I cannot begin to describe what it feels like to have your life change overnight. I feel like it was just yesterday that I was totally stressed out trying to make ends meet,looking for ways to feed my children and here I am 17 months later living a life that I never thought possible.
It is hard to believe that a book that I purchased for $34.95 17 months ago has made me $50,000 in 17 months. I have just hit my $50,000 mark in my profits from Real Estate and it feels so wonderful to be free!
It is not only the money that is so amazing but I have been able to build a relationship with so many people here. I have also been blessed to get to know Dean personally. He is truly a man of his word and a man of character. To think that someone of his status actually cares about my success blows my mind. Here is a man who has made millions of dollars in Real Estate and instead of separating himself and gloating in his millions he has decided to help others achieve greatness. He literally spends all of his time educating and encouraging others to be successful. He is not spending his time on glorious vacations or living the millionaire life, he is spending each waking hour making videos, writing books and mentoring others in an effort to help them achieve financial freedom. This is who Dean Graziosi is and it is an honor to have gotten to know him.
As I prepare for the Edge Event I feel humbled to be a part of it. As I prepare my Edge presentation and attempt to put a method to my wholesaling madness I am forced to look back and see my life as it was 17 months ago, broken and dismantled. I want people to leave the Edge Event with everything they need to profit from real estate right from home as I do. I want stay at home moms and those with disabilities to be able to take my wholesaling strategies and begin making money as soon as they get home and start using them. My hope is that someone will leave the Edge Event with something that I was able to share with them and begin changing their life. If I can contribute to one persons success, add to one persons dream than I will truly be successful myself.
I do hope to see so many of you at the Edge Event in May.
For the first time in my life I feel so ALIVE!!!
Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10
http://realwholesaling.com FREE wholesaling tips and resources!
To your success,
Carol Stinson
Keep it up! Looking forward to meeting you at the EDGE.
... Verses: 35 "but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; They will run and not grow weary, They will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31 ...
Congrats on your profit of 50K. You deserve every bit of success, you did the job and the glory is yours. May God continue to bless you.
"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
I see your posts all over here, and other websites. You seem to be an amazing person with a passion for helping others help themselves. I look forward to studying your WHOLESALING website and learning from you as well as Dean. I couldn't make it to the Edge, but I look forward to seeing you on the video.
God Bless
Live well, laugh often and love much.
Walter Fabiszewski
Southern, FL
Your story is very inspiring. You are a living testimony of what God can do in each of our lives helping us overcome our own difficult circumstances. He has turned your sorrow into joy and has allowed all this to happen in your life for a reason. He has come alongside you all this time and is bringing you alongside others to help them the same way He did for you.
May God's Blessings continue to overflow in your life.
Be well,
Joe Maldonado
Marietta, GA
Congratulations Carol. Very inspiring.
I'm glad a couple of people on this thread mentioned your wholesaling website. Looking at it right now. What an awesome resource!
Congratulations that is so great. Thank you for always being an inspiration to all us newbies. I look forward to your next exciting anouncement. I read your journal and think wow, someday that will be me too. Sorry I will miss the Edge event this year, but I'm going next year! Again Congratulations.
Love and Laughter make the world a better place.
this is an amazing goal to reach! i can't wait until i get to this point in my investing career. how difficult was it for you to get to this point?
What an accomplishment. Congratulations on a milestone. You are an inspiration to all of us here. Thanks for the encouragement and keep up the great work.
Love it Carol. I love that you are being successful. Keep it going baby. I know it helps alot with the kids and all. Your success is heart felt. I have followed from where you started. So its extremely motivational. No one on here should be making excuses about why they can't succeed. Thank you sweetie. Let us know when the 100k mark hits. Keep your story going.
I got my mind made up.....
www.jussinvestors.com (buyers site)
Hey everyone!! I bought Deans books about a year ago. I was so scared to pull the trigger and go for it. But I closed on our first property today. I wanted to run the numbers by you (tenured) investors and see what everyone thinks. Is that O.K.??
Hey girlie! I remember when you joined the board. You were like me...you had so many questions and received a lot of great help! I have watched you progress and I am so proud of you! You are not far from your $100K mark. Keep up the great work and I am rooting for you!
Congats on your first success. Feel free to give us the input on your next success real estate story...dom
Thank you for rooting for me from the beginning. You were there when I first started indeed! You are a big part of my success and I am thankful for you. You encouraged and guided me along with all of my questions (and there were many).
Thank you to every one who helped me along and thought it not robbery to be there for me when I needed you. I would have never made it without you
Now I am glad to repay the favor to others.
Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10
http://realwholesaling.com FREE wholesaling tips and resources!
To your success,
Carol Stinson
I'll add my congratulations to that huge stack ... you deserve to be sitting right up there on the top. You worked your way up that mountain, so take a moment to enjoy the view. It's gonna look different farther up. Keep climbing and keep taking us along on your journey. I love reading your posts!
Welcome to the DG family. Yes, Please share with all of us the details of your first deal. Go ahead and post a new thread and we'll all check it out.
Congratulations and Go Cardinals
Chip & Andrea Weule
AC Investment Group, Inc.
I am so happy for you and I can really appreciate your satisfaction in achieving all that you have. I am in that boat you were once in and now I am so jealous of your success
Just kidding! I am about to burst with the anticipation of making it happen in my life. I praise God that YOU made it happen, it didn't happen TO you. Please keep going, you are such an inspiration to me and countless others. It gives us the hope that we will make it happen too.
Keep on Keeping On !!! Expect it, God has already given it to you. You just need to get out there and grab it!
If you want to follow my journal:
Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10
Congrats Carol on your $50K, I look forward meeting and learning from you at my first EDGE event.
a fellow jersey-ite,
I am so excited to see so many of you going to the Edge!!! I can't wait to meet each of you face to face. It is going to be AWESOME!!!!!
Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10
http://realwholesaling.com FREE wholesaling tips and resources!
To your success,
Carol Stinson
Congratulations Carol!!!
What a great achievement. Reading this let's me know that it's still possible for me. This site continues to keep me motivated when I loose my concentration.
I look forward to hearing more as you move toward the $100K mark.
Thank you for sharing your story.
Congratulations Again!!!!
Carol-- I don't think I could say much more than what has already been said. But here goes: CONGRATULATIONS! You are the greatest indeed. You help us all on here see that it's possible. And I can't remember who said it but with all that's on your plate no one, not a single person here can have an excuse after reading your story. I did visit your website and it's an awesome resource; I absolutely loved it. I am going the EDGE as well and just can't wait to put faces to everyone. Please take care and I wish you the very best. Now go get like $200,000 more. Again what an accomplishment for yourself and your family.
You Go Girl!
You have been such an inspiration to me since the begining when I got my books. Specially here lately. We are now, where you were seventeen months ago. You have totally convinced me and ecourage me to have high hopes and believe that all is possible trough him.
Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.
Prov. 16:3
"I am talented. I am creative. I am greatley favor by God. I am equipped. I am
well able. I will see my dreams come to pass."
Joel Austin
Carol, you're a great example of perserverance equals prosperity. Despite the odds before you, you made a way out of no way, and now are reaping the rewards from your labors. I've sent you a few messages for assistance, but I know you have others who ask you for help all the time, and you're only one person. That's why I'm not surprised I haven't heard a reply from you yet. Nevertheless, I'm very happy for your family, and I wish you to be an outstanding success in your future and continue to be a great leader, mother to your children, and wife to your husband. Keep doing the great work and showing the greatness that you've been blessed with. Thank you so much.
Well, you are an amazing women, and the main reason I wanted to get to the EDGE event was to hear of your strategies. I am also a mom, but I only have 4 and I homeschool, but when I see YOU succeeding at this, I KNOW it means *I* can too. My husband won't let me spend any more money so I can't make it to the EDGE event, but I sure wish I hadn't signed up for the Tax Club because all I'm getting from them are headaches.
I could have used the money to go to the EDGE event. Next year!!! Congrats on your first 50K, and here's to another 50K twice as easy in the future! You are truly an inspiration to all of us stay at home moms!!!
Thank you for your kind words. The best part about my new career is that I do not have to give up being a full time mom. I have developed a system where I can stay home with my children, cook dinner, do homework etc... and still make $5,000 to 10,000 a month. It is truly an awesome way for stay at home moms or even those home bound from a disability to earn money, not just earn money but build wealth right from home
I wish you could have made it to the Edge Event too ... hopefully we will meet next year!
Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10
http://realwholesaling.com FREE wholesaling tips and resources!
To your success,
Carol Stinson
Hearing your story on conference calls and watching your interview with Dean was truly inspiring! You've given me motivation to continue doing what I'm doing in real estate. Love the website by the way! The skies the limit Carol.
Gary Rabatin
Certified Cash Flow Consultant
Founder & President of Gold Bar Funding Group L.L.C.
Private Real Estate Investor
"Building Wealth by the Numbers"
Thanks to all of you as well,This is my first time posting here.Can't believe its been about 8 months since I watched dean on tv and bought his book.
All I can say its given me back my spark in life to do something and I so glad I did!!! Its taken about 3 months to get my plan into action after rejections from banks, realtors you name it but finally in the last 5 months I've been doing a deal a month.
Found a great realtor,found a great erea were snow birds come to retire .The home's sell quickly
if its priced right.I just purchased my 5th home
and really seems like on my way to truly changing my life!! Thanks to all of you and thank you so much Dean!!!! I'll make you proud!!!
I'll stay in touch with all...DON'T GIVE UP!!!
You are truly an amazing woman! I have been following you as many others have. One of the many reasons I am coming to the Edge Event is to meet you and learn your methods. Will you please cover Internet networking and what it brings you? Please be specific as possible. I am not particularly technologically savvy, but so know the basics. I am your Facebook friend and follow you somewhat. I consider you the master of Internet networking. Thank you so much in advance