Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #171 - Lurking Lies and Frustrating Fibs?

No matter how honest we are outwardly, there are times when we can fib to ourselves. Sometimes we do it on purpose. It makes us feel better for the moment. It’s not always intentional though. Sometimes we fib to ourselves out of confusion or because we misunderstand the facts. These destructive little internal "untruths" – be they intentional or not – are like thieves that rob us. Find out how ridding yourself of these lurking lies will make all the difference in your success… in not only real estate - but life!

The Call

This is it, our time to learn something positive by cleaning the front and back door first before pointing someone else.

I admit

I do say this will not work, if I intend to refrain from doing something. There are some things I do not care to do and to justify this, I would say it is not feasible.

Lying to myself

Hi Dean:

You are right. I will no longer lie to myself. I am done thinking that you really are interested in promoting Private Money to your clients. I believed the email that I received from Lee Arnold. The email stated that 45 of your clients had opted in to the website and were interested in borrowing money to fund their deals. He also said that this relationship with you would be huge. (I bet that Lee is regretting writing me the email - lol) Well, I have to call my attorney and start the bankruptcy process. I have put this off for too long. Also, it is time to head back to the job market. (and be just over broke for the rest of my life.)

I don't lie, well maybe a little

skytrolly's picture

Dean: I work with the oxygen mask. I truly do. So much so that it has lit a fire under my feet. I am scared and desperate. I was thinking?? have I been scamed? My job w/the oxygen mask has me so busy and out of town that I was begining to doubt myself and do not want to fail. I am ready.. took me far too long to get what I needed in place.
The good news: I finally found a real estate agent who is doing what I ask them to do. Took many try's to get someone willing and exceited to be my star.
I got buyers. Now I am ready to get it done.
The disapointment can be overwhelming and I am getting through that block. I have been up now 22hrs. Just got in from Argentina back to Seattle. I want out of the oxygen mask demo.

It is so true that we lie to ourselves

theprofessional's picture

That is a great wake up call Dean. Thank you so much for reminding us about this. Now to identify the lies...


Dean; You always seem to make a topic worth listening to. I always ask myself, Am I telling the truth? Then I just seem to sit there think about my dream and just do one thing at a time to get there. I have alot of obsticals, like Doctors appts. it just slows me down I will not let it stop me. I will get the job done it just takes awhile. My point is everything in your SYSTEM is proven so don't deviate from tried and tested product. I'm slow because of my but I will get there. STICK TO IT!
"The city itself was pure,
transparent gold like glass!"
Roger B.

MY LIE.....

mindopnr's picture

My lie I've discovered is "I don't have the time". Yet after work for 1 1/2 hours I was with my neighbor. Just 2 hours ago I was watching the news(on my butt), then I surfed the web(on my butt, again). So I pressume, I need to get off my butt.

Tell the truth

jcwp's picture

As usual, your weekly wisdom message doesn't only apply to real estate. You offer a life lesson every week. Seeking out and telling the truth (taking responsibility) is how we make our life and career work. I love it...thanks!

Thanks Dean!

cbrindamour's picture

Find the little it

Another great tip!


Hello everybody, i am new and try to learn everything and sometimes it is overwelming, but i do not give up. I will be successful soon, I have 2 great RE agent I am working but I can not find hard money lender in here ( VA BEACH VA)Is anybody have any idea how can I find them? PLS be advice
Thanks for all your info Dean, I should finish your material I have
HAve a wonderful day

WOW Dean!!

You just yanked me out of my comfort zone. I needed that.
Chase Your Dream!!

Lurking Lies and Frustratiing Fibs

Dean, this a good word on being transparent. Thanks a lot!

So True


If I can find a good agent I can do this! I am going to try everything I can, starting tonight.I did call a couple and got frustrated and stop. So starting again. Need to stop lying to myself and do this and stay postive.

Cool Dean! Wow! Here's my 25 to 1 I just did!

jools's picture

Your video blog is great. It took me a long time to get out of my comfort zone. Finally, after some setbacks, delays, and negativaty, were out of the way. I hope I am not lieing to myself. I am doing the 25 to 1 method. But, do to limited funds, I'm doing more like 3 to 1 on the mls with an agent who don't mind trying it. I make 3 copies of the one escrow money order and email them with the 3 offers. Now, I followed the steps in the success academy lessons. They're 2 properties have been in the market for more than 120 days, one, only 98 days- dom. 2 have one reduction and I believe one had 2 reductions. Two of the propeties is still occupied, and one is vacant.
I found out 2 offers are rejected. Im still waiting on one more. What I did is that I offered 35% off the ARV. Am I missing something? Here is the response to my offers from my email. Bill is the agent I am working with.

Hi Bill,

Thank you for the offer. I pride myself in getting quick responses, and I have one for you.

I spoke with the seller and the response is as follows: He and his wife say “no.” He values his time, your time, and my time, so they will not meet with me further, unless your client becomes more serious by revising his offer near the asking price. End of story.

Just a comment: Any seller will reduce a sales price before taking a substantially price cut as this offer presents, even if it was an estate. This is not the mid 1980’s- and it is not a damaged property. I truly hate to see you- a valued “Professional Buyers Representative” waste your time in such a manner. There are lenders that will sell homes in batches and distressed properties individually.

I would love to sell this home, but at market value. You can forward this letter as proof to your client.

Thanks Again,

Here is the other response:
I will present the offer to the executrix of the estate in which this property is held. This home is not a distressed sale and we have had two offers 40k higher than your offer. I will call as soon as I have an answer from the executrix.
Thank you
He called Bill and told him that it is a no.
According to one of the emails, sounds like they were offended. I don't take this personally at all and its just business. I texted my agent to lets keep going on this. But, if there is soemthing Im missing, please let me know. Thanks Dean for your wonderful blogs and your team!

Right on Dean

You are so right. Outward appearances are not a mirror to our inner self. Little lies we tell ourselves are seen by others by what we say and do. Positive or negative, it doesn't matter. Most importantly, stay in the positive. Remember, we live in America, and we DO have friends and mentors and coaches to help. Stretch yourself out, not on the couch, but in life. So excited to get started. Thank you Dean for your program and to all who I talked with today on my success team.


liar liar !!

angelala's picture

You are so right about the little lies that we tell ourselves...
didn't even realize it.
Over and over again.
Excuses, Excuses...blah blah blah
And yep, that's what I had in mind....
to offer 50% below list price !! and...
Right Randy, why would a new listing reduce ??!!
I hate liars ...
Didn't mean to lie Sad
Right Rolexi...liars...more enemies !!
We must do battle...
We must fight !!

Great Blog!!!

I have to stop lying to myself and get things done. Thank you for your wisdom. can't wait for the next.


Zion Properties's picture

Yes, I have done that, and I find myself doing that STILL! I have a terrific agent, who is very hard working, but she has a few faults in that she's so busy, that she doesn't follow up with my offers, and maybe that is making my results closer to 100:1 instead of 25:1. But, I keep telling myself its the listing agents who aren't showing my offers to the banks and sellers. (It happens more than we think!)

I'm going to go through the list of things working and not working and see if there are some more lies I'm telling myself. ESPECIALLY with my ups and downs with private money lending.

There sure is a lot more I could be doing, even if I do need to have my 3 yo with me when I meet with people. It think I STILL have that lie in the back of my head because one lady I met with outright said to me 'well obviously you're too busy with your daughter' (she was afraid of the little boy in the McDonald's play place and kept coming over) and left in the middle of our meeting and since then, I've let that stop me from meeting with people face to face any more. But its just like everything else, I need to brush it off and just do it again! Failures are learning opportunities and a step towards success. Thanks for always keeping it real Dean!

LiveLoveLaugh reply

deangraziosi's picture

I had to take a minute and respond to your message because i fear you have already given up on yourself.. Unfortunately you are doing exactly what i talked about in this weeks weekly wisdom. Telling yourself a lie that keeps you right where you are..

My company has a mixed blend of the best education on the planet to deliver people the direction, wisdom and confidence to profit from todays market.. For those who can afford to take action with it they get a faster path to the answers and education they need. In fact they are paying for speed!!

BUT, for those who can't just like you mentioned.. there are my $19 books filled with the wisdom you need to get started. There is this powerful website for FREE, my past monthly conference calls filled with wisdom to get started and so much more free or very inexpensive ways that can allow ANYONE to get started.

I give more free wisdom and direction away on this site then my competition charges thousands of dollars for. In fact did you ever read any of Carol Stinson's posts? Did you see how she started with $35 in her banck account and her electric shut off.. You know what she used to get her first $10k deal done in less then 60 days?? Simply my $19 book and a boatload of determination and dedication..

So when I read this I see that you have now made up a lie in your mind that unless you have money to get started you can't succeed in Real Estate. well I'm sorry to all you out on it, but it simply isn't true..

CAn it be easier to pay for speed and next level education? Absolutely.. But since you don't have that option then you my have to work a little harder. Dig in, take action, ask questions at this site and get started..

Have you read any of my books? If not do so..

I wish you the absolute best and moreso wish that today is the day you take action and not let anything discourage you from the life you desire


I have watched numerous

I have watched numerous videos from you and even went to one of those free seminars you had in my town a few weeks ago. I was so ready to start my training and FINALLY give my children a life they deserved. I went to the seminar with such high hopes only to have them crushed halfway through. I'm just going to go ahead and say it, I mean this video is about being honest with yourself and others, right? I was so upset when I was told I had to pay $3000 to get started and go through the 3 day training that was offered. I know it takes money to make money, I understand that but what about the people who HONESTLY don't have any money? Everybody who makes money has some money to start with. Everything sounded so wonderful about after the 3 day training you and your people financed the houses for the ones who completed the training, etc. I even asked the guys that were at the seminar if yall offered any programs to help people who truly have the want and passion to make mo
ney but just not the funds. I was told I could pay 1000 down but the rest had to be paid within a week or 2. Then I was treated like I just didn't really want to do the program and I was just making excuses. Honestly, I was highly offended and felt like it was more about me paying 3000 than it was about getting financially stable. Since so many people are so successful with these techniques you teach, isn't there a special program you can offer struggling, single parents to make it easier for them to get up on their feet? For some people out in this world to be able to just make it payday to payday would be a blessing..... I know if given the opportunity I would bust my hump and actually make something of myself but to pull money out of the air just so I can get started, well..... that's just impossible. Why not have a set amount of "vouchers" set aside for people who truly have the drive but have absolutely no funds. Let them do their training on "credit", get their certifi
cate and help them as originally planned until they sell their first home? Have them sign legal documentation that once they sell that first home they pay you back that $3000 for training plus whatever other fees they owe for you "spotting" them the money for the homes. I asked the guys at the seminar this same question and got looked at like I was stupid and then talked to like I was dumb. There are a lot of pooe people out there that would really make it big if they had someone who was willing to take a chance and help them get their foot in the door. It's so hard to look at "how much you'll make" when you can't even see where you're going to find the money to get you there. I know for a fact I'd be successful, I just don't have a magic wand that will produce the money people ask for to get me started.

Round 2

jason king's picture

Dean your weekly blog really turned me on to an old favorite. I just moved to FL and I was wondering how I was going to get my feet wet in a new place, new city, not very many connections built up. Well you just reminded me that the 25:1 system is the definite way to go here.
You won't believe it one of my friends is a Realtor and very motivated to work with me and get creative. It didn't even occur to me that I could start out here with 25:1.
Wow thanks for the jump start slap in the face.
I'm off like a rocket...I will let you know how it goes.

Warm regards,

Jason King

Thanks Dean

Great Blog: All the little Fibs;that is oh so true what you just said. Great point . thanks Carol in texas

Very true

smurfy's picture

We are our own worst enemy; that is so true for me, anyway. When we lie to ourselves enough, we start to believe it. So, it takes some good looking inward and be willing to be open to being wrong about our thinking, and prayerfully ask God to reveal to us what the truth is. That takes guts, but I am going to spend some time this week doing just that. Thanks so much Dean for your weekly proddings. I for one need it. God bless. Maybe I'll see you at the Edge this year. Hopefully I'll make it past the parking lot haha. Smiling Wish me luck, or good fortune.

A new begining to be truthful to my self and others

Dean I want to thank you for that great getting started in the realestate investing im also a realtor thats been trying to help all the investors that im coming in contact with..and seeing yoiur blog today made me feel Im not doing any justise to the people I was helping so Im going to let my investors know 1st that My family is going to get involved in buying realestate.And to be truthful to the people that IM trying to help....thank you dean from the bottom of my heart.....your going to be hearing my name real soon its Jim mom would be so proud of me since she passed away in october 2011 79 years passion is realestate and I know this will work im going step by step....thanks to you jimmy.

Thanks Dean!


strairing into the mirror

Dean, as always you sure can make things difficult, in a good way. This is one hella excercize. Nobody to shift blame on to but the one in the mirror.This one hurts more than a size 12. until & enjoy

Dean-this is a great reminder!

Valuni's picture

to be true to ourselves! sounds like a simple little thing, but it can have a huge impact on our lives!
Thanks again for a great blog,

Weekly Wisdom #171

As usual, Dean, great wisdom! You had asked me if the gremlins are holding me back. They aren't. Right now, I am sick and tired of being in a position where I cannot even buy milk for my son when I run out, or unable to buy meat for at least three weeks of most months. I kid you not. $$ is what's holding me back. I know that you are doing the best you can for us and I appreciate it. However, things are not as good as they used to be. Not all bills are paid at the end of the month. I can't bring up my credit score right now, I can't even get $100 to borrow from my bank. People don't lend $$ anymore because a lot of my friends have been messed up one too many times by other people they trusted for years. When I do get a full time job, things will be different and I will be able to make deals and do everything you told us to do in the order you told us to do it.

Enjoy today, because no one is promised tomorrow.

Weekly Wisdom #171

Hi Dean,

Yes, that liar invades us from time to time. I will ignore the little liar and be honest with myself.



I am going back and watching videos I missed. Kinda painful, cuz I know I do this. Making excuses bcz I'm scared. Time to grow up!!!

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