Litia N

All About Litia N

Litia Niumeitolu
Sandy, Utah
About Me: 

I am an investor realtor.

Topics I've Participated In

Investor Profile Form reinvestor42446 years 32 weeks ago
DG members by State they live reinvestor422267 years 48 weeks ago
Timeline of Events-Never Give Up-Never! cbrpower309 years 19 weeks ago
Need Birddogs? steinway0242111 years 5 weeks ago
DEALS! DEALS! DEALS! from coast to coast! Indiana-Joe4411 years 46 weeks ago

Basic Info

No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One



Hi everyone. I'm looking to network with DG members in Utah, especially if you live in Salt Lake County. I live in Salt Lake County. Send me a message.


MxChica's picture

I'm in AZ. How IS investing in Utah?
I like to network and invest all over. Contact me anytime.

Hi Anita, sorry for not checking up home page, is this my home p

Hi Anita,
My name is Litia and I'm happy to network with you.
I have a cash buyer who would buy any wholesale deals in Maricopa County, Arizona. What do you think? I only invest in Salt Lake County, UT.
And sorry for not checking up when you wrote me on July 15, 2012, two weeks ago.
Happy investing,


MxChica's picture

Hi Litia
HEY, No worries about the contact time, best way to start a conversation is thru PM which I will do next. I was responding on your home page re: your comment about networking. Always interested in that!
