Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #99 - Dean's Diet Update...?

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog

This week, Dean talks about how even when we have everything we need to succeed, sitting right in front of us, sometimes we still get stuck.

The previous two weeks he offered an exercise to overcome this typical occurrence. If you took part in it, good for you. This week, Dean has a totally different type of challenge. This one is really going to take commitment. Watch and see if you're "in."

Still going Forward

danyatborder's picture

You are a great inspiration and I will continue to follow your advise even thought sometimes I end up going back to my rutine at work and family but thanks for these blogs that help me so much to keep moving forward.
I will take your challenge because I know you are an honest person and you are doing this to help as much people as you can.
Thanks alot.

Update on lastwk. blog#98

RTMynard's picture

Hi Dean,

Well I was able to do pretty good last wk.
As I said wrk would be the hardest,well I remembered something from when we had to go to stress classes for Day Care.
You have to choices walk away for afew mins. or redirect.
Well at wrk we have to redirect people (elderly)to something positive things.
So I did the samething with my co-workers,and it worked on them.

I other thing that a wise old lady told me when I was young was life is to short to keep thinking on bad things,and she also would tell me that never let someone stop you from going after your dreams.

That women was my mom's mom who I only got to see ever other yr. But I sometime can hear saying things like to me.

Thank-you inforcing her words even more Den.

I have already started my next challenge,you Blog#99.

Theresa M.

New Investor, news diet

samm5195's picture

Hi, Dean I did not watch the news or read the papers at all this week, I really don't have a problem with this diet because I stopped the news of any kind a long time ago, I have enough of my own problems and negativity going on as you know the news is all negative, I just bought your new book last week and still waiting although I have started reading the pdf versions so far so good I do have some questions on getting started with assignments that I haven't found in the forums or faq pages if you could direct me to the right place to get the info that would be great. I also want to know out of all the success stories I see of your program I do not see any from New England is there a reason for that? I was thinking maybe the techniques do not work in this area I know that real estate is high around here even with the down market and may not be any real good deals like there are out west or down south. this is in now way stopping me from being an investor I would also like to know if you could have Mrs Stinson get a hold of me I really liked her investor strategy and would possible do that from here I really like the site and video blog great info. I would like to know if I could get a copy of the book you put together for finding financing that I saw on an infomercial for the profit from real estate now book?

Just like you...

Mighty1 Real Estate's picture

I should've figured you'd come up with a continuation of weekly tasks. It's great to have something of a challenge to keep you focused. I think you are doing the right thing to try and get people motivated. And it's just like you as a giver to always try and motivate people and kinda twist the arm a bit but in a good way! Your competition will never be able to come close, They are haters! not givers and we know and see the difference. THANK YOU DEAN!! IF IT WASN'T FOR YOUR GENEROSITY I WOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN ABLE TO AFFORD GETTING INTO THE SUCCESS ACADEMY AND KEEP MY DREAMS ALIVE.- FOR ME AND MY FAMILY. YOU ARE THE REAL DEAL. I WILL ALWAYS BE GRATEFUL.

It's not over. Never Say Die!

Hi again, Dean

SuperBee's picture

Thanks for another inspiring blog.
It's actually kind of quiet around my house this morning, so I finally got the chance to read the part about the news diet in PFRERN. I also got to read the first part of Matt Larson's story.

I agree with your and keepmylifesimple's thoughts about the news. I like to know what important things are going on in the world, & I choose to keep on the lookout for news I can use. It WAS nice to watch them finally rescuing the Chilean miners. It was also nice to read a front page news article about the fact that my county's home prices are dipping & are currently the lowest in the tri-county area. (It's funny, I don't think the writer thought that was good news.) I also was glad to hear on the radio that the Steelers beat the Browns. I took a not-fiendish delight in speading the news to a certain person as well. All in good fun. Eye-wink

I actually prayed about the use of my time last night. I'm going to try to keep track of how I spend it this week.

ooooh! Now the last 2

MsEvans's picture

ooooh! Now the last 2 challenges were dead easy for me because i already live my life that way now but this one...might REALLY be a im good with making a to-do-list but now its a to-done-list lol ok will see how it goes i think im good with time management this is going to prove if i really am. Thanks Dean! once again...i Embrace the challenge Smiling



Thanks, for the continues videos they are great, I'm new still trying to set up my first deal, I live in Indiana and would like to maybe meet and talk to a student you have in this area. Is there any way to find out what people are in my area?

Thanks again


jools's picture

I am following through with the challanges. I do have challanges that I am going thru right now. I've noticed that it is helping me to tackel the obsticles positively. It feels like Im able to conquer them even faster while maintaining my focus where I need to be and do with my real estate investing. If feels good! Thanks for your video blogs.

Looking forward to another challenge

Shellsell's picture

Hi Dean,

Another great video blog. The news diet has been going well. Since I have been with the DG site and listening to your videos, reading your books, and have success academy and SFL dvd's. This has really helped me stay more focused on the positive.
I have been starting to use your yellow note pad idea with the three columns most urgent, current, and future. I can add this new challenge for helping me get more accomplished, which looking forward to next video blog for answers.

God bless, and have a great week.


This week Ive noticed a lot more negativity with the more progress I make. One day I started to feel a little discouraged. Then I had this one little moment where I just woke up, it drove me to read 2 of your work books in a half day. I also planned my next day in advance and just thought about everything youve said giving me a peak of motivation. I love the video blogs there so inspiring and really keep me moving forward.



I used matt larsons technique to get a realtor on my power team. It was working good until they told me I needed to get something from the bank to varify funds. I didn't want to tell them that I was going to assign contracts.

Seminar enjoyable, but can still be improved upon.


Always a pleasure to watch your pep talks every week.

You truly are one the best cheerleaders on the planet!

Keep it up & rest assured, you're really helping a lot of struggling folks like me get up each time we fall down.

And that's the greatest side effect/by-product of your R E I empire. Of course, on top of taking us out of the gutter of financial ruins!

FYI: My friend & I just got back from your Insider's Edge 3-day seminar (10.15 - 17.10) in San Francisco, CA last night.

And I'm very glad I went. I enjoyed most of it eventually, after I initially struggled with it. And I explained this to Paul the trainer, yesterday.

I grew up from a family where we were taught one word is enough for a wise man. And right from the start, Paul kept repeating himself essentially after almost EVERY pronouncement: "Is that understood?"

And after hearing 2 doses of such question EACH time, MANY times, it got to my nerves! It was VERY annoying. And we were just starting that Friday morning!

So I wondered, how could I survive 3 DAYS of that? So I prayed to God to give me patience to endure it, because I needed to listen to him, because I want to get out of the financial ruins that I'm in right now.

And miraculously, I felt that shortly after I prayed -- it felt like Paul did not repeat such question anymore as much as he used to. Thus, I was able to enjoy the rest of the seminar. And I told him about this.

And his personal story brought tears to my eyes. It was really inspiring & empowering. That when he struggled against all odds, even basically to be alive, then I can also fight all these injustice against me.

My son was taken away from me by my white, vindictive ex-husband with a lawyer for 5 yrs. now, because I can't afford a good lawyer to represent me. But i haven't lost hope & I'm still fighting in court even without a lawyer.

And I hope your REI program can really rescue me from these financial ruins.

My friend though had bad feelings about the seminar in the end, & she'll explain herself to you.

Just a request please about the seminar.

If you can please reconsider to let those who paid & attended the seminar to video/audio record the seminar in the future, because it's not easy writing all those we're hearing. Paul talks fast & it's impossible to write everything.

And people paid anyway for it. It's not like we're simply stealing copies. And you can still make money when you sell your official video/audio recordings of the seminar -- to those who did not attend & paid for the seminar.

That would actually endear you & your company to people more. Better PR for your company.

Thus, I DID NOT VIDEO/AUDIO record the seminar, because of your rules.

Also, please reconsider lowering your prices for your seminars/mentoring programs -- to make them more affordable. Then you can attract more people to join. In the end, you'll make more money due to bigger volume -- more people joining.

Also, the seminar could be improved with more interactive brainstormings of your different R E I techniques in smaller groups. And that would have made more sense & impact to the class, instead of those TOO LENGTHY personal anecdotes in the class.

Such segways -- protracted personal stories not related to the class' subject matters proved to be a drag & seemingly waste of precious time.

A statement or two about them would be ok, but to carry on & on for so much time -- was too much & waste of time. If you could improve upon this, your seminars will be much better.

Paul was very articulate & seemingly knowledgeable. Except for his repetetive "Is that understood?", I enjoyed the seminar.

I'm hoping my first deal would go through very soon & I have a couple more deals in the works. I'll let you know as soon as I'm out of welfare, thanks to you.


Aurora F. Rimando

I'm tryiny so hard Dean.....

Hello Dean. I thank you so much for your knowledge and infomation. It's truely a blessing and I thank you again. I been at this for 6 to 8 months now and came so close in closing deals I could taste it. I have aleast 15 plus All Cash buyers. I mostly deals with REO's, Commercial properties etc. I tried locating properties ( Distressed ) and giving out Post cards etc.. but its seems too time comsuming for now. I do have a somewhat job an it takes all my time. I finally found a good connection through my Real estate Agent and she's good.. contastly emailing me deals to give out to my buyers. REO's, Short Sales, Commercial Property etc. I am a very patient person but now its starting to wear on me because my wife is out of work now.. and ALL my bills is doubling up. I'm barely making it and trying to keep a smile on my face.. an keep thinking positive. Everytime I get close to a deal about to go through... something always happen negative. At first my connections I thought was good.. evenually was'nt. They played games an had me an my investors waiting an waiting for offers to be excepted.. an then it wasn't. I knew they were trying to flip the properties with these high figures. If I could do a deal that would pay off at least 30 to 40k.. I would be out the hole. My son about to loose an apt. my father left for him when he died of cancer beacuse he loss his job. He's 23 yrs old. He's a very good kid an always helped my mother an father when they were sick.He ask me for help.. but I can't. It brought tears to my eyes many times. I'm trying to come through for him as well. As young as he is.. he's stressed out an me as well.. but I try not to show it.I'm praying.. an please pray for me. Could you Please help me. I want to give up.. but I came this far an I do see the potenial in this and I always love to do RE. I'm desperate now because all my bills is constanly piling up. God Bless you.. an ALL that you do to help others. Love.. Rodney

Hi Dean, thank you for all

Hi Dean,
thank you for all your great advice and motivation to help me keep going. I know whats good for me and I have'nt got out of my comfort zone yet to make something of myself. I've committed to meet with my agent this week to get a list of cash buyers in my area so I can get going with my investing business. Thanks for all the challenges and your motivation to help change and make a difference in peoples lives. THANK YOU.

no news, no negativity

Hi Dean,

Both of your assignments were effective.
Staying away from the TV news and all the Bad news in the newspaper, I had less clutter in my head, and got to devote more time to think about real estate investing. The only section I gravitate to now is the Real Estate Section. I'd have to say that the most negativity I deal with is road-rage on the freeway, I'd be interested if you'd present an assignment on how to circumvent road-rage, as its one of my biggest obstacles besides negativity.
Every little bit helps.

Enjoy Your Day


Journaling resources and hints

Hi everyone,
Dean, I definitely hear your heart and I agree with what you are doing to help us move forward in our lives. I have not been a person who journals, yet I'm going to start your challenge. I'm not a list taker by nature, so it will be a struggle for me, I believe it will be worth it if I take it one day at a time.

Here is a website that gives 100 benefits of Journaling. If that doesn't help to motivate anyone, then nothing will. One big reason is time management as we do things we probably shouldn't be doing and could delegate to someone else and should spend time on more important things.

Here is another great resource which also helps us realize why journaling can help us called Eat that Frog about procrastination and getting more done in less time. Read and hope it helps.

I struggle with tools and editing what I write and here is what I have read which might help others too...
Don't worry about method, device, organization, or anything - just pick up a pen, grab a notebook, and start jotting. Don't worry about editing, censoring, or any other limiting action. You'll have plenty of time for that later. Just jot the little nuggets of greatness down and sort through the awesomeness later

Lets do it! Time to start is now!


asiebert's picture

The 2 weeks been great I have a friend that was always thinking negative. Now she is bird dogging for me now. So it work! I will do my Dean diet for this week,can't wait for the next blog.
Great Job Dean As always


Keep you eye on the prize

Realtor - My Response to your DG Email

Hi, My name is Sharon Brooks. I live in a suburb of Trenton, New Jersey. I have Matt Larson's advice for getting a realtor too. But I didn't have the problem that you mentioned... something about having a bank verify funds. I'm not sure what you mean. Were you in the middle of a wholesale deal? Or were you trying to get a realtor to join your team? I'd like to know so I can help you. I bought the Set For Life program and it is awesome. Matt tells us EXACTLY what we need to do on a DVD. I also listened to the conference call on Sept 14 and Matt laid it out again. Do you need help?

Sharon from Hamilton New Jersey

deans diet

its getting better as the day goes by.looks like i'm

getting the hang of it. looking forward to the next

day. learning more with a better attitude.

thanks DEAN.

REO Mess & Banks

Hi Dean: 10-17-10

I belong to SFL and have some of your books as well. However, with this MERS situation that has blown up with the banks, how do we buy REOs today?

It seems that some of the banks like B of A have stopped foreclosures, but obviously they have many on their books which now I guess they have to go back and review the paperwork on their foreclosures they did.

So is it safe to even consider buying a foreclosure today or should we hold until this situation is cleaned up expecially if the government is threatening to shut down all foreclosures? I would hate to buy one and find out afterwards I do not own it. So what does all this mean to you and how to proceed?

Thanks and looking for your advice, Laspen


Hi Dean,

I have to tell you that I had no problem not watching the news but I really struggled last week with trying not to be around negative people and trying to not talk negative. I am going to continue on my news fast and try harder this week not to be negative and fall into peoples negativity as well.

I am starting to document everything starting with today till next week when I see your new blog. I'm sure this will help us all in one way or another.

Once again I thank you for your support and words of wisdom.

Best Regards,

Jimena Tavera (Jay)

P.S. I love Joel Osteen too! He's awesome!!


aym's picture

OMGosh!! That's just weird!!
I've been logging down my hours spent for the past couple months. I don't know what your purpose is for it yet but my purpose for logging how I spend my PRECIOUS hours of each day are: 1) to make sure I get REI activity done each week, 2) to make sure I get "another business" activity done each week, 3) to make sure I get all of my "house work" complete each day/week, 4) AND, last but not least, to make sure I am engaging my 3-year-old boy in stimulating activity and spending time with him AND making sure my older daughter's needs are met as well as my husband's. Neglecting the needs of the family would be self-defeating as my family's well-being is the main reason why I am doing what I am doing.
I am interested to see what your purpose is for logging how we spend our time! Thank you Dean and DG family for your inspiration.

Summary of the Secret

Hey all,
I saw this online a long time ago which is the Summary of the movie "The Secret" and it contains some thoughts that should help all of you too. We should speak these out of our mouth on a daily basis. Also pray and believe God for what we want, believe that we have received it and don't say anything to the contrary.
Hope this helps!

We have the power of CHOICE through our thoughts.

What we THINK, we attract into our lives. We choose our futures with our thoughts we have today. What we focus on expands, through the images we hold in our heads (whether negative or positive). This affects how we FEEL. It's what feelings generate that then create our ACTIONS.

Set out a goal or vision for your life: What do you really want to achieve? What will make you happy, wealthy, successful? Define it!. Follow and cherish it!
Get your thoughts, feelings and ACTIONS in tune, in alignment Then you'll ACT accordingly.

Keep a gratitude journal. Be grateful living with an "attitude of gratitude". Something new can come into your life, when you are grateful for what you already have. Appreciate those "things".

Attract money into your life:
l Be clear about the amount of money you want to receive. State it and believe it!
l Visualize and imagine yourself spending all the money you want, as though you have it already.
l Speak, act and think from the mindset of being wealthy now.
l will eliminate thoughts and words of lack such as "I can't afford it", "It is too expensive".
l Do not speak or think of the lack of money for a single second.
l am grateful for the money you have. Appreciate it as you touch it.
l Make lists of all the things I will buy with an abundance of money.
l will do whatever it takes for you to feel wealthy.
l Affirm myself every day that you have an abundance of money, and that it comes to you effortlessly.
l appreciate all the riches around, including the riches of others.

Look for wealth wherever you go, and appreciate it.
l Love myself and know that I am deserving and worthy of an abundance of money.
l Always, always pay yourself first from your wage, then pay your creditors.
l Write out a check to yourself for the sum of money you would like to have and carry it in your wallet. Look at it often.
l Do whatever it takes to feel good. The emotions of joy and happiness are powerful money magnets. Be happy now! Love yourself!

Great Idea! And I need help

Hi Dean! My husband and I are having so much trouble getting going on all you've taught us... and I think this week's challenge is really going to help, I think we spend time all kinds of ways exCEPT moving forward in R/E!

But we need help! And since you say you read these comments, I believe this may be the best avenue for this question: One of our first stumbling blocks is the inability to find the owners of some great abandoned properties in California. It doesn't seem that here in our state we are able to locate owners' addresses through the tax records like you are in other states, and we are really struggling with this.... so, any help on how to find owners here in California???? We're ready to roll!

Thanks Dean!

Zion Properties's picture

I HOPE you have some more time management techniques for us next week! Someone had told me about a folder method and then I could never find that message again!

I wish there was a prize to be gotten for most number of interruptions! I KNOW I'D win that ONE! Sticking out tongue After writing down EVERYTHING I've done in 3 hours, I managed to network with 1 mortgage broker in the midst of breaking up fights, stopping kids from tormenting one another, cleaning up spills, homework helping, feeding kids, holding little ones, etc. I'm going to post my schedule on my journal because after writing it, its actually pretty comical. I think people just may think I'm certifiably crazy for trying to run a business in these conditions. Laughing out loud

Seriously though, thanks for the guidance and sharing the knowledge you have with all of us so we can one day be as successful as you!

I really enjoyed the

I really enjoyed the challenge,all thou it's not new for for me.I'm glad I wasn't the only one that thought that way, no news that is.You see where I work there is nothing but bad news, sometimes it feels like you literally have to scarp it off you before you leave there.Anyway I'm looking forward to your next challenge so please keep them coming.

I'm AFRAID of this challenge!

kveigel's picture

Hello Dean,

I believe this weeks blog will be the most challenging for me. I'm afraid to find out how much time I waste!

Thank you for dedicating so much of your time helping other people become successful. You truly are a blessing from God!

God bless you and your family.


Thank you for another great blog

hawley26's picture

Thanks you for everything Dean.

Constructive Comment (Hopefully)

Gordon711's picture

I think you are an awesome American/person. I believe you are totally sincere. I believe you deserve to earn as much money as possible for your contribution to society. I simply like you!

I am a 72 year-old retiree. At one point I was a trainer for the rated #1 consulting firm Effective Communication Skills, where I in turn was rated #1 by many Fortune 500 accounts. I know training, I know of Dan Sullivan well and have been a subscriber of some of his excellent materials. I also studied Dr. W. Edwards Deming.

Dr. Deming said something wise. Never attack or blame a person, because it is the system. I don't blame George Bush or Barack Obama, they did and do what they thought best, employed in a broken system. I won't go into it here, except to say that I believe you as all of us living in this great nation are unconsciously influenced in a sense by our government.

We think big because we are big. You like the country have become, over time, a big organization and you,like the government, have NOT sufficiently adapted the system to adjust to or compensate for its growth.

Consequently, as I think you'll agree with regard to the country, too much has fallen through the cracks, the system is very obviously broken. If it were not we would not see the divisiveness and anger etc. that is unprecedented now going on unabated.

I enrolled in your programs ...both at the same time and found a similar DISCONNECT that I believe of which you are not aware.

I sincerely believe that I could contribute a lot to your organization were I to work for you, to ride with you for a spell. Together, you would see some areas that we might significantly improve, so as to adapt to the growth, so guys like me who find it impossible to proceed and very unfortunately (for me) quit.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said "He who ignores little things, shall perish little by little."

I can say for old teachers/consultants like my self ...Not to criticize but to respectfully bring to your attention, the little errors just using the English language that to us old guys are perhaps giveaways. I know it sounds picky, the question is; is there truth to what Emerson said?

I am raising my profile now, because, I recently, 4-5 weeks ago, found a cure for what caused my drop in my standard of living (income) "ENERGY".

I am now energized like a 20 year-old (it's actually unbelievable yet REAL) and I'd love nothing more than to work with and for you, for expenses only... with the specific target of bringing your organization from a good organization to one of total excellence. From a low complaint ratio to a NO Complaint.

What say you? You should have my email address and even my phone number. I didn't think it would be appropriate to post them.

With deep respect and "love"...


Gordon Bell
PS: I took the time to write this because you said you read every post.

I took the challenge last

Rawshaun's picture

I took the challenge last week and I really did see a difference! Especially not talking about negative things made me FEEL positive. I never really watched the news or read the paper but now I even tried extra hard to not even listen to any news.And i swear positive things have been happening for me all week.

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