When buying a house and using owner financing,does this info show up on you credit report or your list of monthly obligations?I was wondering if I also go for traditional financing on another property,I don't want my DTI ratio to be too high.Thanks for any help.
if you ask that they report it then it WILL show up but in most or rather a lot of owner finance cases it does not.
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
Hello Grady 29,
As Anita indicated above the owner financing usually does not show up on your credit report. This can be a good thing if you get traditional fianncing on future properties because there are limitations on how many mortages you may have if the mortages are sold on the secondary markets of Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. Thus, selling financing or dealing with small local banks can help achieve your goals of owning several properties. Good luck on all your deals. Believe and Achieve!
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Joe Jurek CPA
Just to add what the others had said,Owner financing and seller financing are the same meaning if know one knew. OWC is one of the best way to sell a home in any market. For more info about OWC go to www.JSNoteFundingGroup.com or pm me for futher info
"I used to say, "Things cost too much." Then my teacher straightened me out on that by saying, "The problem isn't that things cost too much. The problem is that you can't afford it." That's when I finally understand that the problem wasn't "it" - the problem was "ME!"--Jim Rohn
Great comments on this subject. Even though a private real estate note is typically not reported to the 3 major credit reporting agencies, if needed you can ask that the home owner do report it. This works great if you are in the proccess of building your credit score back up.
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If I do a FSBO deal, and I am making the payments, how will the owner report it to the credit reporting agencies.
How do i,get my own residence to live in.Would like to move my family into a house,using a lease option. But dont know how to start.Looking for any info that could help me. Thank You.
When you do seller financing, the seller is basically the bank that lent you the money on the property. The only way you can have it reported is to work with a credit company that can report it to the bureau's. But generally it will not be reported.
Most of the time you don't want a lot of properties on your credit report. You can basically max out your credit. So the less you have on there the better.
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As Matt Larsen says "Feed the Need" - Edge 2013
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The main problem I see with this is that if you are late making a payment,you could loose them home much faster than if you went through a bank,they seem to be more forgiving.
I really enjoy reading all ...Very nice and helpful people.I wish and hope much success for everyone..
When you are doing a loan and you don't have enough credit the lender needs to approve your loan. You can add what is called a non-traditional line of credit. This can be anything from a phone bill, utility bill, but can also be a seller financing mortgage payment.
So if you have a buyer that purchased your home on a note, then you can have them put this line on their credit when they are qualifying for the loan to purchase your property from you.
Great way to get them qualified.
Keep Moving Forward!!
I always say Keep Moving Forward! Never Give Up On Your Dreams!
As Matt Larsen says "Feed the Need" - Edge 2013
Follow my daily investing journal and read about the deals I've done and am working on at:
I was a loan officer for 7 yrs. I've seen to positive and negative impacts on credit reports. If I were doing a seller financing deal, I would not have them report it UNLESS I was trying to build my credit and wanted my payment history tracked. Before making that decision you need to do a little more research into your credit history and see where you are at and would this move have a positive impact or a negative impact. The nice thing is that you have the option.
"If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."
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I will change the direction. If you are selling houses using seller financing (which, by the way is a great income opportunity) I suggest that you pull the borrowers credit, get a full 1003 financing application, get a down payment and treat the loan as a traditional loan.
Doing this will help to ensure that you get a good loan created and IF you needed to or want to you can sell the loan to another investor. The more information you have the better your pricing and the easier the transaction.
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Since I'm re-establishing my credit, i wanted to buy a house using a seller finance on a property is this a sound idea?
Jessie Mc
Thanks for watching out for our credit. Great warning/tip.
This is commenting on an older posting...
but I just wanted to say thanks. I never knew that you could ask the home owner to report to the credit bureaus. Great insight!
Seller financing...now that's something I'll have to study. I'd assume that in todays market, it can be a great tool. I'll find out.
I am an owner Finance how do I go about reporting payments to creit agencies
Michelle Leith
It will show up. Specially when you ask for a print out report.
Seller Financing will usually show up on credit IF (yes, IF) the person doing the seller financing submits your information to the credit bureaus. Most people that do seller financing do not pull credit, gather social security numbers or know how to submit payments to the bureaus.
If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125