Ever said to yourself, "I'd love to do that if only I could find the time." of course you have. Time is the one thing we all get the same amount of everyday, but in our hectic world most of us end up feeling "time bankrupt."
Well take heart fellow DG family, in this segment of "Weekly Wisdom" you'll hear a simple trick to carving out free time you didn't even know existed. AND - the best part is, once you use this technique, you won't have anything get in your way of achieving the goals you set for yourself. Watch and take notes.
Finding Time
I am going to commit to writing down what I am doing so I can cut out what is not productive or helping me reach my goal. Dean thanks again for the great words of wisdom. I am not stopping until success is accomplished. Thanks again.
Pamela Harper
Thanks Dean
I have heard you talk about doing this exercise before and I started working on it only to get side-tracked by "life". I will try my best to complete the assignment this time and see where I can X out a few time killers.
I have a horrible job and a boss that has no respect for me or any of his employees and I need to become successful in real estate so that I can save myself, my family and my sanity.
I have been working to put my business together and I have formed my LLC,completed my website, written and recorded my 1-800 messages and I've begun marketing to some local buyers. (In fact, I just got my first response from some letters I sent out last Thursday using a letter from the SFL marketing.)
I know that if I keep pushing forward and stop over-thinking everything - I'll get to where I want to be.
Thank you for all of your wisdom and encouragement since I first signed up a couple of years ago. I will make it happen.
this is the best exercise!
Thank you Dean!
it doesn't matter how organized I am, keeping track of where my time goes is key to my success! I like to see it written on paper - it is real; I can see where my time is going.
Time is something I can never get back, so it is vital that I make the most of every hour of every day!
I also make a list of things I want to get done every day, and check them off as I do them- this way I have a list of goals to do for the day, and keeping track of my time will help me accomplish those goals!
Learning and progressing every day,
Very effective
This is a very very effective exercise and it makes so much sense. For me to see it on paper makes it that much more real and in my face so I can change it. Thank you for always managing to give me what I need to hear when I need to hear it.
Proper Time Finder
Writing down what we do each day puts a focus on where and how we are spending our time. Great admonition and very helpful. A reminder to examine what we do each and every day. Wonderful.
Powerful advise Dean. Time is something
we will never get back and we have to treasure it and become accountable to ourselves for how we spend it! Thank you very much for presenting this to all of us.
Latte factor
This same idea is used by David Bach to find money also by finding where we waste our time, money and other things of value.
I am a Procratinator
I admit it! I have been watching, reading and wanting this . I like what you said Dean, now I have to focus on it...."Without Action, it remains a dream"....Thanks Dean... I will do my homework assignment starting....Now!!!
Super advise Dean!
Every moment you waste doing nothing productive in life is just another moment away achieving your goals.
I have a friend who always says "You only live life once...this is not a dress rehearsal!"
So, to everyone in the DG family and to myself especially, stop procrastinating and just DO IT!
Yeah...me too!
Dean, I gotta tell ya, I have read this in your books and heard you say it numerous times but always thought "This isn't really necessary for me to make money." But here I am, still broke and haven't done a deal! So...I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna chronicle my time/activities to be ready for you next Monday. Thank you for pushing us, even when we don't Think we need a push. I want to go to the EDGE!!
Sigh, ya know what? This is my main problem. I do not write my goals down. And I do not keep track of my time. I have been so used to not having to do this for the last 16 or so years that it is SO hard to reign it in. So, as soon as I finish eating this piece of watermelon, and washing my hands, I WILL sit down and write my goals down. Then I WILL start a journal. But I will first go over to last week's vlog and watch it again (cuz I can't remember exactly what you said to do
). I promise! (now I HAVE to do it!
My new quote: Persistence pays, procrastination delays!
Thanks, Dean, for keeping us accountable!!
I remember that trick - did it once before and will do it again this week/starting today actually.
thanks Dean
Finding Time
This one thing that should be done more than once.
Dean I have found out that if I see myself now slacking at all I go back to 1# doing the list,than 2# doing the finding time homework to get me back on track.
Thank-you Dean for that.
Theresa Mynard
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Ever said to yourself, "I'd love to do that if only I could find the time." of course you have. Time is the one thing we all get the same amount of everyday, but in our hectic world most of us end up feeling "time bankrupt."
Well take heart fellow DG family, in this segment of "Weekly Wisdom" you'll hear a simple trick to carving out free time you didn't even know existed. AND - the best part is, once you use this technique, you won't have anything get in your way of achieving the goals you set for yourself. Watch and take notes.
Finding Free Time
My idea of a good time has gotten to be sleep (how sad is that?), but I do this on a daily basis, rather than weekly, in conjunction with a few AM/PM Gratitude Journal notes, to help keep myself going and finding time to juggle everything. It amounts to making yourself your own "accountability partner," and it is a great idea!
Success Control
Success Control STARTS with myself, time, knowledge and action. Wasted time is money lost
Priority time for God, Country, Family and Self.
Great things HE allows use to do hour by hour to free up time for whats most important.
Thanks for the help from all,
Jack C.
Found my 1st deal
Hi Dean I know I found my 1st deal but I'm shaking like a leaf. I have a buyer in mind but don't know how to approach owner, do I get it on contract with seller 1st with no money since I don't have any? If so what do I say? Time is of the essence, owner says first comes gets it. ARV is about 300-324, owner is asking for 185. No mortgage. Help, I need to jump, fly MOVE! Then I can get any of your books, courses whatever I want.
Thanks for any help you can give, Cheryl
Just what I needed thanks
this is a good idea
I will do it starting now
if it's not leading me towards my highest goals it's hurting me
Another great tip. I feel
Another great tip. I feel writing things down helps pinpoint your focus. Great way to motivate.
Always great Tips and Advise you give us. I really need to write things down, It works but for some reason ,I just dont do it. I did an assignment last week for $10,000 ,and have already caught myself relaxing, because I am that far ahead. I need to write it down follow my plan and get my next deal going. Thanks for keeping us and especially me focused. I am so glad you do these Weekly Wisdom Videos , keeps me on track.
Thank Dean !!
Curtis Fillers
Finding time
I've done this exercise before and it is helpful except... in my case the list was short. I get up in the morning, eat my BF then go outside and go to work. (I work at home.) My lunch hour consists of 15 mins to eat and then back to work. Dark comes and I quit for the day outside and prepare and eat my dinner. I finish the day doing work inside (ie: bookkeeping, paperwork, online advertising, plotting and planning.) I've been doing this 7 days a week for the past 10 years just to keep my head above water and get the bills paid. My vacations are for hours not days. Any time I take away from this is actually costing me money. But it beats working for a boss that doesn't appreciate my efforts which is what I left to do this.
With Real Estate will come the freedom I've lost which is why I now take the time away from work to make it happen. The frustration/panic comes when the bills are staring me in the face, the checkbook is running on empty and I'm getting no results from my RE efforts. But I trudge on...
Till next week.....
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
Great stuff!
I have been keeping a log all this year and besides the valid reasons you mention it serves as a valuable tool when you start on taxes. I keep it in a document folder marked 'Log' and each day save and copy a new blank. It serves to confirm to me at days end whether or not I had a full day and if not - why?
Also it doubles for referral back if am trying to remember something from an earlier date. For anyone who does not have a boss and works without supervision I think it is a must!
Weekly Wisdom 146
Dean: An excellent Blog: Goals,plus keep track of time.Knowledge+action=Results. Thanks for all your help and knowledge,The way you explain things,is so helpful to all of us. Carol in Texas
You are right Dean time is everything and if we don't keep track of it and if not used wisely will only make it that much harder for us to reach our goals. Thanks for making us stay focus!
Finding Free Time
A quote from my Franklin Planner that pretty much sums it up.
"Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that's the stuff life is made of."
~Benjamin Franklin
Weekly wisdom rocks!
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Ever said to yourself, "I'd love to do that if only I could find the time." of course you have. Time is the one thing we all get the same amount of everyday, but in our hectic world most of us end up feeling "time bankrupt."
Well take heart fellow DG family, in this segment of "Weekly Wisdom" you'll hear a simple trick to carving out free time you didn't even know existed. AND - the best part is, once you use this technique, you won't have anything get in your way of achieving the goals you set for yourself. Watch and take notes.
I am going to write down what I do this week like Dean is suggesting. Thanks for the great way to find time Dean. Weekly Wisdom Rocks!
weekly wisdom
Still cannot get the video to open so I am missing out on a lot of good info from you - what is the problem with this? Vera Manley
Making Time
I have found myself making time to do the reading and research where a short time ago I was back and forth. Now, because I have no income at this time, I am always on the the site taking in the free knowledge until such time I can assign my first property and purchase the information. Thank you for the weekly wisdom.
-You can't get a different result doing the same things.-
Find The Time
you hit the nail on the head with that one! That message could be the blog every week! It applies all the time. Everyone is dealing with the same 24 hours! Decisions are the difference. I will continue to try and stay committed. Thanks Dean
This is my big problem, i have to write down a plan and my Goals and falow it be more productive and stop over thinking evey thing. Learning every day. I will make it happen!!!!