Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #146 - A Painless Trick to Find Free Time

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog
Ever said to yourself, "I'd love to do that if only I could find the time." of course you have. Time is the one thing we all get the same amount of everyday, but in our hectic world most of us end up feeling "time bankrupt."

Well take heart fellow DG family, in this segment of "Weekly Wisdom" you'll hear a simple trick to carving out free time you didn't even know existed. AND - the best part is, once you use this technique, you won't have anything get in your way of achieving the goals you set for yourself. Watch and take notes.

Great wisdom! Thank you

bahney's picture

Great wisdom! Thank you we've got to take action and stop wasting time on small stuff!

Great homework assignment!

jeannieo's picture

Thanks Dean! I need to get myself better organized and I know that this will help. I really enjoy listening to all of your weekly videos. They are very inspiring and your enthusiasm is contagious!!

Thanks again,
Jeannie Otterness

Everything you said is true

Everything you said is true we have to be more commited with ourself don't waist time and take action thanks Dean.


Thank you for the tip Dean, I've heard you tell it before, but this time I must do the homework - I must find more time!
You're a gem!
Carolyn in Ky

A Free Gift

chuckmc's picture

My wonderful and passionate DG family,God gave us all a portion of treasure called "TIME". How we spend it determines our journey, and dictates our destiny.

How do

chuckmc's picture

I'm kinda new on the computer stuff. Can someone tell me how to put our picture on our post?

Ironic isn't it?

Success32's picture

I think this is great advice, and yes I've hear you say it before too and I hae applied this technique to my daily scheduling of tasks. I have found that I don't have any down time, really, that doesn't have to do with the 3 things you listed. Heck, for the past 9 months at least, I have been sacrificing my sleep in order to do this. I wake up in the middle of the night so I can read and go on here and send out emails, etc.... Sometimes I only get 3-4 hours of sleep, but hey if it gets me to where I want to be eventually it's ok.

But I just had to comment on this video because the ironic thing is that I am even cutting back on my time now in oder to get more things done for my business development. This site is so Great that I easily get engaged in the new posts and PM's and before I know it 2 hours go by... I just ge so excited and interested! Bu maybe just have too much to say! Smiling

Keep it up Dean! Without you I wouldn't keep going! I know this will eventually pay off!

Reminding Me.

Thanks Dean,
I need to refocus/ focus on real estate.

Weekly Wisdom Blog and Dean's New Book

freedomn3's picture

Hi Dean

Another GREAT!!! blog this week. I purchased your new book and I think this might be your BEST one so far to get people to take action. I know; in my case, that what I learned in reading it really got me in the proper mind set to start taking action and changing my life and my family's life forever. All I need to do is follow exactly what is stated in the book and I will be successful.

Thanks again for all that you do for your students.



gsittingbull's picture

I like all comments.I to have seen you do this,but never did the exercise.I will let you know,in one week,how it worked for me. Jim

paralyze my procrastination

myhandscanhelp's picture

hi Dean
and thanks so much for this strategy to "Paralyze MY PROCRASTINATION".

I am a stay at home dad/Massage Therapist/Student/Real Estate Investor, and as i look back at the last couple of weeks without even having anything written down I can see countless moments where I have used my every day life to dismiss my guilt for not accomplishing my day to day goals or even trying to fit in some time to place my ads or follow up on them to properly update them.

I am going to use this process to change my focus and pin-point my wasted time and energy.

"Procrastination will no longer prohibit my progress
Rather my persistence will propel my progress with personal power"

Thanks again Dean for all of your dedication to keeping all of us on track and focused towards our future

Your Future Partner
Jarrad Huddleston

Track/analyze/organize your time

Beechpeech's picture

dgadmin wrote:

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Ever said to yourself, "I'd love to do that if only I could find the time." of course you have. Time is the one thing we all get the same amount of everyday, but in our hectic world most of us end up feeling "time bankrupt."

Well take heart fellow DG family, in this segment of "Weekly Wisdom" you'll hear a simple trick to carving out free time you didn't even know existed. AND - the best part is, once you use this technique, you won't have anything get in your way of achieving the goals you set for yourself. Watch and take notes.

Dean, this is another fabulous idea for weekly timing. In college my Consultant used the strategy of priotizing my time to correct my schedule for school and it worked. But, I like this notion to see what I am actually doing w/my time throughout the day. I am dedicating 4-5 hours throughout each day for my new goals/construction of this RE goal. Thank you. It will be interesting to see how much I do in a day. Jami


Mike L's picture



Weekly Wisdom

Hey Dean

Action is everything.... You're so right and thanks for the reminder! So easy to get off track. Great homework technique. Talk to you soon


Time is everything

dtupak's picture

Great post, i think everybody should do it with their time, get everything that doesn't benefit nobody out of your life.

Thank you,


Needed This WAKEUP CALL!!!

RenaLopez's picture

The help that you are providing is vital to what I need to help get me to where I need to be in my real estate business. I need to take these steps! I wrote my goals down, but my problem is not looking at it again after I wrote them down and not tracking my steps. Thanks Dean so much for sharing this! Something useful!


Hard time Getting Started

Life has thrown lots of rode blocks my way sence I started your program. I'm going to do this I have to. Your last blogs have helped get me going thanks for the push just what I needed. I'm tring!!!

I have the time...what am I doing with it?

sara_fraser's picture

I am going to commit to writing my daily timeline down. I am almost scared to do it because I already know that I have so much time that I could be more productive. It won't really be a surprise to me that I don't use my time wisely. I have a habit of being complacent Sad.... I stay home with my 3 yr. old and tend to her and have a part time mobile spray tanning business but I need to make time in my days to accomplish my goals towards real estate success. I need to make a lifestyle change for a better future for me, my husband and my family. Real estate investing has been a dream of mine for over 10 yrs!!! Its time to make it a reality!!!


I will commit to keeping better track of my days.
This will be good since I get sidetracked all the time.

Thanks Dean

matlock31's picture

I'm glad to hear you talk about this again. I need to get back to writing averything on a pad again. I stayed more focus on whats important and not important just by looking at my pad full of notes. As far a "TIME" I just got mad one day and told myself that if I want to live month to month then sit in front of the "TV" and watch time go by. I made more time by changing my habits. I stoped going right over to my TV and turn it on until late at night if that. I dont sit in the same place I would usually sit, which is on my sofa or Bed and lay down talking about how tired I am. I now grab my computer and start looking for deal or make calls I needed to follow up on. I sit in one chair near my front window Dreaming and acting on that exciting moment of who can I call to get a deal or who can I send a post card to or who do I need to get dress up and do a appointment with to buy there home. This Site has given me a "DREAM" thats what moved me to make time. When the dream is big the facts dont count.

Big Accomplishment for Me!!!! HUGE!

I got up this morning earlier,prepared myself for
work. With the extra hour before I had to be at work I called my first real estate agent using Matt's script. The agent will email me listings by this afternoon. I hung up the phone twice before actually letting the phone call go thru.SMILE. Can't wait to get home to call more agents.

Can Do Easy!

Anointed1's picture

I do this from time to time but not on a consistant basis.

Starting back today just to be sure I'm moving in the right direction with all that's going on in my life.

It's good to be focused as life has a way of getting us off track. This certainly helps!

Thanks Dean for the bit of Widsom!



DEAN you hit it right on the head,we all find the time to do other thing,you have to THINK A LITTLE DIFFERNT,like DEAN said.Another great blog.

Thank you for your weekly wisdom

ladukmiller's picture

I felt guilty listening to your words of wisdom. I am forever a procrastinator and by listening to you has motivate me to be true to myself and I am inspired. Before I was the prisoner of my own self but now I have a choice. This weekly wisdom enhance me to put my daily routine into action. I really appreciate your highly motivated ideas and your well choosen words to encourage others to make their own decision. Very inspirational. Keep up the good work.

time, time, time, time, time

jd.amico's picture

Allot of great comments
I do this from time to time (I go months).....its amazing to see how much time I put into REI. Time reading, Time Searching, Time putting up signs, Time Calling, time, time, time, time, time.

Its amazing to see how much time I wasted on TV and other misc. activities, and adjust to be more productive.....(breaks are necessary) but time management is critical.

I'm with Dean on this one.....Try it!

"Finding" Time

jcwp's picture

Don't we all consider a good day to be a day where much was accomplished? Then we have days where we can't figure out what we did all day, even though we felt busy all day. "Finding" time is what we are all trying to do.
This is something we can all relate to...I have heard it, and shared it so many times!
This will be a great exercise...very worthwhile. Thanks for more great advice Dean!!

Julie Wakefield

My Future

I need to write down the things I do through the week. This will help my future and the future of my family. Thanks Dean

A compliment for Dean.

Dean has great insight and keeps me energized! Thank you sir.

weekly widsom

ready to retire in two- three years so i can be my own business. this will make me focus more on learning things. last week want to 6 day vfw meeting and enjoy river walk and boats.

9/5 lesson assignment

Dean I remember this assignment from a blog before. I liked it then I just hadn't thought of engaging it again. Dean thank you for always thinking a little different (want that book). I will find the time for the benefit of mind, body, and enpowerment.
I so need to bring my actions into play here to move toward my fist deal.

Thank You Dean
Lucinda Time Finder

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