Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #138 - Watch this, win Dean's iPad

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog
Wow! Loyal viewers can win Dean's personal iPad!

All you need to do is watch this video, answer the question he asks by just by leaving a comment below and you will be in the drawing to win.

It just doesn't get any easier then that! Good thing you've stay tuned to!

buying cheap, fixing it up

buying cheap, fixing it up then renting for positive cash flow then selling it retail when the market comes back.


im definitly more into buying and renting it for positive cashflow, but also like fixin and flippin


I am interested in wholesaling right now. however, I look to do other forms of real estate investing very soon.

My Interest is....

Since the economy is the way it is, wholesaling is my current interest. From the profits generated from wholesaling, I can then add retailing and rentals to my portfolio. Also, it is less time-consuming and, since I love my job (I know, an abberation, that!), I can do both at once and still have a good time doing it!!


brendan's picture

Interested in wholesaleing.

I LOVE it ALLL! Flipping to

I LOVE it ALLL! Flipping to create cash...holding for Wealth!

Win Dean's iPad Drawing

I am interested in wholesaing properties for quick cash, and in holding rental properties for monthly cash flow.

I am mostly interested in

I am mostly interested in Wholesale, because of time, and it's quick money.

IPAD Drawing


Wholesaling - No Easier Way!

KatCanDo2's picture

Hello Dean, Must go with wholesaling for quick cash. But, Buy and Sell would be my greatest desire!


Buying cheap and Renting for Cash Flow

Buying single family homes that are turn-key or have minor cosmetic issues that I can rent out for Cash Flow. Staying away from major rehabs for now.

Blog #138

jcwp's picture

John and I are happy to share whenever asked...however, we would love to have an Ipad...I would keep it (Julie) Smiling

We enjoy, and have found most of our success through option #3, with one extra layer; A rental agreement with an option to buy. We find that our rentals are better cared for, we get a down payment (option money), and overall it maximizes our total net income on the deal.

John & Julie Wakefield Smiling


All deals would be great however I choose wholesale.

I Would Like To Buy Low In My Area Right Now and Hold

OneInvestorDreamllc's picture

Hi Dean,

I would like to buy low and fix up as my area is a renters market right now renters are paying between $1,200 up to $2,500 a month my problem bad credit and no money to make this work any ideas?


My current preference

seagarden's picture

Wholesale seems most sensible for now, for the fast cash. Though there are many houses and commercial properties nearby for sale for which I have grand ideas, I don't have the resources to buy and hold, and I'm warned about renting in this area. However, that said, I have found a property which could serve as bed and breakfast or place for small retreats. I do need to fix the home I am in, which I am enjoying more and more. I may eventually have a house to swap in another part of the country, but that may take forever to happen due to legal system.

In addition, I have identified the perfect person (she's a one-stop-shop - does everything!) as personal assistant to keep me on track and I need to be able to support myself, my home, my pets, and my assistant forevermore. So. Fast cash. Least risk. Least stress. Least effort. I'm more a writer, artist, and musician, not a wheeler and dealer, and I most enjoy life when I can focus on wondering, learning, and creating.

If anyone sees my situation differently, I'm open to advice!

Wholesales is the name of the game.

Hi Dean, right now I"m into Wholesaling, and hopefully I get to try other ways of making money faster.

Ruben Reyes


bigdogs1's picture

I'm focusing on wholesaling and would like to do rehab but just don't have the cash.

number 1 interest

for quick cash and a quick start - definitely wholesaling.


I'm interested in wholsaling and Leasing options.



Hello Dean i am new to the game and just read some of your material and i have to say,your the man. Now with quetionable credit and no moey I would like to buy wholesale fix & flip for profit,then hold as rentals to build my net worth & credit then sell as needed in five to ten years if at all needed. Have to say thank you Dean cause now I see life for my family and myself going down a whole new path. I hope to one day be in a position to inspire and give back.Thank's for every thing onecowboy.

IPAD Drawing

Right now I'm doing short sale flips but I'm always open to making money in different ways

I would like to wholesale at

I would like to wholesale at this time until I build up some cash and then would like to flip.

Cashflow is king!

I would like to buy and hold several properties for maximum cashflow which would supplement (and ideally replace) my job income. This would free me up to do some other things I would like to.

iPad comment

I am interested in buying low to fix and flip properties. It gives me such sense of accomplishment seeing a distraught property turned beautiful again!


Fix and Flip

canuckinvestments's picture

I'm hungry to keep the profits myself, which means buy low...fix it up with borrowed money and then resell!!

buy, fix and hold

I figure the market is only going to get better for rental property. Too many people, myself included, have taken a hit to credit or lost much more and will not be able to get into a house using a bank. This is a win win in my book. I get to help good people and I get to build my net worth at the same time. Hope you all are doing well out there and above all be happy.

All 3 really...

However, wholesaling first and formost for quick cash. We have also been looking @ fixing & flipping to retail buyers as a way to make big profits. I would say the latter strategy is what we want to learn to master.

Thanks for the continuing insperation!

I currently have a condo

I currently have a condo that I bought to rehab and sell. It is almost ready to put on the market. I would love to buy to rehab, hold and rent for pasive income.

Right now Wholesaling

Right now I am interested in wholesale deals to get quick cash. Eventually I want to buy and hold about 4 to 5 properties and then get into buy, fix and flip.


I like the idea of flipping houses for fast cash, that is my main goal. Thanks for "being there" for us.