Elena M

All About Elena M

Elena M's picture
Elena M.
Gloucester, VA
About Me: 

Hi DG Family!

I've been a part of this wonderful DG family for a long time and have met some of the most awesome people. Back then there were only a few of us, now it's grown by leaps and bounds because of Dean and his amazing team. He's the real deal, and the nicest guy in person too! Smiling

I'm a musician first, investor second and mom of three lovely daughters ALL the time... And now I'm a proud Granny of six beautiful grandchildren. Wow!

I've been investing since 2004 and made some SUWEEET cashola in the process! Although I've had a few life changing set backs I'm overcoming and slowly forging ahead one day at a time.

I've read the secret (book is better than the movie), several other law of attraction books as well as Think and Grow Rich and other similar books and I have come to agree that whatever you focus on the most is what you attract to you.

I've spent thousands of dollars on Real Estate Investing courses, books, mentorships, coaching, boot camps and training seminars, including Dean's book (which I read in two days). I have all four of Dean's books and his Think a Little Different (TALD) course in my library now. Everything Dean puts out is top notch quality and full of great content.

I just moved to Virginia with my beautiful daughter and her amazing Military husband. They're expecting their 3rd son and I'm on my next new adventure with them. Let's see where life will take us next!

Thank you for taking the time to read my profile and I wish you ALL great success!

Close your eyes and just imagine how amazing you'll feel when you get your first big fat check at closing! Knowing that YOU did it, despite the fact that everyone told you it was impossible... It feels AMAZING... Believe it and YOU WILL achieve it!

Yasou! Laughing out loud


Family, Friends, Real Estate, Internet Marketing, Music, Ministry, Computers, networking and helping others!!

Topics I've Participated In

Getting Started Need Some Advice frymissy2167 years 46 weeks ago
Assigning question benbeka4428 years 4 weeks ago
How to Attract Investors to Assign to Your Deals Madison4098 years 5 weeks ago
Creating Additional Income From Real Estate Anitarny368 years 5 weeks ago
What Is Owner Financing Anitarny1248 years 14 weeks ago

Basic Info

Musician/Real Estate Investor/Proud Mom & Granny
Have Child(ren)
Some College



Elena M's picture

Would someone throwing a cement block through my back window be considered big? LOL! I thought at first it was broken from the storm we had last night, but later realized it wasn't. I think I slept with this broken window all night! I'm not sure, I didn't discover it til this morning. So I had to take a day off work to board it up. Nothing was taken, but it may be because I leave my radio and lights on. Something I've been doing ever since I was burgurlarized in 06. What really sucks is I think it might even be the same people!

Thats Not

DWashburn's picture

good, I do know, I'm an Insurance Adjuster so I deal with thefts a lot. Have you contacted the police department and get a police report? Also, have you noticed anything gone? If your doing the claim and if you have any question let me know.

Well I hope it gets better! Let me know!!

Thanks Boss!

Elena M's picture

They actually didn't take anything, I think my radio made them think someone was home. I thank God nothing was taken. I went through this two years ago and my insurance did cover the claim quickly. I appreciate the concern though, it's good to know! Thanks again Boss!

Your Welcome!

DWashburn's picture

Glad that nothing got taken. Well I know how Insurance Companies are so, that is why I was throwing that out there. But once again if you need any thing let me know! Your Boss! LoL JK

Thanks Boss...

Elena M's picture

I appreciate that and of course extend the offer back to you as well.
God bless,
Your Humble Assistant... Ha Ha!Eye-wink

Hi Elena

Kanbee's picture

I am so sorry to hear what happened to you...is everything okay? hope you recover from it real soon. How is the Arizona housing Market doing....it's rough out here in California and the market is crazy. As a new investor I was completely blown away, by the listings of foreclosures at the San Diego County Office. I heard the talks about this guy in Texas that funds deals....Is there anyway I can get in touch with him.

My Regards,



Elena M's picture

Az has a ton of foreclosures too... Whoever's doing short sales is making some big cashola right now! It's tight finding money here too, but I'm working on it. I pm'd you the guy Sissy refered to. Didn't you get it? Check your pm's. Having a proof of funds letter will get your offers accepted, but you need to have those end buyers lined up too. Eye-wink
Good luck and God bless,

Thanks Lena

Kanbee's picture

I finally got it, it's crazy. people out here got 20-30% D.P. already invested in this houses, and they willing to let it go. I'm completely blown away, I don't even know where to start....if its Pre-foreclosures or foreclosures or Short Sales..by the way if you have anybody willing to locate to San Diego let me know...if I find someone willing to locate to Arizona I will let you know.
My Reagards

Sounds good...

Elena M's picture

I will let you know, thanks! Yeah, they just can't handle that payment anymore and just want out. I can understand that! Well, best of luck to you, sounds like you're doing great though. Eye-wink

God bless,

Elena Laughing out loud


Rina's picture

Just thought I'd say Hi to one of my favorite people in the world. Thanks for keepin' on being such an inspiration to everyone here even in the middle of all the goings-on in your life! YOU ARE APPRECIATED!

Love ya, sis,


Thanks Rina!

Elena M's picture

It's like therapy. I get to get away from my goings-on when I'm here with my DG family. Laughing out loud
I appreciate your gratitude sister, you're still my number one!
Love you too,


sistreat's picture

Hi Elena
Hope all is well with you. My husbands new release will be entering the charts this coming week. It is getting great response and being played a lot in the independant markets.
I hope you are doing a lot of deals.
I am looking for million dollar hotels and apartment complexes for a few of my investors. Do you know how hard it is to find a hotel for sale! Geez! They are the hidden gems.

Hey Sissy!

Elena M's picture

That's great news for Ricky, give him my best! I'd love to hear his music. Have you tried looking on loopnet? They have commercial deals on there. Just a suggestion. Eye-wink

God bless you,



I need some help! My family and I have relocated from MI, to Alabama my company relocated us. I currently live in a brand new home that we are currently leasing with option to buy. This is somthing I have learn from Deans book. But my wife and I did get some bad new today. The builder that we have the lease with is in the process of losing all his home this includes ours. My question is how do we keep our beautiful home. Please help me I'm going to cry. I do still have PMA and beleive that all i need is some gudance to stop the process and me and my family form becoming homeless.What hurts the most is we attendant on using Deans teaching to purchase the home in a year. We have been on time with monthly payments.PLease help or direct me to someone who can.I wish you could see my home.



The house that my family and I live in the area 1 block over there is a home on the market for 489,000. The house I'm living in the builder will sale to me for $260,000.I'm living in the house it has to be a way that my family and I can benefit from this. When the market get better I should be sitting on alot of equity.

i think i've found my 2nd mother

triplem27's picture

u r such a nice person to have meet on dg, i may not have posted and participated a lot but i tend to read almost everything u post. Like most of the post endings mother e u r truly my dg mother.

Aww, that's such a compliment!

Elena M's picture

I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner... I'm happy to be called your second mother. Please feel free to contact me anytime ok? Together we can ALL be successful! ;D

God bless my DG family,

Momma E!!

Hey, Lena.

Rina's picture

Just stopping by to say "Hi".
I ran straight over from Brian's journal. lol

Check your PM for a VERY IMPORTANT message! Smiling

your sis,



Elena M's picture

You always crack my up, of course you made my day! Which was already a bright and joyous one!

I love you, you crazy woman, Eye-wink


Quickest way

Build_assets's picture

Hi Elena,

What is the quickest way to get a property, no money down, no credit?



Quickest way

Elena M's picture

Is to put a contract on a property and assign it to another buyer. You're in and out with NO money out of pocket (besides a small earnest money deposit) and using NO credit.
Good luck and God bless,

Elena Laughing out loud

Happy Thanksgiving

Hi Elena,
With all that you have shared on this site, I just wanted to be an example to others to send you a Thanksgiving greeting. I know I have much to be thankful for, and you on this site is one of them. Thanks for being there (here) and may you have a very blessed Thanksgiving season this year. Pas. Greg

Pastor Greg!

Elena M's picture

Thank you for all your kind words. It's such a pleasure and an honor to be of any kind of help to anyone, especially my dear DG family. I wish you, your wife, family and parish a wonderful Thanksgiving. May we ALL have a very blessed season this year and next!

God bless you richly,

Elena M


I want to thank you for your help, you and some of the other superstars here are a wealth of knowledge. Keep up the great work!

Your friend,


Monday 2 March '09

Hey Elena,
I agree, I also want to thank you for all the help you give so many of us - especially me! I feel I have been blessed (and yes I mean blessed) that I have had the opportunity to meet you and so many others at this incredible site. I know I haven't even been at this site very much lately (quite awhile) but look at the first place I visit when I return, it's Elena's profile! Possibly one of the greatest places in the world! It feels good to visit here today.
Mikey B

Thanks guys!

Elena M's picture

Mitch and Mikey,
I just wanted to say thank you to both of you for the kind words. I do appreciate them and I am glad that I can help you in any way possible. The people I've met here are the best people in the world. I feel so blessed to have met each and every one of you!
Let me know if there's anything else I can help you with. It's my pleasure to be considered a helpful part in your success!!

God bless you richly,


six minite email

Hi Elena;
Just received an email from you about a six minute email, but I couldn't open it . The only reason I tried was that I know your name from Dean GRAZIOSI website, so if you want to send it again i'll try to open it.
Thanks Jim


MyDestiny's picture

Hi Elena,

What's your take on starting out with assignment contracts? Are you aware of any other avenues to take also for someone in not so good credit and finance status? And if you can please tell me what these accumalated point staus under our names mean? Great success to you always! MyDestiny...

Hey Lubertha!

Elena M's picture

Welcome to the DG family and thank you for your kind words, we're glad to have you here. The points are accumulated when you start, post or reply to a forum, and the badges are acknowledging your contribution to the forum.
Assignments and/or lease options are a great way to start with NO money or credit. In both cases you find the deal, lock it up and pass it on to an investor or tenant. You're in, you're out and you get paid quickly, unlike getting a traditional mortgage. Read up on the posts regarding both, see which one fits your needs best and go for it! Eye-wink
Best of luck to you,
Elena Laughing out loud

Locating Owner's

MyDestiny's picture

Hi Elena,

Hoping to get some help with this. I located a property I think is a great opportunity. It is in terrible shape. It appears he had it listed. I don't think it's smart to contact a agent because they might go after this property. I also went to the tax office to get the owner's name and address but it redirects it back to that address. Should I write them a letter? The house is assesed at 268,200.00 the taxes are around 6,150.00 taxes are high. This house is a eye sore on the block. How should I approach this opportunity? Thanks! Great success........Lubertha

Wanting to say Hi

Dash6657's picture

Hello Elena, I am just getting started in this program and have noticed your profile several times. Then I turn to page 146 in the book and there you are again. It said that you are in the Tucson area which is where I am. However, here it says you are in the Phoenix area. Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself and ask your opinion on the Success Academy. Should someone with very limited funds invest in the course, or do I just need the book. I have my own opinion but am looking for others. Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.

marketing Plan

anitayhenry's picture

Hi Elena, I'm new in this area but I read your post regarding the marketing plan, specifically the type of ads you put on clist. Do you have a sample, how do you direct them to your website, I've tried beforre and I had no traffic.
Thanks a lot for your help,

Hey Elena

SpencersInvesting's picture

Hey It's Will the young guy that has been emailing you with Wcorey.usaf@**** email. Just wanted to say Hi! I went back in the book and read pg. 146. Good motivation! I'm looking for foreclosures and seller financing. I just started a job recently to start saving up for my down payment. I hope to close my 1st deal before the year is up!!

Thanx for all your inspiration. You are a HUGE asset to this sight!!

Hey Wil!

Elena M's picture

Good to hear from you. Sorry I don't come on the site as much as I'd like, but you can always email me for a quicker response. Glad to hear you haven't given up. Try to find something that doesn't require a down payment or put in your contract 'down payment to be paid in 30 days' to give yourself time to find the end buyer and use his money for the down. Using leverage is the BEST way to do deals, (none of your money or credit). I'm glad I can inspire you, keep doing what you're doing and let me know if I can help, ok? Thank you for the kind words, I always appreciate hearing that I've helped someone, that's what's most important to me. =)
By the way, where in AZ are you?

im inspired

corat711's picture

Hello Elena,
This is Cora and i read your intro. and i am impressed. I would love to connect to with someone who has beedn dong real estate for some time so they can show me the do and don't. Unfortunatley i live in the nyc area. But i was wondering maybe you can still be my mentor across seas. I have been in re for quite some time now but has not reach the investing part as yet and that is where i want to go with it now. I am currently a realtor and i am very knowlegable with mortgages. I would love for us to talk cause i just have a few questions in which i need help in and you maybe able to ans them being that you have been doing rei for the past 4 years,so can you please pm me so i can post my number on there i would really appreciate it and your help

Hi Elle

My name is Gina Arnold.I wanted to kno if you could help me i was reading some of your comments ppl were sending you and you were sending back and you seem to me like you kno what you're talking about. I'm a little young i'm only 17 do you think i would be able get in good wit this? Do you know anyone this young thats doing this? I kind of know age really shouldn't matter but sometimes it does. I want you to really help me I'm willing to pay. I'm alittle scared.


Do you have a number or email?


Do you have a number or email?


Do you have a number or email?

blank addendum

Elaine can you pls. e-mail me a copy of the blank addendum


Elena M's picture

But I need your email address dear. Laughing out loud


Hi Elena

My name is Robert, I have lived in Phoenix most of my life but I spent the last 3 years away in different places and I am now coming back to Phoenix and would love to get started and find some properties. I see that you are a great guide and help to many people on here and I would love to meet if you have the time.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank you and you are awesome Eye-wink

Hi Robert!

Elena M's picture

Welcome back to Phoenix. Give me a call and we can set something up from there. My contact info is on my website, (in my signature or on my profile).
Thank you, I'll talk to you soon!

Elena Smiling


Meisela's picture

Elena , Hi
You sound so enthusiastic about !! I will be in Phoenix for 1 week , starting with 24th of January , I am coming for Asset Protection seminar there ( 3 days ) , then stay a week in Scottsdale , do you have any investors club get-together in that period ( 24th of Jan. -6th of Feb.) , We are starting an investors club here in NC and I would like to get some ideas .
Talk to you soon !

Hi Meisela,

Elena M's picture

Actually we were going to have one Jan. 22nd, but it was postponed. Who's doing the asset protection seminar? Sounds interesting! There are lots of things to do at a get-together. Share information, share deals, share stories, experience and resources. You should start one in NC yourself, it's not hard. Just put the word out and see who responds. Would like to connect while you're here. Call me, my info is all on here in my profile.
Leave me an email or a voice message if I don't pick up. Say where I know you too, ok?

Talk to you soon!

Regarding the scipt

Hello Elena,
I am a newbie & I have located a FSBO that I will be calling. I do not want to mess it up and would greatly appreciate your script if you still have it.

Your help is greatly appreciated & thanks a million.


Elena M's picture

Give me your email address and I will send it. Laughing out loud

what to do !!!

Hi! Elena
I have a question for you. I was suppose to meet with a lady who was suppose to show me her house after work she either had it for sale or for rent. When I called to meet with her she said she had allready rented it. She then tells me she would be willing to sell that house and two other along with that one If I was still interested or If I had someone to buy it.What do I do? Do I still place an offer? The market value of the house is low for what she is asking. Do I offer below market value? mellena


Elena M's picture

Do your homework, do the numbers work on it? If not, move on. If they do, then make her an offer, all she can do is say no. Eye-wink

Blank Addendum

Hi Elena!

I'm a new REI. Just finished "Be a real estate millionaire" two days ago and I am eager to begin. I was reading throught the blogs, especifically on assignments clauses, and saw this comment tha you wrote:

"You could put pending partner's approval on the additional conditions line. You don't need an attorney to make up an addendum, I have blank ones I used. I was talking about the Agreement to Purchase, did you see all the stuff about the roof, the ac, etc?"

Can you kindly share one of these documents with me? I don't have any leads yet, I just one to be prepared once the opportunity arises. Thanks for your help.
