Do you think a few minute video can change your life? You bet it can!! There's a whole other level to life and Dean wants you to experience it! Take the time to watch this video, you can't afford to miss it. It's Dean's best one yet;-)
Dean: I have been on this road for a very long time...I have experienced peaks and valleys but I have not allowed myself to be negative because life is good even when you are challenged... most people are fantastic because you do not have to deal with those that bring you drama...if life gives you a lemon squeeze it and make lemonade and keep pushing......I appreciate those bits of knowledge that you share with us...
Thanks for your great blog. I to have been reading more books in the past year than I have in my whole past 40 plus years. Mostly on self help and improving the world and eating healthy. And enjoyed the Tony Robbins event I went to. Learning about Auras and spiritual healing (Reiki) with some amazing teachers here in Southern Cali. Louise Hay covers some of what you talked about in her CDs. Anyone who would like to improve or change their life should visit the Hay House website, where you will find hundreds of various authors with various self improvement subjects.
I have to say that I truly believe this is the best nugget you've ever given us. Why? It is so simple yet encapsulates so much. Tony has an hour of power ritual he teaches people in his home study program and it the essence of what you just went over. Kudos!!
Dean I'm also at the stage in my life where I want to better myself in every aspect. I'm also doing a lot of reading and so far I have read every book you recommend us to read. I want to say thank you because I have changed and learned a lot from the books I read in the past year. Also great strategy you shared. Tony is awesome and I'm going to see him at his Event in Dallas TX Oct 23.
I have really big dreams and have to keep myself earthbound! I want really good things for others and limit myself. But if I want to help others I need to help myself first. I want to give and help other, I want to be generous and giving when there is a need or when there are others who want things. We are creators of what we think and do. Thanks for reminding us to be limitless... to infinity and beyond!
Dean Thanks for the awesome Weekly Wisdom...most often I get caught up in the busy and forget to focus on What I Want Life / that would be taking time out more often to go hiking, traveling...... at least once or twice each week go somewhere that I have never been or do something that I have never.....Sooo impt to step away and enjoy Life is Tooo Short Taking one day at a time towards reaching my goals and doing things others are only dreaming about....Have an Awesome week Dean / Staff and DG Fam Deb :---))
Dean, this is so crazy, but me, my husband and kids, made this very list this weekend!! We have seen so many loved ones in our family and friends be in the pit of don't wants! I will not be that person and I don't want our kids to feel this way either. I really pray that man would find Jesus to save him because truly if you have Jesus in your life you will be happy and never be alone!!!
Dean, you truly are a fantastic person of inspiration. I have truly received this information inside my heart. I have been battling the Big C word for six years and have been working hard at changing my world of thinking from my don't wants and wants. I finally started to put these on paper and things are changing quite fast. If a person creates in his or her mind and imagine, just imagine what they want and where they want to go, like you said they will definitely change there path in life for positive ways and leave the negative behind. I really liked it. Thank you so much.
That bar none was one of your best. I know people just like that to include myself before. That was very moving and I will do my best to pass it on...
Wonderful... focus on what we want! We need to think about what we want, write it down (goals), share them (accountability) and execute the process to get there.
God had a thought, He spoke it, and it came to pass.
Keep the positive messages coming. I appreciate them.
Thanks Dean, for another great WW.
The road to happiness is definitely paved through focus. Focusing on what you want and not what you don't want. Call it energy or magnetism or whatever but you definitely draw towards you what you are putting out from you.
I can relate to the gentleman in your story as at one point, I thought I was at the end as well. Needless to say, my outcome changed 180 degrees. You know my story so I won't repeat it. Just know that you have been a big part of the turn around. Thank you again.:)I focus on what that turn around has done daily and I'm a very happy man.
Until next week.......
Andy Sager
DG'S AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013 & 2014 EDGE Alumni
I just realized how much time I spend each day thinking about what I don't want. I hadn't thought about it until I watched this. Thank you so much Dean for sharing your experiences with us each week. I now know what I need to do to make some strides to get what I want. Change my thinking. The mind is extremely powerful.
This is really an awesome video on this message that you have given to us before, but TODAY it really hit home. My husband passed away 1 1/2 years ago and things have been rough. Today I am going to do "THE LIST" again AND BELIEVE IN IT. I know it will work if I JUST keep my focus on it. Thanks Dean and Tony for everything, but mostly just for being you. Love you both. Have a GREAT day.
holy guacamole! oh boy! you are smokin! I can feel the power! It is real & touching & makes an impact. I am making my list tomorrow morn. Thx Dean, things are changing for me too, i took Matt's class & it is changing my life, by doing the steps he said, I am calling hard $ lenders & beginning to get deals.
Thank you so much for sharing Tony's words of wisdom. Truer things have never been spoken.
Focus only on the things in life that you want.
Your mind has a tenancy to give you want you are focused on and strive to obtain. I am thankful for Tony's big caring heart too that he has enough care about people to start the event off with those would are thinking about suicide. Way to go Tony!
Sissy Treat
This is something so many people struggle with. I swithed this stinking thinking many years ago and it has turned so many parts of my life around. I embrace this train of thought and encourage everyone, I mean EVERYONE, to follow through with this positive and life changing way of thinking.
Thanks, Dean, for sharing an amazing presentation. From this day forward I will only think about what I want and NOT what I don't want. It will make a difference, I know. Semper Fi D0LO
Powerful. What you choose to focus on is the key to it all. It is surprising how many people don't know what they want. I was talking to a friend of mine who owns a company and he told me when hiring he is surprised at how many people can't answer where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? He told me if they stumble over that question, he doesn't hire them no matter what other credentials they may have. Having vision of what you want is very important. It will keep you focused on your goals and help you to eliminate distractions.
Thanks so much for consistently bringing your zest for life to us. I am a firm believer in the power of positive thinking. Thanks home run on this one.
i love when you have new info for us you get so excited, but lately you have been hitting me were it hurts, i need to clear my mind and get focused on what i want and turn it in to positive energy and get to work!!!
Dean this was great information to share with your people. Many of us if not all needed that reminder. Life gets in the way at times but it's time for us to make life create the way through our mouths and what we think. Thanks a lot
DEAN, FLIPPIN LOVED THIS WEEKS VIDEO!!!! How true is that, that we need think about the things we DO WANT and not what we DON'T WANT!!
My husband says things like this all the time, about the right way to express something and this is exactly right! Like you said, you wouldn't say you weren't going to Florida when going on a family vacation - so why do we always talk like "we don't want to be a failure" or "we don't want to be alone"!!
Can't wait to hear more about all this knowledge you are gaining! It would be really FUN to see a list of what you are reading. I'm always looking for great suggestions on books to read
Dean, This was just what I needed to get me on the right track! I'm working on my lists right now. I was thinking about giving up on my dream to own my own business. Now I'm going to give it all I have, I'm going to do opposite of what I'm doing now. I have to be successful, it's all I want to do is be successful with my career and my life! Thanks, for sharing your sights!
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Any time a new conference call has been scheduled we will email everyone registered the special access information and put a reminder on the front page of the site.
Great segment you talked about.I agree 100 percent what does one really want.Thanks Dean great Information.
Dean: I have been on this
Dean: I have been on this road for a very long time...I have experienced peaks and valleys but I have not allowed myself to be negative because life is good even when you are challenged... most people are fantastic because you do not have to deal with those that bring you drama...if life gives you a lemon squeeze it and make lemonade and keep pushing......I appreciate those bits of knowledge that you share with us...
Great blog Dean
Thanks for your great blog. I to have been reading more books in the past year than I have in my whole past 40 plus years. Mostly on self help and improving the world and eating healthy. And enjoyed the Tony Robbins event I went to. Learning about Auras and spiritual healing (Reiki) with some amazing teachers here in Southern Cali. Louise Hay covers some of what you talked about in her CDs. Anyone who would like to improve or change their life should visit the Hay House website, where you will find hundreds of various authors with various self improvement subjects.
Your best one yet!
I have to say that I truly believe this is the best nugget you've ever given us. Why? It is so simple yet encapsulates so much. Tony has an hour of power ritual he teaches people in his home study program and it the essence of what you just went over. Kudos!!
Great Weekly Wisdom Dean!!
Dean I'm also at the stage in my life where I want to better myself in every aspect. I'm also doing a lot of reading and so far I have read every book you recommend us to read. I want to say thank you because I have changed and learned a lot from the books I read in the past year. Also great strategy you shared. Tony is awesome and I'm going to see him at his Event in Dallas TX Oct 23.
I have really big dreams and have to keep myself earthbound! I want really good things for others and limit myself. But if I want to help others I need to help myself first. I want to give and help other, I want to be generous and giving when there is a need or when there are others who want things. We are creators of what we think and do. Thanks for reminding us to be limitless... to infinity and beyond!
Focus on What You Want In Life
Dean Thanks for the awesome Weekly Wisdom...most often I get caught up in the busy and forget to focus on What I Want Life / that would be taking time out more often to go hiking, traveling...... at least once or twice each week go somewhere that I have never been or do something that I have never.....Sooo impt to step away and enjoy Life is Tooo Short Taking one day at a time towards reaching my goals and doing things others are only dreaming about....Have an Awesome week Dean / Staff and DG Fam Deb :---))
Want list!
Dean, this is so crazy, but me, my husband and kids, made this very list this weekend!! We have seen so many loved ones in our family and friends be in the pit of don't wants! I will not be that person and I don't want our kids to feel this way either. I really pray that man would find Jesus to save him because truly if you have Jesus in your life you will be happy and never be alone!!!
Thanks for sharing this!!!
Tina Scott
Fabulous inspiration
Dean, you truly are a fantastic person of inspiration. I have truly received this information inside my heart. I have been battling the Big C word for six years and have been working hard at changing my world of thinking from my don't wants and wants. I finally started to put these on paper and things are changing quite fast. If a person creates in his or her mind and imagine, just imagine what they want and where they want to go, like you said they will definitely change there path in life for positive ways and leave the negative behind. I really liked it. Thank you so much.
That bar none was one of your best. I know people just like that to include myself before. That was very moving and I will do my best to pass it on...
Focus Focus Focus on what WE WANT!
Wonderful... focus on what we want! We need to think about what we want, write it down (goals), share them (accountability) and execute the process to get there.
God had a thought, He spoke it, and it came to pass.
Keep the positive messages coming. I appreciate them.
thank you Dean
thank you for this weekly wisdom,i am going do it this week.
The roadmap to happiness....
Thanks Dean, for another great WW.
The road to happiness is definitely paved through focus. Focusing on what you want and not what you don't want. Call it energy or magnetism or whatever but you definitely draw towards you what you are putting out from you.
I can relate to the gentleman in your story as at one point, I thought I was at the end as well. Needless to say, my outcome changed 180 degrees. You know my story so I won't repeat it. Just know that you have been a big part of the turn around. Thank you again.:)I focus on what that turn around has done daily and I'm a very happy man.
Until next week.......
Andy Sager
DG'S AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013 & 2014 EDGE Alumni
I just realized how much time I spend each day thinking about what I don't want. I hadn't thought about it until I watched this. Thank you so much Dean for sharing your experiences with us each week. I now know what I need to do to make some strides to get what I want. Change my thinking. The mind is extremely powerful.
This is really an awesome video on this message that you have given to us before, but TODAY it really hit home. My husband passed away 1 1/2 years ago and things have been rough. Today I am going to do "THE LIST" again AND BELIEVE IN IT. I know it will work if I JUST keep my focus on it. Thanks Dean and Tony for everything, but mostly just for being you. Love you both. Have a GREAT day.
Thank You!!
Your wisdom #303 was so powerful!!! THANK YOU!!!
Dean You did it again!
holy guacamole! oh boy! you are smokin! I can feel the power! It is real & touching & makes an impact. I am making my list tomorrow morn. Thx Dean, things are changing for me too, i took Matt's class & it is changing my life, by doing the steps he said, I am calling hard $ lenders & beginning to get deals.
Soon I will have one and others. God bless.
This is so true!
Thank you so much for sharing Tony's words of wisdom. Truer things have never been spoken.
Focus only on the things in life that you want.
Your mind has a tenancy to give you want you are focused on and strive to obtain. I am thankful for Tony's big caring heart too that he has enough care about people to start the event off with those would are thinking about suicide. Way to go Tony!
Sissy Treat
I embrace this train of thought
This is something so many people struggle with. I swithed this stinking thinking many years ago and it has turned so many parts of my life around. I embrace this train of thought and encourage everyone, I mean EVERYONE, to follow through with this positive and life changing way of thinking.
What a powerful wisdom!
My best regards,
Thanks, Dean, for sharing an amazing presentation. From this day forward I will only think about what I want and NOT what I don't want. It will make a difference, I know. Semper Fi D0LO
Insider Elite is the next level up at only $30.00 a month..alot of real estate millionairs chatting it up there Adam...Dan in Seattle
Your story is helping me T.C. Dan in Seattle
Powerful. What you choose to
Powerful. What you choose to focus on is the key to it all. It is surprising how many people don't know what they want. I was talking to a friend of mine who owns a company and he told me when hiring he is surprised at how many people can't answer where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? He told me if they stumble over that question, he doesn't hire them no matter what other credentials they may have. Having vision of what you want is very important. It will keep you focused on your goals and help you to eliminate distractions.
Thanks so much for consistently bringing your zest for life to us. I am a firm believer in the power of positive thinking. Thanks home run on this one.
i need your energy
i love when you have new info for us you get so excited, but lately you have been hitting me were it hurts, i need to clear my mind and get focused on what i want and turn it in to positive energy and get to work!!!
Great topic you and Tony spoke about.How to change states of mind for the better.Thanks.
That was so freaking incredible!!!! You rock!!! you are AMAZING!!!! Your Mission is always growing!!!!!
Dean this was great information to share with your people. Many of us if not all needed that reminder. Life gets in the way at times but it's time for us to make life create the way through our mouths and what we think. Thanks a lot
DEAN, FLIPPIN LOVED THIS WEEKS VIDEO!!!! How true is that, that we need think about the things we DO WANT and not what we DON'T WANT!!
My husband says things like this all the time, about the right way to express something and this is exactly right! Like you said, you wouldn't say you weren't going to Florida when going on a family vacation - so why do we always talk like "we don't want to be a failure" or "we don't want to be alone"!!
Can't wait to hear more about all this knowledge you are gaining! It would be really FUN to see a list of what you are reading. I'm always looking for great suggestions on books to read
The Browley Team!
Thank you, Dean!
Dean, This was just what I needed to get me on the right track! I'm working on my lists right now. I was thinking about giving up on my dream to own my own business. Now I'm going to give it all I have, I'm going to do opposite of what I'm doing now. I have to be successful, it's all I want to do is be successful with my career and my life! Thanks, for sharing your sights!