Are Dean Graziosi's books, website, video blogs, live events, and coaching a scam?
Well if you were at the live event in Pheonix then you will know without a doubt that all of Dean's information is the real deal! I just can't believe all of the success stories that are happening around the country because of what Dean has created.
I got a chance to talk to so many people at the event and everyone was so positive and upbeat. People were hitting me from every direction telling me about deals they have already done and also deals they are working on. By the end of the weekend most of the people I talked to were so overwhelmed with all of this new found wisdom I found myself telling eveyone to just focus on one technique that they really like or feel comfortable with. There are so many ways Dean teaches to become a millionaire but, I tell people to just focus on one way and learn that technique until it becomes second nature. Once that technique leads you to become a millionaire then try some other techniques if you want. WE WANT PEOPLE TO BECOMES MILLIONAIRES USING DEAN'S TECHNIQUES! That is how we are going to "CHANGE" this country! We need you to get free!
My life has changed forever because of Dean's books and coaching. I appreciate all of the attention everyone gives me. I felt so honored being bombarded by questions by everyone. It is truly humbling. You want to know who the person is that is most proud of my accomplishments? It's Dean! He wants to create 1000 "Matt Larson's" in the next few years. That is how to change things-he knows that. Now go out there and apply this great information that Dean has created and make a difference! Deans competition is not getting it done. Their information is to old and outdated. They just aren't getting the success that Deans students are. Dean knows that which puts even more pressure on him to continue to create the best real estate products out there. Dean actually told me that he is nieve enough to think he can play a big part in turning around this country's financial situation and I believe him! Because turning around this country doesn't start from a stimulus package--it starts with you. I am on his team but, we need your help.
That is the "Mission". To turn this country around fast. Please support this mission by joining the cause. Take action! Helping your family is actually also helping out the entire country. Get it done!
I want this thread to be the biggest thread on Dean's site because of all of the success stories posted here. Tell us about your success and support the cause!
You've got to find your obstacles and call them out! Unsheath the sword, and do battle with whatever it is that holds you back!
I didn't get the chance to go to the conference, but I know that these principles that are taught are true. It is about action. There will never be success if there is no action. Apply the principles and go for it!!! I want to be in the "Dean's Millionaire" club (if there is one:) by going for it. Thanks for your words of wisdom Matt!
Dean is a very real, down to earth, genuine, warm, sensitive and caring person you see in the infomercials. I can say that because that's the man I met this weekend at the live event. He surrounds himself with a staff of the same caliber and that's the God's honest truth. So if anyone has ANY doubts about Dean, let me just say that after meeting him and spending a weekend with him, he's absolutely THE REAL DEAL!
I definitely want to be a part of changing this country. I wrote my 90 day action plan today after much thought and diversions. Nothing is going to get in my way that's my motto for this year... Let's make Dean proud and join him on this mission!
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
How many other "invester gurus" would actually return your money for you being successful! That's right Dean wants you to be successful. He truly wants you to take action! Greg Murphy put it best, "You can be as successful as you are willing to work!"
Thank you Dean for changing our lives. You have brought positive motivation into the equation instead of fear and bad feelings. You can be that much more successful with a positive approach and those you deal with will feel it too.
Thanks to all of you in the DG family - you've definitely helped us all along the way!
Chip & Andrea Weule
AC Investment Group, Inc.
As always Matt, thanks for all the encouragement and the wisdom. Just by learning one technique can really make this REI happen. I'm working on it right now.
As I've said in my video for the contest, and as my video is described....
He's the Real Deal!
Don't Wish the Past, Create the Future! - DH
I believe if we just used our common sense half the time...The world is our oyster! DG is so appealing because he keeps it simple with proven strategy. If i did not say what is on my mind, Then i would have no business being around this forum...As REI we must be careful that we do help our economy and not make it any worst! Proper deals done from start to finish, Example...Buying property to hold...When in the long run you are not able to pay for it and end up weakening our dollar even more! If we are going to fix the economy...Then we must do good deals...Do not bite off more than you can chew!
DG not a scam!!!
I have tried the other "gurus" and believe that there ARE alot of scams out there. But, Dean is NOT one of them. I can't wait to make my dreams come true with REI and I will have alot of people to thank, starting with Dean. it feels great to be associated with someone who really cares about peoples' success.
I've only had his book for a couple months and just joined the course and I am well on my way to my wildest dreams. It's real!
I really wish I could have been at the conference!
My first success story:
One of our biggest battles is dealing with other companies (the "gurus" you see our front people, they don't do REI or haven't for ages), and small time (and some big time ones too) online marketers who cannot hold a candle to the stuff we do, but their only chance at getting people to take interest into their stuff is to piggyback off Dean's brand, malign his stuff and then try to tell them they have something better.
Well, they don't. How do I know...? I've became a student of these other programs to see what they are teaching and how they operate. If there was something to be learned I could then share it with our students... but there isn't. Not only is what they teach you too dated to use in many cases, or flat out not realistic, they use very underhanded practices - the type of things that would make people like myself, Dean or the rest of team not be able to sleep at night.
I suppose even the most skeptical person in the world could say "Well, these thousands of people on here are just fake and maybe like one person has really turned their life around after reading Dean's books and putting them to use."
Well, after the live event with the many same people from this site (and a lot of new comers) all showing up, live - in person, you just cannot deny the reality that what is happening here is real, organic and working.
I have never heard of any of these other companies holding summits for their long term students/clients - and the reason is likely there are no long term students, because the stuff just doesn't work.
It is easy to get lumped in with bad apples when you are on TV. It is an extra hurdle to overcome, but it is also great at the same time when it is easy to see the night/day differences - just by coming to this site or searching the net for the names of these other gurus. If I can say one good thing about the competition (if you call it that) is that it gives us the perfect model of "what not to do" and "how not to treat students".
At one point we were frustrated with the underhanded marketing tactics because we didn't have the online proof like we have now with this site and put up a write up on everyone is labeled a scam - whether they are or aren't. Sure, we had plenty of videos and written testimonials, but people these days think they can be malarkey or just exceptional 1 in a million cases. Now, with this online community into its second year and a live (homerun) summit - all doubts can be removed about us. I can't say anything about the "competition" though.
Dean Graziosi Scam Review Sites and Ads
We've been to other summits if you will. They should be called Sales Seminars. They get their friends to give you another carrot (other than the one you've already purchased) and try to get you to buy that. It's like paying to get pitched.
The EDGE was nothing like that! It was all about education, what's working now, and how to look at deals from a new angle. Dean is definitely the real deal!
Chip & Andrea Weule
AC Investment Group, Inc.
it is a great program it takes work and you have to stick to it Its not a get rich scheme but with work you can get very rich
Thanks DG ADMIN.
I for one can see what Dean teaches is real and will work. Although I haven't completed a deal yet. I have come close and only didn't get it done because of 2 different partners backing out after our offers were accepted. unfortunatly they were the money partners.
I live in NY and have always been sceptacle of all the t.v.adds. I believe most are scams which is why i never bought anything from them. But when I saw dean I kind of got a good vibe so to speak, and I bought the barm program as well as the books. Never met the man but I still believe he is for real.There are awsome people on this sight that are just like dean. They constantly pop in and give time and advice even thought they dont need to because they succeeded already. Rina, Anita CBR,sissy to name a few i have learned from since i came to the sight 4 months ago. I feel like they are friends i never met.
I know I will make it in this biz because failure is not an option and I hate loosing, and never give up on anything i start.
If we put the time in and follow the strats we will succeed.
Oh and i know RE works because I have a cousin who is living very well from investing and retired from the police dept at 38. He now travels all over the world.
good luck to all.
UPDATE: By the way, your website and your infomercials are not enough. I want real, tangible evidence.
Ah HAHA!! I LOVE this post! Start working on your website.

I see that you are new and just haven't read far enough yet to see all the real success stories by so many real people in here. BUT, since I haven't posted in this thread yet, you were the perfect one to respond to.
I was SO excited to get Dean's book/program last year after I saw his infomercial that as soon as I did I joined the Success Academy and went to work. Within just a few short months I had done the 5 deals required to get the refund and got every penny of my money back. Not only that, I set out to try every strategy that Dean teaches to prove to myself that it works. Now that might not be the smartest way to go about this. Best to focus on one and get good at it, but that's just me!
Since I started I have tried and succeeded at the following strategies/techniques, most of them with none of my own money! I don't say this to pat myself on the back, but to show that Dean's programs/techniques work, and if I can do it anyone can!
Fast-cash strategies:
Assignment of contract
Double-close (in the middle of this one now)
Buy & Hold strategies:
Bought props to rent out and re-sell when market goes up
lease/option to one of my families
Cash-flow strategies:
Bought props with intention to keep long-term. Good cash-flow and the base for our early retirement (which I plan for sometime this year or next. Will be nice to retire early 40's. Wish I'd have "met" Dean years ago)
If you take the time to read through the forums you will find real-time posts as people have gone through deals this past year, along with all the emotions and ups & downs that go with them.
I will love to see what your website looks like when you're done. Let me know if I can help in any way. It's great to work together on promoting such an awesome program!
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link:
We are living breathing examples of Dean's program. We started out with over $120k in bad debt. That's right we were so far in the whole. If we could take our salaries for 2 years, without taxes being taken out we may have been able to pay off the debt - not to mention any other spending (even to eat, etc).
We were in a load of hurt, but we thought this was truly our only way out. To fix our mess and build a better life. It started slow, but slowly have dug our way out. We made $4,400 dollars on one deal, then $13k on the next, then purchased two homes and cashed out refinanced them for a total of $60k out and they still cashflow $300/month. Finally we were able to close another 2 properties that made us $45k in one day.
The system works, the question is are you willing to. You have to be willing to put in the effort to build your business. Dean never once promises a get rich quick deal - it is all about working a system and a business. You build your own success. They just support you and educate you along the way. As long as you are trying we'll all be here for you too.
Now go take some ACTION!!!
Chip & Andrea Weule
AC Investment Group, Inc.
Dean has said over and over again,dont let people talk you out of a big,and i mean big opertunity.Hello my name is Mr Young im a paraplegic and parilized from the wase down.I read Deans book twice just like he said and man it,s far ,far from what their trying to say.Check this i picked up o0n the stragetic and in runni9ng with it.Im a bad man and gess what im alsi a diabetic with both legs amputated below the knees.I,ve had 17 life treatening sergeries and im on a roll Back in 1983 i was shot in the back 5 times close range,saving the life of my 65 year old god father.There were nsome gang members trying to kill him because i woulden,t let him let them sell drugs out of his house.He was terified but i said no i told him he was to old to be sitting up in some jail at his age.We tryed to call the police about 5 times but the guys was throwing bags of dope on our front porch but we didentknow it.So they came to our house and tour it apart,but the last time they came this cool cop told us why.So we decided not to call them anymore.So one day i was walking uo the driveway and saw a arm sticking out some bushes behind a tall black fence,iknow i couldent get to him on time and i couldent tell granpop,WATCH OUT because he was hard of hearing.So i just ran up to him and jumped on top of him,and thats why im in my situation today.My godfather lived for 10 more years then passed away.Today he,s probably in heven playing baseball.He loved his baseball.I havent met dean or anyone as of today,but please,please ndont anyone rob you of your dreams,look at me if i can do it i know dam well you can do it to.Well gotta go back to my girlfriend,realistate that is,C-YA! Mr Clarence Young.Love you guys and GODBLESS!.
I bought Dean's books from the infomercial in late 2007 and shortly after invested in the mentoring program. The promise of getting my investment back if I followed his program was what did it for me...I wanted to prove to myself and Dean that I could get that money back! In 8 months I did!
So that was cool, but was this Dean guy for real or was he just a TV personality like a lot of his competitors? I was given the opportunity to find out for myself by attending the E.D.G.E. conference. I had come to have so much respect for Dean and what he has done for himself and countless other people out there...but what would he be like in person? I prepared myself to be disappointed.
Well, as one of the biggest skeptics in the world, I can tell you that Dean is the same guy in person that you see on TV and his blogs and that you read about in his books. He shakes your hand with respect and he does not come across as arrogant or "Hollywood" in any way. During lunch and the breaks, most people in his position would be out back away from the attendees, but Dean was walking around with his kids and introducing himself to everyone. On stage he was not showboating and all that...he was just talking to a group of people like we were in his backyard.
Oh yeah, and the people you read about in his books and see on his infomercials, I met a bunch of them too, and what do you know...they are not paid actors, but actually the same people with the exact same success (and more) that they outline. Imagine that! I sat by them at lunch and heard about their life and families. For this to all be an Act? Impossible. It would cost him more to orchestrate such a massive mind-bend than he could ever make off the "scam" he was creating.
Dean, thank you so much for not disappointing me and for being the Real Deal! For the skeptics out there I am happy to tell them that Dean lives what he preaches...I witnessed it first hand.
I am proud to be a Graziosian!
Hello......I also live in the Twin Cities area, I see you are from Apple Valley. How do you find the market to be in your area?, and please share how you did your 1st deal. I just ordered the books about a month ago, and I am still trying to digest all. With so many properties to choose from, how do you get started???
Did you join a Real Estate Investment Club?
Any info you could share would be very helpful.
I sent you a private message on this site. It depends on where you live in the TC and what your investment strategy is and the resources you have to start. You don't have to have cash (although it helps), but decent credit and a general knowledge of internet research will give you more options. Anyone can be successful in real estate, but some just have bigger obstacles than others to overcome and get started. All depends on your current situation. Look for my email and we can communicate that way.
Well if you were at the live event in Pheonix then you will know without a doubt that all of Dean's information is the real deal! I just can't believe all of the success stories that are happening around the country because of what Dean has created.
I got a chance to talk to so many people at the event and everyone was so positive and upbeat. People were hitting me from every direction telling me about deals they have already done and also deals they are working on. By the end of the weekend most of the people I talked to were so overwhelmed with all of this new found wisdom I found myself telling eveyone to just focus on one technique that they really like or feel comfortable with. There are so many ways Dean teaches to become a millionaire but, I tell people to just focus on one way and learn that technique until it becomes second nature. Once that technique leads you to become a millionaire then try some other techniques if you want. WE WANT PEOPLE TO BECOMES MILLIONAIRES USING DEAN'S TECHNIQUES! That is how we are going to "CHANGE" this country! We need you to get free!
My life has changed forever because of Dean's books and coaching. I appreciate all of the attention everyone gives me. I felt so honored being bombarded by questions by everyone. It is truly humbling. You want to know who the person is that is most proud of my accomplishments? It's Dean! He wants to create 1000 "Matt Larson's" in the next few years. That is how to change things-he knows that. Now go out there and apply this great information that Dean has created and make a difference! Deans competition is not getting it done. Their information is to old and outdated. They just aren't getting the success that Deans students are. Dean knows that which puts even more pressure on him to continue to create the best real estate products out there. Dean actually told me that he is nieve enough to think he can play a big part in turning around this country's financial situation and I believe him! Because turning around this country doesn't start from a stimulus package--it starts with you. I am on his team but, we need your help.
That is the "Mission". To turn this country around fast. Please support this mission by joining the cause. Take action! Helping your family is actually also helping out the entire country. Get it done!
I want this thread to be the biggest thread on Dean's site because of all of the success stories posted here. Tell us about your success and support the cause!
HOLA como estas cbrpower::: Creative artistic open minded ENTREPRENEURIST**Gracias I am Brand new within this very amazing biz and brand new here :
I know for sure that DEAN is for-real: I been aware of Very DISTINCT UNIQUE POSITIVE high energy for ; some time ,but now I am going for the beyond Beyond Journeys within all of this amazing
Biz: Plus within this forum is some very unique Distinct Creative ENTrepreneurist within thier ARTISTRY: Wisdom Aware-ness KnowledgeLove this place
Gracias for shareing your High positive energy GREAT VIBS**STICKS WIZZARD DRAGON