An Open Letter to and about Dean Graziosi - from His Loyal Staff

What Kind of Gift Would Make a Real Estate Millionaire Happy?

UPDATE #2: Check out the announcement of the scholarship

UPDATE: We have received hundreds of applications and therefore are not accepting anymore at this time. This is something that we are going to continue to do in the future, so we will let you know when we are accepting applications again. Thank you!!

Okay Dean, this is a letter to you, and about you. It’s from all of us here in the office and the folks scattered elsewhere. We are posting it on so EVERYONE will get to read it.

Let’s reveal a private little truth about Dean...

Every November, those of us who love Dean and work closely with him, come up against a crazy conundrum. It starts early in the month and gets worse as the 20th approaches. Why you ask? Well, because the 20th of November is the anniversary of Dean’s first appearance.

No, not his first appearance on late night TV silly, I’m talking his first appearance on the planet.

You know… the event that for years to come is marked with party hats, balloons, those little roll out paper whistles, cake and ice cream - the whole birthday thingamajig. Well everything is easy when it comes to celebrating his B-day - - except for the GIFT part.

None of us can ever figure out what to get him!

In 2007 the arrival of his firstborn, Breana (right on Nov 20th) made him a daddy. (Pretty hard to beat that as a gift!) Last year, we overheard him talking about how he wanted to get a cool new cell phone, (which at the time was just being released to the public), so we all pooled our coins together, and Megan snuck down to the mobile store and bought him the phone. (You do realize that the most expensive way to buy a cell phone is straight from the store…with no yearly agreement right? So, we aren’t penny pinching here either).

Anyway, we did that and were pretty darn proud of ourselves.

We were sure we had FINALLY figured out a cool gift…

Nope. The whole thing went sour. Sure, when he unwrapped it he was excited, but it was short lived. Turns out, the “cool” phone was a pain in the “you know what” to use, and Dean is ALWAYS on the phone. So, he asked Megan to return it and for a while, there was a BIG FAT CREDIT towards his account – (unfortunately, their refund policy isn’t as hassle free as ours!)

So, this year we all decided to just bake him a bunch of cookies. We figured you can’t go wrong with cookies…but then RINA – that sweet, lovely, caring, brilliant investor with a heart of GOLD RINA, saved us all from slaving over a hot stove, (or in Megan’s case, slicing a slab of Pillsbury cookie dough) by suggesting we do something to celebrate Dean’s birthday that would bring a big smile to his face – AND do something that makes Dean the happiest…help an inspiring investor!

Rina suggested we create a scholarship, which would cover the tuition for one deserving student to go through Dean’s Success Academy Training. She even offered to donate a BIG FAT sum of money to start it, and a portion of every deal she does in the months and years to come, to make sure there was always tuition available for some deserving individual.

We have decided to call it- “Dean's SPIFF’s”

That stands for Students Pay It Forward Fund - Scholarship) - yes… we’re big on Acronyms and Acrostics here in the office. The whole idea behind it is to give the gift that never stops giving. Some of Dean's students have donated money to start the fund, and we’re coughing up our own dough to help. Rina’s idea is to use this money toward a free “Dean’s Academy” coaching program for someone that qualifies and needs it the most.

This will all start today, on Dean’s special day and hopefully continue long thereafter. Please watch the video blog below if you haven’t already. This will give you a better idea of what the scholarship is all about and how you can possibly benefit from it, plus a BIG surprise that you won’t want to miss (especially you Dean!) We have also put up a form to fill out for all of those that want to try and win the scholarship. We will gather all submissions and read through to find the person that seems to need/want it most and who will take full advantage of the opportunity. (The link to the submission form is right below the video).

Happy Birthday Dean!! You’re a real good egg, a top notch “boss” and we love you. You're not only special to us, but to everyone you have helped...and that numbers in the thousands baby!

With love,

Your Team!

We appreciate how generous and selfless all our "" community members are with one another. We will continue this program in an effort to help out as many hopeful investors as possible and continue to look for new ways to do so. We are open and anxious to hear any ideas you have for us in this endeavor. If you would like to contribute in some way you can contact us


dgadmin's picture

Happy birthday Dean! Not only are you are a great person to work with you are a great friend to have!

Also, thank you Rina for your continued generosity and selflessness!

Just a reminder to everyone who decides to apply... if you do be sure to apply using THE LINK ABOVE and not here in the comments.

We look forward to announcing the first scholarship recipient!


Happy Birthday Dean

barbara2000's picture

The World is a better place because your in it.

And what a GREAT staff/students you have too... Great Job everybody, that is perfect. Pay it forward.

Happy Birthday Dean...


dreamitdoit's picture

Just so thankfull you came into my life and for all the lives you have touched in such a positive way.

David L.

Happy Happy Birthday Dean!!!!

laurajohnson's picture

Wishing you a day full of all the joy and happiness you bring to others returned to you a million times over (at least:)) I cant play the video at work so I'll be goiing crazy all day till I get home to listen to it! Have a blessed day and thank you for everything. Words can not express the difference you've made in my life. With much love and gratitude, Laura

Happy Birthday Dean!

Indiana-Joe's picture

It is not very often in life that you find an individual that is so generous with giving so freely of their time, knowledge, expertise, inspiration and direction to assist others. You have helped, mentored and inspired so many people, for so many years. It is amazing to think of the ripple effect that can have on families and the millions, and one day billions of lives, that will be changed forever because of your passion, vision, commitment and effort in helping others achieve success. You have been a tremendous leader and such a beacon of hope for so many during this time in our country's history. You have touched millions of lives and have given millions the hope of a better tomorrow by the books, programs and tools you continue to provide to all of us as we pursue the "American Dream". Thank you for all you do! Smiling Happy Birthday! Smiling - Joe & Stacey

Happy Birthday Dean!

Hope you have a wonderful day with many happy returns!

WOW! What an amazing staff you have Smiling and WOW Rina, what an idea for a gift! Smiling


Happy Birthday Dean

Advocate's picture

Have a fantastic Birthday.

"The More Candles The Bigger The Wish"

Andre S's picture


Thank You for your generous Real Estate spirit.


Andre S


Rina's picture

The great people that surround you is a true testament of your character! Megan, Ryan, Tony, Chip, Roger, Jason, Mike, and all the others who spend each day with you, and know you so well, are proof that you indeed draw the Best of the Best! (You guys are AMAZING!!!! Thank you, thank you for all you do!!!) They took an idea/ a thought and ran with it to make it something truly special for you and everyone involved!!
And all the INCREDIBLE students (DG family!!) and staff that GAVE to Pay it Forward and help “teach a man to fish” (I would start naming names, but you guys are all in the video!). I am SOOO excited to see what that means for families in the future, given an opportunity of a lifetime of financial FREEDOM! Watching the video brought tears to my eyes. Not only have you touched so many lives, your willingness to share knowledge and your goodness of heart rubs off on your students, and makes us want to do the same! How many gurus can boast THAT!!?? So thank you, thank you again, Dean, for the difference you have made, and continue to make, in your students’ lives. You aren’t just our “teacher”, You are a true friend..

I wish you a most blessed Birthday, and many, many more to come!!

God bless!


P.S. Thank you, thank you, thank you, to all the friends (DG Family!) who worked on this project together! It was such a blessing to be a part of it! You guys are the BEST!!!! But what else would Dean expect, right? Eye-wink

P.P.S. And Happy Birthday to Breana, that little sweetie-pie! Give her hugs from us!! Smiling


Wishing you a wonderful day of celebration especially with your daughter.

I can't wait until I can write about my success as one of your students. I've had an extremely rough start and many many bumps, obstacles and challenges in these few months. I am determined to make this work.

Thanks for all the encouragement you give and for caring about each one of us.


My hope renewed - at

Happy Birthday, Dean. Your day made my day.

It is amazing to hear your students talk about the difference you have made in their lives - and by that in so many more. And my hope is renewed that you will soon have that effect on my family. I've lost count of the number of times I've wished, started, fallen back and started again. No more!!

Happy Birthday, Dean. Today - and many more...


Craig Eugene's picture

Man, your the Guru of Knowledge and inspiration. Thank you for being a giver. Once again Happy Birthday Dean. My you have many more. Wow your just awesome!!!

God Bless You,

Happy Birthday Dean!

Magarahan's picture

We wish you a happy birthday and we thank you for all that you do to educate and motivate us.

As a leader you articulate a compelling vision for what you want to accomplish, and then you plan and execute with excellence. Your staff and leading students mirror this in the birthday gift you've just received.

What a tribute that is to your leadership. Congratulations!

Mike & Mary

Happy Birthday Dean!!!

Captain777's picture

I didn't know today was your day until I got on your site this morning. I hope you have a truly wonderful day and I want you to know how blessed we all are that you were born this day forty (?) years ago today! Thank you for being there and I am also very thankful for the staff that you have gathered together there in Phoenix. Again - Happy Birthday!!!!!!



sommdave1's picture

Happy Birthday Dean. Thanks for all the help you have given to others and I hope you have the best birthday ever.


Happy Birthday Dean!!!

David and Kerry's picture

I wanted to wish you a happy birthday and tell you what an inspiration you are to me. I'm from a small town in NY not far from where you grew up. No one in my family has ever been financially wealthy. Thanks to you and your work, i am working to change that. Have a great day and an even better year.

Happy Birthday!

yungcash's picture

I'm sure every day of your life touches another person and inspires them. You are the best and I just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday! Keep on living, inspiring, making money, and having fun!


faye21's picture

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Happy birthday Dean!


Dean, Cheers! Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Dean!

What a great idea and a awesome gift.You,your staff and students are very inspiring to those of us just getting started.I hope you have a wonderful day with your family and friends.
Marty B.

Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday Dean!

What an amazing tribute to you. This tribute just confirms to all of us who have never met you, yet are so inspired by you, that you are truly someone very special.

Thank you for all that you do. I'm somewhat ashamed that we haven't taken the steps necessary to really get going and to step out of our comfort zone but as I keep coming to this site and trying to get a group together so that we can all help each other, I know that we will get there right along with everyone else and some day we will be able to "pay it forward".

Congratulations also to the DG team for coming up with a great idea to honor Dean on his special day.

Hope your birthday is the best and our very best wishes to you and your fmaily as we approach Thanksgiving. How appropriate...

God bless you and your family.

Dee and Ed

Happy Birthday Dean!!

Mayfair's picture

Wishing you all the best and more success to you and the entire DG family. You continue to be an inspiration to all of us in these trying times. Thank you for giving so selflessly. Many happy returns to you!

Happy Birthday Dean!

From a fellow Scorpion!

Happy Birthday Dean!

'What a lovely way to say I love you'.

And what a great staff and group of students; you are truly blessed! And so are we for having you in our lives. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge through that helps so many. Thank you for your emails that help keep us in the loop until we can get going. Thank you for everything, Dean.

Happy Birthday and many, many more!

Lucy & Jose Sanchez
Rockaway Beach, NY

dgadmin wrote:
What Kind of Gift Would Make a Real Estate Millionaire Happy?

Okay Dean, this is a letter to you, and about you. It’s from all of us here in the office and the folks scattered elsewhere. We are posting it on so EVERYONE will get to read it.

Let’s reveal a private little truth about Dean...

Every November, those of us who love Dean and work closely with him, come up against a crazy conundrum. It starts early in the month and gets worse as the 20th approaches. Why you ask? Well, because the 20th of November is the anniversary of Dean’s first appearance.

No, not his first appearance on late night TV silly, I’m talking his first appearance on the planet.

You know… the event that for years to come is marked with party hats, balloons, those little roll out paper whistles, cake and ice cream - the whole birthday thingamajig. Well everything is easy when it comes to celebrating his B-day - - except for the GIFT part.

None of us can ever figure out what to get him!

In 2007 the arrival of his firstborn, Breana (right on Nov 20th) made him a daddy. (Pretty hard to beat that as a gift!) Last year, we overheard him talking about how he wanted to get a cool new cell phone, (which at the time was just being released to the public), so we all pooled our coins together, and Megan snuck down to the mobile store and bought him the phone. (You do realize that the most expensive way to buy a cell phone is straight from the store…with no yearly agreement right? So, we aren’t penny pinching here either).

Anyway, we did that and were pretty darn proud of ourselves.

We were sure we had FINALLY figured out a cool gift…

Nope. The whole thing went sour. Sure, when he unwrapped it he was excited, but it was short lived. Turns out, the “cool” phone was a pain in the “you know what” to use, and Dean is ALWAYS on the phone. So, he asked Megan to return it and for a while, there was a BIG FAT CREDIT towards his account – (unfortunately, their refund policy isn’t as hassle free as ours!)

So, this year we all decided to just bake him a bunch of cookies. We figured you can’t go wrong with cookies…but then RINA – that sweet, lovely, caring, brilliant investor with a heart of GOLD RINA, saved us all from slaving over a hot stove, (or in Megan’s case, slicing a slab of Pillsbury cookie dough) by suggesting we do something to celebrate Dean’s birthday that would bring a big smile to his face – AND do something that makes Dean the happiest…help an inspiring investor!

Rina suggested we create a scholarship, which would cover the tuition for one deserving student to go through Dean’s Success Academy Training. She even offered to donate a BIG FAT sum of money to start it, and a portion of every deal she does in the months and years to come, to make sure there was always tuition available for some deserving individual.

We have decided to call it- “Dean's SPIFF’s”

That stands for Students Pay It Forward Fund - Scholarship) - yes… we’re big on Acronyms and Acrostics here in the office. The whole idea behind it is to give the gift that never stops giving. Some of Dean's students have donated money to start the fund, and we’re coughing up our own dough to help. Rina’s idea is to use this money toward a free “Dean’s Academy” coaching program for someone that qualifies and needs it the most.

This will all start today, on Dean’s special day and hopefully continue long thereafter. Please watch the video blog below if you haven’t already. This will give you a better idea of what the scholarship is all about and how you can possibly benefit from it, plus a BIG surprise that you won’t want to miss (especially you Dean!) We have also put up a form to fill out for all of those that want to try and win the scholarship. We will gather all submissions and read through to find the person that seems to need/want it most and who will take full advantage of the opportunity. (The link to the submission form is right below the video).

Happy Birthday Dean!! You’re a real good egg, a top notch “boss” and we love you. You're not only special to us, but to everyone you have helped...and that numbers in the thousands baby!

With love,

Your Team!



We appreciate how generous and selfless all our "" community members are with one another. We will continue this program in an effort to help out as many hopeful investors as possible and continue to look for new ways to do so. We are open and anxious to hear any ideas you have for us in this endeavor. If you would like to contribute in some way you can contact us


grady corbin's picture

Just don't have to tell!!
Just please accept my best Birthday Wishes along with all the others and REMEMBER.. you live and move and exponentially bless lives through us, because you changed our my life. We think about you and your teachings everyday.
Grady Corbin


deangraziosi's picture

You guys know I read so many posts each week but hardy ever post except for my video blogs. But WOW!!! I was so not expecting this. Paying it forward!!! What an amazing idea. I can't wait to get the details.. Rina great thought....

This was truly a surprise to me and I'm hardy ever surprised. You had me teary eyed as I watched it twice. Besides my daughter being born on my birthday this is one of my greatest gifts ever and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. I could write a ten page letter on how thankful I am for my team and how thankful I am to each of you who contributed to this video and thankful for all of my students. But I'll keep it short. I'll end with this. Each of you hold a very special place in my heart. I promise to always to my best to give you all (and every dg student) the tools and inspiration to see and achieve a bigger future.

As 2009 comes to an end, lets continue to work together to get more people inspired and taking action so 2010 can be a year of turn around, greatness, security and most of all happiness. Each of you deserve life to be lived on your terms;-)))

I am truly blessed, thankful and grateful.


Happy Happy Birthday

Quyen's picture

Dean, I truly have not ever seen in my lie such love given from you and to you (from your team..) I just wish you all the best/ all the happiness in the world/ and all the warm & thanksgiving during this Thanksgiving/Christmas time. We love you, Quyen

Happy B-day Dean!! I dont

B.C.'s picture

Happy B-day Dean!! I dont know what I can add to what was already posted above, So I will just say your are an incredible person whom makes the world a better place. Your the kind of friend that people can only wish to have in their life.
enjoy your day, and what an awsome bunch of people you have surounded yourself with. god bless.
Richie (B.C.)

Happy Birthday Dean

alchristmann's picture

Wish you a wonderful day, and many more years of success. You have been such a positive influence to me. Thanks, and Happy Birthday.

Al Christmann

Happy birthday Dean!! Thanks

tennball81's picture

Happy birthday Dean!! Thanks for everything that you do and am so excited for the scholorship fund!!


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