Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #332 - Stop Resisting!

In this week's Weekly Wisdom Dean discusses what resistance is in your life like you've probably never heard before.

What many of us don't realize is that procrastination, distraction and even sometimes our negativity all stem from resistance.

And this week Dean has a task for you that will absolutely transform your life and help you say NO MORE to that resistance in your life.

If you agree to do what Dean presents in this week’s video, your life will forever change just like it did for Dean when he realized how much resistance was controlling some of his daily thoughts and actions.

This is Dean's best weekly wisdom of 2015!

Watch now!

And also, as Dean mentions in this week’s Weekly Wisdom, to get two of his New York Time best-selling books for free, go to

Enjoy Dean’s amazing wisdom and have a great week!

– This is a Dean Graziosi message filmed for you without a prompter or notes –

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PaulYoung4ever's picture

Dean, you just described my life. I am 73 years old and have used every excuse in the book to resist, even blaming it on someone else. Oh, I have accomplished some things in my life. Some people even consider them amazing. But, I have not accomplished the one thing that is most important to me, and that is to creat a financial legacy that would take care of my family.
Thank you so much for sharing this with me this morning. I made a decision this morning that I will not let resistance (that old villain) stop me. I was just too comfortable leaving the villain in charge of this. My biggest villain right now is that I'm too old. Thanks to you, this morning I recognize this.


PaulYoung4ever's picture

Dean, you just described my life. I am 73 years old and have used every excuse in the book to resist, even blaming it on someone else. Oh, I have accomplished some things in my life. Some people even consider them amazing. But, I have not accomplished the one thing that is most important to me, and that is to creat a financial legacy that would take care of my family.
Thank you so much for sharing this with me this morning. I made a decision this morning that I will not let resistance (that old villain) stop me. I was just too comfortable leaving the villain in charge of this. My biggest villain right now is that I'm too old. Thanks to you, this morning I recognize this.


yedinak's picture

Thanks for the WW we all have the problem with our inner self that if we don't feed the positive side the negative or failure side creeps in and takes over.
To a great 2015


Mighty1 Real Estate's picture

Hello Dean,
As usual you came up with yet another subject that affects me in a negative way, as I'm sure it does a lot of people out there.
I've been coming to this site for years and your WW's have kept me in the game to the point where I have relentlessly denied myself to quit. Although I have tried many different things to make money, (and quit all of them) real estate and you are still the only things I truly believe will help me and my family in the long run.
So thank you for all your inspiration and for coming up with so many ways to help me in my daily struggle to believe I can do it, for motivating me not to give up, and now, for finding a way to fight through procrastination.
As always, may God continue to bless you and your family.
From my heart, thank you.

Hey Dean!

thomgilbert's picture

Thanks for the inspiration about embracing resistance and taking it head on. Some of my goals are taking a little longer and I fight some steps along the way but I keep moving forward and know that I will get there in the near future. I appreciate these WW as they always keep me focused and inspired to keep pushing!

I know you'll nail it in Australia, have great trip!

Make it a great week!

Great Stuff!!!!

daves300's picture

Dean, Thanks consistently deliver powerful and spot on talks. Greatly Appreciated!!! Only the best on your trip to Australia and the future!!! Dave

thank you Dean...

Valuni's picture

great WW! Cant' wait to hear part 2 on how to fight the resistance that keeps us from taking action!

Best wishes on your trip to Australia with Tony! I know you will do awesome!

See you soon at the Edge! Smiling

#332 - Stop Resisting!

SKL Properties's picture

Hi Dean,

Another great weekly wisdom....

We All resist....It's human nature...We fear what we don't know or understand.....Sad

Thank You Dean.....xo.....Have a safe trip....Smiling


" Until you value yourself, you won't value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it. " M. Scott Peck

changing how we think

This was another great one Dean.


Ray28CT's picture

I catch myself dealing with resistance all the time but I seem to work my way over it. The War Of Art is on my books to read list and I will be ordering it really soon. I heard the book is really great. Thanks for the reminder on how to deal with resistance Dean.

STOP Resisting!

That is something I need to work on, Thanks Coach!

Signing Out!

Don't let resistance get in the way

How powerful Dean.
We all have that tendancy to do those little things that keep us busy all while not realizing that we are keeping ourselves from tacling the tasks that will propel us to the next level that we so say we will acheive. We need focus. We need bite and tenacity that will allow us to let go of that resistance. Once we have crossed that barrier, we will no longer have that subconcious tennancy to do those things that are actually destrying our will to continue.

You are right. This WW is one of the most important message if not the most important in 2015.

Thanks for sharing!

P.S. Make your mark Down Under. Safe travels!
I won't see you in Toronto but look forward to the Edge once again. Smiling

This is something Im sure we

RD2Invest1980's picture

This is something Im sure we all deal with at some level and at different times of our lives! That book sounds like a great read! Im going to add it to my list immediately!

Thanks Dean!

michaelmangham's picture

Overcoming resistance and taking action builds character and your confidence goes to a higher level.

I am definitely going to read The War of Art!

See you at the EDGE.


Getting to Action

SeattleDan's picture

Hey Dean, another great insight.. there's thinking and there's doing and there not the same...I waste time staying busy and thinking but you have to get to the physical activities which you think are not going to be any fun, but they are the only fun...~ Real life is lived in the Doing of things not the Thinking about things...SeattleDan Edge 2015 ~ Your doing Great things Dean..

Thank you for helping me overcome resistance

Good morning,
Today I listened to your weekly wisdom on resistance and new that you were speaking directly to me. Lately I have been talking a good game, but not following through with what needs to be accomplished.
I am putting into action your timely suggestions because they are truly needed to increase my income, find great housing, complete my doctorate and live the abundant life that God Almighty has called me to live. You encourage me to keep going, no matter how difficult the task may appear. I thank God for your timely wisdom and pray that the Lord will continue to bless you and your family, in Jesus name I ask this.

Boy oh boy was that another fantastic! Video blog

Thank you Dean, If I see you one day I will come up to you and squeeze all the stuffing right out of you for all your wonderful weekly wisdoms,, your books, all of your education. Your book 30 days to Cash it a fantastic book.
I really appreciate it all.


another good one

Enjoyed The Weekly Wisdom

I will start working on the resistance problem
this week.

It's amazing.....

AndyS's picture

It's amazing how you seem to come up with WWs that are so in tune with what I am going through either at that time or just dealt with.
Once again, I am a day late in listening to the Weekly Wisdom. Truth is, I have had a lot on my plate lately and instead of it being exciting that so much was getting done, it was getting me down. Yesterday was a big downer for me. I kept thinking "How can I move forward when there is still so much undone?" Thankfully, I have the ability to be following my passions in life right now but in order to make them profitable, I need more help. I've been using the same excuses as before " Once I get this done, I can look for more help" and instead of doing that, I find something else to be "that thing" that needs to be done before I can look for help. Why do I do that? I don't know. Sad I took time the other day to just think about things and asked myself exactly " Why am I resisting success?" I couldn't find an answer. Sad Then, tonight, I listen to your WW and POW!!!! there it is. Insight!!! How did you know I needed it now?? ( and thank you for showing up just in time Eye-wink )
I can't wait for part 2!

Please have a safe journey down under and back and I look forward to seeing you and everybody soon in AZ. Smiling

Andy Sager
DG's AndyS


Hi Dean,
You are an inspiration to us all!
Have a fabulous time in Australia and a save trip.
Say hi to Tony.
We'll see you in Scottsdale in a couple of weeks, looking forward to it.
Sheryl and Rick from BC Canada.


Resistance definitely is an obstacle to overcome.Yes you are amazingly accurate again.Thanks for the wake up call.


Great weekly wisdom about that resistance we all do fight with most of the time !!
I have a saying that kind of sums up what we must do to gain our total freedom!
"Freedom like War must be waged, in order for us to gain our true freedom we must be willing to fight for it". Over coming that resistance is part of waging that WAR. Freedom of time: being able to choose rather than have to do something is Freedom.
Freedom of Finances No consumer debt is Financial Freedom. These two areas of Freedoms are key to Enhanced Happiness and fulfillment.

i don't know

dirtelarry's picture

with all the crazy stuff i have going on, i'm not sure if i can do this one. it's been one thing after another lately.

Ahh resistance! I'm having some of my own right now!! FOR SURE

Zion Properties's picture

Hi Dean! I have that book too! Love it! In fact I'm going to re-listen to it again! (Its Steven Pressfield btw) Go beyond resistance to the higher realm! I've reinvented myself as you know and I'm conquering a million fears; whether it be doing new gymnastics manuevers I couldn't learn when I was a kid, kicking some butt in jiu jitsu or starting new companies and endeavors, or taking on projects that seem like I bit off more than I can chew, or breaking free from things that held me back; and one other thing that I'm not going to mention but you know what it is. Sticking out tongue I'm conquering and winning! See you at the Edge Dean! I can't wait!

taking on the I'm possible!

Hi Dean great message

Hey Dean thanks for the awesome messages always you are always giving us what we need thanks.



TinaScott's picture

Dean, I am so thankful for your weekly wisdom's! I have grown so much in my self improvment, I have been reading more books every month, matter of fact I have 4 books going right now. I have really had to work on this resistance and I will tell you, now since I have been working on me, I have wanted to hurry and get out there and make it happen.

Tina Scott

Sharon - thank you for the

Sharon - thank you for the quote; that is a great insight and pretty much sums up where a lot of people are at!

YES! Decide Your Own Fate! Thanks Dean!

Invictus by William Ernest Henley

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


These are just some of the best Weekly Wisdoms ever, each one keeps getting better. This one about resistance really has me thinking about how I operate and about my thought processing.