Been fighting this REO since Sept 2!!! The bank said they would negotiate "lender required repairs" as it was a FHA loan & after I had in under contract they refused to allow anyone to repair anything!The master bathroom had a bad shower & I couldn't close my loan cause the appraiser wouldn't sign off until the shower was repaired & my lender did the most awesome thing & referred me to another lender he knew that could do a
203K loan.He could see my passion for this house besides it was a great deal anyway.You really need someone on your side to get these deals done!I felt it was so hopeless more times than I can count but I stuck with it & it paid off big time!!It's in a area that is in the price range of 97-100k for same 3 bedroom 2 bath type homes.I got it for $77,500 in the end & the asking price was $84,900.I have to pay for the bathroom repairs but it's only around $1500 & I will end up with a almost new bathroom!Man.This was a hard one but they say the first one always is.I bought it with good credit & a steady job so yea I worked hard to do it man is it ever worth it when you get that KEY!!!!So don't give up people! Here's a picture of it!!
My FIRST DEAL is my DREAM HOUSE!!!!! I'm blown away!!!! Closed today!
Posted on: Sat, 12/18/2010 - 07:47
My FIRST DEAL is my DREAM HOUSE!!!!! I'm blown away!!!! Closed today!
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- by pinballdan
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Way to stick in there and not give up! So happy for you! Congratulations!
That is SO exciting!
I take it from reading your bio that this is a house you wanted for your own family. Is that correct? Congrats to you from the bottom of my heart!
This will certainly make your Christmas Merry!
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
Great example of never giving up. You must be on a cloud right now. Way to hang in there...Jan
Well done. There are no free lunches and it sounds like this one was worth earning
Don't Count the Days, Make the Days Count!!
fabulous dan !!!! thats a great example of determination and focusing on your goal to make it happen !!! AWESOME for you deserve your results !!
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Most deals can take up to 90 days dealing with the it wasn't that much longer....congrats it was worth the extra time! Now do I here deal #2?
Congratulations Dan
It is a great feeling when you get those the first time.
What steadfastness. Thanks for the encouragement. Your doors have opened.
Michelle W
Great Expectations
Michelle W
Great Expectations
CONGRATULATIONS! Great going and I'm happy to hear your happy news!! Much continued success to you
keep on truck!!!!keep reading!!!!keep finding!!!!keep sharing!!!keep responding!!!keep help keep-up the good work!!! but,don't keep it to yourself!!!
Thanks DG family for all the kinds words!
Jim Kendrick..It's BEYOND a great feeling!!!
Jan..YEA!!! CLOUD NINE!!! I still can't believe it!!!I'm a HOMEOWNER!!!!
Jay..Yes..NOTHING was gonna stop me from getting a home!once I knew it was POSSIBLE!!
Kareng..Yea..The house is for ME!!! are correct!!NOTHING was gonna make me give up!
Yea..Now I gotta make some money so I can get a multi-unit property for a investment
Tomorrow is what you BELIEVE and DO today!
This is a great example of determination and focus on your goal to make it happen. I'm happy to hear your happy news, continued success to you. You really deserve this.Now, do I here deal #2 & #3?
So happy for you with your new dream house! I, too, have a dream. Thanks for uplifting us all with your post.
You got this gift for yourself. What a great springboard for 2011.
If I can do it ANYONE can! But you REALLY have to want it!In my case since I'm in CA there's no thinking out of the box around here(Cash investors snatch up everything good real FAST!) I just did it step by step.Started out by making extra money to pay down the credit cards so that boosted my credit scores & at the same time started to SAVE money!You have to really buck up & buy nothing you don't really need & sell stuff you can do without(In my case I sold my "baby" my Toyota 4X4)& just kept going from there.I'm just really trying to tell everyone that it is HARD!Buying this house was the hardest thing I have ever done!And it took well over a year for my dream home to "pop-up" on the MLS!Words cannot describe how happy I am!When I'm there I feel like I'm working on someone elses house!I have to keep telling myself it's MINE!!!Wow..It's the best feeling in the WORLD when you get to KEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!Don't give up..It's worth the hard work it takes to do it!!!Number #2 will be a investment property like a nice DUPLEX..That would be nice
"With God All Things Are Possible Matt. 19:26"
"Give a Man a Dollar he's Rich For The Day, Teach a Man To Make a Dollar
He's Rich For Life" - T. Grant
Always glad to hear of someone who works hard achieving their goals .
Good work !
Randy S.
Elkton MD
congrats, what a gift merry christmas God Bless
Good Job Dan
Steve and Veronica
Steve and Veronica's Journal.
I'm glad to hear that you stuck with it all the way to Pay-Day!
Keep up the good work.
Rick Merritt
Trident Realty, LLC
Weak is he who permits his thoughts to control his actions; Strong is he who forces his actions to control his thoughts. --Og Mandino
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Check it out. Now you can set up your own 24 hour messaging system!
I can tell that this was the best gift you could have ever hoped for!! It sounds like it was well worth the fight!! Enjoy!! And I am very sure you will find the exact property (or properties) that will work for you and what you are going to accomplish!! Now GO GET 'EM!!!
missgee64-It was SO worth the fight & the wait!It's so great being close to the parents house in the same great area that I have lived all my life! LOCATION,LOCATION,LOCATION!!
Rick888- PAY-DAY for SURE,ha,ha..A BIG pay day if you get the pun :-)Yep..Gotta start saving for the next one
...Congratulations on your deal. You are so right that determination does payoff. I am happy to hear the deal worked out for you. Keep up the good work. Just like with Santa Claus, you have to believe to receive. Sounds like this home came at the perfect time. Happy Holidays! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
Congrats Pinball Dan,
You're the man... I know what it fells like to purchase that first house. May God bless you with many more.
Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.
Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, and Today is a gift...
Ethel Griffin
...So don't throw away a gift, do it today as tomorrow is not promised.
It is finally over, well done. Will you be singing, I'll be home for Christmas?" Congrats on your early Christmas gift. God Bless.
"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
SanBern-Yea..My Christmas gift to myself
ttjudge-It feels so great..I'm still in a DAZE & just walk around it still thinking "It really is mine!"
Indiana Joe-Thanks for the kind words & they mean a lot coming from a DG superstar!!!!I just kept hoping & WAITING & it finally worked out in the end & I got the KEYS!!!!!
Nice new diamond to go with your new house! I'm gettin' me one of those badges!
Way to go bro! You are on your way! You truly put some work in. September?!!!! Way to hang in there! Congratulations
You don't have to start SAVING for the next one!
You have to change your mindset. Read the books again! Learn to do it with no money down or out of your pocket.
It works!
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"