This week's Blog is going to teach you what is really important when choosing a cash flow property.
But even better, you'll actually raise money for the devastated town of Joplin Missouri.
Unlike so many of the email scams you may have seen, (where you're promised to be sent $1,000 by Bill Gates for clicking), this is real.
Everyone who watches this video will help raise money to help the good people affected by the tornado of May 22nd. So please, watch listen and pass it on. In less than 5 minutes, together we can raise thousands to help restore life to a hurting community. Thank you.
Good stuff!
Way to go Dean. Leading by example!
Let's help spend Dean's money
Great way to help the families in Joplin....Thank You
Joplin, MO
In just the past week I have met 3 people who recently moved from the Joplin area to FL leaving their families behind them. It's ironic that 2 of their families didn't want to move to FL because they were scared of Hurricanes. I guess you can't escape the weather, you just have to adapt.
What a great idea to get us all involved. I hope this video costs you guys 1 million dollars. That would mean that you really got the word out and were able to help so many people there. Thankfully, you can afford it.
Our thoughts are with you all in MO.
Thank you Dean and Matt
Thanks for another great blog. Thanks for your help with the Joplin area also that is a real good thing you are doing. I believe you will be blessed in return 10 times over Dean.
Time is now to buy up these home DG Family. Do it now before they are all gone.
Our prayers go out to the people of Joplin.
Steve and Veronica.
GOD Bless Joplin!
Thanks Dean for always looking for a way to help those in need.
That's a good investment
This just reminds me of how much I will be able to help others when I become rich in Real Estate! I look forward to it and thanks Dean for all the help, you have made me a believer!
help to people in need
exelent blog Dean we all have to do our part thanks for been giving back to the community God bless you
helping others in need
great blog Dean thanks for helping people in need we all have to do our part God bless you
Great Cause!
I am so glad to hear Dean make such a wonderful effort to help the people of Joplin. Dean is always ready and glad to be able to share his wealth and his energy. He seems to always be ready willing and able to give of himself and his money. Thank you again Dean for setting such a wonderful example to everyone. I have seen and experienced the ravages of nature's mighty winds. The affect these disasters have on the people cannot be described.
Great idea Dean!
Thanks again for your inspiration and great example. You make us all want to aspire to be better than we are. Best wishes to all of Joplin.
Thank you, Dean, for everything you've done & everything you do. You're an inspiration to other around you.. Thanks to Matt Larson as well..
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This week's Blog is going to teach you what is really important when choosing a cash flow property.
But even better, you'll actually raise money for the devastated town of Joplin Missouri.
Unlike so many of the email scams you may have seen, (where you're promised to be sent $1,000 by Bill Gates for clicking), this is real.
Everyone who watches this video will help raise money to help the good people affected by the tornado of May 22nd. So please, watch listen and pass it on. In less than 5 minutes, together we can raise thousands to help restore life to a hurting community. Thank you.
This is so awesome Dean,
This is so awesome Dean, alot of times we focus so much on ourselves and totally forget about our neighbors, but if i can help some one as i go along each day then my living will not be in vain.......Joplin ur gonna rise again God is still in control.
Congratulations ! A really fine thing to do.
You are awesome Dean
Great Idea
Great Idea Dean!!! Thanks so much for thinking of those in Joplin and when you coming to S. FL???
U rock!
I shared and posted to all, hope it helps.
Thanks for being so open and clear
Both of you are so easy to understand. This has helped me more than anything else I have heard. God bless you for being so real and so loving and kind. There are so many other things you two could be doing, yet you come to the rescue of those in need. GOD BLESS YOU.
Whatever it Takes!
Thanks Dean! Excellent...now all of us can pay this this forward with a similar concept...what a play!...
Thanks Dean
Definitely a good cause. We had a tornado go through here in Minneapolis 10 blocks from one of my homes that cost 2 people their lives but the devastation in Joplin is just hard to fathom. The community here is really pulling together to help out the displaced from this tornado. The needs in Joplin just have to be immense. Thanks for making a difference.
The gift of giving; there's blessings in it. Awesome job! I wish I could give "something..."
God continue to bless you, Dean and Matt!
Dean you are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Each day I am more and more amazed by all that amazing things that is being done. I am happy to be part of this family.
Do it for Joplin!!!
Hope a lot of people take you up on your challenge DEAN!!!& help the people of Joplin!!
Bloody Fantastic
I am so glad to be associated with such wounderful people. Thanks Dean and thank all of you for your support.
Dean this is great im proud
Dean this is great im proud to be apart of the team to help those in joplin
Thanks Dean and Matt
Another example of the love you have for helping people. I'm proud to be a part of the DG Family. Great job guys.
Thank You Dean
A great way to help a devastated community!
Wonderful idea
Great way to spend Dean and Matt's money and for a good cause.
Great Thought Dean
Excellent thought Dean But it will cost you I posted it on google,twitter,facebook.Its awesome to help our own for a change I have to post this quote for everyone---->Quote by Steve Maraboli
'I will be generous with my love today. I will sprinkle compliments and uplifting words everywhere I go. I will do this knowing that my words are like seeds and when they fall on fertile soil, a reflection of those seeds will grow into something greater.' With all the pain and suffering going on in the world these days i just had to share this quote with all my friends.If you think that this quote inspires you to spread love and peace throughout the world send it to all your contacts and inspire them also. Thank You for Reading this!! Please leave a comment and let me know if it inspires you
It's What It's All About...Giving Back!
I am really proud to be a DG family member. Together we can acomplish soooo much good in the world and make a positive impact!