feeling lost

feeling lost

Im feeling a little lost workin gon assignment have a few solid buyers but am stuck on finding properties. I dont have a realtor im trying to do it on my own just not sure how to locate a good deal and dont know the first thing about repairs and estimates just dont know which direction to go!



Have you read Dean's books? If so, there should be sections that explain to you how to find the value of the home.



"Remember, success is a journey, not a destination.
Have faith in your ability."
Bruce Lee

feeling lost

Hi Sarah,

I think that you need to do some studying on things that you can do to find properties for assigning. But here are some ideas that I find useful in finding properties to put under assignment contracts.

1) Bandit signs:
These can be very useful for finding private sellers who need to sell their home for whatever reasons.

2) For Rent Signs and Ads:
By calling the signs and ads, you can find landlords that are tired of being landlords and just want to sell their rental properties.

3) For Sale By Owner's Ads & For Sale Signs:
Again, you will find people who want to sell their properties and are willing to do so by assignment contracting.

For more good ways to learn just how to use these methods, look at the left side of this website and click on...'How To's and Articles'...Real Estate Forums'...'Start Here - FAQs'...or just type these things I have mentioned into the 'search/enter' place just under Dean's chin.

You will find so many great ways to get yourself going!

Hope this helps you do many successful deals,

Theo T.

P.S. Your are right, real estate agents are not a very good idea for finding assignments.


The problem with not having a goal is
that you spend all of your time running
up and down the field but you never score.

-Bill Copeland

DG site search...

Another way is to Craigslist search "for sale by owner" properties but before you call them up, like the other user suggested, make sure to read Dean's books first and SEARCH this site on the FSBO topic. There's more then enough info on here to get started even up to a higher level of investing all RIGHT HERE on the site. Since time causes info to get buried you have to search a little but the site is still small enough where 10 or 20 minutes of searching will yield you great results.
Anyway, try doing what I mentioned above and the reach I say go for the FSBO properties is there's no bank or agent you have to deal with and can close on a deal much quicker then if a bank or agent was involved. Not that its a bad thing to find a good agent that knows investor wants in this but start with the for sale by owner properties to assign or double close on first.
And again SEARCH the site for that info, you wont be disappointed I promise.


John 14:6


I havent taking any classes of Deans..I have only Read his Books..You will learn everything you need to get started

Study this site

Hey Sarah,

Study this site. READ READ READ!! Use the search option above on the left to look for anything you have a question about. The folks here on the forums are incredible for helping people out but they like to see that you are studying and trying to learn on your own. I am not saying your not, I am just saying be on this site and get involved in forums and reading and fill out your profile and the help will come. Good luck and stay plugged in here!



Sarah...it's all about making connections with people...

Example...I'm sitting in my office today answering phone calls and taking orders for heating oil. When one of my customers called and asked if we sell propane? I told her we didn't and I asked her why she needed it when she had oil heat? She said she has a propane stove and she can't really afford the propane etc. I was like really...why don't you get one that uses electric duh...she was like I never thought of that. And thanked me for that great idea. I know the home she is living in she inherited and is in real bad shape. She had it listed awhile ago, so I asked if her home was still on the market? She said NO. So I asked her a few questions on the condition...she basically said she thinks someone would probably tear it down it's real bad. So I told her I work with investors who will pay her cash for her home. With that she told me to call someone and send them over...that's how it happened today. I called my Cash Buyer in the area, he went over and talked with her for a minute, but she is not really ready to sell yet. But it is in the pipeline...it's only a matter of time.
All in a days' work!
If you know any contractors that aren't busy these days see if they would go look at some properties with you and get some idea's what repairs cost. It's all about networking with others. Look for a REI group to get involved with. You will find everyone you need on your team at these meetings.
Good Luck and read read read...be persistent and take action!

Between this site and

Between this site and GOOGLE, you have tons of information to look over to find out what you should be doing. I really think that the first thing you should do is ask yourself "WHY am I doing real estate investing?". When you get the answer then ask the question again. When you find your WHY, write it down on paper and post it close by your bed or maybe in your bathroom so you can see it when you wake up and right before you go to sleep. If you have a STRONG WHY, then everything else will pan out.

Feeling Lost

First of all completing the list above that Bill Copeland gave you along with digesting this site and all the replays available in other resources.

If thre is any one answer I would say that it is Bandit Signs!

I have found the best source of blank yellow signs are H&h Sign Supplies in Florida.

No matter where you buy them, per Dean and Matt's Great advice. Do the following;

Take blank yellow signs and a large black perminant marker and hand write " We Buy Houses any Condition" and your phone number in large clear numbers and place no less than 25 of then around your investment area at only the busiest locations possible.

Then Listen Carefully to anyone that calls, Then be a proactive problem solver.

I did just this and bought and sold Two homes in seven weeks earning $ 10,500. I would call that a pretty great start.

Good luck

Brian Heal


We purchase and resell Homes. We also buy mortgage notes. We also take some debt takeovers.

GET 30 Days To Real Estate Cash

and do what it says to a T!

No excuses, no whining!

Just do it or quit.

Cant never did anything!


Click Here To Buy Deans New Book!!! http://www.lanemccaw.bookimentioned.com/b/
Visit my website:http://qchomebuyers.weebly.com/
Visit My Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/#!/qchomebuyer
Visit My Linkedin Page: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/the-1-fast-ca-h-home-buyer-in-the-qc/28/b79/...

"In order for me to think outside the box, that would require me to acknowledge that the box actually exists. In my world, there is no box."
~Matt Larson~

feeling lost

Hi Sarah the direction to go in should be always forward we all get nervous & worried about what to do next, take me, I'm still trying to find an agent myself have spoken to a few & trying to get them to do what I ask. I get very nervous and have to remind myself don't go backwards and remember we'll need the realtor to submit our offers.So don't feel bad or get down on yourself just look at your family and remember your why.
P.S.where are you looking for properties if need to you can send me a PM


Cesar Mendoza

in the same boat

Sarah i am frustrated and overwhelmed with this re investing but i never have that i quit attitude just keep taking action and opportunities will eventually present themselves when u see them. Read Your town your real estate profits, it has great info. Practice calling sellers and realtors and get comfortable talking on the phone and they will let u know everything u need to know. Ive been doing that and its been taking away that fear of doing something new. Join an rei club and market urself with something simple like business cards that say i buy and sell homes. Know what type of people u want to target to make ur deals. hope that helps. If u would like to partner up and possibly share ideas just pm me and well work somethin out

It is expected

Like was echoed before, study, study, study. Do as much reading on site as possible to gain the knowledge for the business. Research Dgers in your state and do some networking. You have to make this happen for you, because no one will for you. All the best in the world of REI.



"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

GET 30 Days To Real Estate Cash

and do what it says to a T!

No excuses, no whining!

Just do it or quit.

Cant never did anything


Click Here To Buy Deans New Book!!! http://www.lanemccaw.bookimentioned.com/b/
Visit my website:http://qchomebuyers.weebly.com/
Visit My Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/#!/qchomebuyer
Visit My Linkedin Page: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/the-1-fast-ca-h-home-buyer-in-the-qc/28/b79/...

"In order for me to think outside the box, that would require me to acknowledge that the box actually exists. In my world, there is no box."
~Matt Larson~

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