Well, I'm starting this journal to signify my newest endeavors in REI. I've now OFFICIALLY conquered wholesaling and can add that to my list of real estate accomplishments. It took 27 deals that DIDN'T close to get ONE that did.
You can go see all my history and you will learn a lot from my trials and tribulations in REI in my first journal. (http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/43252/...)
The most important thing to remember is that GIVING UP IS **NOT** an option. This business is very cutthroat. There are people that will throw you under the bus in a heartbeat. And, the more money you make, the more people want a piece of it. Hardcore determination, persistence and perseverance are what you will need to make it in REI. This is not a get rich quick scheme, this is a 'work hard to make it and turn yourself into a success through your hard work' to set yourself free course of action. I am not saying this as a discouragement, but rather to be realistic and let you know, yes, this can be done, but no, don't expect it to be easy and for it to be handed to you. EXPECT to fail a lot. Failure means only one thing.... you've gained a lot of experience and are on your way to success. It does NOT mean 'this doesn't work so I'm going to give up'. NO GIVING UP, remove the words from you vocabulary!
Also, I want to share another great resource you may have overlooked. Dean has many wonderful books. 4 of them deal directly with real estate, so you may think they should be your focus, but Dean has one more book that is a MUST read for your success. This book helps develop YOU for success. Dean writes in a such a down to earth and brilliant manner that this is a very fast, but very far reaching into your soul read. Be SURE to read TOTALLY FULFILLED! (more info on the book here: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/totally-fulfilled/72344/d...)
No matter where you may be on your journey, I recommend that EVERYONE do the '7 levels deep exercise' right here on this site (http://www.deangraziosi.com/emd/videm/7levels) Go do it now, it will be an eyeopening experience and a great action step for you to take.
And now, I will transfer the last couple of entries from my prior journey over to this journal.
Yes, they made us sit in silence, didn't they! I'm glad I started the essay contest before I knew about it, but I sure know exactly how all of the contestants were feeling in the contest and I just couldn't say anything ! That was hard!
That is so funny that you couldn't say anything. I bet that was difficult. You have done a lot for others, I am glad that you are being recognized for your accomplishments. Good luck!
See how I was able to make money in real estate without any of my own money all while I was over 3,500 miles away!
We buy houses any condition or circumstance:
Way to go. I look forward to following your progress and learning from you. I once had a mentor that told me "to be truly successful, you have to fail your way to the top!" Sounds like we are on the same path! Very encouraging for me to be on the same path as someone who has been doing this awhile.
The timing will never be perfect for you to pursue your dream, so you might as well start now.”
~ John C. Maxwell
You deserve it!!! Keep successing it all the way to the TOP!! WOOHOO!!!
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249
Yes, it was tough to not say anything. I had started the essay contest and a few weeks later I believe it was they had told me I'm a finalist, so while you guys had all that anxiety during the contest, I was (am) feeling it right along with you!
Can't wait to meet you at EDGE this year Chad!! 
You got it! Dean always asks 'when's the last time you failed?'. If you haven't failed recently, then you aren't succeeding! It is a refreshing thing to remember! You are well on your way to success Ginger!!!
Thank you and Chad so much for stopping by my new journal. Check out my original. It was getting so long, its like on page 27 or something, so beginning of this year I started this one!
It is CERTAIN we will SUCCEED!!
Thank you so much for your words! You are such an encouraging and beautiful person! I can't wait to see you at EDGE and for the ladies night!
wishing you all the luck I can!!!!! Won't this be fun. I know exactly how you feel. So Thrilling. Keep a;; of us updated
"Don't tell me I can't, Tell me how I can."
Every video on there could be a winner. Now you know how hard it was for us to evaluate for the essay contest! Definitely NOT easy!
Today I'm in a bit of a doldrums. I have to go over all that I am grateful for to get over it! I am grateful to have some wonderful kids. I am so thankful for the house I live in. I am thankful for my creativity and my ability to go out and take action. I am grateful for the beautiful air today after the rains, I am thankful we have food to eat, and cars to drive. I am thankful that I am alive. I am thankful to be able to put my kids in school for a few hours of sanity a day
, I am thankful for the trees. I am thankful I live where I can go outside and hear so many birds singing their songs for all to hear. I am so thankful.
Ok, learning point here. A good ? to ask when buying a home. Do you need to go to court to appeal the tax assessed value. In CA, we just send in paperwork with comps and they either deny or approve it; no hoops to jump through; easy. So, I didn't think to ask a question like this when I bought my IN property... (see, we all make mistakes!!!)
I got the assessor paper on my IN home and it is assessed at $210K by the county (which is the value before the garage burned down (before I bought it) and the house in top shape... in 2006/7!!!! I bought it for $26K, and its only worth about $80-90K ARV. I WISH it was worth that! But the only way to FIGHT it is to take the county to court. *sigh*
Now I'm down 2 lbs.
Not enough! But, its going the right direction! 
My wife told me the other day that I could lose 25Lbs of useless weight in an instant!
Cut off my head. Ha Ha! I don't know, she may be right.
Hope all is well in sunny California,
Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins
http://www.mdhomeacquisitions.com Seller site
http://www.mdhomeacquisitionsbargainhouses.com Buyer site
http://www.mdhomeacquisitionshousehunter.com Bird Dog Site
http://www.mdlodeals.com Tenant/Buyer site
Congrats on being a finalist in the contest, you derserve it! I liked all the video's but could only vote for one! Good luck.
Cathy B
Follow my progress at:
I know, only one vote. Nerve racking! But, thanks for the congrats! They're all great videos!
Mine was over 1hr and 20 minutes and had to be condensed down; it was not an easy task, that's for sure! There are some things I wish I had taken out and other things I should have left in, but for originally NOT going to enter the contest and getting it in the last hour, I'm thrilled to be a finalist!
Well, I've been doing something, AGAIN, outside my comfort zone. I am looking up and cold calling sellers direct on commercial properties. The other day, I was working with my intern and she brought a property in development to my attention; turns out the owners are HUGE developers and a movie star; SO out of my reach and beyond little old me. We couldn't find their numbers of course, but we found out the partner's name and proceeded to try to find contact info; without any luck.
So, I had my intern leave a message at the office for the builder's. Guess who we got a call back from? YEP, the MAN himself left us a message with his direct phone number! Let's just say it went like this. Gidddy screaming first. Then high fives and jumping around like a couple of nuts, then disbelief and total awe, and then, should we call him back? Our hearts were pumping out of our chests. I was literally shaking on the phone and so excited, it was very apparent in my voice; but I had a conversation with him and I didn't get blown out of the water by him. He asked me to email him more information on the service we're providing and thanked US for calling him.
What an intense feeling this was. These are the guys with the bucco bucks, and it is so intimidating, but, it leaves me with one thought.
Don't EVER limit yourself to who you are able to talk to! EVER! Your mind sets your limits; make sure your mind is limitless! If you have a service you are providing, be confident and, just do it!
I have sent the info off in an email, second guessing myself again whether I sent the right information. I'm going to follow up with him, but it was exhilarating and quite a relieving experience! Never give up, and never set limits!
It is CERTAIN we will SUCCEED!!!
has been my theme this week. I read a great post by michaelmangham to just call preforeclosures directly, before sending a postcard. He wrote "try it...it works." That got me very motivated, and a little nervous, but I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
I get excited reading other people's adventures, and it sounds like you'll be rubbing elbows with celebrities (besides Dean of course) in no time! I know you'll keep us posted!
See how I was able to make money in real estate without any of my own money all while I was over 3,500 miles away!
We buy houses any condition or circumstance:
Today my husband is all over me again, and no not in a good way. I'm brought to tears and this is the only safe place I have to go to post this. This has been a part of my journey all along; a naysayer husband who would love to see me fail, time and time again. Today he told me I have to shut down my business and get a 'normal J O B' but I will not do that. I didn't work this hard to turn the business around this far only to throw it all away at his beckon cry. Yes, I still have a few more deals before I will completely turn the whole thing around, but sometimes, the naysayer attitude still gets under my nails and I have to really garner the strength and perseverance to IGNORE it. It isn't easy. This is why when I mentor people, the FIRST thing, and ONLY thing we work on for the first few months is MINDSET. Because without the right mindset, many people give up under the stresses and pressures.
The property I have under contract for $95K all my JV partners have decided not to go in, I haven't heard back from any of my PMLers and there goes $1000/mo walking out the door. (well half of that until I buy out the JV partner). They won't extend my escrow because I didn't put EMD; this is because the agent put in $2K and I didn't catch it when I signed the contract, it should have been $1K (one of the drawbacks of putting in so many offers and using electronic signatures, I have to check more thoroughly), and with property taxes coming up, and relying on partners and PML to close this one, I couldn't risk losing the other $1K that is allocated to property taxes. And, the utilities are still not on by the agent and I've said from the beginning I needed them turned on to test everything and have it inspected thoroughly; and I'm supposed to close on the 3rd. If its meant to be, I will have it closed, but its going to take an act of God at this point to make the deadline.
I can not believe how immature your husband is treating you! He should be giving you all the support and more! This is a tough business and living with constant negativity on,y makes it worse. His behavior should only inspire you to kick ass and work harder to prove him wrong!
Hi Tammy,
You know what I have said in the past about the negativity. It's hard to ignore and move past when it is your spouse. I paused and said a prayer for you as I was typing this message. One to prosper your business and that your husband will see the light and become more supportive.
I have an awesome deal that I am getting the signed contracts back on this afternoon. I don't know what kind of money you can put together but this one will NET at least $330,000. Most likely more. Great area. Acquisition costs including remodel are $1,275,000. Retail sale price $1,800,000. Average DOM in the area are less than 30.
I have not put this out to my buyers yet. Will do so Saturday morning. Contact me if you are interested, I'll give you first shot. This one would show him the benefits or REI!!
Keep going and don't stop!
Michael Mangham
Mentoring/Team Building Nationwide
MD Home Acquisitions LLC
Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins
http://www.mdhomeacquisitions.com Seller site
http://www.mdhomeacquisitionsbargainhouses.com Buyer site
http://www.mdhomeacquisitionshousehunter.com Bird Dog Site
http://www.mdlodeals.com Tenant/Buyer site
I did put him through a lot last year because we got stuck in a 14% HML (that was supposed to be a 11% & 5 pt w/fees included in the 5 pts, that was CHANGED 3 days before to a 14%, 8pts & $2700 fee loan 3 days before closing) and it took us over a year to get out of the loan; it almost devastated us; and it took quite a lot out of our relationship.
However, my whole journey, he has been the biggest naysayer in my life; and it is a part of many people's struggles doing real estate; there will always be naysayers; ALWAYS. But, its how we overcome them that's important.
It has DEFINITELY inspired me to succeed in more ways than one. I was not going to even enter the Send me Away contest because not only my husband, but my older kids said my video was horrible. I decided a week before the cutoff, I'm not letting that dictate whether I enter or not, and I just entered. I'm thrilled to be a finalist!
If I were to win that just seeing the look on my husband's face would be stellar! As it is, they can't believe I made the finals! I've already proved him wrong on so many occasions, but he tends to remember the negative 10 times over the positive.
The best thing someone could give me right now.
Awesome deal! Is it commercial, I'm presuming? Is this one I could finance though Pine 100%? If it is, I'd jump on it! But, right now, I literally have no cash.
I'm doing something with a bit unconventional (LEGAL!). This will literally wipe me out of cash COMPLETELY, no reserves for anything and leave me with $0 money in the bank. But, it will be absolutely WORTH IT!!! More later, hopefully
So, no money deals are essential right now. I will be cutting my monthly expenses by over $2100. Its worth the shot, and this is why!
My next plan of action after that is to go after my 1st for violating contract law. I won't get into that one until after I finish the other settlement.
Oh no, that would definitely NOT be a good thing! I think my hubby would have the same sentiments about me.
Keep on kicking RE butt! 
Hope you are doing great!!!
Cut off my head. Ha Ha! I don't know, she may be right.
Hope all is well in sunny California,
This is actually three houses in a row in a very hot area. Tired landlord wants out! Three solid little brick tudors. The plan is to pop the top on all three at the same time.
I know Pine would be all over this deal at 4 points and 15%. But we would have to have 6 months of interest payments in the bank to be approved. Loan amount $1,275,000. That would be $95,625 for 6 months interest. Payments would be $15,937 a month. They would fund the whole deal at 70% ARV! 4 points at closing = $51,000. Total money costs based on a 6 month hold would be $146,625. Would still Net about $185,000.
Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins
http://www.mdhomeacquisitions.com Seller site
http://www.mdhomeacquisitionsbargainhouses.com Buyer site
http://www.mdhomeacquisitionshousehunter.com Bird Dog Site
http://www.mdlodeals.com Tenant/Buyer site
I will unfortunately have to pass because I don't have $95K in reserves sitting around... YET.
and that's the key word. I'm going to work this until I do have $95K in reserves... $200K, $300K, $500K, $1M, $2M! Just watch me, I'll do it! It may take awhile, but I can see it, I can taste it, I can smell it! It will happen!
Well, my property under contract, I have believe I have found a great partner for, but we can't close on it the 3rd. I'm going to have my agent go back to Chase and ask them to extend the escrow. My agent putting down the $2K i/o the $1K really put me in a bind. Also, she did not get the utilities on, so I haven't even gotten to test all the major systems and appliances in the house. Which is in no way fair; because if it came down to it and I didn't close, I couldn't get my money back because the inspection clause is passed. So, if they won't extend I'm going to resubmit an offer for $92K. So, I am going to work it to the best of my ability to extend the escrow, even though I've been told no twice now. Persistence, and NOT taking NO for an answer.
On my IN property, which is held by my self directed IRA, some things came up with the septic now that its in the rainy season. I'm looking to help my lease purchase tenant as its a big expense he did not have the forsight to know when purchasing the property. (I bought this property specifically for him because the IN laws don't allow owner financing, so I used a lease purchase instead and bought it from the bank 'as is' because he's a contractor) Anyhow, that was the day I went over all the things I'm grateful for. The expense to fix it is high, and my IRA is almost all tapped out, I don't have money in there to lend him any more; so I'm going to see if there are any renovation loans for primary residences he can get in IN. With their crazy Safe Law acts being so stringent there, it makes it really difficult to help him out.
And finally, we followed up on the email sent to our contact to the big developer and movie stars
It went very well; excellent, SUPERB! My intern actually had the conversation with him this time, and she did an excellent job. She has a great understanding of empathy, and although she could have met him this past Friday this afternoon, she picked up the hesitation in his voice because of this huge project he's working on and asked when a better time would be, and he said in another 2 months, he would have more time. So, we are going to be meeting with this big executive guy, little me and her,
in 2 months. Plenty of time to get over the fret and astonishment.
This is all new to me, but definitely could be used for SFR just as easily.
. If the mind of man can believe it and conceive it, the mind of man can ACHIEVE IT! (Napoleon Hill) [I have this committed to memory and repeat it at least 5 times a day if not more!]
I really have to work on my confidence more; I really struggle with it, and I think some of it is to do with the criticism I put up with, but also, I don't let myself take credit for the accomplishments I do have. I'm working on the best TAMMY I can be and I should be proud of what I've done. I really admire Jen Gray because she's got this concept down wonderfully, and I aspire to achieve the confidence she has in herself for ME!
Also, 2 of my FAVORITE quotes by Dean that I memorized, because it has been so phenomenal in my journey and life (both from Totally Fulfilled):
No one can make you feel inferior or tell you your ideas or vision is wrong unless you allow them that power!
And then one of many of my favorite verses!:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, Lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your path!
It is CERTAIN we will SUCCEED!
i know you will do it! you've done everything you set out to do, even if sometimes it had to be the hard way.
your perseverance always pays off sooner or later. with all that you have accomplished, you can be very proud of yourself. when those negative thoughts come, ask "who does that belong to?" so many times those are not even our own thoughts; we've picked them up from someone else.
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:
You have to know that you are inspiring so many people by your candid posts.
They are proof positive that life is a balance of failures and successes, but through it all, you have to keep taking that next step.
I could not imagine being around a naysayer spouse. But you have the right attitute and maybe he will be your catalyst to extreme success just to prove him wrong! We all need motivation and maybe that is his purpose.
Please keep posting. I am a California newbie. My focus is to wholesale properties in another state. Keep us all posted on your wholesale journey as well!
Thanks again!
Knowledge Plus Action Equals Results!
The only secure future I can have is the one that I build for myself!
Hi Tammy,
The heading here is in hopes of bringing searches on this site to your journal.
All I can say is, "YOU GO GIRL!"
Keep it up, stay tenacious, find your "happy place" whenever you need it, accept our prayers and thanks for your inspiration to us all.
Never, Never, Never Quit, N3Q
"Nothing happens until you place an offer."
"Skip Deal #1, go straight to Deal #2; it's so much easier."
"There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all." — Peter F. Drucker... so, "Don't sweat the small stuff." -R.Carlson. "The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one."~E.Hubbard, The Note Book, 1927...so, Do it for the right reason and "Do it with a headache!" - Dean Graziosi, Weekly Wisdom #176
Linda, Thank you for the words of encouragement! Persistence is key, and boy I have a lot of it. I sometimes wish my husband would remember what he used to say about me when we first met, that he's never met a more persistent person! Well, he knew that going into our marriage.
I turned defeat into what is called inspirational dissatisfaction this week! And I'm amazed at what putting that concept into play is doing for me! Its from the book Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude by Napoleon Hill. Its another great follow up book to Think and Grow Rich, another one to add to the reading list!
I just finished doing my income/profit and loss statements for this year. BEFORE my next deal closes and it is not accounted for on the books yet, I will be in the POSITIVE for the first time since 2007. $4273 in the positive! Ok, its not a lot, but you have to understand I came from WAY, WAY behind! I didn't start at $0, I started double digits thousands below that. And, with the newest deal that closes tomorrow, that number will be improved!
I am on my way in the right direction! In 2010 I made clear concise goals to get myself in the positive again by 2012! THIS IS GOING TO BE THE YEAR!!!
WOW! I am beside myself! What an eye opener!!
I posted about my newest deal here http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/my-deals/106340/another-d... , but I'm going to go more into detail about it later in the post as I just wanted to get it on the site. Pushing past the naysayer obstacles and doing the impossible!
Thank you for stopping by my journal Michelle! I can only hope to inspire many people. I want to be myself and show that I have MANY , MANY struggles and this isn't easy at all for me, but still I push forth and SUCCEED anyway!
And, one of my biggest struggles is the constant naysayer presence in my life that I can't exactly just not be around. Here's to your success! All the best!
It is CERTAIN we will SUCCEED!
I am going to close one of the big commercial deals by month's end.. See, this is what I do. I keep telling myself I'm going to do something. And I tell it to myself OFTEN, several times a day, every hour sometimes. I have it written in front of me and I type it often. Notice, "It is CERTAIN I will Succeed" is never the same. I type it every time. Its part of my plan to succeed!
I reaffirm my goals and set out to achieve them, and wonderful things happen! Mind over matter! I am going to close one of the big commercial deals by month's end... and so forth
They are proof positive that life is a balance of failures and successes, but through it all, you have to keep taking that next step.
I could not imagine being around a naysayer spouse. But you have the right attitude and maybe he will be your catalyst to extreme success just to prove him wrong! We all need motivation and maybe that is his purpose.
Please keep posting. I am a California newbie. My focus is to wholesale properties in another state. Keep us all posted on your wholesale journey as well!
Thanks again!
You are an insoiration to me Tammy. Thought the whole essay event I did not know how you were feeling. You told me you understood about digging myself out of a hole with my business but I didn't realize you really DID know. I am sure we could share some stories.
Naysayers are a very hard thing to deal with especially when you live with them. My husband isn't a naysayer, really, he just won't help. he tells me they we should do this blahblah blah but when it comes down to it, if I don't do it it doesn't happen. And he has why more time thant me.... so I guess we are both on this journey be ourselves. Call me anytime, you have my number. sometime it is like you said you just want to cry.
Well lets not let them stop us!!!!!!You can win this contest Tammy you deserve it you are such a sweet, kind, giving person. you are smart, talented and motivated. Just how can I help you now???? I believe in you Tammy
"Don't tell me I can't, Tell me how I can."