Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #99 - Dean's Diet Update...?

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog

This week, Dean talks about how even when we have everything we need to succeed, sitting right in front of us, sometimes we still get stuck.

The previous two weeks he offered an exercise to overcome this typical occurrence. If you took part in it, good for you. This week, Dean has a totally different type of challenge. This one is really going to take commitment. Watch and see if you're "in."


brettcjeff's picture

Hello! Dean... My name is Brett Jeffries. I am completely new to real estate investing. I have your Profit from real estate right now book and I am ordering your Newest book today... I must confess i am a little scared and a little nervous because i dont know where to start. I am in your Success academy but i dont know the proper questions to ask when starting off... All I need is a little encouragement and a push in the right direction because i am on my own in this my family does not support it. I am 25 and ready to start creating my legacy... Hopefully i will figure this all out. Thank You. Brett


philjanssen's picture

Good Morning Dean,
I actually went the last two weeks without the local or world news. It is amazing what you let yourself be influenced or subjected to. Yesterday, I tried to watch the local news on one channel and the world news on the other. I could only stand about a minute of each, before I turned the T.V. off.
The mind-numbing negativity just in those few minutes makes me ill. (figuratively speaking). I know we need to have some account of what is going on around us locally and globally, especially with elections drawing near.
Thank you for the News Diet

Thankful to you

nmarek12's picture

I am so thankful to all the things you do Dean. The knowledge you share, the dedication you have to teaching, and your attitude towards helping others be successful are amazing. Thanks to you I am close to closing my first deal. I can't thank you enough.

Your challange

I am lifted up by what you say. I have lost a lot of money in a commercial investment in the KEYS; that I had NO CONTROL. Who knows if the states of Calif. and Fl. will get any thing back of the total in MILLIONS lost by 45 of us. But I know I must do real estate now and make it back again..and stay in residential.
I have some one rental tenant has gone bad on me in less than 2 months. I don't even have a written contract due to one of them having excuses not to meet; and hope that does not come back to bite they had 15 days from when they were due to when I filed.. But I hope that they just leave and I don't have to fight in court. I will ask only for the rent and that would help me greatly but I would rather have them out as I found out they have a pit bull.
I was in an accident and am dealing with all that.
I am president of a Republican club and have to deal with so many deadlines.
I have a yard that needs redoing in back so maybe I can sell my home.
It goes on and on. But I feel I will have a breakthrough this year before the end. if I can just find people willing to mortgage homes for me,I could be back on my way again.
Please pray that all works out and soon.

Negativity in my life, it's ME!

debmon's picture

dgadmin wrote:

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This week, Dean talks about how even when we have everything we need to succeed, sitting right in front of us, sometimes we still get stuck.

The previous two weeks he offered an exercise to overcome this typical occurrence. If you took part in it, good for you. This week, Dean has a totally different type of challenge. This one is really going to take commitment. Watch and see if you're "in."

Negativity and the need for a New Attitude

I am an older woman, a grandmother and I have been reflecting on my life recently.And how I have missed so many "God-given" opportunities because I waited for "someone else" or "needed their approval". I didn't see the jealously they held for me and the potential that I might succeed, I trusted them and thought they cared about me like I cared about them. I know that when I look at my financial situation today, I could cry but have taken full responsibility for how things are. This has made me view my future with a "new lens", a lens that will allow all my dreams to become a reality. And every opportunity must be lived (acted upon) in order for the "prosperity" to happen. God really does want the best for us, but WE have to take the responsibility to "do" something to make it happen.So after my reflections, at 62, my life is about to begin with a positive attitude and a determination to make a change.
Dean, I taught school for 20 years and everyday I told my students that they had to look in the mirror and see the face in it to know who could make a difference in their life. That at the end of the day, the man in the mirror must answer one question.."What purpose have I served today?" and be able to answer that question. Somehow, I didn't follow my own advise, but God has been clearing away the debris and giving me a "new view" of what HE wants for me. And my future looks bright. So I stand ready to make the time,to learn the lessons and to live the dream. I want to thank you Dean, for your faithfulness and your determination to never stop sending me emails, blogs. It has taken a while but now I ready, capable and willing to give 100% to the present and every opportunity it brings my way. Thank you so much and I pray that I will stay focused and reach all my goals in life.

Hello Dean, You really

Hello Dean,

You really should call me since I think we could get a ton of deals done together. I'm a go getter and I've got all my ducks in a row. Everyone around me knows I could be one of the HOT DEAL MAKERS - but my current jog is getting in my way. So you've said you read a great many post - well hopefully you read mine. Smiling

I'll be waiting to hear from you personally. Don't know if you do this but it would be great if we could chat. Not sure if you only talk with the people who are making money at this currently. You should also take time for us little folks. Thanks, L.

Video Blogs

I had to miss the past two weeks of video blogs, unfortunately, when I tried to view the past video blogs, as Dean suggested, they wouldn't play. Can that be fixed? Because I look forward to Dean's blogs every week and I wouldn't want to miss any.

Life can change

Thank you for reinforcing my goals. I had stop watching the news and reading papers, but got caught up with all the shooting among young people etc in my community, especially since my 17 year old son was killed n the anniversary was this week. I became an activist against violence n lost focus of doing real estate to help the youth n community housing issues. So I sat down n read my goals, proposals, and rethink what would i like my legacy to be-Thank you for getting me back on track. I was spending my time at meetings and forums not making any money to pay bills, or getting youth issues resolved. Back to finding funds for real estate n to help our youth.

Will You Fix Older Video Blogs?

keepmylifesimple's picture


"scotts3" above mentioned something I was wondering about.

Since we have the GREAT resources to look back on the older video blogs, could you COPY them somehow so they work, maybe on your newest media player?

I've been wanting to rewatch Blog # 42,
"One Small Step at a Time"

Thanks in advance!



dgadmin wrote:

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This week, Dean talks about how even when we have everything we need to succeed, sitting right in front of us, sometimes we still get stuck.

The previous two weeks he offered an exercise to overcome this typical occurrence. If you took part in it, good for you. This week, Dean has a totally different type of challenge. This one is really going to take commitment. Watch and see if you're "in."

I coach Football part time and one of the things that i'm having to deal with is trying to stay focused on the things that are the most important in my life keeping myself with a positive outlook on life. Helping my girlfriend reduce stresses in her life, ironing her uniforms maintaining our house and our own lifestyle sometimes she doesn't want to talk to me about what is going on with her in her mind which is not good because how can I help her deal with her issue if she doesn't tell me what her issues are in her own life. failure to communicate with me with what is bothering her, I don't know what to do. If only she would tell me what I can do to make her life better maybe things would be better, between us.

re: Dean's Diet Blog #99

TonyJ's picture

Hi Dean,

First I'd like to thank you for all you do for us budding success stories! I had been dreaming and thinking about REI for over 15 years then saw your TV show a couple of years ago bought your book and then finally took action. Joined the Success Academy and since then have completed 8 deals with a goal to complete 10 more deals in the next 12 months. Currently I'm working on rehabbing a duplex (both sides) that I will flip when the rehab work is complete with a potential profit anywhere from 30-45K since I purchased at 37 cents on the dollar based on current comps sold in the last 90 days.

The suggestion to document what one does every day for a week is a great idea! I've done this several times now over that last few years and it is a perfect way to find out how much time we waste on non-productive activities. I still have a full time job, a 1 year old and teenager, my wife is working on her second Masters degree, and my REI business so needless to say scheduling for us can be a challenge. However, after tracking all my activities for a week I was able to weed out the unnecessary things that were wasting time and focus on the crucial tasks I needed to accomplish to meet my REI goals and believe it or not can fit it all in and still be able to spend a good deal of quality time with my family.

Thanks again you have helped change my life for the better and the best is yet to come!!



Is there anyone in Hillsborogh county or Pinellas county going to the REI meeting in Tampa.



Is there anyone in Hillsborough county or Pinellas county going to thr REI meeting in Tampa.



Hello Dean. Just wanted to post a quick blog.
Your videos are an inspiration. I need to make it a point to watch more. I watched the video from your seminar regarding ("7 levels") and answered the 7 questions and just wanted to post the last answer; "It turned out to be Proving God's Existence" How awesome!!! Also, if not for flipping through the channels during a boring football game a couple of Sundays ago, I might never would have discovered your resources
and DG Family. I admire your unselfish goals statement about wanting to help others and your down to earth approach about business is great. I have received both of your books and will start reading this weekend. It might take me awhile (I seem to have let my life get too busy)
but "I am going to do this and I will succeed"
Thanks again!!!

Hey Dean, Great Challenge

Angiec's picture

Hi Dean,

Thank you so much for inspiring me with these great challenges! I never realized just how much negativity comes out of some people's mouths!

Thanks again for being who you are and for sharing all of these great tools with us.

Warm regards,

Keeping a journal


Immediately after watching your video this morning, I started my journal to see what I do for a week. I am excited to see what you have for us next week and have committed myself to learning how to buy and sell real estate in my area. I am sure that I can find more time in my day than I think I have.

Keep brining us great blogs and challenges!

Excited in Virginia Beach.

Good Blog!

Really good. I just went to your Washington Live event yesterday, and purchased your TAX LIEN PROFIT STRATEGIES. My next week will be absorbing the boatload of information that was enclosed, my regular JOB, plus, kickboxing and wieghtlifting regime that I have been doing for the past couple of months.
See you at the top, Dean!

Blog #99


Good task for us, I just hope I spend most of my time, doing something postive and not eating.Smiling until next week, look foward to the next blog.

jehovah god help me

i need some help

jehovah god help me

hi my name is sal,and i dont look at tv so it wont be hard for me to do that lets do it....

News Diet

SteeVoh's picture

When I joined the Army in 2001 I went from being a political news junkie to being completely cut off from the world. My whole world consisted of my platoon. When I came home I continued to just ignore the news and enjoyed my new found bliss of ignorance.

You see I adopted an attitude that if it doesn't directly effect me, and I can't effect it, than why does it concern me? To this day I only pay attention to that which does concern my life. I have known for even longer that there is a great deal of bias and even irresponsible, highly inaccurate reporting within the news media and so I don't trust what they do say to be true.

I agree that a great deal of peoples negativity stems from, or is at least fueled by, the negative input they get from news sources and they then spread that to others on a daily basis.

Great to see all the participation by the family.

Thanks Dean


All Your Years Of Info, Yet Still Stuck At Funding

dgadmin wrote:

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Hi Dean,
I have listened to your Blogs, read your books. I have implemented what I absorbed yet here I am after years of contact still stuck at one thing- Funding. I can get Transactional or Hard Money funding but I cannot come up with the Earnest Money. I found some smoking deals in Flagstaff that would set me straight but on the final counter the bank rejected the $1000 Earnest Money offer & wanted $10,000. They are smoking deals except for this. There is nothing called purchasing Real Estate without having money regardless of how positive & determined you are to make it work. I have worked diligently & tried all sorts of creative ways to make it work. It does not matter if you try the high end or low end properties- you need Earnest Money or your deal drops dead.
I am still positive & determined to succeed but I am just frustrated - not knowing who or what system to approach as I think I have exhausted the ones I know.
Thanks for your motivation.I am motivated, positive & BROKE.
Looking forward to your next Blog.

This week, Dean talks about how even when we have everything we need to succeed, sitting right in front of us, sometimes we still get stuck.

The previous two weeks he offered an exercise to overcome this typical occurrence. If you took part in it, good for you. This week, Dean has a totally different type of challenge. This one is really going to take commitment. Watch and see if you're "in."


I have watched all your videos and read your books and even bought into the new website but had to back out because we lost everything we own and had to move into a room with strangers to survive. I want to become a investor more than you know but i need help getting started and i can't afford to join the academy. I have tried everything that you have told us to do and tried to take others advice but still have gotten no where. I am not a quitter or a whiner as one of your students called some people. But i think there needs to be away for new people to get help with there first few deals and take the money out of those deals as payment or get some of your successful students to help us newbies and get paid as the deal goes through. Some of us just need more help than others but can't afford to join all the academy's and websites you have put together not that they aren't great we have just hit bottom and need someone with a big heart to help us get started with a 50/50 split. But i have tried contacting so many that have already made it for help and never get a respond i thought family helped each other but i feel like they have made their money and don't have the time for those of us who have not. I am not putting you down or what you have done i think it id great but everyone does not have the money to join all these clubs to get help or get started we just need a kind person to leand a helping hand.

Hello Dean

Totally new on this but I knew for the several past years that Real State success is what I whan to achive.

Honesty, I bouth your book before but didn't pass few charters....I won't say I have no time because is not thru but I would say I do not make the time and spend way to much watching tv with my husband.....

I believe in you, have confidence in you and I have confidence in me but the TAKE ACTION PART is what I always delay for some reason.

I'm 5 monts pregnan now and I want to provide everything I do not have for my baby and keep helping my family mom, dad, nice and brothers that do not have much economy back in my country Peru.....

I just received my new book YOUR TOWN, YOUR REAL STATE PROFIT and my commintment is to not only read this for me but read it to my baby also, still in my tommy but I know he or she is listening to me now....

I would like to tell you that you are FANTASTIC, your videos, your books (that I promise finish reading) and your email, the personality your transmit es very possitive. Thank you for teaching so many people and I hope to be one of your succes studen soon. Smiling

Your blogs

I would prefer to keep this confidential. I am struggling financially for the first time since my wife and I first married many many years ago. I retired early and the conditions of the market and the lack of discipline on my part have caused us considerable strain. I have been looking for work for five to six months without success. The embarrassment and stress I am experiencing has frozen me to the point where I am afraid to try something like your program. I tried another real estate program in the past and was not successful. I was fairly successful in my carrier but seem to lack the confidence to move forward after recent failures. I look forward to your positive attitude on your weekly blogs. I'm not sure where to begin, we are in danger of loosing everything that we worked so hard to accomplish for so many years. Thanks for your encouragement.

Blog 99

This is my first visit to your site. I am a new member and have a few of your books.
I am trying very hard to digest a lot of information. So thanks for the tip to keep a day log. Is there are way for me to back up and watch the other 98 blogs?


Hi Dean, my name is Darren from Boston Mass.
I tell you I am a bit nervous I a hope your mentoring can get me into my 1st deal I know its an investment into myself I need to follow your mentors an I will do just that the name of this is to get into my 1st deal with the help of your mentor that will be coaching me doing that so with thtat being said hope you sustem will work.

Please wish me great luck an with the grace of God I just know I could an will be successful. An thats that again Dean God Bless you !!!!

Darren from Boston Mass


Dean i read both your books i listen to all your blogs i read all your messages but i can't afford to join the acadsemy or the sfl, we go days without eating and are now homeless at no fault of anyone except the government,but i need hands on help i have tried to do everything in the book and everything people suggested and can't even get a real estate agent to help me because i do have bad credit due to medical bills and of course we are broke,but i still don't want that to stop me i still want this so bad i just need some that has already made it to take the time and be caring enough to come here and walk me through my first couple of deals and show me the ropes with a fee of course. I have sent messages to some of your success students asking them to help but i never hear back from them. So if if you really want to know what hurts my heart is that it feels like to me that once people not all but once they got their success they don't care about helping those of us that have not made it yet and can't afford the academy and sfl like they did won't help each other so we all get to where they are or where you are there are enough homes out there right now for us all but we are suppose to be a family i just don't feel like i am apart of it because i do need help and i don't have money without the help of the dg family i can not make it and i don't want to be homeless anymore or go hungry anymore so please please see if you can get a program started where those of you that have made it volunteer their time to come help us that are in trouble get their start to.

dgadmin wrote:

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This week, Dean talks about how even when we have everything we need to succeed, sitting right in front of us, sometimes we still get stuck.

The previous two weeks he offered an exercise to overcome this typical occurrence. If you took part in it, good for you. This week, Dean has a totally different type of challenge. This one is really going to take commitment. Watch and see if you're "in."

I wish

grant's picture

I could be there,'s my goal to make it to an Edge event...had hoped on it being this year..and these aren't excuses, just hurdles....but, my home is trying to be foreclosed on....just had divorce final in December after 25 years of marriage...havent worked my main profession in over a month, so doing repair work here and there to try and stay alive....reading and researching usually from midnight until 2 or 3 was shut off.....just got it back insurance, home insurance lapsed....sigh....I'm 57 years old and figured I'd be retired by now....well, I still plan on pulling it off....i've just been knocked down a few times and seem to be getting up slower each time...but, this website and your constant pushing and help keeps me with hope....I even tried to join the academy but just could not pull off the payments....had to decide to feed my two teenagers or do the family is still first....but, you're doing everything above and beyond to help folks like me be able to get to a great event like the edge.... and I truely appreciate you, Dean. And if the Lord intends it, I will meet you and be another wonderful success story for you....and me!

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