Hello everyone. Im somewhat new to the DG world of investors. I purchased Dean's books about 2 months ago. Ive been reading and building my knowledge so far. I want my knowledge to be very strong. I ordered the edge kit and have been getting my wife envolved Today I passed out 200 fliers on cars that were parked outside of apartment complexes. Im just focused on building my buyers list at this time. I will doing assignment of contracts to build capital. I just cant wait until REI is a piece of cake to me. I know if I dont give up that will be the ultimate turn out. thats how it is with anything you do for the first time. It seems hard or confusing at first until you do it enough times to get the hang of it. Well this is pretty much the intro my "FIGHT for the FIRSt..... as we take this journey we will see what the first will be.
Leh We Go!!!!
"People Build People"
Hey DG Family,
-I name the subject what I did due to the actions I took today which were inspired by my agent. I sent out property addresses from two of the agents I am working with. One of the agents and I had a little discussion about it because initially I wanted to just focus on getting the contract in my name. She encouraged me to bird dogg the deals so I did and I even sent her back some that I recieved from another source. It has come down to I guess what ever makes the deal come together. Whether it is bird dogg, assignment of contract, or a double close. If one of the investors I am working does decide to bite then I can always try to lock up the property or I can just simply get paid under the table if you know what I mean. I sent my agent a deal that another investor sent me and she has a client that wants to see it when none of my buyers bothered. Thats pretty cool, so at this point we are sending and recieving properties to each other and I know this will drastically rasie the chances and percentages of us closing more deals. Two heads are always better that one.
-My agent has submitted about 75 offers since we have been working together and none of them have been accepted. I want to stay encouraged because I know it can be work to do this especially if you do not think possibly that the low ball offers will be accepted. We both are accustomed to Matt's 25:1 strategy and thought we were following his steps to the T. Oh well I will hunt for a solution to this problem I have. I am open to any suggestions that any of you guys in my DG Family might have for me in making these offers.
-I have a little more experience at this point in my REI career so I know I will start to see things more clear which will make it easier for me to Bring the Ties Together
Best Regards,
Shane Gore
"People Build People"
Shane all I say is keep making your offeers. Always. Second I am proud of you dog!! You are most definitely an imspiration to me and to all those who read ya jounal I started reading and couldnt stop. I know a success when I see it. I was reading waitng for that success to happen. Man I was just waitng to say you got a deal. I wasnt surprised when I got that point inya journal where it happened. I felt tremendous joy in my heart for you. BY THE WAY I AM HAPPY YA FAMILY IS OK FROMTHAT GUY RUNNING INTO THE TRUCK. I was ****ed until you said all was ok with them and ya duaghter was sleep through the whole thing. SO I FELT GOOD ABOUT THAT. You got it. Keep it going. Succes is all yours persistence never fails and you are a perfect example. So always find ways to keep motivated when you feel discouraged or down. Keep pushing homeboy. Shane you possess the same drive I have and I am from BK. From Brownsville. I live in Lancaster P.A. Now. But I want to do business in N.Y. too. As I write this I am doing my thing. I am an agent and investor. But what I saying is BK is my home and I want to invest their and I would like to meet you brother. I will drive down 1 weekend to meet you. My mom sister and brothers live in BK.
This REI thing is my way and I determined to make it work. You inspire me motivate me and I want the best for you and ya fam. NO DOUBT. eriously speaking. I dont this but I trust that you are a good guy and stand for something and are willing ot get yours. Listen man I been running off. I need you to call me man so we can talk. 717-405-1805. I dont care what time you call. I am always in a real estae state of mind. Some guy just calle dfrom Florida as I write this saying he had properties and wants me to call to let hime know what Iam looking for. I never expected that call. He said he got my number form a flier I had up some where. But I am in. P.A. So that is cool. I assume he must of been in my area. Or has gone to my wesite. But I ma call him and get another investor added to my list. But do call me. FOR REAL MAN!! DON'T FRONT ON ME LOL.... Keep doing ya thing never the less.
I got my mind made up.....
www.jussinvestors.com (buyers site)
Are you justifing your low offers with reasons like rehab costs etc. or just making them and hoping? This may be part of the problem.
"You can always negotiate a price, but just asking for a lower price is rarely going to work unless you can either justify a reason for your lower price or offer the seller something in return for the lower price."
-Dean(BARM top of page 70)
Join my REI group SouthCentralTexas ALL active motivated gogetters welcome Your location is not important.
You can lead a horse to water but you can't force him to accept money.
-One Step Closer
Hello DG Family!
Today was one of those pleasurably busy days in my REI world. I have so many things that I want to say, so many revelations revealed, so many action steps paying off. Sometimes I feel like I could just write and talk for days when I think about the way life is and how if you follow simple principles of life everything else just falls into place. No matter if you are REI, tow trucking, raising kids, everything is based off of a certain set of principles and general applications, that if applied will bring you some type of success everytime, no matter who you are, no matter where you go.
Well here is how it went:
-As you guys know I sent out those properties I recieved yesterday out to my buyers last night. There was one property in particular that everyone who responded wanted. It was a 2 Family in Brooklyn that was gutted out and going for $200K. In NY, Bed-Sty, home of Jay-Z, Biggie Smalls, Shane, you get the point, thats a damn good price. My mom still lives in Bed Sty today and this area is a REI dream because of the gentrification thats happening and its approximity to Manhattan.
-The first investor to call me said he had a buyer for the deal so I told him to line up the buyer and we could split the finders fee commission in half. This guy is a Chinese guy that I like alot (I only say the nationality to emphasize the fact that I am meeting people from all walks of life and having a cohesive business relationship with them with out regards for race. I just feel like its a beautiful thing especially since I have always been color blind when it comes to the relationships I establish) Well long story short his guy already knew about the property and wanted it for much cheaper than I could handle. The bright side of it is that through working on this deal with my Chinese friend, he intoduced me to his transactional funding lender and arranged for me to talk to him directly on the phone. This was great for me because I was only use to the companies like Coastal-Funding in which you must email them to communicate. Today I talked directly to the guy and we had a really nice conversation. He showed genuine interest in doing business with me. Now if anyone questions my POF, the guy they will call knows me directly, Even better they only charge 1.75% as a fee for funding. Feel the freedom to use this guy nationwide. He will fund your deals 100% up to $500,000:
Duane Ortega, Member
Legacy Real Estate Solutions, LLC
1.75% Transactional Funding
"Just do me a favor guys, when you communicate with this guy, let him know I sent you. It works out better for all of us, if you know what I mean"
- I towed an electrician today because his work van broke down. He was dropping the van off at a job site he was working on. AS we were riding I talked to him. He was from the West Indian island of Grenada and my wife is from the same place. Come to find out he knows my wife and the rest of her family. Boy its a small world and let me tell you how smaller this world actually is:
As we pull up to the job site, which is a house in Brooklyn,Bed-Sty (how ironic) he gets out and the owner of the house, which happened to be a REI, walks over to us. As I finish taking this mans truck off of my truck,LOL,I do my normal routine and let these guys know that I am also a REI and gave them my card. The owner of the house looked at the card and said, "Hold up, Wait a minute, I know you!" Im thinking to myself like "What the ****!" Come to find out, one of the buyers thats on my list that I send properties to referred me to this investor. Whenever I send my buyer the properties he forwards the information to this investor. He even pulled out his Blackberry and showed me the exact email I sent out to my list(20) of buyers last night, with my name right there as clear as day. Needless to say, I was on a REI high for the rest of the day, and rightfully so because the following events were even better. After our initial shock we end up talking about that same property in Bed-Sty that was growing so much interest and he told me that it was not worth the $200K and if I did not see it yet do not bother to go because it was not worth it. He said it stinks because of dog poop everywhere. He even went as far as to say they were in contract with the property at $185,000 but they let it fall through. Now ladies and gentleman, I aint no dummy, and Momma aint raise no fool, so I was listening to what this guy was saying but that was about it, "Listening" As far as I was concerned, I had a deal to put together.
-Another investor called about the property. Its funny because this guy got my information through someone else also, but by this point I knew him for a little while now. He was interested in the property but did not want to pay the asking price. I cant be mad at that. For me its nice just to communicate with other REI professionals. That alone at least opens the door to a prosperous business relationship. By the way this guy also runs a lending instituion with his family in Long Island....ding ding ding HARD MONEY LENDER. When I am ready for that stage of REI success, how easy will you think it be for me to get Hard Money, when I have already done business and found good deals for the person I am requesting funds.
-Another investor called me and was interested in the same property. He said he heard I was the guy with the good deals and that I could get him in on the deals. In a cool and professional way I confirmed. He went on to ask me, "In your professional opinion, what do you think would be a good offer for this property?" I'm not going to lie you guys for a quick second I was stuck there like duh! I quickly recovered and told him, "If it was me I would love to get the property for $150K or even $160K, but the price has already been so drastically reduced, that if he made such a low offer I was sure he would not get the deal." He then went on to tell me that he would send me his offer via email. Later I recieved his offer for $195,000 with his POF and his lawyers information to send the contract. Now Im starting to get excited! My only reserve was that the agent who gave me this property did say that the price was firm as in non-negotiable. I made a phone call to this agent, which I happen to like working with because of his sharpness and up-front attitude, come to think about he is kinda of cocky to, but he pulls it off nice, and I learn alot from him as we go ANYWAY- when I told him my buyer would pay $195,000 he said, "Dude look: if your buyer would risk loosing the potential to make $50k-$100K over $5K then he is not that serious!" and you know when I thought about it, he was exactly right. So I called my buyer, he did not pick up so I emailed him and pretty much told him the same thing my agent told me in an eloquent way. With in 15 minutes I had a response via email. He said Ok, change my offer to $200K and make the deal happen. AS simple as that. Now remember guys I am pretty much bird dogging here and this buyer knew he had to take care of me but I never gave him an exact #. My agent put me straight on that note and let me know that I should have had that established from the door to eliminate running around and working for free, and he was exactly right. I just got to excited and anxious I guess. I do realize Im getting to the stage now where I have to relax and be cool about what I do because I really have no worries. If I keep taking the action steps that have led me this far. REI deals will always find a way to come in my path. I sent my buyer an email explaining my exact commision which is $10K,which I will split with my agent. In the morning I will fax him the paperwork to sign between the two of us, and we will see what happens from there. Wish me Luck!!
-Later in the afternoon another investor called me about the same property, and said she wanted to make an offer. I told her the price was non-negotiable and she went on to tell me a million reasons the property was not worth that price and that she would pay $150k. Through it all I did not say and word, because at the end of her ranting it felt so good to say, "I understand, but I already have someone who is ready to go to contract at $200K" what could she say. She humbled and thank me so much for sending her offers and for calling her back with other deals in the future. I told her I always would. She kinda of laughed and we ended on a nice note.
What a Day!
-Oh yeah I almost forgot I was also working today in the tow truck through it all. Thanks for a cell phone with internet cpabilities. Speaking of that on my way to my last towing job today at 7pm, one of the belts popped on the truck so I had to slowly drive the truck to our mechanic to get fixed. The truck will not be ready until tomorrow, so after all of that I am stuck with out a ride to get back to our base. Dont get me wrong this is NYC Brooklyn at that. It would have been nothing for me to take a cab, bus, train, etc but I always keep a bag full of my fliers on me in the truck so when I stop here and there I can post them. On my list of things to do this week was to pass out the rest of those fliers. So to end off a very good REI day I walked back to our base where my car was which was about a mile away and passed out the rest of my fliers on the way. The Icing on the Cake!!
I know this is probably my longest entry ever but to end this I must explain the reason for the subject which is "The Zone of Mankind" I listen to Steve Harvey on the radio every morning because he is funny and positive. This morning he was explaing this which I had to write down to share with you guys.
Basically there are 3 different Zones of Mankind: 1.Comfort Zone 2. Coasting Zone 3. Challenge Zone
1. In the Comfort Zone you find yourself just satisfied and comfortable with the way your life is going. You are usually not totally happy with the way your life is going, but you are so comfortable you do not strive to do better. The end results = NO GROWTH
2. In the Coasting Zone you are just simply not doing. You let the winds of life just blow you around like a tumble weed in the desert. You get it, "Sometimes here, Sometimes there" The end results = No Control
3. In the Challenge Zone you never get complacent because you are always striving for higher heights. You reach to the top of one mountain, and realize that there are many more to climb.
How many successful people do you see sitting around doing nothing? What Zone are you in?
Well until the next time.............
Best Regards,
Shane Gore
"People Build People"
- Whats up KngJuss. I must say it is always nice to connect with people of like minds. It gives you the chance to create what some people might call luck, magic, or even miracles. I appreciate those encouraging words through them you also inspire me. I am very familiar with your neck of the woods of Brownsville as I am up and down Linden Blvd everyday. We will both keep up the good work and will meet somewhere in the middle one of these. Preferably in the middle of a good deal.
-You got a good point there Scott. But those offers were submitted by my agent to another agent. There was not really any face time involved, as I generally do not view properties unless I know its a possible deal or unless I have an accepted offer already. Thanks for the advice. Through persistence I will find a way to skin this cat. There is always more than one way.
Best Regards,
"People Build People"
Hey DG Family!!
Thats right guys I am still fighting. I know its been since Friday since I have entered my journal entry. Well lets see:
-Saturday was a succesful day-
- I had the construction workers that are on my power team go by the property that I am working on the short sale. The purpose of this was to give me a bid sheet of the repairs that would need to bring the property value standards. They way it went down is what makes you sit on the edge of your seat. Initially my partner that Im working on this deal was suppose to be there. She had a class and could not make it. The owner was going to be there and had never met my construction workers. I had to work so I felt it was important for someone to be there to represent me because initially I told the owner that I would see her there. So who did I call on. My number one assistant, a beautiful woman who probably knows me more than any other woman on this planet besides my mom, my wife!! I had her meet the two construction guys and the owner and represent me in nice way. Everything went according to plan. Guess what, my daughter was even there too. lol They both took care of business. So now my short sale package is complete and I will be sending it in tomorrow.
-Sunday- Was a kinda of laid back day. I been checking out the ideas of making money on Ebay by buying locally on Craigs List. This was inspired by Indiana Joe! Thanks. I put a set of 14" BBS rims and tires on ebay. I had them for a while now lets see what i can do. Right now my wife is now working so Im will let her manage that. I use to sell close on ebay a while ago and did pretty well. ITs time to get back into this. Take care of my escrow fees if you know what I mean.
-This was also a day to watch the Jets come so close but so far away! What did they think, there is only one team like my GIANTS. At least they got to experience the hype of the playoffs and they look pretty good.
MONDAY- Today was a busy Monday, and I will do my best to abbreviate it but maybe not this is therapeutic for me too.
-Well I had a property that I told you guys about on Friday that was gaining interest. My buyer who finally agreed to the price of $200K and sent me his POF and Article of corp to submit so I could get the contract for him. Just as I thought everything was smooth he called back to complain about a $5K discount. I could not get the property for any cheaper so he lost on that one. Not even 30 minutes after he let me down, another investor that I just met last week called me about the same property. She was interested but the agent in control of this property requires POF and Articles of Corp. so I got that from her and about an hour later I found myself sneaking off from work to meet her partners at the property to show it to them. My agent told me to just knock on the door and told me what to say to get in. We walked in and like the other investor told me Friday the place was full of Dogg Sh** and **** and needed Gut Renovation. The investors did not seem to impressed, but on the bright side I am establishing business relationships. They went off in their Benz Coupe and I left in the Tow Truck
-I talked to my buyer that I am supposed to be closing this week with on those properties in the Bronx. He was pretty upset because he left about a $30K down payment on those two deals and we are still waiting on the Contract. He says he is coming back into NY tomorrow to see whats going on. I think I need to see whats going on too. Never-the-less thats why Im still fighting becuase like they say it aint over until the Fat Lady Sings!!
-I got 2 end buyers who called my 1-800# so I will call them tomorrow to Qualify them and see how I can help them out.
- I sent out some deals to my buyers tonight that I got from other wholesellers we will see how that goes.
Well Until the Next time......
Best Regards,
Shane Gore
"People Build People"
These last couple of days have been just that DG Family! So high that I could touch the sky and so low that I share a bathroom with the devil.
Right now im suppose to be $20K happier than I was last week. But for some reason the seller did not send the contract yet! I was not as worried about that because I kept myself busy making other REI moves. I will call that seller today!
Yesterday my agent told me that one of my offers were accepted and the contract was sent to my lawyer and they were waiting. well the attorney they sent it too I do not deal with because of his un-accountability. Ironically I had found a lawyer that I feel good about the day before, so I told my agent to have the contracts sent to my new lawyer. in the mean time I called two of my main buyers. My main guy was excited and arranged to meet with me after work because he wanted the house. it was a 3 Family I got accepted for $173K and I was flipping it for $210K. I called my agent back and explained the whole process to her how I was putting this deal together and that was that. I wanted to make sure she had a clear view of what I was doing for future reference because is exactly how I wanted my deals to flow. I met with my buyer after work. I pulled up in my hold BMW and he was sitting there in his black Porche. It was a nice conversation. He told me when I
put our first deal together he wanted me to quit my job and come work out of his office. He said he would make sure I eat and that I had nothing to worry about if I could being in the deals. we scheduled to meet at 7am the next morning and parted our ways. when I finished I called my agent to spread the good news and she tells me that the deal was. a short sale and my offer actually was not accepted. they just wanted to get my info to send to the bank......If I wrote this entry last night it would have been full of curse words needless to say. like a idiot I had to call my buyer back and let him know the news.
The short sale im working on with the other investor was submitted yesterday. We will call the bank next week to make sure they recieved everything.
I submitted 9 offers with another agent that im working with last night after the heart break news I recieved. I wanted to just go home and drink until I pasted out but I knew that would not ultimately being me closer to success. They say obstacles are things you must overcome to reach success. Nothing worth it comes easy. Man is not measured ny the success he has obtained, but how he handled the obstacles and set backs along the way! I plan to keep on fighting!
Stay Tuned......
Best Regards,
Shane Gore
"People Build People"
Thats what it means you are that closer to a much bigger and better deals. God is lining you up with something much better. Look at it that way. Lessons along the way, just rethink the situation and try to figure out why such a screw up like that happened. People not paying attention. However keep moving forward forget about it. Big dollars coming your way son.....Will change ya life for good. Just lend 20k...LOL Just fooling with you. Success is right around the corner so keep walking. Hitting these brick walls are building blocks. in your character that make it stronger. Lord knows you can handle it, he sees your drive, and challenges it. In all reality he is making you a better and wiser and stronger man. So take it all on.
I got my mind made up.....
www.jussinvestors.com (buyers site)
Just keep on keeping on - your are getting sooooo close!! You've hit a couple stumbling blocks but that's OK you'll get right back up and show everyone one what you are made of. The hold up with the seller (20K) is a test of your patience.
The slow ups in our deals, the ones that fall through after coming so close is something that I think everyone in REI can relate to (and other parts of our life too.) You WILL succeed. A lot of people are cheering for you.
Take care,
SPR Property Solutions, LLC
What's up DG Family! I know its been about 3 days since my last post but Im still in the mix. Special thanks to Lea and KingJuss for those dear words of encouragement! I know in life its not about how many times you fall but how many times you get back up which determines your success! And great as Michael Jordan and as many shots he made, was he also was ranked as one of the highest for the most missed shots.
I really feel like I have no choice but to get back up and keep fighting. The more the days turn into nights and the time keeps on ticking, the more my back is against the wall! Lea, If I don't get back up im dead! Working at a J.O.B. Just Over Broke! Miserable for the rest of my life! DEAD! If I don't get up my precious little angel, my daughter, will be succumbed to the care-less inner city school system in which puts her in a statistical setting that the odds of her getting pregnant and on welfare are greater than the odds of her graduating college and living life to her full potential. If I don't get up I will never be able to travel the world like I want to, when I want to, where I want to and wine and dine my fine
lady like she deserves!.......just to name a few
Where im from the motto is Do or Die so I will always do before I allow myself to Die! Its in my blood or the water or something around here. lol
I have gone back to basics in the past 3 days.
-I have been working more closely with an agent who is providing me great wholesale deals. The only problem is that he will only submit my offers that he thinks makes sense and will have a chance of getting accepted. He is worried about what other agents will think of him or something. I keep him in my mix because he is getting good deals so I will be submitting my offers at a price im comfortable with. The only other thing with this agent is that if I put in a offer and it is accepted he wants me to definately close the deal. I put in offers before I see the property and have an exit contingency if need to get out of the contract . Once my offer is accepted. I then view the property and sign contracts which gives me enough time let my buyers know about the deal. He wants me. to know I want to close on the deal first. Im going to take my chances and submit my offers, if I can view them I will, but a lot of times there is not enough time because the deals he sends me are so hot, that they go into contract in about a day or two. That happened to me today. the agent sent me a list Sunday, one of my buyers wanted to see the property. By the time he was able to get access to the property, It was under contract! What I will do is put in my offers and play the game my way! Hopefully things will work out with the two of us! As we go and as my investment strategy has success, he will see the light even more. on the other hand he already said if my offer is accepted and I decide not to buy then he will not deal with me anymore. ooh ooh im scared u guys! LOL
-I have also went back to reading the newspaper rental ads. that's right the basics. I have some people willing to sell but not in my price range. I will keep on fishing those papers. My catch is coming! I know Scott can tell you guys all about that!
Lately I have seriously considering getting a night job. this would give me the time I need during the day to have the face time I need to interact and be personally involved with the deals im putting together. I definately feel that im a phone call or simply a matter of time a way from my investment strategy to frutrate into the winning formula that it is destined to be. Maybe just a little face time and opportunity to view the homes and sit down with sellers and buyers would be just the extra push I need to complete the first deal that im so aggressively fighting for. This would also give me the opportunity to go to the courthouse and find those homeowners in distressed situations and go in the community and offer my services. By the time its all said and done, my towns will know me!
Working at night would be taking a step back for me, but sometimes you have to take 5 steps back in order to take 10 steps forward.
I will keep you updated!
Best Regards,
Shane Gore
"People Build People"
I love reading your journal. You have a plan and vision and you are willing to work to get what you want. I am inspired by you.
Cathy B
Follow my progress at:
I love your attitude Shane, don't ever give up. As one door closes 2 more open.
good luck
Your 'WHY' being your sweet little angel and your beautiful wife explains why you have to great attitude you do! It's hard to explain but reading your posts and the way you handle and see things is impressive. As always I wish you the best.
SPR Property Solutions, LLC
Yes thats right DG Family! Wednesday Feb 3rd was the day my mom made magic and out came me from the "Magic Box" LOL My mom gave me an opportunity by bringing me into this world. My family and God have protected me from the wraths of the devil for the past 29 years, and I have a vision in the direction I want to take my future. I feel good and confident because I also have the ingredients to the formula that will take me there. So on my B-Day I just have to give thanks for being in the position I am in, because there are so many people that are just out there lost right now!! Thank You!
Yesterday was still work as usual:
- My agent called me yesterday and sent me a Multiple Offer Disclosure sheet for one of the properties that I submitted an offer on. Come to find out the bank is considering my offer and they sent me a sheet to let me know that there are other offers on the property but they are considering mine. I had never seen this form before so I faxed it to my lawyer and he exclaimed it to me and told me to sign it and send it back. I just met this guy last week and we already have two potential deals in the works. He almost got the two properties confused on the paper work I sent him.
-I called Bank of America for the short sale I am working on with the other investor. Last week we submitted the short sale package and I wanted to make sure they recieved it, in which they did recieve it. The lady told me that there should be a negotiator assigned to my deal by the 17th of this month so thats a good thing and everything they needed from us they have. For now I guess I just wait, but the good thing is that she said they have speeded up the short sale process with new staff and etc...
-Another agent I was dealing with called me yesterday to find out what was going on. I basically told him everything was cool but he stopped sending me properties so there was nothing for me to do concerning him. I also had a bad taste in my mouth about this guy. If you remember any of my other entries, this is the guy who sent me properties and after I sent him my offers and even had some of my buyers interested, I called him like the next day and he did not even remember sending me the properties. I do not like people like that on my power team because I have learned in this RE Game its important to be proficient. Your lack of proficiency is someone else's gain. There is always someone else gaining from the things you dont do or do late or even do wrong, so the less bullsh** basically is the better chances I have to make it. I will give him a try again, cause he did send me some more foreclosure properties and I will check them out and make an offer on them. Lets see how it goes this time.
-Special thanks to Cathy, BC, and Lea. Its always nice to know there is someone out there that is rooting for you and have your back in this fight for success. Sometimes a little support is just what you need to get you over those rainy days, and I really appreciated you guys. I give you my word that I will do my darnest to see you guys at the top, so we can enjoy the fruits of life together!!
That was pretty much it as far as REI was concerned. Of course on my B-Day my wife had the Candle light dinner, with the whip cream, fruits and wine waiting for me when I got home. I cant tell you what happened after that but you know the deal!!
Best Regards,
Shane Gore
"People Build People"
Hey whats up DG Family!
Today was a pretty smooth day. Nothing extra-ordinary happened. A part of it is that as I grow up into this REI world not as many things excite as they use to when everything was new. This is not a bad thing or anything its actually a beautiful sign of maturity that I embrace. For example my First million will probably be sweeter than my second.....well actually I dont know about that but you get the point.
-I put in 9 offers today with the agent who called me yesterday. He sent a long list of Foreclosures, so I will submit about 10 offers a day to him, as long as he keeps his word and submits them in Real Time. We will see how this plays and of course I hope it plays out for the best.
Right now I have about 3 agents that I consider to be on my Power Team, but I do not have a favorite yet because they all have their this and thats and besides I have not closed a deal yet. So the outcome of "Hiring a Perfect Real Estate Agent = Big Profits" still stands to play out more.
-My main Investor on my buyers list called me today to see if I got the contract on that short sale yet and I had to tell him No, but I think he just wanted to call me. LOL This is the same guy who wants me to quit my job and work with him. Everything will work out in due time.
-I had conversations with two other investors on my buyers list today. I have been sending them properties from the MLS that have wholesale prices. This is not a practice I recommend but sometimes I do this when I have nothing and I want to spark reactions from my buyers.
- My other agent said she was getting the keys to a property in the BX that one of my buyers has been trying to see for a week. She will basically have control of the property as she will be keeping the key until the house sales, shich is a definate benefit. The property is price right and this could be a promising deal. The guy selling it is an investor and my agent has already got him interested in some properties I sent her from another source of mine. We might be able to pull a double whammy. You know in this REI game the possibilities are endless.
Well thats it for tonight. Lets see tomorrow has in store. Until then.......
Best Regards,
Shane Gore
"People Build People"
I really need to get busy and start making things happen unless I am willing to let you leave me behind.
No worries I have a little something coming soon....
You need to teach me to be more organized about posting to my journal. You are good at it. I need to try harder. Your actions keep me focused.
Join my REI group SouthCentralTexas ALL active motivated gogetters welcome Your location is not important.
You can lead a horse to water but you can't force him to accept money.
-One Step Closer
Yeah Scott ,in this REI world that I have submerged myself in, I feel that it is very important for me to stay busy. Its like the deeper I get, the more busy I stay, the more I keep my Sanity. If nothing is going on I get nervous and I grab the closest newspaper or ride the neighborhood and look for any type of RE sign weather its an agent, a FSBO, rental etc and start making calls and mixing up this succulent dish called REI.
I have to constantly stir this dish Scott because at these crossroads of my life I am so hungry that I have to make something to eat. On top of that, Im not just feeding myself, but I have a family to feed also. The more I grow im even having dreams of making enough of this succulent dish that I am able to feed other hungry and less fortunate souls. I want to make a difference if you know what I mean.
But it all starts with action. You have to put your plan before you and go for it. Before you know it your small action steps will multiply until you find yourself at the closing table thinking, how did I do that?
Well Scott if you ever ask yourself that question, the importance of your journal kicks in. For me this journal is therapeutic. They say in order to know where you are going, you have to know where you came from. Well im sure you know but why not take advantage of this journal Rina started so you can even read where you came from also. Even better it feels good and gives you that extra boost when you know the actions that you are taking is effecting someone else on the same journey and propelling them to higher heights. Success is not a destination but it is a journey and we will need all of the motivation and upliftment we can get inside of our first aid kits for those ups and downs or if you simply get hungry and want to take a snack while we are on this trail.
Scott im not worried about you making it because it is simple. If you want it, you will do what it takes to get it. The choice is yours.
Best Regards,
Shane Gore
"People Build People"
I just read a post you put in Rinas journal, and it prompted me to track down yours. What a journal and what a journey! I couldnt stop reading. Besides being so passionate about making things happen in your life with real estate -you are a fabulous writer...seriously. Your journal is like a best seller where I cant wait to read the next entry...and I know this ones going to have a very happy ending too!! You had me feel every emotion and my two cats looked at me crazy several times when I was laughing out loud
I am just SO proud of you and so in AWE of you and your determination. You inspire me to reach for greater heights and I'm sure the same is for everyone who reads your journal. I sure hope we have the chance to meet in person one day. I have bookmarked your journal so I can follow it regularly now - so thanks so much for sharing it with us and let me tell you - I feel big things coming for you!
my story:
Happy belated birthday! Hope all of your birthday wishes come true.
That is great news about putting in 10 offers a week and it will be a happy day when the best REA shines through for you. I'm looking forward to hearing about how this progresses.
you have lots of great and interesting things going on - no grass growing under your feet.
SPR Property Solutions, LLC
Good morning DG Family. Its about 11:20 here in NY and there is a little bit of white stuff falling to the ground, but nothing to get excited about. None-the-less drive carefully or your car and my tow truck might have an encounter. LOL
Right now its kinds of calm outside and it reminds me of where im at in my progress. I have a couple of things in the works right now and its starting to create a slow Sizzle. If you have been following this "Fight for the First!" then you would know a few rounds ago I took a couple of heavy blows back to back. I had to re asses what was going on and get back in the ring. So now we have the fire rekindling but this time I will try to just take my time and not get so excited so fast. All in an effort to let the fire naturally start.
-Friday was a pretty good day!
-One of my buyer's son called me to ask about a property that I sent his Dad. He wanted to know if it was still available so I called my agent and found out that it was. (This is the same agent who likes to play hard ball with me but I really thinks he means well. Now he goes as far as to giving me the lock box code so I can show these houses on my own time.)
It was cool talking with my buyers son. Come to find out it is a Family RE business they run. The buyer is an older guy so I guess he has his son call me now because we sound like we are about the same generation. He was easy to talk to and I got a chance to let him know how I put my deals together and I learned in more detail how they operate so we both have a clear understanding. Its good to have that type of closeness with your buyers cause when the contract hits the table you want to be ready to sign it off!
-The agent that I submitted the offers with the day before did not call me to say he recieved it or anything. I tried to call him but his phone is dead! Now guys this is the same agent that I said I was going to give another chance, and this is what I get. In business the simple principles like follow up with people you deal with, or accountability, or even something as simple as showing up on time take you a long way. On the flip to that, a lack of these simple principles can have your life in a dis-array. Like being in business but not having a phone.
-The investor that I am doing the short sale with sent me a list of REO properties in the Bronx. She does not have a strong buyers list in the BX but I do, so she sent the list my way. I submitted about 9 offers with her yesterday. As a matter of fact she requested my lawyer's info this morning and should be faxing my offers to her agent now. Now that's what im talking about. Me and this investor will probably go far in our REI dealings. All I had to do was give her POF and let her know my offer amount and she took care of the rest. I told her to make sure she emphasizes that I will be paying all CASH and I can close in about 7-14 days. I can say that because that's what my buyers are telling me. Its also nice to have good relations with your buyers because if there cash limit is $10Mill, then you find yourself negotiating having the attitude and confidence of someone who has $10Mill.
-I recieved an email from an agency who said they recieved my offer and were considering it. They said after the owner makes the decision they would let my agent know. (the one who likes to play hard ball but means well) At the end they said they look forward to doing business. So that felt good knowing that im in the works.
- a lady called my 1 800 # and she left a message saying she owns a private home with 6 beds and 2 baths she wants to talk to me about. I have to call her today. im excited about that because my message has already screened her so maybe this can turn out to be promising.
Well as you see guys.....Nothing to get to crazy about but I do feel good that I have a couple of things going. I really want this pot to surpass the Sizzle stage and come to a boil befor the tickets for the edge event are gone. I would really like to be there and brush shoulders with the wonderful family of DG that I am proud to be apart of.
Well until the next time......
Best Regards,
Shane Gore
"People Build People"
-Laura I must say that it is a definite honor to have your thoughtful words find a home in the confines of my journal. Out of the many people in our DG family you are on of those people that stand out. Well you know how it goes, "The Cream rises to the Top." so what would we expect from you. lol I look forward to meeting with you one of these beautiful REI days too.
Thanks for the B-day wishes. oh yeah and about the writing, you guys are starting to scare me. lol You were not the only one to talk about it. My wife actually was the first to say I should write a book. I look at it like this, I am a musician and you are a painter, but like these two skills, writing is an art form of thoughts that can make you envision the most captivating painting or feel the most sweetest lullaby, if expressed the right way.
-Lea thanks for the B-Day wishes and upliftment. You and Denny keep on making it happen and I will see you at the top!
Best Regards,
Shane Gore
"People Build People"
So how have I missed your journal until now!? Well, I know...I have fallen off the board in terms of checking in with friend's journals and I came across your comments in Robert's journal, and with all your encouraging words...you seem like a GREAT guy! Now that I'm reading your journal, I'm ULTRA-IMPRESSED with all your action. Whoo hoooooooo!! You inspire me!
I've got some more catching up to do with your journal, but I absolutely wish you the best on all these offers you have out there, and I look forward to following your success here! What a journey!
I'm currently working on a rehab, but just starting to "get back in gear" in terms of looking at other properties, formulating offers, etc...I just sent out a ton of emails today about properties out there, and I have so much follow up to do.
Your journal inspires me again to get back to "reporting the daily progress"....I love hearing what you're doing and look forward to continuing to be inspired by all your action!!! Cheers to you and your success!! Can't wait to hear more!!
Current Journal on Dean's site: The Second Chapter: http://tinyurl.com/p986al3
First Journal on Dean's Site: From the Beginning: http://bit.ly/ocv10
Hey whats going on DG Family. Its about 2:13pm on Sunday and I have to rush because I have a 3pm appointment to meet a couple selling their home. I have done this a couple of times but you always get that nervous feeling in your stomache.
-The way this happened was I got a call to my 1-800# I told you guys about. The lady ldeft a message saying she had a Private 1 Family home with 6 beds and 2Full baths in Queens. I had my agent give her a call for me and arranged a meeting for me today at 3pm. So now as I write this entry my wife is ironing my clothes and Ive just been getting my mind right for this encounter on another potential deal. Im going in with no thoughts of it at all. At this point I do not know what Im stepping into so I do not want to sway it in any type of way at all by thinking too much in the beginning.
Well I will finish this journal entry later but its 2:20 now and I want to leave the house by 2:30 even though I can get to that side of town in 10 minutes. I just had to let you guys know whats about to go down. Im kinda of nervous but its a good nervousness. I know when Im on the stage and the curtains draw back, I will be ready to perform. I will talk to you guys after the show.......Peace
Best Regards,
Shane Gore
"People Build People"
doule post
"People Build People"
That is great news to hear! I understand how nervous you must be but they don't know that and that you can help them. Go Shane! Can't wait to hear more later.
SPR Property Solutions, LLC
Hey whats up DG Family. This week turned out to be a good weekend!
-The agent that I gave another chance got in touch with me and I got a chance to have a good heart to heart conversation with him. I think we have the kinks out of our system now and are ready to give it our best efforts. He let me know that the 10 offers I put in with him would be on the desktops of the recipients fresh Monday morning. In the mean time Saturday night I sent him out 10 more offers. Today he let me know that he recieved them and sounded excited about submitting my offers. Hopefully a business relationship that was goinging sour can be salvaged into something productive. Besides this business is all about building relationships not tearing them apart.
(Dont get me wrong guys, I am always prepared to cut the fat to get to the skinny. Having people around that weigh more than they are worth only hold you back from achieving your goals.)
-I went to view the house in Queens today and got the chance to meet the owners. Turns out they are the very skeptical type and initially had a little hard time opening up to me. The lady could not get over the fact of how young I look. By the time I left I knew just enough information to know that their home did not fit my criteria. They are trying to leave the home with $100-$150K in their pocket. The thing is that they owe aout $300K on the mortgage so thats right guys I would have to come up with $400-$450K to make them happy. I let them know in a nice way that as an investor in this market I look to buy properties below the FMV and in this market I would not be able to satisfy them. I did let them know that if I come across someone in the future that was interested I would be in touch. NOw of course I wish this would have been that deal that was right for me but it was nice getting one more knotch under my belt in regards to visiting FSBO properties and talking with home owners. If I keep doing this like anything else I will be the smooth and savy investor I strive to be when it comes to reacting with sellers.
-I relisted my craigslist ads and backpage online ads like I do every Sunday. AT my moms house I watched the game tonight and my phone let me know that I already was getting responses to my ads. One person left a message on my 1800# but I will listen and call back tomorrow.
-To top the night off my hard ball agent sent me a hot deal and I immediately sent in my offer back to him. He should be on that first thing tomorrow. He is pretty good at being on point with his game.
As you notice guys, lately I've been on a making offer frenzy and I plan to keep it like that. If anyone sends me a deal, I will simply send them back my offer and see where it takes me. If you guys dont believe me try me. Find me a 1-4 Family in BK,Queens or the BX with a motivated seller and see what I do.
Well I have a feeling that this is going to be a good week because Im going to make it a good week. I invite you guys to join me and lets make this one of the best REI weeks you have ever had.
Best Regards,
Shane Gore
"People Build People"
Like Indiana Joe said, That is a lot more than most will do. Keep focused on your goals and stay comitted to your dreams. It is always a little akward at first. Until you start to get the hang of things. That is what we call stepping out of your comfort zone. And by doing so is where you start to make the biggest changes. Congrats on joining the team and Welcome aboard.
-Hey Louisa Its nice to cyber meet. lol I have seen your post in a couple different sections of the DG home for REI and I must say I feel the passion that you have for being successful in life. I mean it says a lot about a person when they can look past their own reach and lend a helping hand to others, even if its a simple kind word. It means and says a lot about the type of person you are. I've seen that from you and it makes it a pleasure for me to meet and have the privilege of interacting with you. I really treasure these relationships that I am building through REI because you never know where they will take you. Like Laura knows you just might find yourself moving to WI one day. I mean its pretty simple: With success brings freedom and with freedom you do what the hell you want to do. lol
-Hey Landainvestments, You are exactly right buddy.
Sounds like you know a thing or two about the ebb and flow of life. I appreciate your words of encouragement. As a matter of fact, if you go back a few of my journal entries I spoke about "The Zones of Mankind" You might find that perspective to be pretty interesting also.
Well take you guys and I will see you at the TOP!
Best Regards,
Shane Gore
"People Build People"
Hey, whats going on DG Family. Today was a pretty smooth, or what I would call an "easy-breasy" day. I say this because, the only proactive REI moves I made all day, was to read my journal. As I have said in other post, the ability to be able to go back in time and measure your growth in black and white words is priceless. As I always do, I have to give it up to Rina for starting such a powerful movement. (applause,applause,applause)lol "Ok Rina I will stop!" lol We all know Rina is the more humble type, but I like to give credit where credit is due.
Well the day was going by pretty quite in REI world for me. I was pretty busy in the morning time with my tow truck. I did like 5 different jobs before 12:00 and I was late for work.(Its hard getting up to do something that you dont want to do) Later I was in the garage for like 2 hours getting the back breaks done on the truck. I know that time I could have used to call rental ads, or get FMV's on properties from my agent, or a lot of other things but all I wanted to do was read my journal and eventually I fell off into Dream land and sleep over powered me, but it was a good sleep considering a night of Superbowl festivites, if you know what I mean.
-Earlier in the day I did get an email from the the investor that I partnered with on the short sale deal. If you remember she just sent me some REO's for the BX over the weekend and I sent her back my offers. She was just letting me know that she got my offers in, and that felt so good to hear from her and know things were going according to plan. Of alot of the RE professionals that I have been working with, she is one person that I honestly have no complaints about.
-As you remember me saying, I really did not do anything proactively today, but in the back of my head I said I was going to send out 10 offers when I got home. Just felt like taking a deep breather if I may.
Then I got a call from my hard ball REA. I said "Whats up Howard, how many offers do I have accepted." he laughed and said "You got 12 accepted" and I said "Ok lets do it!" even though I knew better than that. On a serious note he called to tell me that for one of the offers that I submitted that the bank counter-offered my offer which was $155K to $189K. The asking price was $219K. So as Howard was finish telling me of the deal, I went into automatic mode. You see I have been preparing myself mentally for this day a long time now, so I was definately ready for my next move. For my first line of defense, I called my main, favorite, and closest investor on my buyers list to tell him of the potential deal I had on the table. He told me if the property was 40x100 that he would definately take it.Come to found out the property is 36x50 and when I told my guy that he said ooh thats small and I said "yeah you are right" even though I really dont know much about property dimensions of house et. Sometimes I feel you have to agree even when its not in your best interest. I did not want to give off the vibe that I was feaning to get him to buy the house. I wanted him to know that I was interested in him being happy and comfortable with his purchase. None the less, he told me to wait, he still wanted to check out the property but he is up-state right now. I dont know If I told you but this guy owns a company that owns 30 houses upstate. (Notice how I said it) He told me he would send his partner to check it out and he would give me a call later. These are the same guys I was to make the $20K with on that Bronx deal. Well honestly my guy did not call me back and its 1:09am so Im sure Im not getting a call back tonight, but if I dont here from by sometime in the morning, I will give him a call to find out what is going on, and then if need be, see how far down the list I can go with the about 20 other cash buyers I have on my list. Remember; "There is always more than one way to skin a Cat!" Speaking of that I am also thinking about the options of a slick counter offer of my own. Maybe I will pay the $189K, but they would have to pay all of my closing fees so my buyer could simply pay the $189K and I could walk away with a clean $10K without having to pay out to anyone. It gives me something to sleep on tonight.
To top this night off my tow truck broke down on me on the conduit as I was rushing back to Brooklyn from Queens, doing almost 80mph, to pick up a BMW X5. It was about 7:30pm and I get off at 8pm so I was trying to make up enough time as possible because if I finished after 8 its not like I would get paid extra because I got the call before 8pm. Its a messed up rule my boss has, but what can I expect I have a J.O.B -Just Over Broke. No matter what, things would never fully go my way in these circumstances so Im simply doing what I got to do to change that. I welcome all of you in your "Fight for the First" to join me, and I look forward to joining all of you other savy and successful REI at the Top!
Until the next time!
Best Regards,
Shane Gore
"People Build People"
I wanted to tell you, that my first counter back, when I get a conter from the bank is the exact same price I gave them. So in your case I would counter back at 155 again and see what happens. If they come down a little more, than you know they are willing to move. They may just say it's there final offer, and then you know where they stand. Just saying what I would do.
Cathy B
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