One month to go then I have been doing this two years and no luck, I have passed out about 2000 business cards, dealt with several agents in the area and in other states as well, talked with local bankers to see what they have for properties, no answer on my bandit signs, spent many hours late and early doing research for properties and what has came out of all this not one thing but lots of lost time and no results. No doubt I am doing some thing wrong some where for all this not to be working for me. But needless to say this is my last posting in my journal and all other places on this site. Thanks to all for the great advice it is greatly appreciated and taking the time to post here as well and answer all the questions that I may have asked. A special thanks to those that said they would like to partner on some deals and never wrote back about this either, way to go. Now lets think about that for a while and see what happens next.
I am sorry that things have not worked out for you.
Have you ever checked out John Jackson's Lease Option Classes there in TX? Most people think that L/Os are illegal there but they aren't if they are done a certain way. John has perfected it there and is doing very, very well in Ft Worth. He has been doing it for eight years.
When he started he was making a six figure income at his day job and within three months he had replaced his income and quit his job. I attended his class the beginning of April and it is really, really thorough.
If you want more info PM me or check out
Good luck, whatever you decide. We will miss you.
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
whatever your decision, the best of luck to you. REI is a real tough business right now so don't take it personally. Perhaps the information you have learned will be valuable to you in the future. This market has to get better some day.
Always Looking to Acquire Houses | Always Looking to Amaze Investors
Karen I checked out that site you had mentioned and sounds interesting, but like always the problems is the money just the same what is keeping me from joining deans success academy. Now that my wife recently lost her job our finances have gotten cut even more until she finds a new job so now I have no choice but to stay in this to try and make something out of it. The local market here is tough and properties are still being sold too so there are buyers out there so just have to find them. Yes Bill it is really tough market right now and who knows it might get worse but when the tough gets rough then the tough get going. There are a couple empty properties in the area that have been this way for some time so will have to research these and see what comes out as they would make good rentals if I can get them at a good price. As for repairs I would have to look at them first but have to see who owns them and if they would or are interested in selling them to make it worth while. I just have to do something, I cannot take this sitting down now since my wife has lost her job so I am getting her more into this business to and have a lot to teach her since she does not know anything about how the county offices and all the other stuff work since she is not an american and I have done all this myself but she learns quick too.
Two years vested... you are too close to the deal to stop now. Take a deep breath and ... only believe! Do something you haven't done yet, get bolder, step out further, ask for the deal... press on.
Jill Holden | San Diego
Investor Services
Team Development
That is another reason why I cannot just let things go either but like I have mentioned now that my wife has lost her job I am going to put her to work for me as long as she is at home and teach her what I know and have her read the books as well and do research for me as well. One advertisement I have not tried yet is by advertising on my truck and her car so this is the next step too. There is something missing that I am overlooking too that I just have to find out what.
" One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when one is overtaken by TEMPORARY DEFEAT. Every person is guilty of this mistake at one time or another." Napoleon Hill
If you don't have the book yet, PM me. Blessings to all. LA
Everytime you repeat the words "I CAN DO IT" with conviction, you cancel or override your fear and increase your confidence. By repeating this affirmation over and over, you can eventually build your courage and confidence to the point where you are unafraid. -Brian Tracy-
Before you do anything...before you quit, before you walk away...
FIND BUYERS. I can appreciate all of the advice on finding motivated sellers, finding deals, everything else...but I can tell you that no matter what market you are in, there are people who are motivated to buy. YOU HAVE TO FIND THEM AND FIND WHAT WORKS in your market. I have 4 buyers that are actively buying and that I have their full criteria so NOW I merely am matching my prospecting and deal-hunting to their specific needs.
I have been doing this for 2 Months...closed my first deal last week ($2K Assignment Fee) and just found out that another buyer wants 4 properties I found for him @ $1,500 each fee and another buyer is buying a house I found for him and will be giving me ANOTHER $2K...1 Month, $10K!!! FIND BUYERS!!!
Go Get Em!!!
Jon A. Lubin
Investment Properties Group L.L.C.
Birmingham, Al.
"You Miss 100% of the Shots You Don't Take" Wayne Gretsky
What do you Base your fee on? When tour doing An assignment of contract...
Now thats an excellent question, That is what has me stuck, i cant figure out how you guys set up the fee part of it.
Walk by FAITH, Believe and Achieve!!
Dean talks about so many ways to make money in Real Estate. If the local market is so terrible maybe research another market. Have you done a market analasys? Maybe your local market is not following the national trend. I have just read two of Dean's books and have not done a deal but I definitely see the opportunity in my region. Prices are low, interest rates are low and rents are high. All I can suggest is, think a little different
Thanks, Ben
Most of the time when I read these posts I just skip by them. Not because I don't care but too many people here think they spend 30 days reading the books and expect their bank account to grow without trying. As I read your post it is obvious that some things are not working for you. I understand your money situation truly, I have been there and much worse. When I think back about those dark days in my past and where I am today, it gives me the shot of motivation that makes me work harder to become as successful as I can be. There isn't a day where we haven't hit a bump in the road, been lied to, had deals taken right out from under our nose, been scammed, had bad renters etc etc, but we are still here everyday making money and loving it.
I guess what I am trying to tell you out of all this is it is ok to walk away, but one day you will say, What if I tired just a little harder, what would have happened. I think you get my point....Jan
I was just curious as if you applied anything from something like The Secret by Rhonda Byrne.
It seems like you have everything in place to find and make money, the only thing I can't tell from your post is what kind of a mindset/personality you have.
Just throwing it out there for what it's worth.
Good luck!
I believe in you.
Mark K.
Life Disclaimer: Past Failures are NOT indicative of Future Results.
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all I can think about it real estate since I have purchased Deans books and Think A Little Different Course too. There is something small no doubt that I am missing that is keeping things from happening and I am determined to find out what is putting things at a stand still right now. Thanks for the encouragement Jan, I have read many of your post here too and it is very inspirational to have you post in my blog as well. Mark as for reading the Secret from Rhonda, I have never heard of her just like a lot of other writers and such that people have mentioned here too. I put up another bandit sign in the closest bigger town where I live to see what comes out from this. As for my mindset and personality towards investing, I am constantly reading deans books to keep my memory fresh and then I am still going through Think A Little Different as well. I have seen a property that has been empty for some time now that needs just some painting on the outside, as for inside is questionable. When my wife goes to town we are going together so I can stop and get the address of the property then do a research on who owns it and see if they are interested in selling it.
It has not been up for tax sale because I go to these on a regular basis here where I live so the owner is still paying taxes on the property but just letting it sit there empty. I am trying to find properties that I can do lease to own on with little money down to where tenant buyers will pay this once I get some on my list.
I have a couple investors buyers on my list as well that are paying cash and closing in ten days but they are wanting properties that are not listed on the mls or through agents either so I am constantly looking for properties for them with no luck yet either. Just one of those things that does take more time too. I am not looking to get rich or quick either, even if I walk away from a deal with 500 I will be as happy as kid with some chocolate.
Yes at times it does get frustrating, it just seems like every week that passes things get worse, just how far can one go down before things turn around. There are those like matt that have had to work 70 hrs a day and then do this on the side, luckily my days like that are gone even though they were nice to have at the same time. There are those here that are making things work in their area and no doubt it is just as hard there as it is here or if not worse so if they can make it work so can I but I just have to find out where I am making the mistakes and turn things around.
I'm looking at all your medals and you got MORE than me.
YOU are the only one that can change your situation in life, ONLY YOU no one else.
YOU can do ANYTHING you set your mind to do. Schedule it and do it.
I've said it before...(Shawn NOT directed to you)
WHY is it drunks and drug addicts can ALWAYS reach their goal???.....Thieves ALWAYS find a place to rob.
But, somehow THEY must be smarter or better than you that fail to reach their goals in REI or otherwise...why? They wanted/needed it bad enough. If they found they couldn't get it on their own they asked for help and reached their goal. Everything can be a learning experience.
If you or others find you need a push or mentors, coaches or help....please learn when to ask for help.
REI can and will Change your world not just your life...just remember where you came from.
Mike Free tools
Thanks for such great inspirational advice. Since my wife has lost her job now there is no way for me to stop but just to push my way harder to get further. As for valerie I will be reading her post from beginning to end as well as I have tried several other cities in different states as well with no luck either so my opinion I just have not found the right area to invest yet where there are houses being sold and bought at heart beat speed or close to it.
You said no calls from your bandit signs. Now come on, really? You need 18-24 in any given area posted at busy intersections (of slow moving traffic). Make them simple - handwritten
"We buy Houses
Any Condition
local phone number"
Then answer the phone. Yellow corrogated plastic is best. , but call them and you get free shipping. If you can't affort these, watch Randy Vaughn's video from last year, he shows how to make them CHEEEEEP.
You can do this.
Blessings & Favor,
Follow my Blog:
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil 4:13
Psalm 1:1-3
signs have done it for me and if you stay consistent with them , no way can you fail
Hello Shawn
I hear what you're saying and feel your pain. I would encourage you to take some time away from REI, but just a short time. Think about what you are doing now in REI and switch it up! I think there is a fine line between being persistent and being stubborn. Believe me I know.
I sent direct mail to preforeclosures for 6-8 months with very little response. I swithced up my list and am now getting very good leads.
Think about how your life will change once you become successful in real estate. You will become successful in Real Estate!
One last thought. How many legitimate offers are you putting in daily, weekly, monthly? I'm sure someone on this site said this but it's hard to make deals if we aren't making offers.
To your success!
Fish - Dean's free website - Company website
Take a very good look at my quote below. Change up your game plan. You need to do something different if what your doing is not working. I'm serious when I say this. that's why I have the quote on my profile. Can't stress this enough. Don't stop now, you are a fighter. Only the strong survive.Good luck!
To get something you've NEVER HAD
DO something you've NEVER DONE.
"We buy Houses
Any Condition
local phone number"
Then answer the phone. Yellow corrogated plastic is best. , but call them and you get free shipping. If you can't affort these, watch Randy Vaughn's video from last year, he shows how to make them CHEEEEEP.
You can do this.
After posting my last sign at the most traveled intersection in the town I live I got one call and the sign was there only a week but the second one posted as the last storm wiped it out. Some one that is giving away a trailer, needs work, and to be moved. Have been thinking about this one to see what I can do with it to make money off and will have to look at it so see if it is worth anything to try and sell for a cheap price and conditions to be met that the buyer would have to move it. What can you expect for a town with a pop of around 20,000 ppl.
I am not sure which market you are targetting, but a small town like Tulsa, Oklahoma we've been able to find properties and buyers. We would be glad to help you out if you are still wanting to make this possible.
Tom and Jeri
Been to tulsa before when I was driving a truck for dollar general and did not find anything small about it except for the stores I delivered to. All help would be greatly appreciated in any way, I have looked at properties up there as well but got side tracked and started looking at properties in other parts of ok also.
you've invested two years of your life on rei and you're going to quit now??!!
DG students never quit!!!
REI is not easy, it takes courage, time, perserverance, energy... you have to overcome your obstacles, not let them overcome you!!
Read DG's book Totally Fulfilled-highly recommended.
Then get up, and go look for that deal!
Wishing you success,
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal:
Try to put flyers up at every supermarket,laundrtmat, etc etc. I put up signs looking targeting buyers. " for sale: homes 30-50% below retail." When I get calls I just tell em that my last home is under contract but I work with investors that usually work with 2 to 3 homes a month. Then I ask them what they're looking for, if they're investors ( 50% of them usually are ) etc. I also hang big bright colored posters in home depot parking lots. A lot of contractors and investors fixing up homes obviously shop there. I made up business cards and leave them in those holders at diners, with their permission. And this week I'm going to try and get permission to hang posters at a few car wash places. When the weather is nice, at least where I live, they are packed....huge lines. And one more thing, I drive around and look for homes that look unkept and check out preforeclosures with equity online and send them out postcards I had made asking if they're interested in selling. I just started the postcard thing last month so I didn't get any call backs yet. I will continue to send them to the same homes each month.....we'll see what happens. But the flyers seem to be working pretty good so far. Not everybody who calls goes on my buyers list, but that's OK....some do. I'm still new and still haven't made any deals yet. I still have a lot of work and studying to do. If you keep it up, take a little advice from this one and that one and stay focused, you'll make it.
Good luck,
You can either look for opportunities or make them.
you've invested two years of your life on rei and you're going to quit now??!!
DG students never quit!!!
REI is not easy, it takes courage, time, perserverance, energy... you have to overcome your obstacles, not let them overcome you!!
Read DG's book Totally Fulfilled-highly recommended.
Then get up, and go look for that deal!
Wishing you success,
Valerie thanks for those great words of encouragement, I have been keeping up with you journal on here as some one on the site had mentioned it to me so thought I would have to read your post and seems like we are having about the same trouble and the like. So I have pm this person as well and has given me some ideas as well to keep on track and try other areas seeing how things in this area is not working to great at the moment but there are other towns close to me also that I am going to try too and since my wife recently lost her job this makes me push even harder to get things to work and think more out of the box too.
Mike thanks for the info as well, I have given some thought to printing out flyers too and have posted some in the local laundry mats as well and gone back to check them two days or so later and they have been taken down. As for lowes or home depot never thought about them but will give this a try but have posted bandit signs just down the street at the stop light and had only one call from. Just have to keep trying everything out I can for the local area and try out of state also.
I'm glad that you're not giving up... keep at it. There are so many people here that can help you, so just keep asking.
I used to live in Corpus many years ago... Texas is a good place for investments too...
If your wife has time, get her on board too... hey, two heads can think better than one?
PM me if you like...
Wishing you success,
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal:
About the flyers....I also had some ripped down a day or two after they were put up. Especially the pathmark near me. Somebody rips my flyers down from there just hours after I put them up. I'm pretty sure its a struggling agent worried about losing business. I don't like playing the blame game, but why would anybody else take the time to do that? Either way, I like the flyer technique. Its simple, inexpensive, and works. I want to start putting up bandit signs eventually. ...the real ones, not the homemade posters I put up. Here in NY though, there are so many rules. I don't want to have good signs taken away after I spend the money and take the time putting them up. Have you ever thought about having professional pamphlets/flyers made up? If you go to the vista print website, they have so many different cool stuff. You pick the design and format and its pretty cheap for the most part. I might have pamphlets made and pay a few different people to hand them out. At this point while I'm still learning the business, I'm trying everything to see what works best. Again, I wish you luck.
Best wishes,
You can either look for opportunities or make them.
Thanks for all the tips and the like, been busy the past couple of days with work and have not had much time for anything at all. Mike will have to put out more flyers as well and see what this does, the local wally is always full of cars so just might put some on the cars there and see what I come up with. Valerie as for having my wife helping me, oh yeah she has the time but very little knowledge about rei though because there are things and terms she does not understand because she is not from here so her knowledge in this line is little and would take too much of my time and then when it comes to using a computer is even worse so I have to use my time wisely to get things done and spend time with her in between.
Its one of Dean's overlooked books, but BOY, has it made a difference in my life! Cover to cover, and do the exercises. You WILL be able to achieve a TOTALLY FULFILLED LIFE! Don't stop 3 feet from gold!
Your wife would be a valuable resource! Have her come visit us here at the site!
Everyone knew nothing at one time... It would only take a couple minutes to show her how to get here, where to search, and how to read and post. I've even taught my mother in law how to go on the computer, and let me tell you... umm... where's the on switch... is where we started.
Make this site the home page, so when she opens the browser she doesn't even have to find it.
All the best!
It is CERTAIN we will SUCCEED!
don't underestimate what help you may be able to get from your wife... don't think it's only computer or rei knowledge-what about the flyers, bandit signs, checking out properties in your neighborhood that look distressed... as Dean says, think outside the box.
Keep writing in your journal; it helps you see your progress and stay focused.
You're working hard, and I know that you will succeed!
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal: