Hello All DG Members,
I am very excited to be starting my journal today, 05-14-2009. It was only a few weeks ago, my wife and I got extremely motivated attending Dean's live event in Phoenix. I am still motivated beyond belief, weeks later. We have met so many wonderul investors at Dean's Live Gain the Edge Event and on the DG website. I want to thank eveyone for their positive comments and support. I look forward to learning and hearing about everyone's insight and deals and we look forward to sharing our daily journal of activities, as well. Have a great day! Believe and Achieve!
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
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Joe Jurek CPA
that I'm deducting the fee from my transactional funding.
The 2 most important parts of this deal is to know the fair market value of the homes you may be making offers on and having the cash buyers lined up to get the deal closed. The high end homes may limit your cash buyers that may be available.
I would consider the following:
- You may want to see if you can do a closing date of 45 days or longer to ensure you get everything lined up acordingly.
- If you are doing a double close, you may have to pay for both closings for the double close and title work. The rate could be reduced but may run more than 3%.
- As you stated include and confirm the cost for your transitional funding. Verify any other cost with your transitional funder such as insurance. This could be another cost you may have to factor into your equation.
- If you have an attorney assist you, that could be an additional cost
- Ensure you have contingences to get out of the contract if it does not work out as planned.
- The greater the profit margin in the deal, the more margin for error you may have
Try working out a few on paper with actual numbers to get more comfortable with the price range your looking at and the potential profit margins. If you can get a high end home for 40% less than its current fair market value and have a cash buyer lined up, it should work out. Good luck with these high end homes. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
Sorry to keep on bothering you.
Keep up with the good work. Goals are achieved through effort, determination and a passion to succeed. The more you learn today will enable you for all the deals you will discover tomorrow. The key is never get discouraged and keep working your action plan each day. You are making progress each day as you acquire more knowledge about real estate. Good luck with future real estate deals. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
There was finally sunshine again after having those dreary "hazy shady days of winter". The temperature was in the high 20's with a wind chill around 5 degrees. This is always a good time of year to have that extra set of gloves, hat and warm shoes. Traffic was light today because most people take vacation time from Christmas through the New Year's holiday. The City of Chicago is getting ready for a very nice New Year's Eve bash with Fireworks off of Navy Pier (over Lake Michigan) and all the trimmings.
The countdown is now down to 2 days remaining for 2009. Have you made your goals for 2010? Here is an idea for you. Write down where you are at today, what you feel, where you want to be at the end of 2010 and what you will do to get there. Then seal it it and put "do not open until 12-31-2010. Then on 12-31-2010 open it up and see what has transpired during the year. On 12-31-2010 do it again and "do not open until 12-31-2011." This can be a fun exercise and it is amazing to see how you changed, how things changed, how your outlook and situation can change in just a year's time. You hold the power to make your change and Dean's books, programs and the DG website can help you along the way! Are you ready for some "change"?
I looked at various properties on-line and I called a few different real estate agents as well. I heard back from one agent within an hour as he state he just wanted to get back to me asap to any my questions. Now contrast that with another agent that took about 3 days to get back to me from an earliuer email. The other real estate agent stated "I don't check email that often, I am more of a phone and fax type of person". This is an important tip to note about how technological savvy some of the real estate agents can be. There don't have to be on the cutting edge of technology with all the latest and the greatest "techie toys", but you do want them to be comfortable with email and scanning of documents.
Good luck with the final days of 2009 as we all prepare for the new year. I am sure 2010 will be the start of a new and exciting adventure for you. Keep moving, keep moving forward, don't stop, get distracted or discouraged. Have that confidence in yourself that you had when you were young and playing on the playground. You believed you could do anything, succeed at anything and win at anything! YOU CAN! You will make it happen in 2010! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
"Everyone who achieves success in a great venture, solves each problem as they came to it. They helped themselves. And they were helped through powers known and unknown to them at the time they set out on their voyage. They keep going regardless of the obstacles they met." - W. Clement Stone
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
New Year's Eve is right around the corner. Now is the time to have fun and get ready to clear the slate. Make sure you get plenty of chips, dip, beverages and a double helping of "Believe" to toast out 2009 and ring in 2010 with an abundance of cheer and the determination to "Achieve"! Now is the time to be excited, to take action and make 2010, your year!
Many people have hobbies and hobbies can be a great stress relief. Whether you enjoy jogging, listening to music or watching sports. It is important to have this non-stress time each day. In regards to sports, the Chicago Bears had a disappointing season this year. In sports when the season does not go as planned, it is easy to find blame, but it is usually the Coach or the Manager of the team that takes the heat. In some cases it may be deserving, in some cases it may not. In the case of the Bears, I am not sure. But the interesting lesson here is try not to find blame or execuses, over what happens during your year. Try to find the solutions rather than "talk" or focus on the problems or even trying to place blame. You can make a difference in any situation; always try to be "the problem solver" by tackling problems and finding solutions.
I looked throuh the MLS and there were many new real estate listings under $50k that just hit the market. Some of these are new listings and some are price adjusted down. I will need to take a closer look in my target market areas during the next few days. I want to look at properties this weekend because I believe it is a great weekend to be hitting the payment right after a holiday when others are still celebrating or even out of town. This is a great time to be the first one in to see any new listings. Get those pens ready and start making some offers in the new year.
I hope everyone takes the time to enjoy the new year with family and friends. It is always more fun when you can share in the excitement of a celebration with others. Carpe diem! (seize the day) Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
I've read a ton of your threads and have seen you all over this site but had never read your journal. You have had an incredible 2009! You've inspired me to start my own journal. I'm not sure that I have as much to share but maybe just one challenge I overcome may help someone else. Continued success to you in 2010!
http://www.lvlinvestmentstx.usapropertywholesale.com - Dean's free website
http://www.fishbuyshouses.com - Company website
Thanks for stopping by my journal. I believe a journal is a great way to keep focused, stay on track and share insight with others. I believe everyone has some insight and information that will benefit others. Thus, be sure to start your journal and share your activities with the other DG Members. It is great to know that the DG Members are here to offer information, insight and inspiration as we work together for our futures and a better tomorrow. Good luck on all your future real estate deals. You can do it! Believe and Achieve! Happy New Year!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
"Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne?" (old long ago or times gone by)
- By Robert Burns
Get those singing voices ready and make sure you study those words.
It's time to get "Out with the OLD and in with the NEW"! Say goodbye to 2009 and hello to 2010! Can you feel the new year knocking on the door? I believe it is the "door of opportunity" are you ready to open the door and walk on through? When you open the door, will you look through the eyeglass and creep out slowly or just open the door and run through as quickly as you can? Will you slowly step out of the door like your boarding a small boat on a rough ocean or will you jump out the door and be ready for immediate action? The choice is up to you, and Monty Hall (from Let's Make a Deal) has curtain "2010" ready to open for you! Are you ready? Let's go!
The day started off with more snow about 3 inches of new snow was on the ground. The temperature dipped to under 20 degrees and the weekend had a forecast of single digit temperatures. That is not too bad as long as the wind chill doesn't get those -20 or -30 wind chill factor temperatures. I worked half a day and it was an easy commute out of the downtown Loop to beat the rush hour traffic. They call it "rush hour" but the rush and traffic is usually 4 to 5 hours long. So you have a narrow travel window to beat the rush to make good time.
Today was a day I decided to make a few offers and setup some appointments for the weekend. I emailed an offer on a multiple unit. It would be a nice building to get at the right price. I also scheduled an appointment with a new realtor who I heard very good things about. I am always trying to meet new people in the business because some of the contacts they have can be worth their weight in gold. So the tip of the day is always network, network, network. Everyone knows someone that can help you with real estate.
I hope everyone is getting ready to bring on the new year. Its time to have a good time, have a feast of foods and snacks, beverages and enjoy. I would even suggest to order some pizzas from your local pizzeria in town! Its a great way to end the year on a tasty note!
"Believe" in 2009 and you will "Achieve" in 2010!
- Joe
"History is a relentless master. It has no present, only the past rushing into the future. To try to hold fast is to be swept aside." - John F. Kennedy
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
Next year is finally here! * * * 2010 * * * The new year has begun and the weather has changed along with it. Today was around 12 degrees with a wind chill close to Zero in the Midwest. We got some snow but other counties in Indiana and Michigan had more than 1 foot of snow with 2 to 3 more feet of snow forecasted! That's a lot of shoveling to do! I know some kids must be sad because this type of snow on Monday would mean a "Snow Day" off from school. Everyone likes a few extra days off, no matter how old or young you may be!
I spent the morning reading some articles on-line about real estate. I believe the more I read and understand about real estate, the better decisions I can make going forward. I also looked at various listings in my area and a few other areas I enjoy looking at for future investing. There are a bounty of properties and good deals out there for the taking. Keep your action plan and searches going because the new year will bring new friends, new deals and more opportunities.
One tip that I believe is helpful for the new year is organization. It is not too fun and glamerous but it helps as things begin to hit high gear. Go to your local Walmart buy some Rubbermaid storage totes and get organized for the new year. It is a great time of year for organizing and getting ready for the year ahead. If you create the organizational system today, it will help you as things hit warp speed later in the year.
I hope everyone has a great weekend ahead and you do not have too much snow to shovel. I hope warm temperatures and sunshine is your forecast for the day. I watched the Rose Bowl Parade in Pasadena, the Rose bowl football game and the weather in sunny southern California looked terrific. Later in the day, I watched the Gators win the Sugar Bowl in New Orleans, but it made me think of the warm sandy beaches and plam trees of Florida. As I think of warm beautiful places with palm trees, Aloha to our friends in Hawaii! Ka'anapali Beach is a place I would like to be as it continues to snow outside my window. This is going to be a great year! Next year is here and it will be anything you want it to be! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
- Eleanor Roosevelt
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
HAppy New Year I-J...I live in SE MI and just got a few days of dusting snow. only used the shovel twice. Figured I'd use it since I dug it out of the shed. I am doing what you suggested about the organizing. That is all I did yesterday. I have a lot more to do but am making head way on this chore. Hey, maybe we can have a group of us go out to the Hawaii next year..around this time of the year! Sure would be a nice break from the snow and the cold. Have a great day I-J.
Earl in MI
Lifetime Member
Thanks for stopping by. The cold artic blast of air is backin the Midwest. It is 2 degrees today, with wind chills in the negative single digits. We had some friends in St. Joseph, Michigan (Berrien County) tell us about the more than 1 feet of snow already in their area. Glad to hear you only received a light dusting of snow. Hawaii sounds like a great idea for a DG Student retreat for next winter. I'll trade my snow shovel for the warm sandy beach anytime. Believe and Achieve! Happy New Year!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
The temperatures continue to dip as most of the day was under 10 degrees with the wind chills in the negative single digits. The snow had a certain crunch to it as ice began to appear through-out the sidewalks and streets. There is a forecast for more snow flurries and temperatures are suppose to be rather cold for the next few days. It is a good idea to stay inside in the evening when temperatures drop to close to zero.
I met with another realtor this morning. He was very friendly and we talked about the local market, appraisers and how the current deals are getting financed closing and getting done. This realtor was rather knowlegeable as he has been in the business for more than 20 years. I always like to meet with new real estate professionals to discuss the market and contacts they may have. I also believe as you work with people it gives you a better idea of their work ethic and how committed they are to the real estate business.
Since it is the new year I hope everyone has their action plan updated and ready to go. Do you have your business cards and bandit signs ready to go? Have you been working on your buyer's list? Are you part of a local investment club? Are you networking with people whenever you have the opportunity? Try to do a few things each day, each week and each month to move you closer to your goals.
TIP: With the New Year it is a good time to "email" friends, former co-workers and family to wish them a Happy New Year. In your email, be sure to tell them a little about your year including your a Real Estate Investor. Everyone usually knows someone who is buying or selling a home. This is a great opportunity to send out the Happy New Year Email and also inform people your involved in real estate and looking for properties. You never know how many future potential deals may be created from just one email.
I hope everyone is having a great weekend. There should be some open houses on Sunday so you can start off the new year in full swing. This may be a good opportunity to see the local area and meet some real estate professionals. Let's maximize our free time and use our available investment time to the best of our abilities. Good luck finding that next real estate deal. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
“Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it you can never get it back.” - Harvey MacKay
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
It's fra-fra-frezzzing here too. I think it is 5 degrees excluding wind chill factor. Thank you for the tip on emailing friends to give season greatings and telling them what is goinon in our world of REI. You know I actually bookmarked your journal it is that valuable to me. PLus I think I might be getting too old to remember where I saw what and when. Bennies from being well connected!?!? Oh Story with a question for I-J, I went out driving yesterday and get this. I saw what appeared to be a bandit sign "HOUSE FOR SALE...then the address" hand written. Yep, did the quick U-turn and went back to the sub. Followed the sign to the addy and it had a realtors sign in the yard. Ever see something like that? WEIRD to me.
Have a great day!!
Earl in MI
Lifetime Member
Good news about having a good discussion with an experienced RE agent. Like you I enjoy meeting and talking to other RE professisonals. Good suggestion about e-mailing everyone.
Like Earl said I learn so much from you and love your outlook and keeping up with your journal. Thanks!
It sure is COLD up north! It was 38 degrees at 8:00 this morning (will be in the 50's today) pretty cold for SE FL and they say it will be in the 20's on Tuesday - time will tell. We brought our plants inside yesterday and covered some up with blankets because the forecast for this am was 32. Hope the orange growers don't lose too many of their crops if it freezes this week.
Take care,
SPR Property Solutions, LLC
Thanks for the post, I am glad you found the tip helpful. The more people that know, the better the odds for more deals.
Just think only 3 more months of winter. Spring can't get hear soon enough. The temperature was so cold that I still feel frozen from getting the Sunday paper off the porch. It is funny you mention the bandit sign that lead to a realtor's lsiting. I did see something very similar. They had a bandit "foreclosure sign" that lead to a regular realtor's listing. I guess even the realtors are using creative methods to attract attention and get these homes sold. However, you always have to follow the signs or the leads because you never know when it may lead to a deal. Keep up the good work and stay warm. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
Thanks for sharing the additional insight. I often think each day if I do one thing that is related to our real estate goals we are making progress. Its like planting an abundance of grass seeds in the bare spots of your lawn. Over time the seeds will take hold and pop up with fresh grass. This is kind of like real estate opportunities. You never know which opportunities may pop up at anytime in the future based on the seeds you plant today. So each day plant as many seeds as you can for future growth.
I hope the orange growers are okay with temperatures like that, it is rather scary for their crops. Good thing you have not had any snow with those low temps. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
The deep freeze continued today as wind chill temperatures were around - 5 to - 10 degrees in the Midwest. The actual temperatures were in the single digits. The artic freeze had arrived! Now is the time of year you want to start your car and run back into the warm house. At least we did not get as much snow as some of our neighboring counties.
I read through the Sunday paper and circled some classified ads I wanted to follow-up on. I also went on the internet to review the newspapers on-line listings. This is also a good way to see some open houses in my local target market area. The first open house was at 1:00 PM and the realtor had not arrvied, so on to the next home. We went to 3 open houses and each home was limited with potential window shoppers. The cold weather kept many of the potantial buyers indoors. We enjoyed seeing the homes and talking with the real estate agents.
Later in the day I stopped at Home Depot, Lowe's and Menard's. these stores are all within a few blocks of each other. I like to pick up the weekly sales flyer to keep up with the sales but also to see some of the latest products. If we do a rehab in the future, I have a good idea of the types of items I want to use and the price. Plus you find nice little extras that can be more appealing to either renters or buyers. In most of the older homes in the Midwest, storage space is very desirable. One little extra that people seem to like is the small bathroom cabinets that go over a toilet. These are usually under $50 but add a little to a bathroom. I especially like them if the walls have wall papers or are a little rough. It takes the focus off the walls and adds to the storage feature.
I hope everyone has a great week. If you are in a cold climate, make sure you bundle up and stay warm. If you are in a warm climate, send some of that warm weather to your cold neighbors. Enjoy your week and your sunshine. Good luck finding those deals. Remember, cold climate members, take your shovels and see what you can find in the snow. New year, new day, new opportunities! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
If you want to make some extra cold hard cash with some of the extra stuff just laying around your home, basement, garage or attic then take a look at my new journal "Indiana-Joe's Great Adventure through the Cash Lands of eBay and Craigslist"! The link is below will take you to my other journal, for your reference.
Stacey and I have been using Craigslist and eBay to buy and sell items for more almost 11 years. In a prior conversation with Dean, we discussed this "Buy Local through Craigslist and then Sell Global through eBay" concept. Dean asked us if we could share this information with the DG family because there are so many people that could benefit from this information by making a few extra hundred dollars a week or month!
Please feel free to view my other new Journal that started today, January 4, 2010. Just stop by the new journal and say hello or post a Craigslist or eBay question. We would be happy to help! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
The artic blast of cold air that has come to visit the Midwest is here to stay. The temperatures were in single digits again as the wind chill was in the negatives. The cold crisp wind would howl off Lake Michigan as I walked the frigid streets of Chicago. You could see the white exhaust smoke linger in the air almost as if it was too cold for cars to be running. I am grateful that at least I do not have to work outside especially on days like today.
The work day went by rather fast as I got ready to face the elements and drive home. My blue car was covered in road salt dust and had a look of almost being white. This is the time of year that is the most difficult to keep your car clean and your window washer fluid full. I always keep an extra bottle of window washer fluid in my trunk of the car.
I stopped at my local grocery store to pick up a few items and the free home books. I posted a "We Buy Houses" sign on the store's bulletin board. I want to see how many calls I get and how long the sign stays up. It is fun to try different signs to see what gets the most attention. The key here is use what works. In some places it might be just as effective to leave some business cards, that way people can grab a card and they do not have to write down your number. Be sure to always carry a good supply of bandit signs and business cards in your car. Then distribute these items during your regular routine each day. This way you can maximize the hours in your day and you never know the next opportunity you may discover as you drive your local areas.
I hope everyone is having a great week as we move through the cold month of January. You are probably having a great week, this week Number 1 of 2010. There are only 51 more weeks in the year; so if you had a great week this week just repeat this 51 more times and you will have a terrific year! Remember take everything in small steps and you get very far over time. The time is now! You are in the right place at the right time! Let's go get the next deal! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
“I will prepare and some day my chance will come.” - Abraham Lincoln
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
I was reading your journal and i thought i would say Hi!Your passion for REI is addicting to be around(That is a good thing).I read where you are going full time with your passion,That is great news!I hope the family is fine and can not wait to see what you do next.
Believe and Achieve
Invest in yourself!
Thanks for stopping by my journal for a visit. I am so excited over the new year and all it has to offer. I am wrapping up with the day job and can not wait to be doing real estate 100% of my time. It is something I never could have ever imagined. I can't wait to tell everyone about my last day at work. Dean's books and programs are the real deal. I owe Dean a tremendous amount of gratitude for how his books and programs changed my life! I know others can do it too! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
Help again. My formula is not working out the way I want it to. My end buyer wants the property at 35% below FMV. So every time I run my numbers, my maximum offer to make this happen comes out to be 58% below FMV. So my starting offer would be more than that. Is there another way to calculate this?
I'm double closing on my deals. I don't want the seller thinking I'm trying to screw them over. I feel like I am with my formula that I'm using
Thanks again for advice and help.
As you run the numbers on some properties they may not work out as a deal. One point to remember is you pay the realtor's 6% commission if they list and sell the home for you. If you buy a home (the original seller pays the commission). If you find an end buyer without using a realtor to list and find the buyer there is no commission you need to pay.
Some important points to remember:
- The most important thing is to know the Fair Market Value (FMV) of the property
- Know what the end buyer will pay for the property
- Know all your other costs associated with the deal
A simple formula to try is as follows:
Fair Market Value (FMV)
Less: the end buyers discount
Less: your desired profit
Less: all your other expenses
= Most you can offer for the property
For Example:
The percentage off FMV the end buyer is looking for. For example if the end buyer wants the home at 65% of FMV then their discount is "35%" off FMV
If your desire profit is 10%
If all your other costs are 12% for closing, insurance, transitional funding, etc.
The total (costs) off of FMV are 35% + 10% + 12% = 57%
Thus, in this example, you can then only offer 43% of FMV to cover all your expenses, your desired profit and your end buyers discount. In this example, if you can't get the property for 43% or less of the FMV, the deal doesn't work. The best thing to do here is then move on to another property and keep this one on your radar for future consideration. Time will motivate a seller. I hope this helps. Good luck. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
The cold frigid air continued in the Midwest region as we have snow flurries in the morning and continued cold through-out the day. When I got home last night the temperature board at the local school read "2 degrees". So, I made it was a brisk run from the street into the house. It was so cold it felt like my coat had to thaw and be peeled off because it was frozen to my body.
I looked at some properties on the MLS and ran some numbers as to what I think I would offer. I enjoy running the numbers because it helps me better understand each potential deal and helps me fine tune the numbers. The closer you are on the numbers, the better it is for everyone in the transaction. By the numbers, I mean the estimated fair market value (FMV), the repair costs, carrying costs or if it is a buy and hold the estimated rental revenue. By doing enough calculations it keeps you sharp so when the deals happen, you are better prepared at having more accurate numbers. Keep working to expand your knowledge today, for the deals that will appear tomorrow.
I want to share a thought with everyone. I saw the movie, "Wall Street", from the late 1980's where Gordon Gecco states "Greed is Good". I believe ambition, drive, determination, etc. are all good but "greed" in its purest form can cause issues. I reflect back when a relative passed away a few years ago. Some of the relatives were more concerned "if they were left anything or what they could get" rather than mourning the relative that passed. Good people will always be good people. Greedy people may always be greedy if they have money or not. So as you progress and succeed you will be the person you always have been. So, do not be afraid of success or making money or better yet becoming wealthy from real estate investing. When you are successful and making money, it will not change the person you are, but you may become the person you want to be by being in a position to help change the lives of others!
I hope everyone is having a great week. We have some friends coming in this weekend so I hope the weather is not too cold and frigid. Be sure to work your plans this week and find that next deal. I bet that next real estate deal is less than a mile from your current home! Have you spotted it before someone else does? The time is now to make tracks and get going. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
“Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.” - Albert Einstein
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
I've been basing it off the Listing price. I guess that is the wrong thing to do? I need to go figure out the FMV and start from there. Thanks for your advice. I greatly appreciate it. Sorry to keep on bothering you regarding this.
Yes, the Fair Market Value is the key to any of these deals. The better deal you get the more options you will have. By this I mean the less or cheaper you get a property for under the fair market value of that property the better the deal is for you or who ever you pass it on to. There are some properties out there that are very over priced, so look at recent comps and see what homes are selling for during the past 3 months in your target market area. Hopefully, this will provide a more accurate picture of what the FMVs are for the homes you are targeting in your local area.
The key is don't get discouraged. The great thing is everyday we all can learn something new that helps us better prepare for tomorrow's deals. It is better to learn while we review and "run the numbers" than to learn a hard (or costly) lesson after we make the purchase. Keep up the good work and I am sure there are deals out there that you will find. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
The snow is coming......the snow is coming! Not only are we dealing with the frigid temps but snow or even a blizzard is on the way! Today, I headed into work and on the radio and television they talked about the huge snowstorm that was headed our way. They stated we could get anywhere between 6 inches and over a foot of snow starting this evening. I could just imagine the commute tomorrow morning if we get hammered by the snow. When I was young, I loved when it snowed because I could make a few extra bucks shoveling the neighbors sidewalks. I must be getting old because I don't have that same "gleem in my eye" when it snows because I don't even get a "snow day" anymore.
I looked at some listings on-line today and did not find anything too appealing. It is funny but sometimes I can find 10 to 20 properties That I want to track on my radar and at other times it is less than 5 properties. That is what makes the business so much fun, sometimes the potential deals come in "bunches." So a key to rememebr is having multiple exit strategies and multiple options is key. This may include a buyer's list, a partner list, etc.
Imagine if you found three killer deals all within a week. I know it would be great to get just one deal this week but what if you had a way to get all three? Now that would be awesome, right? In this example, you might be able to swing a deal for one, assign the other and find a partner for the third property. Wouldn't that be great, a 3 deal hit for a 1 deal effort? The key is always be prepared and don't get discouraged, the opportunities are coming and everything you are doing today is getting you ready when you do locate these deals!
I hope where you are located it is not snowing. More time to find deals rather than shoveling snow. But in any event, lets make the most out of our day, week and month! Don't listen to those "naysayers" that say it can't be done, because you will make it happen. We have a lot of potential deals out there just waiting for our email or call. Lets make it happen in 2010! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
"Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
I enjoy reading your posts. You share a lot of good information. I appreciate that as I am sure others do also.
Somewhere I was reading something you wrote , I can't find it today but you had made a few quoates about real estate. I agree totally
I live and breath realestate. I love the hunt, I dream about real estate. I don't think it is ever off of my mind.
Thank you for your bright and positive attitude.
"Don't tell me I can't, Tell me how I can."
Thanks for stopping by my journal and the nice comments, I appreciate it. The DG website is so great because we can share knowledge, information and insight with so many other like minded people as we all pursue our real estate goals and dreams. Real estate is so much fun it doesn't even seem like work. I really enjoy sharing my daily adventure and hope others can learn from my travels. Good luck on all your future deals. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA