Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #99 - Dean's Diet Update...?

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog

This week, Dean talks about how even when we have everything we need to succeed, sitting right in front of us, sometimes we still get stuck.

The previous two weeks he offered an exercise to overcome this typical occurrence. If you took part in it, good for you. This week, Dean has a totally different type of challenge. This one is really going to take commitment. Watch and see if you're "in."

So Thankful

Thank you Dean for all the help,pushing,moti -vation and inspiration you give to us so that we
may become successful in real estate investors, I think that these challenges that you are giving us are very crucial, because these are techniques of which I use already in my daily life of self empowering via the mind, I've learned that our lives and where we are today in our live is because of our thinking which is most influenced by the people that we are around, the things of which we see and hear are asorbed into our minds and how we process, act or react to what we take into our minds and thats who be become. I understand that if you want things to change in your live you have to change your and that starts with changing the way you think and your thoughts which is decreasing your negative ball of thinking or energy and increasing your positive ball of thinking or energy.As Henry Ford stated wether you think you can or you think you can't either way you are right,it's the thinking that makes it so. So in order to be successful you have to think positive all the time and you have to believe that you can do it and be successful. And as Nepolen Hill stated what ever the mind of man can conceive and bring itself to believe it can achieve. so I do this consistantly,and daily along with affirmations and thanks for graditude for things in my life every mourning be for or when I get up and before I lay down to sleep. and with the use of all of the techniques have made a great and huge differ-ence in my daily live. from the way of which I feel, to the way of which I think and in my finances and success in the things I attempt to do. I haven't become successful in real estate as of yet but I know,feel and believe in my heart that it's coming and my dreams of financal freedom and success or near. I don't have money for your system or training from success team but instead of just sitting back and accepting that I don't have it. I say to myself how can I get the money I need and I start thinking of a plan to get it and beleiv-ing that it will manifest into existence through my believe. So I just want to thank you for all that you do to help, encourage, and push me to making my dreams come true of being a very successful real estate investor such as yourself. Ive been talking with a guy name Matt with pmi and he's helping and waiting for me to enroll in the training program. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR EVERYTHING.

It wasn't hard to not watch

arolkreger's picture

It wasn't hard to not watch the news. I just had to stay away from my mother's house. She watches the news 24/7!!! And last week, I got to tell my husband that I wasn't allowed to hear any negative opinions! That was great!Evil Evil Evil
This week, actually will be fairly easy too since I just found that old organizer that I got for Christmas last year that I never used. I filled up the next two weeks with Mommy do stuff! That and a lot of real estate ventures. I am very excited, I found 4 buyers just today!!! So, I need to do some house shopping, I think. I have to call my coach in the morning!


sphi99's picture

Enjoying the blogs.. As a newbie (just rec'd my books about a week ago, I haven't had time to read them), but was wondering if there is anything I can do with my situation?.....

I have a condo that would have foreclosed several months ago but I applied for loan modification...which has been a long process. I was waiting for info from my mortgage company (Chase) when I rec'd info from another company who bought my paperwork and they're acting as if I never applied for loan modification... long story short... I do not want to stay in the condo any longer (another story).. Is there any way I can move and still find a positive anywhere.. or just lose money. Sad I purchased it in Oct 08 so there is no equity at this time given the market situation. My escrow account is in the negative and I cannot pay it. I retired 2 months ago due to health problems, but am very much interested in making this all work and in doing more once I read all the materials. Thanks again for the blogs... lots of good info here and I enjoy reading the comments.... learning lots of good stuff.



Good Morning Dean,
I have been up reading this site for about an hour now! I always get up around 4 am, but today I woke up around 3...I know this sounds crazy but I get so much accomplished before the regular work day starts. I usually work out around 5 am till 6am then I am in my office starting at 7am. I have a home office which really makes life nice. So it's not like I am chained to a desk, or have a long commute. I have access to the MLS on my computer. I have a team of people I have done RE deals with, although conventional. I am re-reading your books and putting a REAL plan together. I intend on completing a deal with a technique out of your book before the end of the year if not sooner. Have no problem with the TV diet. I actually have a pretty regimented daily schedule. I know without a doubt I am on my way to doing RE full time! Love helping people and love everything about real estate...and am learning so much more from you and your site!
Thank you so much for your time and sharing your experience's...

Aloha Dean

darylmau's picture

It's been said that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Besides the challenges, which are terrific by the way, reacting in a positive manner to negativism has taught me that in many cases, tends to leave the Nay Sayers speechless or at least somewhat confused. I suppose it's because my change in attitude is not what they were expecting. Well, I'm just assuming. The really gung ho people walk off mumbling to themselves, and others join in with positive statements and sometimes end up cracking a few jokes walking away feeling a little happier. Just thinking aloud after having watched your vid for the second time. As for the documentation part, I spoke to my English Prof., His reply was if I would submit it as an essay, he would give me extra credit for it.
Not to shabby.
Thank you for the help you have already given. And Thank you in advance for those you have yet to share amongst the DG family.




Magarahan's picture

Great idea, I'll do it. I'm printing out an extra blank page from my outlook calendar right now...already lined and graduated by hours.
Great idea, THX.

of Mike & Mary

This weeks blog


I'm in agreement with all that you say as far as omitting as many of the negative influences from our lives as possible and also as far as keeping a weekly log of activities in order to polish our everyday character.


Staying Posiitve

Taskmaster's picture

Events will happen, challenges will arise. Though we can not ignore them. We have to deal with them. What has helped me is. Take in on, dont take it in.... Like water on a ducks back. Hope this helps. Thank you, Hove A Strong Day

thanks dean

Jay Sthilaire's picture

for all your blogs and this challenge.I indeed have tuned out all neg news and focus on the positive and am on my way to greater things!! keep the motivating challenges coming!!

The news diet is good I do need to have weather in my life.

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This week, Dean talks about how even when we have everything we need to succeed, sitting right in front of us, sometimes we still get stuck.

The previous two weeks he offered an exercise to overcome this typical occurrence. If you took part in it, good for you. This week, Dean has a totally different type of challenge. This one is really going to take commitment. Watch and see if you're "in."


Hello Dean the blogs are very helpful,My question is what exactly do you mean locking up a great deal on contract with a birddoging deal ,Ive been going over your books and learning more each time,Ive found some great deals and some cash buyers ,not sure but I think I might have lost a great deal to a cash buyer without any money coming my way,thats where I need to find out what locking up on contract exactly is so Idont give away any more deals.Thanks again.

Thanks for this challenge!

I love this week's challenge, Dean, as it is making me really think about EVERY THING I am doing. Writing everything down really helps me see my accomplishments for the day and holds me accountable for every minute.

After negotiating, I just found out my offer on a property that needs some TLC has been accepted. I'm excited but somewhat hesitant all at the same time. My realtor thinks it's a good deal, but if it is, why hasn't another investor scooped it up by now?? Am I missing something that others have detected?? Or is it available because it's meant to be mine??? I remember reading most everyone seems to be somewhat fearful until after their first or second deal so hopefully I'm just going through the normal "jitters."

Blog #99

Amazngrc's picture

All I can say Dean is you are a true angel from heaven for caring soooooooo much about other people's success! I pray the Lord continues to bless you richly and I will have a real good testimony for you when I get my first deal of the century! Blessings to you and DG family!

Simply Amazing!

Shawn SD's picture


I just wanted to say how amazing your insight is regarding the distractions and negativity that surrounds us daily. I have been on the news diet since I received your books. It has really helped me. The negativity diet, however, was simply amazing. I didn't realize how much of an impact that negative people and situations have on my life. I am excited about this week's challenge to record our daily activities. I know that time management is probably the biggest challenge for me. I am looking forward to conquering this. Thank you for everything that you do.


The best challenge

That's a good one! Life is too short to waste any time. I just got a notice that I need to go on Facebook to check my messages, because I havent been on there forever.

Facebook is one of the worst offenders. If I was lost on an island and for some reason had facebook, I might consider it, but otherwise I will not waste my time on there.

When I thought about the challenges, I thought that there is another one that would change people's thinking for the better.

I call it the shopping diet. I started it years ago, when I was broke, but loved it so much that I will do it forever.

It' s the most freeing experience. I pay bills and the rest goes in savings. The only time I reach for my wallet is when I need to buy gas and groceries.

You would not believe how many problems are solved by this and how it simplifies my life.

It has been years since I went to a mall.

Living this way allowed me to stay home with my daughter when she was a baby. My friends were jealous and called me lucky. They couldn't do what I did, because they had two brand new cars, a new house and flat screen tvs in every room.

I have a career that I truly enjoy and that allows me to live the life of my dreams meaning having a nice house in a great neighborhood, but most of all enjoy my family and have time for me to eat well and work out.

I am German and we Europeans love to enjoy life. We love to have a job that we like and pays for our needs and makes us feel useful, important and accomplished BUT we don't like for it to take up all our energy and time, because time and family is more important.

My point is this: People work so hard just to afford things that they dont need and what's even worse is that most of the time they CAN'T afford it even then. They work their tails off, are $60000 in debt, facing foreclosure, have to get a divorce, because they work too much to have time for their spouse and the kids dont even know them.

I have my own business and work about 15 hours a week. I brew my own coffee and make my own food. I clean my house myself and wash my car. We have one tv and it is a refurbished tube one.

We live this great life all thanks to my shopping diet. Our money goes toward bills and mortgage and vacations. That means a great credit score and financial security.

I envy you for knowing Joel Osteen! My dream is to meet him one day.

Dean, you so rock you don't even know! God bless you and keep doing what you are doing, you are more loved and appreciated than you could even imagine!!!!!!!


New Blog


As usual you have posted a blog to help and inspire. Speaking for myself and I'm sure the entire DG family, we appreciate the time and commitment you put into your blogs. The training videos, the books, the tv show, the success academy and the sfl program are all a testament to the character of a person who really cares about his fellow human beings. For that I am truly grateful.

I will implement your new challenge for the week, and see where it leads. Time management is not my strong suit, so this one will be a lot tougher than the last two.

God Bless You and Thanks for Caring. Myra

Time Management!

Glennda's picture

Hey Dean,

This is a good one as have the last two challenges. Its funny when you won't go to that negative place with people how it curves around to something else. It was great! This week will be good as well. We all will see where we spend our time. I kind of do this with my list making so when I'm tired at the end of the day I know why. This will take it a step beyound.
Thank you,
Have a great week.

Hey Dean

dominoafekt's picture

Hey Dean,

I really wanted to go on the news diet, but unfortunately my job as a trader relies on news releases to move the market. So I completely stayed away from news as much as I was allowed to.

That didn't stop me from doing the anti-negativity part!! To be honest I didn't succeed at this completely, I caught myself complaining a few times but shut up as soon as I noticed it. I am going to try to go a whole week with no complaints or negative talk. Every time something slips my timer will reset.

My partner is extremely close to closing off our first deal to make 8k out in Missouri, we have the property and everything we just need to sell it. We marketed it to our buyers list, every single online free ad you can think of, have some Realtors trying to make a commission off it, set for life, this website, everywhere you can think of.

Thank you for sharing your knowledge and helping us improve our lifestyles. We plan on attending THE EDGE '11. See you there!

Praying For Success

mdlinvestors's picture

First time on the site. Just ordered the books and just signed up for the site. Looking around to see how it works. The video is inspirational. At least there is a positive, spiritual thread so far. I hope God has led me to the right place and has answered my prayers. I have been in a bad place and I pray to be in a good place and have the will and fortitude to take myself there.

A little worried as I don't want to break any rules by mistake so this is my first venture. May this be the first step of a positive journey to happiness and peace of mind.


Blog # 99


Sounds like a good idea,can't wait to see the outcome

Thanks for all your help.

Would Like to Get Started in Foreclosures

blueyes15074's picture

I want to help people get out of foreclosures since I went through that myself. How do I get started in this venture through Dean Graziosi? There has got to be a way to do this and make money at it!

Get off the Pot !

Hi Dean, Well, I've been listening to your blogs for some time now. The way that you have a passion for the success of your students, as well as trying to help, I believe, everyone you come in contact with, almost is unbelievable. In todays world, you can't help but to be skeptical because there are so many people out there that are trying to get their hooks in you. Over time, however, I have watched and listened to you and the message that you have been consistently putting out to people. You REALLY DO CARE !!! My Lord, is that ever refreshing to experience. At any rate, a while back I purchased the Set For Life system. I initially got your books "Your Town Your Real Estate Profits" along with "Profit from Real Estate Right Now". I have not taken the time to sit down and read completely through the books nor to finish looking at the material in the Set For Life system. I came to realize, I'm the one shooting myself in the foot. Therefore, I purpose in my heart and state before the Lord, and you, that now is the time I am going to do what I've been putting off. Today is the first day of the rest of my life. Today is the day to _ _ _ _ and get off the pot ! Dean, I cannot thank you enough for your dedication, true care and effort to make this world a better place to live, certainly for those of us who are on this train with you. I know you've heard this countless times, but I wanted to let you know from me: I hardly ever write to anyone like this, but I had to this time because of the esteem that I hold you in. I truly pray that the Lord continues to bless you and your family. Enough said for now. Truly, God bless!
Larry from So. Cal.

Your condo

arolkreger's picture

I would try looking for ads that say "we buy houses." You can find them in the classifieds or You might have to talk to your bank about a short sale, but I am sure anyone on this website would be able to help you. The key word here is short sale. Find one of those ads. They will help.

Good luck

Love this blog

All States Investments's picture

I love this blog. It is interesting to see how much time is wasted on things that are not important in your life - whether that be not on family or not making money. Can't wait to see what Dean has in store next week.

Love this video

All States Investments's picture

I know since I watched this I have been keeping track of the time I am wasting not working on my business. Can't wait to see what Dean has in store next week

Finding hope!

Hi Dean,

I did not do the no news but I did find a way to bring up the negative people in my life and heard some amazing things from them.

I went looking for REI's in PA. Found one I plan on attending this week. looking forward to it. Scared but finding a way to get things done as you have said.

I also went looking for house that are for sale and letting my mind think on the possibilities! I have seen one older house that sits at the top of a hill nestled amongst a bunch of others and it has been coming up in my dreams or when I am almost asleep. In that fugue state. I do not know how yet but I will own it.

My credit in in the toilet but I am seeing the way through to be free!

Don H.

Not perfect - but getting better

Rick888's picture

I haven't been perfect on my diet, but I have begun to see all the negativity. I went from total news junkie to about 45 minutes a day. I'm progressing nicely with setting up all the aspects of the SFL system thanks to the extra time I've found away from the news.
The negative people around me are not going anywhere because it's my job to deal with negative people and negative situations. However, I've been able to not let it bother me as much by thinking about the day I can quit to be a full time investor.
Thanks Dean for the new challenge. I will do my best.



ramirez951's picture

Whats up Dean! , thanks for another good video your on fire!~ i got a lot tell you but i don't think its gonna fit here Smiling ,im meeting 3 Realtors this week plus i been working with my attorney for some Bk referral fees Eye-wink so far so good dean, i got laid off last year from my job and i found you on youtube and then got your book gained knowledge took action got your success academy met with Realtors went through hell still going through tough times my grandmother is sick and my uncle is in critical condition in mexico but i prey to god and i know good things are coming because they been happening out of no where. i learned that its all about money and knowledge in this world.., btw loved the video i never watch tv no girl, no kids just family and achieving success much love dean.


Hi Dean, thanks for being so

Hi Dean, thanks for being so encouraging, I have been reading your blogs for a while, I just do not comment every time. Thank you for caring so much about us your students. I love Joel Olsteen, I have been watching his program for a long time. He always have uplifting words to say as well.

I have been successful with the first two challenges for the most part, It was not that easy, but not too hard. I made it through...

Dean, I felt your true character from the first time that I saw you. I am so glad to have a mentor like yourself, I think that you are great, and all of the DG Family! I just wanted to say Thank you...

I am excited about this weeks challenge.

vhconnections's picture

This weeks challenge has motivated me to downgrade from negative advice from others. I am not going to allow negative comments block me any longer. By making a documentation list of my everyday activity this is great way for me to start it gives me a chance to give my full attention to my goals as a newbie. Thanks Dean

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