Crippled Homeless bird dog is making $2,000

Crippled Homeless bird dog is making $2,000

I sometimes give this homeless guy 5-20 buks when I see him. He said his name is William but to call him Bill.

He hangs out near the Walmart parking lot entrance near Shaw & Peach but he's not your typical druggie alkie transient. This guy is crippled and seems reasonably clean cut.
I asked him if he'd like to make some money and he looked surprised and asked "What can I do"?
I gave him my card and told him to find me vacant boarded up houses. In the last few months he's sent prob about 20 addresses.

Well, wudnt you know it, I just got one of his houses on contract for $25,000
I ran it past my buyer and he wants it.
I wonder how the 2 Grand I'm going to give Bill will change his life?

It will sure make me feel good. I might have to get it on video or at least a photo.

Now, the big question is, if a homeless crippled guy can find houses and make money,

What is your excuse?





Really is no excuse rando

And that's awesome you are giving back


Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

Our Heart's Desire must be nurtured by our mind,to give birth to common sense, that will enable us to seek out the path less traveled, with the greatest Personal Growth. -J.R.-


Iam sure it will change him more than anyone can believe, it might well be the very next success story, much success, Jim




give him deans books. that would be so coool to see him on here one day talking about how he got started...

you go rando !!!!!

Well done

That's an ADABOY!



You have come a long ways in the last few years. Real nice what real estate can do for your soul and at the same time help others..Booooyaaaaa

I told Bill today

When I went to Walmart today I seen Bill sitting in his usual spot. I drove up next to him and rolled down the window and turned off the vehicle. I told him, Bill, I did a deal on one of your houses and he was getting a big payday.

He looked shocked with his mouth open. I explained it will take a few weeks to go thru escrow and get paid. He said it was unbelievable and I made his day and it was about time something good happened to him. I asked him what he was going to do with the money and he said he was going to have to think about that.
I'm gonna cut him a few hundred buks in the mean time.
And I like Walt's Idea. I'm gona give him some DG reading material.



THE way to do it

You have progressed and Learned HOW to make this work and HELP ppl!

When You started REI,like Everyone else Wanted/Needed to make MONEY Now!

You have come a LONG way and NEVER gave up!

You followed the steps, sometimes wanted to give up or take short cuts (you know what happened then)but Kept on going and you have made it!!

You 'LEARNED HOW' to make deals and HELP ppl & that's what WILL KEEP you going and be Successful

Happy for you and "Bill", I Know it WILL change HIS life!! FOREVER!

NOW Bill has a "PURPOSE IN LIFE" and Will tell Everyone about YOU and how You Helped HIM, and if it was NOT for BILL, you had NO deal.




Mike Free tools

Homeless finding Homes

Rando, that's one of the coolest things I've ever heard. He's going to be saying good things, all True, about you and real estate investors forever.


Dan in Seattle..

Love this story...

If your intent is to help people.... the money will come.

High Price to Pay

That's an 8% expense on the contract price. I don't know if that amount is wise to uphold for the next deal.


P.S. - Everything else is immaterial, irrelevant, and unnecessary.


lookin forward to it !!!!


awesome... Smiling

Very inspirational

Thats awesome to hear, who would think a homeless guy would be your bird dog. Also since he worked for those $2,000 your about to give him, I like the idea Walt said above on giving the guy Dean's book, that would be so inspirational to hear about him turning his life around from Dean's strategies. Keep up the good work, your on a roll.


Reynold Orozco


That is amazing!! Maybe he will become a REI too Smiling)

Great Deal!

Nice Job Rambo!
You are always thinking outside that Box. Great Job.
It would be Great to see that video you giving the homeless guy a bundle of CASH!

Tell Bill Great Job and as for you Great job on helping others and thinking outside that box!

Keep it Rollin!



Jay C


So nice!!!!!!!!!! awesome! love to read your posts! cant wait to see the video or pic of him! and I think 2k is fair if you are making 20k he should def get a fair compensation bc you wldnt have 20k if not for him.



Go faster do more! GFDM!

Throw away society

Rando my hat is off to you. Homeless people probably have many different reasons for coming into that life. Our instincts tell us it is good to be leery because how do we know if a stranger is going to be violent. But if he sits in the same spot all the time it is a little telling. If he can be turned in a different direction and be helped into an easier living situation, then that would be preferable. I think we have a throw away society and when we get tired of something and don't want to see it anymore, we just throw it away. Be that people, possessions, trash in landfills, etc. But where is away...It will be interesting to follow his path if you share any further.

He wants a scooter

When I stopped to give Bill 20 buks yesterday he said when he gets paid he was looking at getting a scooter so he cud drive and find more houses. I told him All Right, I'll get you one.
I started looking for a good one, maybe gas, not sure if electric wud have the juice to get him all over.
I may buy him one b4 the deal goes down, he will be out finding more deals.




with the money or scooter or whatever....a great youtube moment... you know those things we used to call KODAK moments LOL..........

looking forward to it...

Sweet Rando!

love it, let us know. very heartwarming we are to give back when we become successful & hey he is helping you get deals. Rando are you going to the Edge? Hope so wld love to meet you.



Go faster do more! GFDM!

Earning to Help

Keep it going Rando. $2000.00 bucks to a millionaire is hardly noticed, to a working guy or gal its a big deal, to a person who may live outdoors and possibly cant work?? I don't know what that could mean...Dan in Seattle


Dan in Seattle..

Love this story Rando!

Thank you for sharing! This is do inspirational! Please keep us all posted. God bless!


I am a Professional Real Estate Investor! And I see a whole army of my countrymen, here in defiance of the J.O.B. You've come to fight as free men/women... and free men/women you are! What will you do for that freedom?? Will you fight?!! Lets fight for it together!!!!

Feeling it

I did some research online and downloaded photos of different style scooters. I put together a small scrap page and when I seen bill today I showed it to him & asked him what kind of scooter he liked. He pointed to a little 50 cc 4 stroke gas powered dealybob that tops out at 25-30 miles per hour. It has a seat and suspension and even hydraulic disc brakes. I suggested that he get one of the bigger ones, but he knows what he wants and said, the one he wants doesn't need to be registered and licensed. And he's right, only requirement is the operator wears a Helmut.
I asked him how soon does he want it and he replied as soon as we get paid. He then says, "I'm gonna find you a lot of houses".
I cant see making Bill wait till our deal closes cuz it cud take awhile. Especially since my buyer hasn't returned the signed assignment yet. But I got 60 days to get it sold.
Anyway I just ordered this bad ass scooter, almost $500 with shipping.
I won't say anything to Bill till it gets here and I hand it over.
I think I'm more excited than Bill.




This is a fantastic story. I can hardly wait to hear how it ends when the deals closes....


Great Story

Blessings to you Rando!


"With God All Things Are Possible Matt. 19:26"

"Give a Man a Dollar he's Rich For The Day, Teach a Man To Make a Dollar
He's Rich For Life" - T. Grant

homeless bird dog

Your post has an inspiring message about finding opportunity.

It has been a while since I have pushed myself. I am so close to the "GIVE UP" edge on a daily basis, and today I want to say thank you for helping me turn around and face the POSSIBLE FUTURE!

Your act has changed the life of one, and the ripple effect is that anyone who will see your post will/should be inspired as I am.

Thank you for being out there, thank you for sharing, and continue your good work.

whaaaa what a story great great great

how great is this what an inspiration

Rando1 wrote:
I sometimes give this homeless guy 5-20 buks when I see him. He said his name is William but to call him Bill.

He hangs out near the Walmart parking lot entrance near Shaw & Peach but he's not your typical druggie alkie transient. This guy is crippled and seems reasonably clean cut.
I asked him if he'd like to make some money and he looked surprised and asked "What can I do"?
I gave him my card and told him to find me vacant boarded up houses. In the last few months he's sent prob about 20 addresses.

Well, wudnt you know it, I just got one of his houses on contract for $25,000
I ran it past my buyer and he wants it.
I wonder how the 2 Grand I'm going to give Bill will change his life?

It will sure make me feel good. I might have to get it on video or at least a photo.

Now, the big question is, if a homeless crippled guy can find houses and make money,

What is your excuse?



I am determined dedicated and will make it in real estate thanks Dean



Homeless Bird Dog

The New Motorized Scooter is scheduled to arrive this coming Tuesday on March 17 via UPS, I'll probably hav to get a few accessories for Bill, a lock and a basket.
My buyer flaked out on this property, he never signed my assignment and got it back to me. So, I ran a few ads on Craig's list, it's in such a bad area and in such bad condition I wasnt getting many calls, after a few price adjustments, I finally got it sold for less but still at a healthy profit.

Last year I remember telling an experienced investor buddy that I had this crazy desire to take a man that had nothing and teach him what I had learned and turn him into a success. My buddy told me I wud be setting myself up for a huge letdown. I told yea I know, it cud be a difficult task. I told him it wud have to be the right person, someone that hadn't lost all hope and had the desire to climb out of his situation.
It's interesting how this came together with Bill, I've read how you can make heartfelt goals and unconsciously you work towards thos goals.
Looks like this Bill could be this manifistation.
I'm gonna set some more heart felt goals
Stay tuned.




look at all the other money you have made..... and all the future deals he will bring you... are you goin to be able to give him his $2000 or no ?

I look forward to helping folks with my profits........



Well done on the turn around, the deal went bad and you went back to work on marketing it and scored.

Nice job.


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