveled and I and thankful to have met you. And I am proud of you too! YOu make us all proud I cannot wait too meet you and give you a big hug. I will see you very soon. And thank you for inspiring me and many others
"Don't tell me I can't, Tell me how I can."
I love reading your posts! They give me the fuel to keep going. I too have been through a lot of "stuff"...divorce, bankruptcy, medical problems...but somehow I have managed to work through it all and survive. But now that I'm 52, I don't want to just "survive"....I want to THRIVE!! Everything that has happened to me in my life has made me a much stronger person. I feel like I'm moving as slow as a turtle in REI, but I feel if I just keep moving forward it will eventually happen for me!
Like Donna Doo, I too am afraid and that fear is what has been holding me back. I think I have to have the right business card, etc. before I take action. But I've decided to TAKE ACTION anyway! I look at it this way...you had to learn how to do your day JOB, so why can't you learn how to do REI?! It's no different, except you have to have the motivation to make yourself do the work in REI.
Wish I could be at the Edge this year but I haven't done my first deal yet. I'm determined to make it there in 2013!! And I will be participating in Dean's webinar tomorrow night...can't wait!
Thanks again Jen!
College Station, TX
"Declare that you will prosper despite every difficulty that may come your way. Don't just survive; thrive!"
-Joel Osteen
want to encourage all that have posted about having fears, allowing ourselves to make excuses, etc.
TAKE A DEEP BREATH and repeat after me.....: "You Don't Have To Get It Perfect, You Just Have To Get It Going!"
I know, we can get so wrapped up in 1000 things we think need to get done. I would encourage everyone to STOP! Stop allowing ourselves to get sidetracked with 'busy' and focus on getting productive. I'm pretty sure each and everyone of us has some type of organizer. Whether a calendar, notepad, electronically, etc. That is just filled with stuff. Look at it, go over every single item you've entered or wrote down. Focus on the top three (3) things that you HAVE to do today that will draw your business revenue. Then speak to yourself out loud "Do It, Do It NOW"! Don't feed your fear by carrying it around all day, cooking for it and allowing it to bunk on the couch for months! I KNOW, I stayed stuck there for MONTHS!!! We all have fears. There is no shame in having fearful thoughts. Just chose to do it IN-SPITE of the fear. Get comfortable being uncomfortable! Comfort zone is the NO growth zone!
Busyness: Don't worry if all the t's aren't crossed and i's aren't dotted. We will never know everything! Forget about updating FB status, forget about replying to all the emails, forget about setting up business entity or whatever we've allowed to become our busy task because it eases our conscious of we're 'working our business'. When we make the mental shift from what we associate pain and pleasure to, you and your business will change. When NOT doing it becomes more painful than actually doing it! It is the action that gets the results.
I'm not saying avoid any social activity or that emails don't need attention. Just control it! Something as simple as a kitchen timer helped me. If I was to do task that need attention but was not necessary a revenue driver, I'd set the timer then GO! When it went off, I'd drop it where it was until the next allotted time. Protect your minds, protect your time!
Our minds are so extremely powerful. Think about it, I know you have heard stories of women moving enormous amounts of weight off their children in a distressed situation. Men lifting cars, etc. Under 'normal' situation would NEVER have been able to do such a feat; but in this split second, at that very moment THEY DID. WHY????? Why because they didn't think! They didn't allow themselves or anyone else to tell them they couldn't! If they can control, focus and drive that kind of power towards the task at hand; wouldn't it be fair to say we should be able to control, focus and drive that kind of power daily and at any give time!?!?
God bless,
Wow that was a great inspiration and motivation right there. Its so true sometimes you think you're doing something for your business to keep busy and all you're truly doing is wasting your precious time. Instead be productive with it and GET IT DONE!
Thank you!
"You deserve to be successful"
Gabriel Do Carmo
I am glad I did not totally miss this post. I have been really working to make that first deal, but just shows I need to keep checking in. Jen you are an inspiration and you can tell from all the posts that you inspire and have many friends/family on here. I can relate to the negative family and lack of support but I know it is up to me. I too like many others on here had to break free if I wanted a fruitful life. We all know it's tough;Ike you I was also the first to graduate college in my family. You really motivate me. Thanks for sharing and the advice!
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https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/reigirl/ FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.
Yep, you hit the nail on the head again! God knows our strength better than anyone and we all have God given abilities and capabilities. BTW, I told everyone that reads my journal that this thread is an absolute MUST read for all investors. Just like I do with Totally Fulfilled and Success through a Positive Mental Attitude. They are all about mindset and even more important than the 'how to do it' books. Just my opinion, but without the mindset, it doesnt' matter how much one knows if they don't go forth and take that action; which requires the right mindset.
God bless you Jen!
Thank you for the kind words.
I'm going to share something with you that I did respond to someone on DG the other day in a PM (so if that person reads this, I just felt it was applicable and possibly beneficial to all). For those that don't believe this was way, I can respect that.....just take the grocery store approach: Take what for you, leave the rest on the shelf! We were both Christians so I shared as I did:
'Stay focused, stay persistent. Remember God wouldn't have put a dream or desire in your heart if He had not already equipped you with what you need to accomplish it. You are destined for greatness!
It's like when you watch a movie and love it then a couple months later you happen to stumble across it again. But this time you know what's going to happen. It could be half way through and the tragedy happens. The big shocker right in the middle. But you don't sweat it. BECAUSE YOU NOW THE OUTCOME! You know they win the fight, the guys gets the girl, happily ever after, etc. God has done the same thing for us! there are promise after promise that we will prevail. The price has already been paid. His plans are to prosper us to give us hope and a future. We are blessed going in and coming out. We can do all things through Christ that strengthens us! So rejoice....you are fighting a fixed fight! You're destined to be victorious!!
But we have to move if we want to see God move in our lives. We have to do the natural and God will do the supernatural! If it's comfortable you aren't using faith! We have to get out of our comfort zone and into the growth zone! We have to be willing to get out of the boat. We have to burn the canoe and leave no avenue for retreat!
See you in 2 wks Tammy!
God bless
Of course your posts, your adventure, your inspiration is always so helpful, but as many proud DG-ers have said here, this really made us stop and think.
Thank you for being you, for sharing, for your passion. Those are the same words I feel when Dean shares---
he caught the passion too -)
I am so proud of you.
Thank you.
Never, Never, Never Quit, N3Q
"Nothing happens until you place an offer."
"Skip Deal #1, go straight to Deal #2; it's so much easier."
"There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all." — Peter F. Drucker... so, "Don't sweat the small stuff." -R.Carlson. "The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one."~E.Hubbard, The Note Book, 1927...so, Do it for the right reason and "Do it with a headache!" - Dean Graziosi, Weekly Wisdom #176
Yes I agree 100%, that your always one day closer to the next deal, Just keep taking action, believe in yourself, and the rest will take care of its self, Now get out there put out some more bandit signs, just do it.....
"Action and Mistakes" always-outweigh "Analysis Paralysis"
"Action+Knowledge=Success....$$$$$$$$$........Just do It"
www.WeFlipDesMoines.com http://facebook.com/desmoinesinvestmentproperties
Very awesome info I know I am in the right place for sure. Success and massive ongoing action with an Aim I am coming :0)
Eric V
and you supplied it. Thank you!
Hope your foot feels better soon.
Sandi C.
Those who kill time murder opportunity.
"Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers." III John 2
"To get up each morning with the Resolve To Be Happy is to set our own conditions to the events of the day. To do this is to condition circumstances instead of being conditioned by them." Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thanks for that, Jen!
Dear Jen,
Thank you for your heartwarming,inpirational and motivational thread.
You are one of many DGers who "make" this website, and I am truly
grateful for all that you have contributed to this site.
Warm regards,
"Believe and Achieve"
Don't know if you'll catch this, but I was looking for one of your other old posts about time management and found this. If not; that's okay, too. It's a post that definitely needs reviving right about now anyway!!!
I've stayed and read EVERY word and COULD NOT stop till finished...knowing I gotta do my bandit run!!! It resonates to the bone and is SO POWERFUL!!!
Just a little FYI - This champion had GOTTEN UP off the ground and READY to fight!!!
Jen, you Rock and I'm very, very proud of you!!
Hey, just gotta ask; does Dean still call you BAAMAGIRL??? hahahaha
Quitters NEVER win - Winners NEVER quit!
"P.U.S.H. = Persevere Until Something Happens" Dean
“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Thomas A. Edison
Check out my Road to Redemption journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/88171/...
from another great person that has made there way along and has done such a great job.
That's what you are Jen!! Strong, courageous, determined, hard working, and stick-to-it-iveness. I have overcome a lot of those obstacles myself but from a different person/relationship; and I am determined to prove that I have what it takes to succeed. In the past few years due to circumstances beyond my control (2 car accidents one in 98 and one in 99), I have filed for bankruptcy(1999), lost an apartment, had my car repossessed (also 1999), but bounced back with a good job. Then in 2009, I contracted Lyme disease and lost my job and my home due to illness. But here I am bouncing back again!! Like yourself, I'm not a quitter and I have burnt the midnight oil many times trying to get a deal out to buyers or post ads or read posts just so I can learn from the more experienced investors. Like you said, every single one of us have had problems, some worse than others, but nevertheless problems and obstacles. What we do with them either makes us or breaks us! Like you, I choose to let it make me, not break me!!! I will bend but I will not break!!
Thank you for the encouraging words to those that need them and I'm sure there are quite a few! You're a super star in every sense of the word!!!!
Everything works out in the end. If it hasn't worked out, it's not the end.
You have not lived a perfect day, unless you have done something for someone who will never be able to repay you. Ruth Smeltzer
It is what it is 'til you change it.
I thought this was a new post but looking back, I had already responded... but that's okay, it needed to be revived like John said!!
Everything works out in the end. If it hasn't worked out, it's not the end.
You have not lived a perfect day, unless you have done something for someone who will never be able to repay you. Ruth Smeltzer
It is what it is 'til you change it.