Our big conference call has completed! If you didn't get to be on it be sure to listen to the replay.
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Our big conference call has completed! If you didn't get to be on it be sure to listen to the replay.
You can listen to the replay using this player:
Crazy Excited!!!!!!!
This could be exactly what we need to get us over the edge and start our way to financial freedom! WOOOOOOWWWWWWW
Listening In Now
I'm listening In right Now & I'm excited & I'm working on my First Wholesale deal .
Can't Wait
I can't wait For The "Rock Bottom Blue print " .
Hello to any new-comers to the DG family.
What's my dream you ask?
As I'm listening to your call live, I can honestly say that I've been hesitant. I first purchased "Be a Real Estate Millionaire" years ago. I was at a point where my world had fallen apart around me... or so I thought.
I wasn't ready. I believed it was too much to handle. I thought there was too little time. Three to four years later, my situation hasn't drastically changed. Sure jobs have come and gone, and I'm still in college trying to better myself, but my life...is in the same place. It's not where I want it to be because I don't have a way to help the people I love most. Not to the level that can really make a difference.
Edited to remove grumbling :-)
I feel the same way, Nivia. I guess there's really not much new in the area of REI, The truth is, though, that if we took action on the steps we've all been given over and over again, we WOULD be successful. No amount of hearing it over and over again will change anything unless we TAKE ACTION. That is what I got out of it.
And, that's really not all that bad.
Welcome All Newcomers!
It looks like there are about 1000 people on this site right now...wow!
You've come to a great place where we all have a positive attitude to succeed, and work hard to fulfill our dreams!
Dean, thank you for all your hard work you put in to help us follow your recipe!
Wishing everyone success,
Hello, all!
I am excited about the Rock Bottom Blueprint, and congrats to those who will be jumping in and creating the means!! To those who can't get it right now please know that the success and freedom is not out of your reach. But for me, taking that original step of FORCING myself to HAVE to succeed was one of the best things I've ever done!
And the Bluprint includes having a personal, hands-on mentor! That is HUGE!! If you're willing to commit to making it work, it will! The money I originally spent for the mentoring program was about 3 months of our household income, but I was DETERMINED that I would not let it go to waste! I have made it back hundreds of times over now, and am so glad I made that decision! (I hope it's ok to have edited my comment. I lost the call toward the end last night and didn't realize til today what all was included in the package!! Gosh!!, it's HUGE!)
I KNOW there is not a single guru out there who is more sincere than Dean about wanting his students to succeed. And that means everyone who has taken the time to step forward to action because of some influence Dean has given. I am so grateful he provides amazing tools like the Blueprint (which I can't wait to explore!!) for a price FARRR below what it's worth. He ALSO provides, ABSOLUTELY FREE, this site and all the other FREE extras that really push people to succeed!
)) So please don't be disappointed or too quick to give up before you start. It's hard work, but WELL, WELL WORTH IT!! 
Welcome to all the newcomers! DG.COM is the greatest place in the world to be a new REI! You'll be swimming in support and encouragement!!!
Let's get out there and make some deals!!
Thanks again, Dean!! You're awesome!!!!
Very sincerely,
Fired Up
Yea this hurts the wallet quite a bit but its time to take action. Just think of it this way, do the payment plan, dive right in and you can have your first deal done before you ever have to even pay your second payment.. Your first deal will pay for this course..
Thanks again Dean, You sold me on the program but I know for sure I will put it to good use! I have never been more ready to do this!
Setting High Goals
I have been wanting to get into real estate but didn't know really where to start. Glad I found this - I must say I haven't even heard of Dean before - but I have bought the program and know it will do great things for me. I am so certain I also purchased the event knowing I will be living overseas at the time. This is my incentive to have the ball rolling and well on it's way by April.
first timer
im a first time i just find the post in my e mail and i've been listening to the program from beginning so i just wanna know where to start or what to do to get started cause im tired of waking up in the middle of the night and early in the morning to a dead end Job.
Joe a great mentor choice
I was fortunate to have Joe as a Boots on the ground instructor and he a great choice for mentoring.
Thank you for re-posting this recording as I couldn't make it during that time.
that's great
I'm listening to the recording right now and
I'm so excited to dive in:)
I totally agree Rina!
I totally agree Rina! I mean I don't have the money to pay for this or the Set For Life. However the videos discuss the four steps that I am already working on. I am building my team, and my business associate and I have a mentor to work with. I have the marketing skills and such to get started. Also the Rock Bottom Blueprint videos alone is enough to get me going!
I haven't closed on any deals year, but you know what that's okay! My time will come and I'm enjoying the ride. I've learned so much in the 1 yr that I've done this.
I have buyers, and properties now when a year ago I had nothing!
Don't give up to those who feel discouraged that they couldn't get this system.
This website alone is worth millions! Together we can all be successful!
Thank you Dean and Rina
This is a truly awesome program. I don't have the means right now to do this course. If I had not invested in so many other inferior courses already I would be in a different situation. I am still pressing forward with all that I have learned from you and the other senior students (sorry that's not an age reference, lol). I hope to see you guys at the edge 2012.
Bursting With Excitment To Get Started
I just purchased the program and ready to get started and change my life for myself and my family. Last night I sat down I wrote my business plan to follow to help acheive my goals. I'm excited to do my first deal.
Thanks Dean
It was a great call last night!! It's nice to hear from the students what their initial fears were and how "Free" like Matt said they feel now. I can't wait to get to that point, and be able to wake up feeling "FREE" from the ball and chain of working for someone else, and spending most of my life at W.O.R.K.
We don't personally have the money to do this at this time, but I am confident by all that you give and all that fellow DG'ers have given and keep giving to take ACTION and make my REI business successful. This is a GREAT idea, and would love to captialize, but I am blessed to be in the Success Academy and will continue to pick their brains along my journey
Thanks again for all you DO and all that you will CONTINUE to do Dean!! You and your TEAM ROCKS!
Thank you for taking the time to create the Rock Bottom program for all of us. I am always looking to further my real estate education. I know you have put so much time and effort into the new Rock Bottom program, I can't wait to get my copy.
I want to welcome all the new memebers to DG.com. This website is filled with information and inspiration. Make today the day that will change your life. I really enjoy the quote that states "today, if you are willing to do the things that others don't want to do, than tomorrow you will be doing the things that others dream about doing."
I have had the pleasure of working with many students at Dean's on-site trainings. Both the group and one-on-one on-one on-site trainings have been awesome. The Pick a Mentor Training in Dean's new Rock Bottom program will be very beneficial as well. As one of the Mentors, I look forward to helping even more people. Good luck to everyone. Make it happen today! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
awesome like always
the call was power packed dean. i thank u n the dg family for everything. i will complete my first deal, failing is not an option for me.
You are awesome Dean. Already in the program with a mentor. Moving to get the first sale. Oh but already bought a house in San Francisco, fix and flip. More to come when this one is done. Viki
Thank you Dean
For the rock bottom blue print program. I think the 2011 edge DVD's are worth the price of the program plus you get a mentor. I hope all the new students will take you up on this deal Dean.
Thanks for what you do.
God bless the DG Family
Steve and Veronica.
Thank you Dean
The edge DVD's are worth the cost of the whole blueprint! Get a deal done in 30 days? I can go for that! Thanks for you efforts!
Rock Bottom Scamprint
Here I was, getting all excited, and of course what happens at the end????? A hawk for an outrageously expensive home study course...even with the payment plan!!! Hey Dean, in case you may have forgotten, unemployment in the US stands at over 10%, me being one of that 10%..living off of $350 a week unemployment benefit...how does one expect one to come up with even 2 cents toward your program....whatever.I have a challenge for you Dean....if you care so much about the success of others, why not offer your course to those who can show that they have been out of work for a long time, are living off of benefits, or loved ones because their benefits have run out, or are otherwise broke, a chance to take your course for free, or on consignment pending their first deal (with a mentor). Lets see if profit on your end isn't really the true motovation for what you do. That's my challenge to you.....let's see if you're up to it....BTW, I'm up for a pasta sauce showdown anytime you're ready
Love the idea, but..
As you say, for me to purchase this right now would take food off the table, so I have to pass. With the money I'm already spending on your other coaching program that was offered, I'm maxed out and trying to get to my first deal. I wish I'd waited now, this sounds like it's got a LOT more packed into it, and for a much better price!
AH well.
I got this Blue Print
I got a Email saying My order went thru for the Blue Print. Now I know If I can get this to work anyone can. So I will keep posting to let everyone know how things are going. Dean always puts a fire under my bottom when i watch his videos.
Thank you Dean
No Response
No response to my challenge Dean/Dean's Team ???? I didn't think so.... ("rockbottom scamprint" posted aug.2nd) So, you've proven my point, for you guys, it's all about the money. Not EVEN a third, cheaper option for those on a severe budget. Oh well, as the old saying goes, "a fool and his money are soon parted"
Thank you!!!
I just got my email that my Rockbottom Blueprint has been processed and soon it will be on it's way to my front doorstep. I can't wait to get things going, especially since I am trying to avoid my own foreclosure!
For those "naysayers" we all have our problems and money is always an issue. But if you look hard enough, you will find a way. A smoker always find a way to come up with $8-$10 to buy a pack of cigarettes. Money is very tight for me, also. I really couldn't afford this program but it is a heck of a lot cheaper than going to the 3 day trainings across the country (I work full time, limited funds, and need approval to take off) and to make matters worse, I am a part-time student getting my 2 masters degrees. As exciting as getting my education is, I am also facing a HUGE bill from financial aid that will have to be paid back after I graduate! So you have to make a choice. Invest in YOU or find other paths to get the education you need. I do recall Dean offering his DG family and his staff to help several times the past few weeks. Soooooo. . . .TAKE ACTION!!
. I haven't even graduated yet and I did it. I rather try now and succeed and be able to pay my financial aid back and save my home than to wait and lose everything and still have no money and even more stress.
Be on the path
Anissa S.
Thank You!
Deans energy is so contagious.
Wow!!! We are so pumped up the energy is great and so excited to have this opportunity to make a huge dent in ours lives and others. The sky is the limit and we are reaching for the stars!!!