Elena M

All About Elena M

Elena M's picture
Elena M.
Gloucester, VA
About Me: 

Hi DG Family!

I've been a part of this wonderful DG family for a long time and have met some of the most awesome people. Back then there were only a few of us, now it's grown by leaps and bounds because of Dean and his amazing team. He's the real deal, and the nicest guy in person too! Smiling

I'm a musician first, investor second and mom of three lovely daughters ALL the time... And now I'm a proud Granny of six beautiful grandchildren. Wow!

I've been investing since 2004 and made some SUWEEET cashola in the process! Although I've had a few life changing set backs I'm overcoming and slowly forging ahead one day at a time.

I've read the secret (book is better than the movie), several other law of attraction books as well as Think and Grow Rich and other similar books and I have come to agree that whatever you focus on the most is what you attract to you.

I've spent thousands of dollars on Real Estate Investing courses, books, mentorships, coaching, boot camps and training seminars, including Dean's book (which I read in two days). I have all four of Dean's books and his Think a Little Different (TALD) course in my library now. Everything Dean puts out is top notch quality and full of great content.

I just moved to Virginia with my beautiful daughter and her amazing Military husband. They're expecting their 3rd son and I'm on my next new adventure with them. Let's see where life will take us next!

Thank you for taking the time to read my profile and I wish you ALL great success!

Close your eyes and just imagine how amazing you'll feel when you get your first big fat check at closing! Knowing that YOU did it, despite the fact that everyone told you it was impossible... It feels AMAZING... Believe it and YOU WILL achieve it!

Yasou! Laughing out loud


Family, Friends, Real Estate, Internet Marketing, Music, Ministry, Computers, networking and helping others!!

Topics I've Participated In

Getting Started Need Some Advice frymissy2167 years 46 weeks ago
Assigning question benbeka4428 years 4 weeks ago
How to Attract Investors to Assign to Your Deals Madison4098 years 5 weeks ago
Creating Additional Income From Real Estate Anitarny368 years 5 weeks ago
What Is Owner Financing Anitarny1248 years 14 weeks ago

Basic Info

Musician/Real Estate Investor/Proud Mom & Granny
Have Child(ren)
Some College


I am looking at a home that

I am looking at a home that the builder,It's been in the market for about two years. they are behind on the property taxes,last,and this year tax,what the best way to appropriate this in an win win. thank for your comments. the house is in N.C.

May You have Great Success

JJD's picture

May You have Great Success on your Journey!

Thank You for All that You Share.


Owner Financing

Do you know of sellers who offered seller financing and would be interested in selling their notes? I have private investors who aar looking to purchase secured real estate notes. I offer a referal fee for every note that closes. Send me a PM messag. I look forward to working with you and helping you grow your business.


Hi, am new to the site but

Hi, am new to the site but hope to network and find good people. If your ever looking for more networking tools, please visit www.**** , its free and has thousands of RE investors!

Re: My apologies....

Elena M's picture

to everyone who's tried to contact me the past few weeks. I am mourning the tragically unexpected loss of my second grandson and have not been able to return anyone's call or email. I will be in touch as soon as things settle. Thank you all for your cooperation through this difficult ordeal.

God bless you,

Loss of grandson


I am so saddened to hear of the passing of your second grandchild. I know that the loss of a small child or new born is devastating to everyone in the family.

I also believe that grandparents have a special connection to their grand-
children. Grandchildren are a part of you, they are an extension of you. Which is why you may be feeling such pain.

I see that ministry is part of your "hobbies" so you have the faith inside to help you and your daughter through this tragic time in your lives.

I pray for your family's healing and hope for a brighter tomorrow and more grandchildren to play in your backyard.


Rose Nodal

Elena M...

SuperBee's picture

I am so sorry about the tragic loss of your grandson. I hope this ebrochure (When Someone You Love Dies) can help you and your daughter to find more hope and comfort from the scriptures. If you'd like one or more copies of the printed version, just let me know. I'll send them to you at my own expense.


Most sincerely,

P.S. This book is also helpful:



Thank you Rose!

Elena M's picture

I truly appreciate it. The Holidays are going to be difficult for us. But with God's grace, this too shall pass!

God bless you,

Thank you Superbee!

Elena M's picture

I truly appreciate it.

God bless you,

Hi Elena

darylmau's picture

Visited your myspace page. You have your real pics there and am glad I can finally place a face to the name. I have two pages my family page Islandaffiliate, and my general page, hawaiicomputer. Am always pleased to meet other musicians on this forum as we are creative and expressive, as well as pretty much outgoing. Very pleased to make your acquaintance here and there.

You're most welcome, Elena

SuperBee's picture

I'm touched.

May He bless you too,
SuperBee Smiling


Mr. Godfrey's picture

Hay Elena, how are U.
Elena, we spoke about a year ago or so.
Elena I'm doing the lease opt strategy and I have a good amount of buyers on my rent to own buyer's list, but I have now homes yet.
I have bandit signs and online ads but nothing is coming in.
I have been calling fsbo, for rent and for sale ads.

Can you tell me what I'm missing and how to take it to the next level?


Thanks so much for your help.


Elena M's picture

I hope things have picked up since we last spoke on FB. In order to be successful in RE you have to keep a funnel of marketing methods continuously bringing you leads. Try different methods consistently to keep bringing those leads in or your business will die quickly. The best investors are also good marketers or have good marketers on their team. Eye-wink

Best of luck, keep in touch!


Hi Elena! My name is Steve and i live in Mesa AZ.Im glad to meet people from here because i know that we are here to help each other.Anyways im new to real estate investing and i was wondering if you would like to partner up with me on some deals?Right now theres too homes that i think theres potential cash to be made.Let me know if you would like to team up with me.Thx

Elana; You have a very

dreamcastle's picture

Elana; You have a very inspiring history with investing for those of us who continue to come up agaisnt brick walls all the time!

Andrew Dreamhome Prop. LLC


kim mellies's picture

Just wanted to welcome you and say how impressed I was when reading your profile. By the way, how do you find the time? Anyway, I wish you continued success. Keep in touch.

Hey Elena

emattp's picture

Hi Elena.. My name is Eric & I love your post on wholesaling... There is TONS of GREAT info.. Elena I had a quick question about wholesaling (which I am hoping to get into after reading Deans book "30 Days to Real Estate Cash").. I was wondering what to do if I get a house under contract & I don't or can't reassign it to an investor... Am I stuck with having to complete the deal by myself or is there a way to back out of it...?? Please help... hahaha (my agent kind of scared me when she said "you better make sure your investor is serious about buying it from you"...

Hi Elena

melinat's picture

Thanks for your tips, I am in the Atlanta GA area and I am looking forward to attending Deans Seminar coming up on 6/8/2012. Feel free to keep in touch and hope you have continued success.




Elena M's picture

Thank you, it's always nice to hear I helped someone. 1) You might need a new agent, they're supposed to be on your team, not the one throwing a monkey wrench into your plays, don't let her make you second guess what you're doing, if that's the case find another one.

2) You should always have a good escape clause in place, such as pending partner's approval, pending funding, always have a couple you can use in case you do have to back out. I used the partner's approval and I didn't even have a partner. So, the less risk involved the better you feel about the deal.

Hope this helps, good luck!
Elena Laughing out loud

thank you

charmainediaz's picture

Hi thank you for inviting me to email you
I have done so much learning and reading I am a marshmellow
just read that Profit from real estate 3 times and are starting to implement now.

Please let me know how I would be able to have a site just like you have Elena
I would appreciate it so much.
I got the free dean site and must start making it work now with all the bells and whistles and get others going asap

assignment of contract

ken51679's picture

Hi how are you today? My name is Ken Spade. I was wondering if after I get my agent to work with, do I disclose to her that I want to do assignment of contracts? And Do I get her to do them with me? Thankyou. Smiling

i live in az too!!!!

mpalmer's picture

Hello Hello!!!
I am a "newbie" investor been doing this for the last couple of months. I am still waiting to "make my 1st deal" happen. I have a HUUUUUGE CASH buyer in phx that i birddog for and he buys anything with profit..... maybe you have some houses that the sellers are ready, or as is properties that need a buyer! If you do assigning contracts, maybe you could assign it over to my buyer!?!? there of course are many ideas with this fun investing!!!

Maybe you could give me some insight and/or maybe we could work together on things!!??!!

Looking forward to talking to you!!

Melissa Palmer

Finding investment properties in Arizona

My wife and I recently moved to Mesa from California to be near our first grandchild. My wife and I have been investing in real estate for around 5 years. We have five rental properties with four of them in California. We have been going to live auctions and going to the online auction websites looking for investment properties to buy in our area, but we are finding the bidding is way too high for these houses. I was wondering where I would go to find properties I can buy from wholesellers in Arizona. I currently have financing through an investment group and have a real estate agent who works with investors to help them find properties, but I would like to find some wholesellers in the area to help us purchase properties at a fair price. Thank you for your time!
David Thomas