My name is Tammy and I bought the Dean Graziosi books on my Thanksgiving vacation. I bought them in audio format as well because I am a stay at home mom to 4, and I homeschool them, so I don't get much of a chance to read these days!(Unless 'The B Book', 'Goodnight Moon', 'Skippy John Jones' and 'The BellyButton Book' count) My children are currently 2,4, 10 and 12. My husband is employed for the county and makes a decent salary, more in flexible benefits.
I have been a REI since 1997, but here I am in 2010 and I have 5 mortgages and my cash flow is pretty poor. I own 5 properties, rent out 3 of them, 1 is my primary home, and we just acquired a sweet divorce sale property in the California mountains. (100K below FMV!).
But, as we secured that sale on our 2nd home, we required a cosigner because of all our mortgages (4 first and one 2nd), and in the end, the bank didn't even WANT us on the loan, despite have a great credit score and proof positive of no vacancies since 1997!!! (Banks will only count 75% of any of your rental income when analyzing income, because they expect you to fail at it; even with 13 years of proven record) My in laws were gracious enough to be on the loan alone while we make all the payments and cover all the expenses. Its unofficially our first PML.
You see, we got traditional financing, secured and guaranteed all these homes ourselves. Our ratios for credit are bad due to having the 5 mortgages, and rental income, so no one wants to extend credit to us. I've never had any lates or collections, and pay on time, there is just a major credit crunch right now and banks unrealistically only counting 75% of our rent income, but 100% of our rent expenses. So now, with the economy the way it is, we were going to have to stop investing, in the BEST market we've ever seen to invest in. I just couldn't accept that and was determined to find something that will work.
After being told by at least 10 people we will not be able to invest in real estate any more, and being stubborn about not accepting that my business was dead, I flipped the channel and found Dean Graziosi. Timing couldn't have been more perfect! (I think God played a big role here, because I rarely watch tv, let alone late at night!) I quickly ordered the books profit From RE right now and Be a RE Millionaire. That is where I am and where I started.
I waited 3 months to start posting on this site from my initial sign up, didn't realize what a valuable resource I was missing! Stick around! Its invaluable!
**edited 5/16 to add Edge 2011 photos :P** (I wish I hadn't had surgery the Friday before as I'm still filled with whatever it is they fill you with, but I wasn't going to miss this event for anything! )
**edited 1/24/2012 to add my video (recorded March/April 2011)
Here is the video link. http://www.deansmedia.com/play.php?vid=243 I hope it conveys some of the struggle as well as the triumph. This was recorded in March, so I've since done many deals; but it will have to wait for the 2012 video.
I have also started a new 2012 journal here: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/99510/...
Hope all of you are turning your ideas into actions and making it HAPPEN! Do it NOW!
So SORRY to hear about the dog!!!
But I had to stop by and get caught up on you, I find your journal just great you are so real and honest and I have learned alot from you about balance....I find it so hard to get it all done...but, what I find from you is that it is ok to take the time that is needed to get what is needed done for that day. Thanks Tammy.
Erika, REI
Brownstone Investment Group
Job 22:21 Submit to God, and you will have peace; then things will go well for you.
Job 22:28 You will succeed in whatever you choose to do, and light will shine on the road ahead of you.
Deut 28:8 The Lord will guarantee a blessing on everything yo do and will fill your storehouses with grain. The Lord you God will bless you in the land he is giving you.
Sorry about your dog.
I do enjoy reading your post.
Steve and Veronica
Steve and Veronica's Journal.
Well, we get to go back UP to the mountains tomorrow evening. 3 days, I have contacted about every realtor, mortgage broker, escrow company and the dog pound, alarm company, and church in the area. Interesting way to network, isn't it? I sent all of them fliers for my lost dog. In the meantime I've increased my network up there 10 fold!
However, NO ONE has seen my dog.
I was crying today about it, but I need to remain optimistic. We would have stayed up there if I was a little further ahead in my RE business and didn't have to rely on hubby's income from his job.
I spent today doing direct marketing materials; both for finding private lenders and fliers to promote my www.ZionFreeHomeownerVideos.com website. Watch a webinar, called the success academy, trying to fix the problems I'm having with the goal dates I'm putting in not updating and allowing me move onto the next ones. (which has been a problem since April
I sent a letter to the broker of the agent I'm working with. He is going to be finding another broker to work for, because the guy won't budge on making his buyer's pay the $595 fee. My realtor even said he'll take the loss of the $595 so I don't have to pay it. He's a good realtor, I think I've finally found one! He didn't contact me for 3 days because he's trying to do a lot of things right now in his investing business as well. We've worked out a lot of the bumps in the road here!
I'm on 5 hours sleep, so I'm calling it a night about a 1/2 hour early. Stayed up until 3am last night trying to get my sites noticed on google and learning SEO. Still had to get up at 8.
I went to my bookcase in the garage and looked through some of my college books and pulled out my 'venture capitalist proposal' book to make sure I'm heading in the right direction with my business plan. WOW, I've forgotten A LOT! WEll it has been over a decade and then some since I've gone to college. LOL I still have A TON of stuff to do with it. I need this done to go start applying for business loans for all these startup costs that I've lent to the business from my personal funds, and it will help with private money lending (and HML if I ever need to go that route as well).
Found a small local bank near me that I didn't even realized existed, and I will be going there sometime within the next couple of weeks to see if I can get connected with the asset manager.
Erika, I do appreciate the kind words and am glad that my journal is benefiting you. I do it to try to keep myself accountable and so I can look back, but yes, life must happen at the same time as RE investing, so its all a part of the big picture!
Steve and Veronica, nice to see you post here on my journal! I aim to teach people the valuable information I'm learning and to expose my mistakes so other's don't do them!
Now the dreaded stuff; I filed extension on my taxes and need to complete them now. AHHHHH! I hate doing the taxes! So TIME consuming! GOT TO GET SOME DEALS going so I can hire a CPA again! That is the first task I am outsourcing when I have the money to do so. HATE IT!!!
And, now for the main affirmation!
It is CERTAIN we will SUCCEED!!!
I personally contacted 6 people and subtly told them about my company and website, making sure to tell them it might not be for them, but I know you are very connected, so if you can share this information, it would help me out so much!
I'm determined to get SEVERAL PML by the end of September!
The meeting I had with the 2 people turned out to be HMLers. So, I now have 3 HML, but my goal is to get the PML! For sure!
Thank the good Lord! SOmeone had brought her into the pound Wednesday afternoon. Good NEWS!
RE stuff now! Had the contractor go out today. My contractor sent out one of his workers, who isn't computer savvy and used a regular Thomas Guide. Turns out there are 2 streets with the same address in the city, and he went to the wrong one. So, he showed up late, the realtor was unreachable and gone by the time he got there, so I had the contractor assess it from the outside and what he could see of the inside. It will need about 25-30K in work. We will do the tiling ourselves and the landscaping. When we get some more cashflow, we'll definitely subcontract these jobs, but both are hobbies of ours, so for now to save some of that 25-30K we'll do it ourselves. After seeing pics of it and the area, its a KEEPER. I need to get a PML fast for this one. I want to hold onto it so a HML is NOT an option, unless I refi with a small bank after repairs are done (looking into that right now).
Its in a great area.
OFFERING=110K* (Will most likely be countered)
EQUITY: (at offering price) 55K
Rents: $2000-$2500 (near a college)
Costs: $1085
PI: $850/month
Taxes: $100/month
Insurance: $55/month
Trash: $50/month
Water: (Will pay first tier of only) $30/month
Monthly cashflow: $915-1315/month
ROI: 48% !!!!
SSSSSAAAAWWWWEEETTT! Here's hoping it ALL works out. I'm not posting this in deals until its all worked out with financing and all. I've posted deals too many times to have them fall through! I have a feeling about this one though!
Also, working on another JV deal with other DGers in KY. Can't wait to start that one too!
My goal is to have multiple deals going on at the same time for steady inflow of cash. Vrrrooomm Vrrromm! Its time for the race to start!
see!! see how never stopping gets you results im excited for you and will keep my fingers crossed for you before i completely loose it and jump out of my seat. I am always praying for you!! Your such am amazing person and you deserve it!!!
on my offer yet! Had to send over my FICO score, so I decided to head on over to DUNS and check my business credit rating. 80 PAYDEX score baby!
It qualified as proof of FICO score! I LIKE IT! I have GOT to get this business plan done. I remember when I did one in college it was an entire semester class to write one, so I'm not expecting miracles with my time constraints, but I AM on my way to getting loans under my business! 
Sent over a couple of documents to get started on our JV agreement, found a great deal in WI that I'm going to have my contractor go check out, we have a couple of leads in KY and I can't wait to get started!
I'm hoping no news is good news on the REO. The short sale I never heard anything on. So, I'll wait another month and resubmit with a negotiator on it.
I have had listing agents hold on to my offer waiting to get a higher offer. You might call them with you will withdraw your offer in 24 hours. Then you can always submit it again later. Sometimes this speeds up the process!
Good luck, hope you get it!
Michael Mangham
MD Home Acquisitions LLC
Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins
http://www.mdhomeacquisitions.com Seller site
http://www.mdhomeacquisitionsbargainhouses.com Buyer site
http://www.mdhomeacquisitionshousehunter.com Bird Dog Site
http://www.mdlodeals.com Tenant/Buyer site
I ran it by my agent and he said sure. We're going to wait a few more days and then say the offer only stands for 48 hours more. I can see that happening, especially out here in CA!
Ok, you can stop reading now if you don't want to read a personal vent that I have to get off my shoulders. I'm getting so tired of my doubting hubby and lack of encouragement! I am so glad I can come here and post and have my DG family to rely on, because without this site and the people here, and Dean's constant encouragement, I think I would cave in to the doubts and negativity around me. I counted the number of insults and low blow stabs tonight. 39... All in the course from 6:20 to 7:30 when he conked out on the couch. The kids even see it and said something. My son tries to encourage me on the journey. I think he's soaked up more of the lessons I'm learning in the car than my husband. He's got the concepts in Think and Grow Rich down pat already at age 11.
Ok, no more venting. I called a lady to come over starting this or next week and help me with cleaning house and watching the kids for a few hours. I want to have her permanently when I start homeschooling again (coming up a lot sooner than later!) to help watch the little ones while I'm working with the older ones. I need to have some type of FOCUS, and having constant distractions makes the days longer and unproductive. And, with my husband wanting to have the house look like no one lives here during the day and running a business, while caring for the kids and my darling 4th child who is nothing like the older ones and wants to be with me every waking moment (even at NIGHT!!!!), I am getting incredibly DRAINED! There is nothing of me left. One of my friends posted she was waiting for her mom to come over so she could have some alone time. I literally responded 'What's 'alone time'? So, I'm hoping that will help some. I have a tendency of putting my self last, and to be the best I can be, I need to make more time for ME. I have successfully been walking 5/7 days a week for a little over a week now, but its just a start.
I take it all to God, and leave it in His hands. I know there are good things awaiting me. I can feel it! I can see it. Its just a matter of time. God willing, with all the effort He gives me, I will be proving my hubby WRONG very soon here!
Ok, that's enough of a negative post. I'm going to get in a success academy lesson tonight if it kills me! God bless you all!
Hey Tammy,
Have been reading through your journal...what a journey! Very inspiring! I am writing on behalf of my husband. He is a Realtor, Attorney and CPA here in Arizona. He recently passed the California bar, but will not be officially licensed until January. He has also submitted his paperwork for Colorado since he has reciprocity there from having an AZ license. He is licensed in Iowa as well. He specializes in Real Estate, Estate Planning and Tax Law. I am just now getting into the investor side of the equation. He isn't really interested...kind of like your husband. He'd rather work 80hrs a week as an Attorney!
However, I know if I were to get him involved in some deals using Dean's methods, he would come around. He says we aren't liquid enough to be investing right now. Little does he know.
As soon as he is licensed in CA, I'll let you know, if you are interested. Otherwise, I'd love to work with you on any deals in AZ, Iowa or Nebraska...in the near future, Colorado. We have properties in AZ, Iowa and Colorado currently and frequent all these places. These deals were done before I knew about Dean's methods. So I am very exciting to start putting deals together using Dean's methods, especially since I have a big part of my team right at home! Oh and my husband's cousin is a Mortgage Broker in CA(San Diego area). He is an amazing guy. If you are ever in need of someone else.
Also, My Husband's mother has made her millions in real estate, the good 'ol fashion way. She bought her first house on a credit card for 10k. Now owns 40 homes and does section 8. I hear her turning away business all the time because she doesn't have enough rentals available. She was visiting her home in AZ, getting calls from IA and she had nothing to offer. She is a Guru on Section 8 housing. Best of all she never needs to prospect because leads are sent to her. She must be on the State's list of Section 8 housing Land lords. Not sure how that works. She is 65 yrs. old so she isn't really looking for anymore business. Just managing what she has, but I know she would be more than happy to help on any deals I work out. You are alot farther along than I am with putting deals together. But I have all the right resources close to home, to make things happen, so I wouldn't mind working with someone to help me get my feet wet and assist them along the way with my connections as well. I am eager to get started. Let me know your thoughts on all this. You have become a great mentor, whether you know it or not.
Thanks for inspiring all of us!
Tracy Coats
you will have to start being a little selfish, and that is not a bad thing. if you drain yourself totally, you have nothing left to give. listening to all the crap is especially draining. can you walk away when he starts that? you are a sweetie, i can tell, but i think you are gonna have to get real tough real fast, and that doesn't mean being nasty. you have every right to stand up for yourself and do what you need to do. this is a real touchy subject for me, but i won't go on about it any more. i'm glad to see you taking action to help yourself and your business. do what you have to do. you are inspiring others on here, even if you don't know it. it also looks like you might have a good contact with the attorney's wife from AZ.
keep hanging in there.
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:
A lot of the time people are so negative because of the way they view themselves. They want everyone to stay at their level and feel ashamed of themselves when someone else takes action and improves themselves! He will come around when all the hard work you have put in pays off and it WILL!! I am blessed that I had 100% support from my wife! Now over a year later she gave her notice at her J.O.B. this week and we will be working our REI business together full time!
I do have a suggestion. If you have not already started it, its time for marketing!
Bandit signs, fliers, business cards to everyone you know, take the kids and drive areas if you can, call for rent signs and FSBOs, call for sale by owners in craigs list(20 per day)Call houses for rent in craigs list (20 per day)Ask if they want to sell! Go to REI meetings if you can. Tell everyone you can market their properties(fellow investors)and collect a fee if you can provide the buyer. Keep searching for the one you want to finance and flip your self in the mean time. REOs like you are doing! Email all the REO listing agents you know and let them know you can take those problem REOs off their hands! Then there is the pre foreclosure market!! Short sales, hand them off to your short sale team and collect a fee when they close.
I can't wait to hear about the check you left the closing table with (or your rent check came on your latest property!)
Michael Mangham
MD Home Acquisitions LLC
Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins
http://www.mdhomeacquisitions.com Seller site
http://www.mdhomeacquisitionsbargainhouses.com Buyer site
http://www.mdhomeacquisitionshousehunter.com Bird Dog Site
http://www.mdlodeals.com Tenant/Buyer site
I told Randy on one of his post, don't be afraid to take a day off once in a while. I know you can't take a day off from the gifts God gave you (kids). You can take a day off from everything else.
Remember this is your post if you want to vent then vent.
God Bless you and your family.
Steve and Veronica
Steve and Veronica's Journal.
All of these stories are awesome! I've enjoyed reading about how many people have started from nothing and worked hard to get where they are today! I am a new student, and wanted to ask anybody out there what is the VERY FIRST thing to do to get started. I have taken notes, am reading the books, but am still not sure what the first step to take is? I have no money to put down, But I do have a potential investor from the fam. I'm $80,000.00 in credit card debt, $30- $50,000.00 underwater on my mortgage. I'm tired of being a slave to the lender..........Ugh!!
I've been a carpenter for 20 yrs. I'm currently enrollrd in community college for associates degree in construction mangt. I took advantage of the very slow times to go back to school. I have a small contracting business that took a hard hit in '07. I'm struggling to keep things going. My wife works to bring in a helpful hand of income, so we're just getting by to make ends meet. We are paying the minimum balance on our credit cards because that is all we can afford right now, but it 's getting us nowhere. I'm on a soapbox......sorry. I'm am so determined to make real estate work for me and my family. My main goal is to get out of debt and make more to give more. I'm pumped to get started on my journey out of debt.
Didn't expect to see all these posts! Came here to say I am SET FOR LIFE!
Yes, with my business credit, I bought the system and I am SOO excited!
(My husband will be SOO mad, even though its on the business credit only! He still doesn't understand the power behind having business credit.)
I will go back and read all the posts here tomorrow. I got 5 hours sleep last night and I'm needing to get to bed early tonight!
I've been so busy today I've only gotten to a few threads!
I'm setting up all my trusts to buy my first subject to property. My seller is now 2 weeks late, so I had to make up a letter to give to the mortgage company to authorize me to talk to them. I am going to try to get forbearance on the property for them, and start the loan modification process. But, before I do that I need to call the RESA (as I found is what Dean officially calls the Success Academy). We can't do the transaction until the 1st of the month because his RE contract doesn't end until the end of this month, and even though she SAID she releases obligation from the contract, she would not give anything in writing. After reading GA laws, its way too easy for her to claim her commission by writing a letter that is written right into the law. If its not in writing, I don't trust it. So, this has causes my sellers to fall behind. But, we're working on it!
I haven't even gotten to the SFL system automation which came in my email today!
I also got another lead generation for a subject to in NC off of my website while I was at the store. **GRIN**
, so I've researching the property (there isn't much info, must be a non disclosure state) and the city this property is in. I currently own a property in NC in another city (which is why I want to continue to invest there), but I need to get a good RE attorney in NC. Anyone know of one they can recommend? Also, this property is listed with a realtor, so many questions, does that mean that I won't be able to do the subject to (most likely). In that case, I'll bird dog it to a short sale specialist because she HAS to sell by 2 months time. I love it!
I am starting to reap the rewards of all my preparation and hard work. Leads, coming to me. While I'm out shopping! ha! HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHHAHAHAAAA!! I LOVE IT! Just wait until I start using the SFL system of Deans. OH BOY!!!
Tammy eventually all your hard work will pay off!
You sound a lot like me and going in a million different directions! One thing I did back in April was to stop everything else I was doing and focus on one thing, getting deals. It got me the two deals I am doing now! But it took some time, 4 months, from April to now for them to finally close. One was an REO and one was a probate. I can no idea how I was going to pay for either of them but it came through in the end.
Dean talks about finding the person from the EDGE that clicks with you. That is exactly what I did on my plane ride home from the EDGE. I wrote down the 3 people that clicked with me and tried their methods. I have since found out that my buyers list is way too small and that I need to line up some private money (now that I have SFL life coming, I may focus on that). I think Dean's new system will help with both of those. In the mean time I am going to follow Greg Murphy's program, since you don't need any money, but again it requires list, buyers and tenant buyers. I know there are deals out there I just need to turn over the right rock.
I know there is a lot going on, try reading some books and/or listening to positive CDs. Let me know if you need any recommendations!
One last comment, when your building a BIG building, sometimes it looks like there is nothing going on. But what is happening is you are building the foundation. Without a good foundation the building will fall. But once you get that foundation in, the building goes up quick, or so it appears. Keep building that great foundation for your sky scrapper!
... Verses: 35 "but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; They will run and not grow weary, They will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31 ...
Tammy, thanks for all of ur encouragement to me. I have been kinda in limbo for a while now, awaiting this move which I really don't want to do. Just remember the word says that a house divided against itself can't stand. Let your husband know what the word says. Be positive and keep on plugging. One thing I realized, if I do nothing but real estate all of the time and leave God out, it won't work. It might for a season, but, God asks us to put him first and all things will be added to us. Be blessed and let me know how things go and I still want to do something with you, just been busy working and started my school up again for the fall. Doing business law and real estate 101..lol Take care and talk to ya soon. Kevin
Because I'm doing all the paperwork, the offer, the trust and setting up this whole subject to, and it all seems so unreal! I KNOW I'm going to make a mistake here somewhere, but I want to make sure to cross all my t s and dot all my i s.
Today was more of a family day and dedicated towards time with the kids and studying the Bible some. There is nothing like spiritual refreshment for the mind!
Now, I'm back to writing my trust and getting my offer all set up and ready to go for the 1st, as well as updating my rental agreement with all sorts of new stuff I learned from my $20 CD course from the garage sale.
Have not gotten into the automation materials for my set for life system yet! Its like opening a present, but it does involve Realeflow and Greg Clement. Interesting!
I also purchased the Edge event 2011 when I bought the SFL system. So, I am DEFINITELY going next year, GOD WILLING! I could NOT pass up such an incredible offer, because I KNOW how much it goes for normally!
Sent off an email to the first lead I received from my website. Now, when I say LEAD, I don't just mean name and contact info. I mean, answers to all the questions to ask a seller when determining whether or not to take a deal or not.
I mean, the work is done for me, which is awesome. I can see me being able to only work on RE for a few hours a day at this rate. 
Now, off to answer everyone's posts here.
Lord knows I need them! {HUGZZZ!!}
Hello! Thank you so much for stopping by my journal! I would definitely like to network with you! Sounds like you already have your foot in the door and are ready to take off! You will do well!
It is CERTAIN we will SUCCEED!
Have been reading through your journal...what a journey! Very inspiring! I am writing on behalf of my husband. He is a Realtor, Attorney and CPA here in Arizona. He recently passed the California bar, but will not be officially licensed until January. He has also submitted his paperwork for Colorado since he has reciprocity there from having an AZ license. He is licensed in Iowa as well. He specializes in Real Estate, Estate Planning and Tax Law. I am just now getting into the investor side of the equation. He isn't really interested...kind of like your husband. He'd rather work 80hrs a week as an Attorney!
However, I know if I were to get him involved in some deals using Dean's methods, he would come around. He says we aren't liquid enough to be investing right now. Little does he know.
As soon as he is licensed in CA, I'll let you know, if you are interested. Otherwise, I'd love to work with you on any deals in AZ, Iowa or Nebraska...in the near future, Colorado. We have properties in AZ, Iowa and Colorado currently and frequent all these places. These deals were done before I knew about Dean's methods. So I am very exciting to start putting deals together using Dean's methods, especially since I have a big part of my team right at home! Oh and my husband's cousin is a Mortgage Broker in CA(San Diego area). He is an amazing guy. If you are ever in need of someone else.
Also, My Husband's mother has made her millions in real estate, the good 'ol fashion way. She bought her first house on a credit card for 10k. Now owns 40 homes and does section 8. I hear her turning away business all the time because she doesn't have enough rentals available. She was visiting her home in AZ, getting calls from IA and she had nothing to offer. She is a Guru on Section 8 housing. Best of all she never needs to prospect because leads are sent to her. She must be on the State's list of Section 8 housing Land lords. Not sure how that works. She is 65 yrs. old so she isn't really looking for anymore business. Just managing what she has, but I know she would be more than happy to help on any deals I work out. You are alot farther along than I am with putting deals together. But I have all the right resources close to home, to make things happen, so I wouldn't mind working with someone to help me get my feet wet and assist them along the way with my connections as well. I am eager to get started. Let me know your thoughts on all this. You have become a great mentor, whether you know it or not.
Thanks for inspiring all of us!
I subconsciously know this and used to say it all the time when I attended MOPS (mothers of preschoolers), but since I started homeschooling, I haven't been able to go to MOPS because they don't have childcare for my older kids.
I do try to ignore him at first, but when he persists, I just get to the point of defending myself and it is draining to say the least. I get tough and stand up for myself, but I'm not doing it in a healthy way. I wanted to get Preston Ely's the Red Pill, but it was released the same day as Dean's program, so I didn't get it.
Thank you for your encouragement and support, because I am the type of person that absolutely thrives on encouragement and coming here gives me a lot of that! Thank you so much for your advice, I need to learn to not let ANYTHING critical he says bother me.
He has his days when he surprises me, though. He talked to someone at work who is interested in a property up to $450K, so I think in the back of his mind he may think this can happen. I am not sure if he just has bad days at work and comes home and takes them out on me and the kids. He's very to himself type of guy, and getting him to talk about anything is like pulling teeth out of a crocodile.
I am so excited about this first deal. Only 10K of equity, but I'm buying it with NO CASH!!!!, and will start with no cashflow, but it is a breakeven rental the way I'm structuring it, until I can get rid of the tenant in place and get in a lease option buyer. Will that count as a 2nd deal, or just an extension of the first? I'm not sure how it works, I have to check the success academy document about that.
Best to you Linda! WE've both come so far since coming here to this site! WE are going to SUCCEED, no doubt!
That first sentence made something click. I don't know WHY I didn't see it earlier, but I think he may veiw himself badly because of an incident that happened a couple of years back in our relationship. THANK YOU for opening my eyes!
I'm sure he'll come around when I tell him he can retire and spend more time with the kids and doing the things he enjoys doing with his life instead of working for the the government.
Marketing! I just got 1500 postcards to start distributing for my Private money website, fliers for my Video website, and the web marketing is FINALLY showing up on google! That was no easy task without paying for it. I learned about Adwords and how to put the best key phrases in so my websites will show closer to the beginning of the hundreds of thousands of links with stuff similar to mine. Its a slow process, but I'm getting there!
Signs around here get taken away by the city as quickly as they're put out. I'll have to stick a few out when there's an election when they let signs sit for a while.
I am working on getting a sitter so I am able to get out to the tons of REIC around here! I have a plethora to choose from! I know I'm missing out! 20 calls a day, boy, I really need to purchase that headset so people can't hear my kids! I can't hear myself talk half the time! LOL
Thanks for all the support, advice and encouragement Michael! I really need to hear it!
I do have a suggestion. If you have not already started it, its time for marketing!
Bandit signs, fliers, business cards to everyone you know, take the kids and drive areas if you can, call for rent signs and FSBOs, call for sale by owners in craigs list(20 per day)Call houses for rent in craigs list (20 per day)Ask if they want to sell! Go to REI meetings if you can. Tell everyone you can market their properties(fellow investors)and collect a fee if you can provide the buyer. Keep searching for the one you want to finance and flip your self in the mean time. REOs like you are doing! Email all the REO listing agents you know and let them know you can take those problem REOs off their hands! Then there is the pre foreclosure market!! Short sales, hand them off to your short sale team and collect a fee when they close.
I can't wait to hear about the check you left the closing table with (or your rent check came on your latest property!)
Michael Mangham
MD Home Acquisitions LLC
Thank you for the reminder Steve and Veronica! I see you a lot on the messages here. I can't wait to see you succeed right along with me, Gorgeous, Chris, and the newest generation of DG students! It is CERTAIN we will SUCCEED! God BLESS YOU!
Remember this is your post if you want to vent then vent.
God Bless you and your family.
Well, you are on the right track by coming to DG.com, reading the books and educating yourself. The very first step? Actually, its setting your life goals. Make them quantitative and measurable with specifics. "I will pay off all my credit card debt by 4/1/2011 by investing in RE". Do goals not only for your financial and career success, but for your life! Family/relationships, spiritual, fun/relaxation, charitable goals, health/fitness, time, etc.
Then, decide which strategy you will start with in REI. I think I'm going a few different directions here, but I know I want to do many NO CASH OUT OF POCKET deals. (sounds like you're right there too!) and then decide which of Dean's strategies you want to take home. I chose subject to's and lease options. Know your personal strengths and weaknesses and build upon what you're good at, and do what you enjoy most!
Then, start building your lists. Networking at a REIC is a great place to start. Be yourself and let everyone know you are just starting out as a REI, but go with the intention of knowing what you want to get out of your REI journey. I don't know if you have kids, but I really want to get myself to an REIC meeting. Last one I went to was in 2009 for a seminar on buying and holding onto land. Build a power team and start building a buyers list. Find out what your buyer's want and work around that. Learn how to talk to buyers and get POF from them. (Gorgeous, how do you persuade them to give them to you right away? I'm NOT very good at it at all!)
Good luck on your journey. Best thing I can tell you is you WILL be rejected a lot. You WILL have bad days. You WILL have people reneg and back out on you. You WILL run across many obstacles. NEVER GIVE UP THROUGH ANY OF IT! In REI, that is just part of the deal! Don't take anything personal, people have reasons for doing things that may have nothing at all to do with us. Best to you!
It is CERTAIN we will SUCCEED (you may also want to do daily affirmations as well.
I've been a carpenter for 20 yrs. I'm currently enrollrd in community college for associates degree in construction mangt. I took advantage of the very slow times to go back to school. I have a small contracting business that took a hard hit in '07. I'm struggling to keep things going. My wife works to bring in a helpful hand of income, so we're just getting by to make ends meet. We are paying the minimum balance on our credit cards because that is all we can afford right now, but it 's getting us nowhere. I'm on a soapbox......sorry. I'm am so determined to make real estate work for me and my family. My main goal is to get out of debt and make more to give more. I'm pumped to get started on my journey out of debt.
ITS ABOUT TIMEEEEEEEE I HAD AN OFFER ON AN REO COUNTERED! Thank GOD! But, my agent is a tease, and he wasn't in the office when the fax came in and he DOESN'T KNOW what the counter was! We may be going back and forth for a while with the bank, but at least I know my offer has been SEEN by the bank! Hallelujah!
yea Tammy!! Hope it all goes your way!!
love your post above where you were telling about setting goals, the "negative" side of REI, etc. very informative and helpful. congrats on the counter offer. can't wait to hear how it all turns out.
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:
I don't understand how you found a $50 service at Kall8. I signed up at Kall8 for $4 a month plus the time used for the voicemails. I am still getting it set up and haven't received any voicemails yet. I found Kall8 from one of the coaches at the Success Academy who is doing REI on the side.
Keep on Keeping On !!! Expect it, God has already given it to you. You just need to get out there and grab it!
If you want to follow my journal:
Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10