Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #110 - The Worst Thing You Could Do Now

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog

In this 1st blog of the new year, Dean talks about the one thing you MUST avoid as you begin 2011.

Then he gives a simple way to make a real difference in your life and hit the ground running for a great year. Watch and tell him what you think, by posting below. Happy New Year!

Seeing success here from the beginning of the ladder

Greenie's picture

Thank you Dean for your words of encouragement and guidance. I'm at the point where I signed up for the success academy and having trouble even getting the first assignment done. I can't quit watching the videos though, they're like a lifeline and so encouraging. I am going to find that assignment, dig out the link to the website which I've lost, and DO IT!!! I will get a blue ribbon now for every single little step. It doesn't seem so overwhelming now. I fell victim to some naysayers. Not now! I can do this! Thank you!!

Goal Setting, Yes

helpme2's picture

Started that earlier last year . Had to lose weight . Set a estimated amount . Didn't get there . Failure , no because the goal was the significant lose . (lost 40+#s in a few months of the 55#s .) January goals are a small but very important set of steps . Alter time table don't think so if any .
It does work .
Thank You !

1st Weekly Blog

A Great Goal would be to watch Deans's Weekly Blog in my opinion. Get'r'done Smiling

Happy New Year Dean and to you and yours. Thank you so much for your blogs...this one is something so true and real and I need tto practice setting achievable goals.

Thank you Dean

steve guy's picture

Your blogs are so inspirational but so very simple to put into action. Your sincerity shines through. Happy New Year to you and your family. Smiling

We may not always get what we want, but we always get what we expect!!

Goals of success

Well today is my first day of goal setting, I was to rise early and start working out and invest time into real estate then I see your blog, great advise so far so good WE ARE ON TRACk. Thanks Dean.

Thank you

dlwoodsinc's picture

I am so thankful for being a part of a successful group, my resolution this year is to work endlessly to the future of my company, after retirng early i sometimes wonder if i made the right choice. i have found numerous good investment properties so with that being said, i'm moving forward.

thank again dg family


It is a rewarding way to start the day. Your advice always gives us something else to strive for, as we continue to implement the goals that we have set.
Happy New Year to everyone.

Dean Thank You so Very Much!

What a great blog and very realistic and easy to do. Thanks for breaking it into plateau steps and being real. Thank you for your dedication to us all. This is going to be a year of excellence and prosperity!!!

Cathy L

blue ribbons

Happy New Year to all! blue ribbons for baby steps will lead to one great big gold cup!

Best wishes for everyone to meet their goals and happiness, prosperity in 2011.

Thanks Dean!

Thank You Dean!!!

Clark59's picture

What a great blog. It's so easy like you said to get overwhelmed and discouraged. What a perfect time to get organized and focused on what our goals are and the potential of what we can accomplish.


fnyzep4749's picture

Thank you once again. Was just speaking with a friend about exactly this concept. We've both worked in corporate America and found that the only thing, or just about the only thing that gets noticed are mistakes. Finally "we" can set ourselves up for success with the ability to follow your suggestion of "plateau rewards".

I don't know where you get all you wisdom, but it is amazing. Thank you and keep up the good work.


How do you eat an elephant? one bite at a time.

Thanks Dean... Again great words of wisdom.







I just want to THANK YOU for your efforts.

noelgandia's picture

Dean, I want to let you know that even though I haven't gotten my first deal yet. I count on these weekly blogs. I can see that sometimes its a strugle for you when your physicaly drained. But thank you, from the bottom of my heart thank you for doing it anyway. When I see that; it showes me how commited you are to my success. It pushes me to be commited to my own success and to other peoples success to.

What you do is not in vain. It's getting to me. So thank you for not giving up on me. I pray more blessings upon you and yours this year.

Step by Step

myshel's picture

Thanks Dean,

Making a decision to change your life takes a determined yes. I appreciate all the wisdom you've bestowed in making drastic changes in life. Although challenging, it can be done. This website encourages me day by day.

Michele W
"All things are possible through Christ"

A Good year

Rolston Morrison's picture

Dean you are right in what you say . Thank you

Great Blog!

MWhite2's picture

I like this logic of thinking. By making small but realistic and achievable plateaus of success points, you'll ultimately accomplish that main goal! It's also important to write these goals down. I think you spoke about that point as well in a previous post! Thanks for this tool of focus. Happy New Year DG Family!

Thank You and Happy New Year

Thank you for all that you do Dean. I am going to make this year the best year ever.

Thanks for that

kimanismith's picture

We are always harder on ourselves than someone else. I know that i am one of those person that set goals so high, then when i do not accomplish them i get down on myself.

Thank you for giving me that hope that i can also be successful in Real Estate. I will set my goals but also set different times in which i can get closer to them.

Take care Dean, Happy New Year and God Bless.



cathyb's picture

Were you in my head recently? I swear you weere talking to me.



Today is my first day of the Success Academy! I am so excited to learn! My husband is half way through the first book and has already decided what property he is going to invest in first. I told him to get on this site and start reading the blogs. I have learned a lot from them. I told him to take one step at a time, but then who listens to their wife? Eye-wink

Thanks Dean, great advice!

MsEvans's picture

Thanks Dean, great advice! Baby steps and pacing yourself IS the way to go.

Great Blog

jools's picture

Happy New Years! You're right Dean! I met a few goals, and life got in the way. But this year, this year is going to be mine!

Another boost towards success.

Joining the academy this week and focus on taking steps everyday. This is all I think about and realize it's time to take major steps towards my goals. Love your inputs and motivation. Ralph McBee

new member

bluesman's picture

Thanks for all the advice, Dean. I like the idea of having small plateaus of success to reach your goals. It reminded me of Bill Murray in "What About Bob", when he starts taking baby steps to overcome his fears.
And I just wanted to wish you and everyone here a happy and prosperous 2011 ! Smiling

Hello Dean

Just returned from lending institution, where we just applied for a home equity line of credit, hoping to be in a better bargaining postion on a property that is looking very profitable. Thank you for your weekly blogs, we look forward to them. I know from past experience that attaining smaller goals is far more rewarding, and a true confidence builder. Point well taken. Thanks again Dean, and we will see you on your next blog.
Roland and Lynee

Plateau of Success

Hi Dean:

Great advice today about giving ourselves a ribbon when we acheive a goal. I received a great quote today in my inbox. "success doesn't come to you? you go to it" Marva Collins Remember to take action and keep moving forward.

Bruce Bell

Plateaus of Success

ttjudge's picture

Thanks Dean,

You're right... We need to set attainable levels of achievement towards our goals to see that we are making progress. Just like giving an animal a treat when they make progress, we need to be rewarding ourselves. The more excited we are the more we would stay open to take the next step.

Last night I worked on my goals for 2011, and I just type them on the computer. Your guidance is right on time.



How do I get past my situation as I am 47, broke, unemployed, over 700 miles from the love of my life and a Type 1 diabetic? I am not a pessimist, but am having trouble staying positive with all that is against me currently. Any and all advice is welcomed.

A Great 2011

Brad Thomsen's picture

Hi Dean,

Your message is spot on.

The path to success is a series of smaller victories that when combined lead to massive success.

In understanding the importance of the building blocks of success, every action of every day counts.

Always inspired by your message.



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