Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #138 - Watch this, win Dean's iPad

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog
Wow! Loyal viewers can win Dean's personal iPad!

All you need to do is watch this video, answer the question he asks by just by leaving a comment below and you will be in the drawing to win.

It just doesn't get any easier then that! Good thing you've stay tuned to!

First Wholsale, Second buy-fix-sell, last commercial rentals

Hi Dean

I would like first, for short term wholesale to have cash, and for long term buy cheep fix it up and sell it retail for a big profit. and the ultimate goal is to make a lot of money to buy commercial real estate for rentals for a cash flow and prosperity.

Thanks Dean for all your work

Hershel & Paul

Wow! Over 500 Comments Already??

keepmylifesimple's picture

Hey Dean and DGers!

It's been a while since I've been on here.
Dean, I needed that motivation to come back on the site.

I would love to win an I-pad but now that I accidently saw LAST WEEKS blog, THAT is why I am happy I came back!! Smiling

I noticed the site does that. Sometimes it reverts back to the previous week's blog when you click "Play"--and I should have KNOWN it did that again because you are wearing something different in last week's blog! Smiling

I would have to say Wholesaling because I want to have money ASAP to pay off my bills and I like the thought of putting it in the bank right away too.

I don't want the hassles of renting out properties or the stress of fixing them up.

So, Wholesaling is my answer. Smiling



I am the biggest technology spaz. It gives me so much anxiety, but I don't want to let it hold me back any more. This is my 1st post ever... actually my 2nd attempt at my 1st post ever. Don't know what happened to the 1st try. It disappeared somewhere in cyberspace. It's so embarrassing! So, if I win your ipad, it can only be due to a miracle from God! Okay, here's the feedback you wanted: I'm definitely excited by and in need of cash now, so wholesaling interests me, but I'd still have to go with choice #3: buy low and rent for positive cash flow 'cause I have a dream of starting up a nonprofit organization that provides transitional housing and resources for single mom's like me, who are starting over with very little to nothing in the way of support. I choose #3 because it's a calling on my heart! Thanks for the opportunity, Dean!

win the ipad

I enjoyed the seminarI attended. The time frame was a little longer than was expected. The snack was granola bars & cookies. Kind of unimpressed with that for the length of time spent there. Program was too much money for me, as on limited income & no credit cards. Also the fact that since attending have found that there are many similar programs online. Cheaper... Your program offers the financial backing. But I was just checking out what is out there & knew I was not ready to 'purchase'anything because of finances &
our economy.. Yes I believe there are many homes available but they just are not turning around. As too many homes sitting 4 rent & 4 sale. At least here in Nevada, properties just are not moving. Changing subject re: ipad from attending the seminar, was disheartened to see the 'winners' were not from each area of the program seminar.

Answers to Questions

JCesario's picture

I own 4 properties that I'm currently renting.
I am going to occupy 1 in last fall.

I would like to get into some Wholesale operation. I maybe interested in minor fix-up places and then renting.


I am more interested in wholesale real-estate.

I agree with you whole sale

I agree with you whole sale is more interesting for me since I do not have cash in hand and my credit history is fair.

IPAD drawing

I would have to say wholesaling as we need some quick cash with no money to play with. We have a few rentals that are cash flowing at the moment and would like to buy more.

Great iPad idea

Richlee's picture

At 78, buying your books, other products and a constant follower of your blog, I absolutely wish to sign up for the iPad drawing. With your generous feed of helpful information, I am anxious to follow your plan for successful real estate investing. An iPad would be another tool to help operate a business.

After a forced business failure, and age I find myself in need of fast cash. Your ideas on wholesaling by assignment would help me tremendously in a time of financial recovery. I am in a market where there are ample opportunities for buying bank owned properties for a very attractive price. I just don't have the capital to buy at this time. I think your program will give me a fighting chance to get back where I want to be.

Thanks for all you great information. Keep it coming!

My answer

kathyworkseasy's picture

My answer to your question is wholesaling for fast cash right now. Rehabs and renting will come later.


yes Dean I'm new so for me to get started with no money it will have to be wholesale. until I get a handle on that then i would love to buy and hold with a cash flow. Looking forward to Vegas on my Birthday 23 .. yea! all of my brother are all members. Starting a new leg in our lives and we feel best to follow you. We are excited!!!

My Choice

I am personally intereseted in buying low and selling to an end buyer for higher profits.

Make Money Fast A Great Idea

At this time I want to do wholesale deals so I can improve my credit and to get out of debt. I also want to come to your training programs and have enough money to have fun.

Make Money Fast A Great Idea

At this time I want to do wholesale deals so I can improve my credit and to get out of debt. I also want to come to your training programs and have enough money to have fun.

IPAD Drawing

I like to buy, fix and sell property for the bigger return.
Dale Smeal

Win Dean's personal iPad!

Hello Dean,
We would love to win your signed Personal IPAD to assist us with our Realestate Investments inspired by you!
All three ways are important. We are currently building our wholesaling lists that are essential to fast Cash; it is new and different for new investors and a great simple process to build a network of cash buyers and fellow investors. Wholesaling is a new and uncomfortable at first and the more you do it the more you are able to do it. I love the ideas and support on the conference calls.(Prerecorded is fine) This can be the foundation of one’s business if you follow what is taught in your program.
Buy low and rehab and hold is great for portfolio Income and is what we are currently doing because we know how.
Buy, rehab and flip are slow cash, but a bigger cash return. Matt had an excellent system for rehabbing using Lowes.
Dean, I just wanted to Thank You so very much for the outstanding instructors Matt and Al for the Boots on the Ground Onsite Training in Baltimore, it was extraordinary and enlightening with the new concepts to investing. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!

I did not realize you could use and IPAD for a presentation, Al introduced us to the IPAD. What a fabulous tool to use to have a lot of investing tools at your finger tips.

I love that you teach to give back and always have win-win-win deals. Thank you for your inspirational blog and We love your amazing investment systems!

might as well be ME!

apriori11's picture above. No cash or credit...YET! due to divorce- ugh! Need help and all this great knowledge and this ipad! Thanks Dean!!

My focus in investing now

I am at a position where I need to wholesale for cash.


Jim Rockwell's picture

Mostly interested in Wholesaling. No money or credit right now. I do have time, and motivation. Eagerly anticipating the new ideas you are about to share.

I'm most interested in buy

I'm most interested in buy and hold for positive cash flow.


Buy to hold.

Love to purchase below mkt value and hold until we the mkt turns around.


For far too long I have been using "I need more education" as an excuse not to take action. No more excuses. I vow to do my first deal by or before August 14, 2011.


hutchie's picture

Hi Dean;
I myself am interested in all aspects of real estate investing so I can profit from anything that comes across my desk.


Your IPAD becomes mine?

Dean, naturally all three. However, need to start somewhere and that is fixing up a house and flipping it. This will allow me to branch out into the other areas of hold and profit from those properties. Program does work, just need to do it more!

Very good deal

I more interested in wholesale, seems like best way to start for me.

Fix and Flip

Hi Dean,

What I would like to do is fix and flip. Seeing that I remodel homes now for a living, I figure this is right up my alley!

I pad

Wholesaling for now. Thanks.


Elena M's picture

By far, is my favorite way to buy. You're in you're out, nothing's in your name, you don't need money, you don't need credit, and you get paid! SUWEET!

Now gimme my ipad Dean! ;o)

iPad offer

Hi! Dean,
We have recently signed up with your Success Academy. We also recently got your books Pofit From Real Estate Right Now and Your Town Your Real Estate Profits.
We would like to Wholesale to get some cash to replenish our credit card debt which is maxed..
Later we would be interested in Matt's Magic Money Making. Look for 100 properties then narrow it down to 25-30 offers and get 25:1. Then offer 30% to 50% under fair market value.
Praise God for giving you the gift of giving back to your world.
Dean you always encourage everyone and build us up to reach our goals.
Bless You and your family.
Marie and Ross

I would Love DEANS ipad.......give it to me !!!! Pleease.

Hi Dean,

Im interested in wholesaling real I dont want to hold onto it for too long.
Maybe down the road thou,,,,rehabing !

Cheers to all

Robyn Squire

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