I have been very skeptical of using deans techniques in my area. First of all i have no money or no credit and i dont like lying to sellers and agents about funds i dont have. Im a ethical person and honesty is important. Buyers list i think are a dud. Ghost ads are a farce and **** people off. I talked with a successful real estate agent whos been in the business for 33 years and is still successful and he said u cant belive any of junk about late nite infomercials on real estate investing. Most of it is a hoax and those gurus never invested and only are trying to sell a book. Why are they just on at nite cuzz thats when all of the simple minded people are up who get brainwashed by get rich quick programs. The tickets to most real estate seminars are free cuzz no one really goes to them thats why they are free. And why would i fork over money for a mentorship program when u are not guaranteed to make a profit even if u do what ur told and the education is not even accredited. Come on here. Just my frustrations for the past year. Have gotten no where. I quit
Posted on: Wed, 09/26/2012 - 04:01
- by oertelaj
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Sounds like you never tried.
"The harder you work, the luckier you get." -Gary Player
I am new to this and because of me putting in some work I got at least one buyer. By talking to someone about it in conversation, I got another buyer. I am still working on some kinks but I have been up and down with this as well. I have a Real Estate Agent as well. I have my list and have just done it. I made my cards and they seem to work pretty well. I am skeptical as well but have decided to give it a go that way I can say if this is for me or not. I have gotten alot of info from reading others post and find myself looking alot for answers on here from others. I followed what I read, not all of it, and got what I did get from it. I am disabled, can't work, wait on a monthly check and I want to get out of that and be able to do things on my own and not have to answer to anyone about how much I make or where it came from. I am nervous and worried about what if it doesn't work but I must keep going. I wish you luck.
Well OK, then. Guess this isn't for you.
you seem to be thinking to much how its gonna fail and not giving yourself a chance before you even start, your making excuses not to even try it. Im just starting off aswell. I need to make this work. Myself and my daughter are gonna make this work aslong as we stay focused. Its kinda hard to do when you have a decent job and putting in OT and raising a family but if other people have done it I believe we can too.
If Racine doesn't work for you then just head into Milwaukee. That's the area I am working right now and there is all kinds of action here. However with your attitude I am not sure it's gonna matter either way.
Be happy and go healthy ^_^
Ling and/or Dustin
I have been very skeptical of using deans techniques in my area. First of all i have no money or no credit and i dont like lying to sellers and agents about funds i dont have. Im a ethical person and honesty is important. Buyers list i think are a dud. Ghost ads are a farce and **** people off. I talked with a successful real estate agent whos been in the business for 33 years and is still successful and he said u cant belive any of junk about late nite infomercials on real estate investing. Most of it is a hoax and those gurus never invested and only are trying to sell a book. Why are they just on at nite cuzz thats when all of the simple minded people are up who get brainwashed by get rich quick programs. The tickets to most real estate seminars are free cuzz no one really goes to them thats why they are free. And why would i fork over money for a mentorship program when u are not guaranteed to make a profit even if u do what ur told and the education is not even accredited. Come on here. Just my frustrations for the past year. Have gotten no where. I quit
That may very well be the best decision for you.
Wish you well.
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
There are a lot of topics on this site that could really help you get things moving. If you think that Dean's techniques don't work, your right, it will never work for you with that attitude. I can tell they do work and you can make money in your area. Nobody is going to twist your arm to keep going, but Dean is the real deal and wants to see everyone successful and his techniques do work.
If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125
How 'bout that 33 year Investor? Is he willing to take you under HIS wing...teach you the ropes? Maybe he has a better way.
(Or, would he 'charge' for mentoring, too)?
PS. As with anything you're 'selling'...it's all about marketing (and advertising).
Dean knows that.
Happy Prospering! ~Kat, Liberty Residential Investment Acquisitions
• "To every thing there is a season, & a time to every purpose..." ~Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
• "Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy!" ~Dale Carnegie
• "Begin, be bold, and venture to be wise." ~Horace
• "Never, never, never give up." ~Winston Churchill
• "Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it." ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
There are many ways to buy real estate and I,m still learning about how to go about it. My own house I bought on a rent to own deal. I,m looking at owner contracts now. Now I need to study private funding. Just keep going and collecting info. The info here works you just have to find out what works for you and dont give up.
Randy & Elia Cobb Investments LLC
Real Estate Investor OR,TX
I have been reading Deans books for two years and was very skeptical and it wasn't until I got off my butt and did something did I see any results. I went to a few real estate investment groups and found three buyers. I used Matt's advice for finding an agent it took a few days and a few phone call's but using his techniques I did find an amazing agent at least amazing thus far. And if that agent doesn't work out I will find another one. I joined the insider elite sight and it is amazing. I think it was kareng that posted the other day that you have to do the work! and it is totally true. I only wish I had figured it out sooner. There is no doubt in my mind I will get my first deal with in a month.
BTW, Dean Graziosi's not the only one who teaches this real estate investing model/method. Plenty of the so-called "gurus" out there have been using the same methods for decades. There are12 different ways to purchase real estate in America, traditionally and uniquely. It works for people with the drive to follow directions and follow through. It takes one beyond their comfort levels. It changes lives financially. It's a wealthy & healthy mindset. It's an abundance mentality, rather than that of scarcity. Attitude is everything!
(ie.) Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki, Anthony Robbins, Stephen Covey, Carlton Sheets..........etc.
People who learn to make big money, learn to create multiple streams of income.
Selling books and programs is one of them.
Many people have written 'how-to' books, not everyone follows the footprint.
"Genius is two percent inspiration, ninety-eight percent perspiration."
~Thomas A. Edison
"For as a man thinks in his heart, so he becomes." ~Proverbs 23:7 (James Allen wrote his book about it, too).
Happy Prospering! ~Kat, Liberty Residential Investment Acquisitions
• "To every thing there is a season, & a time to every purpose..." ~Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
• "Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy!" ~Dale Carnegie
• "Begin, be bold, and venture to be wise." ~Horace
• "Never, never, never give up." ~Winston Churchill
• "Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it." ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Who's the person who wrote your profile?
I have to say Milwaukee is the place to be for I lived their all my life and walked away September 26Th 2011 to move to Georgia. I can say there is plenty of property that needs love in Milwaukee plenty of houses for everyone..Racine should be even better one its small and you can thrive get out and look around.
They have some valid points if you don't try you will never succeed You can do it if you set your mind to it and lose the I can't attitude You can if you so want it. Let me tell you this I am new and right now I have 4 buyers up under my belt and I am bird dogging which is a start but with hard work it shall pay off not in a rush to do my first deal I am learning an walking slow.. Please don't let the money excite you learn take your time and then count your money but learn and know cause when you do your first deal you will know you have arrived. Good Luck and god bless you. Hey make me proud and represent Wisconsin Look up some Realtors in Milwaukee get cracking Hey here is a good property he might be willing to sell it nice neighborhood 8008 w Scranton place Milwaukee WI 53208 check it out....
Look how the mind works! In your case, "You have to see it, to believe it"
In that case, go to your local real estate meetings every month "& don't tell me you don't have local meetings. I guaranty there are groups meeting all over the place, you just don't know about it" & place yourself around successful people.
Get there early & be the last one to leave. Hear & witness there stories. If You want it bad enough, you will find a way. PERIOD!!!
There is plenty of deals every where, & plenty of investors willing to partner, help & mentor you, but they will only take you in, when they know your determined to keep taking action & they know your educating yourself along the way.
By the way, failure is the key to success, but you just listened to your mind telling you a story, that it doesn't work in my area & a few people told me their opinion, so I believed them.
So glad my Mentor trained me on having the right mind set, before I ever started taking tons of action.
By the way, I had no money to get started & found a way after years of determination. You have to push yourself & dig deeper than you can ever imagine.
This business definitely isn't for everyone, that's why such a small percent actually make it & the number one reason is that they gave up to fast & didn't let their business grow. Most businesses take 3-5 years to fully start making a name for themselves, & you only gave yourself a year?????
Once again, our minds keep us safe from failure. That's it's job.
Jason S.
San Diego, CA.
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Sometimes in life when we don't see the results that we want to see, it's easier to push the blame on others. I thought the same things you did at one point. But I took a chance on myself. I've had Deans books for at least 2yrs now. I've been involved with his Success Academy. And the one component that stopped me from succeeding was ME. The things you want most will never come easy, it will always require hard work and persistence. I'm now involved with IE group and loving it. Why? Because I'm now taking action. I stopped having the naysayers co-sign my negativity and scarcity mindset. Don't give up on yourself so easily. You can make it work...if you work it...and you want it bad enough. I would encourage you to do the "7 Levels Deep" exercise that Dean talks about to really see if this is what you want, before you throw in the towel. Because at the end of the day, if you keep doing what you're doing you'll keep getting the same results. As for the RE Agent you talked to, my advise would be to stay away from him. KNOWLEDGE + ACTION = RESULTS! You can do this! And when you begin to see the results, you can laugh all the way to the bank. If you don't like shopping where you are, go shopping somewhere else. Don't give up on yourself, you're worth the investment.
If you find someone that said that something does not work move one to some one else. Talking to one person is not networking either. Find another agent the fact is not all re agents work with invesotrs. Infact most of them will say that Deans ideas dont work. How ever i have finally found one that is willing to work with me and give me the help i have been looking for. If one area doesnt work them move on to another area. You can do this but you need to defeat the villan within. Pass your cards around go to meetings meet people go to property auctions.Find a meeting in your area. If there isnt one Drive to Minneapolis for a day and come to ours. Lots of networking here. There are people who come here from other states just to network and that is a start.
" Not Having a goal is more feared than not reaching one"
Christa Niven
So you just sit there and listen to what one person, who hasnt even invested tell you what to think? Sigh.....
Hi It sounds like you need a mental adjustment and for some it takes longer to get it, I can tell you that Dean is the real thing and there are many people who will talk you out of your dream and that can be any thing.All the mentoring, books, programs wont mean a thing until "you are for sure" ( those whys)" you want it bad enough" and get out there and "work" for it, "no one is going to hand it to you", its like every thing else in life how much are you willing to work for it, It all really comes down to "you", let me repeat that it comes down to "you and what you want"!!!!!!!!You cant ride a bike us less you try, quiting is easy, matter of fact it takes "no effort, it comes so easy", Ieve rough it for 2 winters in my truck for this opportunity and Ill be daren if Iam going to quit, "what have you given up", my thoughts are not much.Dont blame others get off your duff and get to work!!!!!!!Theres plenty you can do but you have to be willing to make it happen, getting out of the comfort zone isnt easy for alot of people but its the only way to grow now its your choice!!!!!!!You cant blame Dean to many people are having success with his programs because they get out and do it and thats how you learn!!!!Its how bad you want it, think of being in a burning build are you going to say the door is to far away to get out or the window, no you can bet you will use every opportunity to find away out cause it means "your life"!!!!!Wishing you best but it boils down to you and no one can do it for you. Jim
Just read your profile and it totally contradicts what you are posting about.
I honestly think you just want some attention and want things handed over to you by someone. Unfortunately your gonna have to put in the time, effort, learn from mistakes and pay your dues like everyone else that has had success. Is this really your calling like you say?? Maybe its not because you are willing to give up so easy. But once again I think you want it to be a stroll in the park and handed over to you. Thats my honest opinion and you can take it or leave it.
So one person tells you that you cant do it and you listen right. Funny that Investor that told you those late night T.V guys are a scam. Well maybe some are but look at how many successful students Dean has that are on this site. All those successful people on here even tell you how they do it and give advice.
So where did that Investor you talked to learn how to invest in Real Estate. I bet he wasn't born with the knowledge and had to learn from someone or somewhere right?? Maybe you should ask him how he learned or see if he will take you under his wing like someone else mentioned.
One thing about Mentoring I learned from my Mentor is that you want a Mentor that has the lifestyle you want then model yourself after them. Not be like them but do what they do and you will have what they have. If this so called Investor you talked with doesn't have the lifestyle you desire then I wouldn't listen to a word he says.
If this post sounds a little harsh well then thats what you need. My mentor shoots it to me straight and doesn't sugar coat it.
You Can Have and Be Anything you Want!!
Jason Bly (The RE_Situation)
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All i can say is wow. You didn't have one good thing to say in that whole post! Your home life must be a real blast..Do you work for the IRS???? Your life must change and the only way to do that is within first...NOW GO GET SOME
Not having a goal is worse than not setting one..
http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/92139/... -
I have been doing this for just over a year too. I am working harder all the time. I have put more money into learning and find I am learning something new all the time. Did I mention I am also doing this full time for that long.
I believe this is a great site, and I understand where I am lacking. It is okay to talk to people, but even though he has been doing for 30plus years doesn't mean he knows about this program. He doesn't need it and can knock it. I say find out what you need to do, but like Karen said, maybe it is the best choice for you, because not everyone has what it takes to get the job done. They say only 2% make it. But if you look on this site you see how determined people are and what it takes to make it. The choice is yours!
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I'm with Karen, this isn't for everyone. If you are already to quit without really doing much and listening to the naysayers, then I'm not sure how it would be for you once things get tough. People watch Dean on the late night tv and then watch some other videos here and think they are just going to join the site, put an ad or two on CL, maybe a sign or two on the corner and then BAM, they will be successful. Thats not how it works. It is stressful, it cost time and money, and alot of folks will put you down while doing this. Dean, Matt, Michael, Randy, Andrea, Carol, and the list goes on, all have experienced the same sort of struggles, where are they now? I can tell you for me, they are where I want to be!
There isn't anything going to work with your attitude. It doesn't matter what type of business it is or where you are doing it.
I bet you, should you win the lottery, you are going to get run over by a tractor trailer on your way to pick up the money.
And that is the good news. The bad news is you deserve it because you get what you ask for.
Boy should you thank your lucky stars, you had over 20 people coming to your rescue! Don't take their INSIGHT lightly! It's a lot bigger than just making money.
Adam, I feel your pain and I don't understand why on this site you can not be honest or disagree with the author because you get called names and automatically your labeled a bad person. It sure doesn't feel like we live in America. This site is all about being positive and "how dare you say that, and how dare you think that way!" Wake up people, everyone has the right to their opinion. I am not saying who is right or wrong but one should be able to say what one feels without being labeled or called names. For example, someone said something negative about IE and immediately she was attacked! We should try to help each other and not attack. Emotions will cause you to say or do things that you don't even understand what is going on until to take control back or away from your emotions. Let's help each other and stop this "how dare" attitude!
a) If you don't believe it will work, you're right - it won't work.
b) If a Realtor talks you out of being a real estate investor, you definitely aren't talking to the right Realtor. Most would never think outside the box and use these techniques, but that doesn't mean they don't work. And I speak from a place of knowledge, I'm a Realtor and soon-to-be-investor.
I haven't had my first transaction yet, but I know this concept will work, because I'm going to make it work. Each market has its nuances, and maybe all of the techniques won't work in Racine, but some of them will. Pick one like assigning contracts, and keep at it until it happens.
This isn't for everybody. It's for the people who truly want something better for themselves, and are willing to spend the time and effort to get out there and find deals. Stop talking to people who want to keep you down, and step out in faith!
You want to QUIT? it is up to you!!!!!but please DON'T DISCOURAGE anybody.
What you state in your profile doesn't match your post.
Have a nice one.........
There's plenty of proof that this works all around the country. Sounds like you let your real estate talk you out of your dreams. If you TRULY wanted this to happen, you would do anything to make it. I have never seen you post anything on this website, but you say you have been trying for a year? Maybe that's part of your problem.
I'm tired of trying to convince people that this works, so that's the only thing you're getting out of me. I don't know how Dean does it!
Are you new? Check out my NEW and IMPROVED Guide for Beginners! http://deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/everything-else/128413/domini...
Something funny just happened. I got a pop up right after I posted that.
Dean's having an event:
"10/18/2012 Thursday - Racine, WI
Racine Marriott - 7111 Washington Ave (Highway 20), Racine, WI 53406"
Just thought it was ironic
Are you new? Check out my NEW and IMPROVED Guide for Beginners! http://deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/everything-else/128413/domini...