I have been very skeptical of using deans techniques in my area. First of all i have no money or no credit and i dont like lying to sellers and agents about funds i dont have. Im a ethical person and honesty is important. Buyers list i think are a dud. Ghost ads are a farce and **** people off. I talked with a successful real estate agent whos been in the business for 33 years and is still successful and he said u cant belive any of junk about late nite infomercials on real estate investing. Most of it is a hoax and those gurus never invested and only are trying to sell a book. Why are they just on at nite cuzz thats when all of the simple minded people are up who get brainwashed by get rich quick programs. The tickets to most real estate seminars are free cuzz no one really goes to them thats why they are free. And why would i fork over money for a mentorship program when u are not guaranteed to make a profit even if u do what ur told and the education is not even accredited. Come on here. Just my frustrations for the past year. Have gotten no where. I quit
Posted on: Wed, 09/26/2012 - 04:01
- by oertelaj
- Login to post comments
Adam I am also from Wisconsin, as are many on this site. And to be honest, Racine/Kenosha areas are good areas.
As for your agent, we are his competition, in a sense, unless he works with investors. I have at least 4 agents, one in your area that work with investors and do quite well.
I agree with some on here, what you are saying is just an excuse. I had a buyer for a property in Jefferson area. I contacted two FSBO, and one said her son said stay away from investor, go with a agent. Note. Her home is still for sale, and that was over 2yrs ago.
The other lady, had a "friend" who is an agent want to list it. Well they no longer speak, and her property is empty now for almost 3yrs. Now she called me and I am trying to help her.
Many agents work very well with investors. And I have only had a couple agents blow me off because I was an investor. You don't go to the Ford dealer and ask for advice on buying from the Chevy dealer.
If you can't see the difference with Dean compared to these other guys, than maybe you should find something else.
NO other guys offer so much free advice. I have been with a couple others and got nothing for my money.
Dean offers EXCELLENT books, and even free at times.
He offers this blog where once you start doing something, you can come one and get FREE help, and even get partners on deals. You only buy if YOU want more training. But you don't need it to get started.
You can ask questions and if you follow these blogs, you would know that joining a REI club near you would get you involved and when one agent says no, find another.
You do not need money or credit to assign a home, and for most other deals. Bird dogging would get you started.
If your agent doesn't work with investors he is hurting himself, as investors buy up tons of properties every year.
My first assignment deal was in Racine, I get emails all the time of tons of homes in that area. Between Milw and Chicago, good areas with commute.
And never talk to an agent and say, I'm broke with bad credit but want to see the houses you have.
Learn the basics then start networking. If you are so unsure of what you are doing, sellers and buyers will pick that up, and not work with you.
So my advice, learn, network, then talk to your agents, who are also at the REI clubs.
Deans techniques work and what he teaches you is how investors buy and sell, and he not only buys hundreds (thousands)of homes, but shows and tells you how.
His techniques work when you start working at it.
Success never comes easy, if it was everybody would be rich, so you have to start doing different things to see different results. Dean's techniks work as long as you work on them the way he advises in his books and seminars. There is a system that has to be followed. I don't have a deal yet, making offers everyday and doing my best, got counter offers, so now sending a bit higher,we will see. Quitting is not an option, it is 1000% more difficult to work for somebody else, and be on employer merci with everything. So don't say Dean's methods don't work if you don't work on them.
I don't believe anyone is "attacking" here but more defending or questioning. The defense is that with a bit of elbow grease and determination, Dean's program works most anywhere. BUT, the business of Real Estate is not an easy business and like the current housing market, it is not the same everywhere. In fact, I was exactly where Adam was and thinking "it doesn't work in my town" about 2 years ago. Truth is, as I live in a small town, the opportunities were just less because I lived in a small town and only wanted to invest locally. So I delayed "doing" the program and kept searching for other ways to be an investor. The end result was the same, less opportunities due to smaller inventory of potential properties. Once I started actually following the plan,(joining REIAs, sending letters and putting out signs) I started seeing results. It didn't happen immediately either which had me wondering still if I had made the right choices. While others in other parts of the country got instant results, I didn't get my first call or response for almost 3 or 4 weeks. More time to question it's effectiveness. It can be very frustrating! You just have to stick with it. Once all the dust had settled and my mindset expanded, I did my first deal. It wasn't in my town, my county or even my own state. It was in another state clear across the country. The point being that Adam may not be able to get deals quick enough in Racine so he is saying the system doesn't work and that's what has everybody upset. The proof that it does work is that it IS WORKING in many parts of the country today. Maybe RE is just not for Adam. To quote my late Dad " You can't be a good swimmer if you don't want to get wet." From the sounds of his post, Adam wants to swim but doesn't want to get wet. Just something for him to think about.
As for the RE agent's comment, it's far from current. As the son of a former agent, I can't even get my Mom (the agent) to understand what the DG program is because she is still in the "Old School" mindset. Does that mean she's wrong? No, it just means that I wouldn't be able to use her as my agent for this program. The right agent for us has to think current and not old school. If Adam's agent is a retail agent, he/she would not be so up on working with investors because they would need to do more work for less pay per deal. What they fail too understand is that there will be more deals coming their way by being a different type of agent. In today's situation, there are less higher end deals with bigger commissions than investor deals but if they want to wait out the market and only go after the big deals, more power to them. I know many agents can't afford to do that and necessity forces them to either adapt or change careers (as has happened.) As I said before, RE is a tough business but the rewards are also greater when you are good at it. Truth is, I did my deal without an agent. It might have happened faster with an agent but the agent wasn't the determining factor.
As for honesty, I'm all for it. I didn't and don't use ghost ads or BS my clients. I told every caller looking to sell their property that if they needed to get a higher or retail price for their homes, NOW was not a good time to sell. If they wanted to continue the conversation we could (and did.) My buyer's list is small in comparison to many others but every one of my buyers has multiple properties that they own to this day. They were all gotten via the DG way. Adam could have the same results as I have without any question to his integrity. It can be done.
As for Tammy's comment about IE, it was far enough off base to even get Dean himself to comment on her thread. As an IE member myself, I know that she could not have given the program a good working through before making the comments that she did. (As of today, I still haven't seen everything the site has to offer.) As pointed out, she was negative about it before she signed up and as a member of the site, I would prefer to be associated with like minded people to myself ( which was one of the reasons for the site's creation) and someone with that negative an attitude just doesn't fit into the program. Now that she has had some time to go through the site, she has recanted most, if not all, of her negativity.
As Joseph said, everybody is entitled to their opinion and there are negative comments on this site so I doubt that the moderators pull all of them and only show you the good stuff. However, how can you think that it's a good thing to allow any comment made by anybody to go unchallenged when it is either wrong or not substantiated by the facts? Why it's illegal to yell "FIRE" in a crowded room when no fire exists? Besides being cruel, it's also a danger to those involved. Saying this program doesn't work, in a public forum, might just send someone who needs a little encouragement to help change their lives from desperation to prosperity running for the hills instead of asking "how do I make it work?" The bottom line is effort. I don't know how much effort Adam put in but to make the comments that he did, I'd have to say "Not enough."
My parent's used to tell me that " It's not WHAT you say but HOW you say it." In Adams case, maybe the proper thing to say was that the DG program "just isn't for him" as opposed to saying that "it doesn't work". I don't think any American would look down on him for saying it that way. In fact, other DGers might have stepped up to see if maybe they could have helped him out.
That's my perspective.
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC member
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 EDGE Alumni
1. You listened to a very successful RE agent and it seems like he talked you out of your dreams. People can be successful in anything that they do, thats why there are successful RE agents, teachers, policemen, and even trash men or the men who mow our lawns (landscapers). The point I am trying to make is that he is a successful RE Agent, NOT a successful real estate investor. He only knows his way of making money, but you can make a lot more money being an investor. You will never be able to convince him, so if you were thinking of using him as your agent, Don't ever talk to him about RE investing again. He will crush your dreams and you will be in this position again.
2. <<<<>>>
First of all your buyers list is the most important tool if you have no money or credit. Second most important tool is finding properties, and when you put those two together, you make money.
I don't understand why people on this site are so scared of using ghost adds. They will get you immediate calls. You can post up a ghost add and in that same day get a cash buyer who has cash to buy NOW. You can do this everyday and get a new cash buyer EVERYDAY. For anyone who thinks it's lying, get over it. Just learn how to talk to people. RE investing is a SALES job. You don't have to know about sales to get started, but you better learn how to sell or you will not be successful. When running a ghost add NEVER promise the buyer a property, NEVER promise them ANYTHING, just tell them what you do and that you can send them an email in the next couple weeks, with properties they may be interested in. You are just stating that you will send them an email, you are not promising that you will get them a deal. And if you all are still not convinced to use ghost adds, good luck. There are other ways that work, but by the time you figure them out you will have lost a ton of confidence and be at step one, when you could have already closed your first deal.
I believe you are doubting yourself and you can overcome this and still become successful as a RE investor. But like everyone here says, its not for everyone. The fact that you have been on this site for a year and read all Dean's books shows that you just might be a like minded individual, you are just going through some doubts. It's time for you to read all of Dean's materials again and get back to work. I have read deans books and have watched his EDGE dvd's I bought, over and over and over again. I get something different out of it every time. QUITE doubting yourself, or you will never succeed.
It's o.k. to be skeptical, that's a normal reaction for many people. The real estate agent you spoke to is entitled to his opinion; may be he has not tried Dean's techniques. Speaking of brainwashing, aren't you allowing this real estate agent do just that. You are quitting because of his negative opinion and not because of your trial and error of Dean's techniques. I say take a deep breath, relax, be patient, be positive, and be honest with yourself. Have you really given Dean's techniques a chance? Don't put to much pressure on yourself, pace yourself and believe you will succeed following Dean's techniques. Dean's successful students didn't quit, no matter what negativity came their way. Give Dean's techniques a chance, if you need a break from all his teaching, take a break. Resume your study of his teaching when you are ready to listen, stay positive. Believe in yourself. Good luck! I'm rooting for you!
What I did when I read your post:
1) Looked at your profile.
Maybe you just got a new RE book, got home from a REI meeting, logged into DG.com for the first time....whatever. SOMETHING had you pretty durn fired up when you wrote that! I suggest you print out your Profile page and tape it to the mirror or tack it to the ceiling over your bed. Put it someplace you CAN'T ignore it as a reminder to yourself of the "place" you were in when you wrote that.
2)Guggle map'd Racine,WI because I didn't know exactly where it was or what kind of real estate it is.
3) Spent about 20 minutes searching RE websites and looking at properties in Racine,WI and decided it looks like a good place for anyone to make $$ in RE.
Lots of older and easily comp-able homes that would be good for rentals or rehab/resale. Suburb of a major city, too. (AND YOU CAN GET FREE ONLINE COMPS FROM THE RE WEBSITES IN Wisconsin! That is IM-Possible here in New Mexico!) I found 2 vacant FSBO homes that look to be easy fixers and DEFINITELY worth a phone call.
4) Decided I'll be calling those 2 sellers tomorrow evening Thursday 9-27-12 to find out what they need and what kind of offer they might consider. Even though I know almost nothing about the area, have no agent there, no contractor there, no attorney or title company, I do know a few cash buyers in WI and even MORE wholesalers who might be able to help.
ps- I don't think anybody is "attacking" anybody here. If Adam wanted to quit?...he could have done it quietly. I wonder how many people do that? How many fall out because it wasn't as easy as they hoped it would be and just disappear? How many do a deal or two and decide they're too good to spend anymore time here?
No Attack/No Blame Rant Moment: All you people in the Non-Disclosure States probably DO NOT EVEN REALIZE how easy you have it! How DARE YOU give up! Google "Non-Disclosure States" for a list. If you ARE in one of these States,you know what it means and you have NOT ripped all your own hair out yet you are a fighter...and you will win. Anybody that can get that good of FREE online info while you sit at home, on your laptop and in your under wear...then QUIT???
pss- It's too bad I don't have "boots on the ground" in Racine I might need someone to put up some signs and stand around for a few hours on a Saturday or two to show the property...I just might.
"The harder you work, the luckier you get." -Gary Player
I am a Real Estate Broker and I know Deans Techniques works. I have been working in Real Estate for over 14yrs for other people. Never this way Now I am working for myself. Deans Techniques ABSOLUTELY WORKS!! It does not work if you do not Believe in your self and take ACTION!! The ghost ads I just posted one ghost ad on Monday 9/24/12 I had 7 responses and all of them are on my buyers list NOW I was amazed. One of the buyers told me his is looking for good deals no matter if it is Sf/ multi/ or commercial! Deans commercials are on during the day as well. The first time I did see one was on a Sunday morning. When I went to the free invitation for Dean in my area the room was full. I went to my 3 day work shop for continued education and I loved it and it was full. These techniques only work if you can see a vision of yourself and where you want to be a year from now. I have done 3 deals now and working on my 4th within 5 months! The NEGATIVE ATTITUDE IS GETTING IN YOUR WAY OF SUCCESS!!
I read this quote:
"Thoughts create words, Words create actions, Actions creates dreams"
Now once you try, you can say all you want, but until then you will never know. I have flipped, bought and hold, and do tax liens. Have profited from all of them and been buying houses so cheap others are asking how I do it... well, the answer is give it a try and if they say no ask another. The same goes for finding a job, mate, etc. Try, try, and try again...
"Opportunities popping up in your backyard?" You just posted a few weeks ago asking for info on how to work a potential deal... and u received several responses from seasoned investors who tried to help guide u on the path to success. U never filled anyone in with more info or followed up to let anyone know how it went. U went from being excited and determined, to giving up. You and others (LivingonRealEstate) may think you're being "attacked" or being called a bad person, but thats just u being defensive when people point out your lack of progress could be do to lack of activity.
Take some more time, do the research. The legwork. The LEARNING. All of which u can do for FREE, thanks to Dean's "hoax of a get-rich-quick scheme that wants to brainwash you". When people say things like that, I feel like they should be banned from the site. U have access to THOUSANDS of threads with unlimited strategies, detailed procedures, all the forms and documents you need... well if its such a scam and a hoax, then u dont deserve access. Either stop blaming others for ur inactivity, or stop wasting space on such a valuable FREE site brought to u by our gracious 'scam artist' of a host, Mr. Graziosi.
Skeptic, turned hopeful, turned determined!
You will NEVER succeed if you don't try.
I just spent another hour on Racine. Found a few more properties of interest.
One is FSBO but has a MLS#? Could be owner/agent. I don't really care about this property, but I would like to talk to an agent there.
Two is vacant and recently rehabbed. Not really interested in this property either, but I would like to talk to the seller. Could be contractor/rehabber, or cash buyer looking for his next one.
Three is rented and seller is offering financing. Not a fast cash wholesale deal here either, but still worth a phone call. Turn-key cashflow property. Maybe the seller has others? Maybe the seller is a rehabber that sells turn-key properties to investors? Selling a clean and rented property with financing. Desperate-need-cash-now-seller? NO. Smells like a player. I want to talk to this guy too.
Four is FSBO and vacant. The carpet is ugly and this house could really use a landscaper for a day or two. Exterior paint looks like brown-on-bland but could be a pretty house quick with paint and is the same style as House Two and Three. In their ad, they posted two names and one number. Seem like real people with a vacant house to sell. I'm calling them FIRST outta the Four.
I have sent an e-mail to each of these sellers. If I don't hear back in the next 2 days I will try again. Starting with Number Four. Let's find out who has enough motivation to hit SEND.
About 1 hour I've spent so far, and maybe looked at 12 properties.
Co$t: $0. Risk: $0.
ps- Just using a laptop and a cell phone to hunt properties in Wisconsin from New Mexico. I am not sitting on the couch in my underwear...but I could be if I want to.
"The harder you work, the luckier you get." -Gary Player
I hope you can see how a lot of people are here for your support!!!
"The career I have chosen is laden with opportunity yet it is fraught with heartbreak and despair and the bodies of those who have failed, were they piled one atop another, would cast a shadow down upon all the pyramids of the earth.'
I still believe in you!! COME BACK!!!
I love your biography!!
"Hi, I became a new real estate investor and found out my calling in real estate in may of 2011. I know this is what i want to do with my life cuzz nothing could build u better future and gsin fiancial independence than real estate. The town iLive in is in a buyers market and their are alot of preforeclosures, short sales, foreclosures, FSBOs, and anything u could possibly think of. The deals are out there and im takinfg action but havent landed one yet cuzz i dont have the right networks yet. I have all of Deans Books and they are just awesome pieces of Information. If anyone on the dg site is from racine or close to the Wi area pm me and lets make some money honey. Im really serious about all of this."
Just come back. =D
Dean's having an event:
"10/18/2012 Thursday - Racine, WI
Racine Marriott - 7111 Washington Ave (Highway 20), Racine, WI 53406"
Just thought it was ironic
Dominic....That was funny!...ironic AND...auspicious. No coinky-dinks!
(Ask and Receive). Knock, and the door shall be opened.
Or Dean: Coming to a town near YOU! LOL
Happy Prospering! ~Kat, Liberty Residential Investment Acquisitions
• "To every thing there is a season, & a time to every purpose..." ~Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
• "Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy!" ~Dale Carnegie
• "Begin, be bold, and venture to be wise." ~Horace
• "Never, never, never give up." ~Winston Churchill
• "Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it." ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
When things aren't going well for us, we can get frustrated, disappointed, and discouraged. That's the time when you need to pull yourself out of the slump you're in. REI is not easy, and it is not for everyone; but before you start trying any of DG's strategies, you have to have the right mindset. I wholeheartedly recommend that you read DG's book Totally Fulfilled', which you can borrow from a library or buy from amazon very cheaply.
Then you have to educate yourself and take action with what you learn here. Keep things simple. Just try one strategy that you think would work for you; at first it is intimidating, and it may take some time to get a deal, but as you keep doing it, it gets easier and easier...
I used to have a teacher who used to tell her students "either you shape up or you ship out"; so basically, the way I see it, you have two choices, you either put in your energy and time to succeed in rei, or as you said, you give up and keep doing what you used to do before you tried rei....but don't expect DG to guarantee your success for just paying for his mentorship; it's you who will make you succeed or not. Even if you pay to attend a university, they will not guarantee that you will graduate, and they will certainly not guarantee that will get a job and make money if you do graduate....
So.... what's it gonna be? Are you throwing in the towel, or are you kicking out the negative demon within you and fighting for your success?
Wishing you success,
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...
i just pm'ed you. go read it. we believe in you. look how long its been since you wrote this post and we are still here supporting you. you can do this adam.
please reply to my pm or here
good luck to you man.
I wish you the best.
Adam- As Dean always said, there'll be plenty of nay sayers when you start going around telling people you're an investor. They'll be everywhere -from your friends, family etc. I have nothing against realtors as I am a realtor myself but you've got to understand that realtors have a different mindset than investors. For me to decide to become an investor and to try the strategies that I read in Dean's books, I have to totally flip my way of thinking. Realtors are more like the conservative and bookish. They are trained that way and they have to follow certain procedures. Investors are more like you're typical out-of-the-box thinkers, creative and innovative. No one is right or wrong, just different approach to the same goal which is marketing Real Estate.
Follow your heart and focus on your goal, and you will get where you want to be.
Wish you all the best.
"Typical skeptic's mindset: 'Don't bother me with the facts, my mind's made up'." - Stanton Friedman (Nuclear Physicist)
Paul: "I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when my fear is gone I will turn and face fear's path, and only I will remain."
Duke Leto: "I'll miss the sea, but a person needs new experiences. They jar something deep inside, allowing him to grow. Without change something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken." - "Dune."
Adam- it is okay to say what you feel and think. Joseph is right, you have the right to express what you think even if it seems negative and contradictory to what is being taught here. I just want you to know though that realtors have a different mindset to investors. I am a realtor myself and for me to apply Dean's strategies, I have to do a complete mind flip. Realtors are taught the laws and straight processes and they have Error and Omission Insurance for mistakes in their transactions. They cannot make mistakes so they go by the book. The investors on the other hand are the creative, innovative, out-of the box thinkers. They are the exact opposite of the Realtors. However, the goal is the same i.e. marketing real estate, but the approach is different.
There are realtors out there who are open-minded to different ideas. Keep searching and you’ll find one or you can do FSBOs.
Give it a chance.
First off I want to apologize ahead of time in case this response comes out twice. My computer seems to kick out my responses.
Adam- it is okay to say what you feel and think. Joseph is right, you have the right to express what you think even if it seems negative and contradictory to what is being taught here. I just want you to know though that realtors have a different mindset to investors. I am a realtor myself and for me to apply Dean's strategies, I have to do a complete mind flip. Realtors are taught the laws and straight processes and they have Error and Omission Insurance for mistakes in their transactions. They cannot make mistakes so they go by the book. The investors on the other hand are the creative, innovative, out-of the box thinkers. They are the exact opposite of the Realtors. However, the goal is the same i.e. marketing real estate, but the approach is different. But just because it's different does not make it wrong.
There are realtors out there who are open-minded to different ideas. Keep searching and you’ll find one or you can do FSBOs.
Give it a chance.
Didn't mean to keep posting my response out there !? Suddenly they are all showing up ;( My apologies everyone.
Your concerns are valid and you are not alone. Keep posting. The more information the better. Hows it going recently/
Mr. Blake
Hmm...I'm 50/50 on your comment. But I'm writing this just because I just saw the weekly wisdom, and its got me a little po'd right now.
I paid a lot of money to get into the insider elite program, and now people get to get in for a $1 for 14 days. I'm feeling a little gipped right now.
I wonder if I can cancel out of it and get my money back.
Your agent might be right about the selling a book thing, but I do think they have invested. It does work, we've tried it, we are still doing the steps but we've been successfull, and the mindset it a big key. We certainly do not looke at things the same way. Buying a house is not out of anyones reach if you just put the steps to work. The key is work. You have to work. It doesn't get handed to you.
I saw your post and wanted to send a quick comment and clear up a few things ) The Insider Elite membership you purchased is simply amazing and that particular program will no longer be available to anyone else that didn't get in at the time.
Since you signed up when the program was first launched, you get Centurion access which is access to everything on the site. Those who signed up for the $1 trial, start off as a Silver member with only so much access to the site. Then after 3 months, they are upgraded to Gold which has more content to offer. After 3 more months, they then get upgraded to Centurion and will receive all the same access you have.
Hopefully this clears somethings up Have a great weekend everyone!
You need to read Dean,s book Totally Fullfilled by Dean Graziosi. This book is not aqbout real estate, I am just finishing it and it is fanastic. You need to get inside yourself and start there.
If you think this is not for you and it may very well be, real estate is not
for everyone, but how do you know if you do not do anything to find out. In my]opinion he is the best. He walks the walk and talks the talk. He is doing right along with his students and he is out there to help each and everyone of
us who believe in him and TAKE ACTION. I am right along side of him.
So my advice is read this book and JUST DO IT..
You will never now until you try. Then if it does not work for you at least you can say Well its not for me and a lesson learned not a failure/ mistake.
you may be surprised what Dean can do for you..........
I recomend reading 30 days to real estate cash. Follow it!! Do it!! If you put forth the effort and follow the book, good things will happen! DG.com is here for questions! I live in WI and let me tell ya! YEE HAWWW! Come along for the ride before its too late! Then after you can have a few words with that realtor!!!
Hmm, these techniques work great in Racine! Usually when someone says this, it means the person hasn't done what they're supposed to do and followed the laid out plan. This isn't a get rich quick scheme. There will be times when you fail, in fact failure is a part of success. But, if you write off something without trying it, you wouldn't have what it takes to do this anyways.
You need to have persistence, patience, perseverence determination, and a NEVER GIVE UP ATTITUDE to do this. BUT, just because this information comes from a late night infomercial most certainly does NOT mean it doesn't work.
THIS WORKS! But, YOU have to WORK for it to be successful.
Also, Dean is the same in person as he is on the infomercial and his blogs. He's the real deal. Sounds like you haven't given it even enough of a chance to even see that...
Racine still smells good from New Mexico. I did actually really really call those people I mentioned. Yes, I did. All of 'em. Nobody called back. Not a shock. Their house, their mortgage...their problem.
I was just going thru my very own "Track Tab" and found this thread again because it was the first Topic that had a big RESPONSE x 3.
Sorry 0-erte-laj....you are about to miss the good part.
Step #1: Put your cursor/arrow in the top of the scroll bar on the first post of this Topic.
Step #2: Put your cursor/arrow all the way to the bottom of the scroll bar on the down-arrow at the bottom.
Step #3: Speed scroll down and look at the first word on the left of every line you see along the way.
Step #4: Post the 5 words you saw most along the way...
ps- Really... try it. And post your results HERE--->
I get: You,you,quit,ADAM,ready.
If I was gonna REALLY try in Racine...hmmm...I would call Adam?
Too bad he's canned-robot. What a waste.
On the Sunny-side: I'm prepared to work hard for/with anybody that has REAL real estate for sale. AND I will call those 4 sellers again just for fun and follow-up.
"The harder you work, the luckier you get." -Gary Player
As a man thinks so is he! Maybe you need to work on your wealth operating system. Good luck and God Bless!
Deans teachings work anywhere. If you are not dedicated and work hard it won't happen. But I am proof that it does work for 3 years I have been using other people money.. not mine, not the Banks. You have to want it. Did someone say it was a get rich quick plan? YOu have to believe, you have to educate yourself and you have to get out there.
I wish you luck
"Don't tell me I can't, Tell me how I can."