Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #187 - Find Your Talisman

Okay before you start thinking Dean has gone off the deep end, he is NOT referring to a talisman as a mystical or magical object. Instead, he's tying in the big "WHY" from last week's exercise, with anything that produces a remarkable or powerful influence on your feelings or actions. In this Weekly Wisdom, he shares about two objects he keeps close to his heart. They remind him of his BIG WHY when times get tough. This is a great practical suggestion you too can implement today.

Thank you

sandyjillchris's picture

Hi Dean,

Thank you for all your blogs and your encouragement. You lift us all up and I hope you know we are all grateful!

We truly appreciate your positive and helpful weekly wisdon! Thanks for setting such an awesome example!


Dean, Great weekly wisdom video. Thanks for the inspiration. The more I go to my Job everyday this is my why.
God Bless You!


Jay Sthilaire's picture

i know dean that your gram was your shining light as you were hers and i relate to that because my gram is still with me and she also tells me every day that i am SPECIAL and great and can do anything!!! she is GREAT AND SPECIAL and i am greatful to have her !!! thanks for the reminder to do more enjoy the time with her while i can and also i have a picture of my dad in my truck that i look at every day to gain confidence and to REMEMBER what he always told me and that is if you are going to do something GOOD AT IT !!! he taught me how to build and many more life experiences.he died last yr at age 63 and his words and lessons are ENGRAINED in my mind Smiling)) Dean ...thank you for teaching us how to be the best we can be !!!

Inspirational Weekly Wisdom

propertycircle's picture

Thanks, Dean, for your weekly wisdom. First, I want to say that it's pretty amazing of you to be going through your share of lows & still be so inspirational & giving of yourself to others. Second, this wisdom was exactly what my husband & I needed to hear right now (& our son!) We're going through alot of rough financial stuff and this really put things in perspective. We are so driven that we watch the Edge every morning @ 5. Every speaker talked about the Academy, so last week we joined. Before we started our homework tonight, we listened to your Weekly Wisdom & that got us pumped (even though it's 10 PM). You have an awesome site! We feel blessed being part of such a tremendous group of people! Hope all goes well with what you're dealing with!Keep smiling.......
Mark & Mary

My Grandma and kids

thomgilbert's picture

My grandma taught me sooo many life lessons including helping me open a bank account at age 8 and doubling any money that I put in so by the time I was 23 and bought my first property I had 8k saved up! She used to tell me when I visited her that "all the kids at the playground were my friends but I just had not met them yet!"

My two boys are 6 and 1 and they are my why....thanks Dean I will be looking for my reminder to wear.

There are so many amazing people and stories on this site we are all so blessed to have each other!

I'm back!

Hello DG family,

I'm back! I haven't posted for a while, nor have I visited the site lately. I've been busy pluggin away with the Success Academy. Dean, that was very a inspirational message, and I have yet to put it into practice. In the meantime I'd like to thank you for the powerful Monday blogs, keep them coming. Oh! I still have yet to close my first deal. I'm suppose to put out some offers this week, but I am still a lil nervous about it.

Signing out,


jcwp's picture

Thanks again Dean,
Another great blog. We can all break through, especially with the positive influence we get from you and the entire DG family. This is the place to be.
Thank you!
John W.

Grandmas :)

Dean, You mean to say our problems do not disappear if we have money? Come on really Smiling
But I do believe grandmas are top of the stock! My was old country and they could relate to much harder times than I have ever had.She did't worry on it thru the day. You had 1 2 3s to do and she did them with a pray and nap in the day also.Just had to try before ever judging,and people too.So your always on the right track with the weekly wisdom, thank you for the training and the flash into the past
Enjoy & Until

Inner Circle Event in Las Vegas, NV 6Jun - 9 Jun 2012

It was a pleasure to meet some of Dean Graziosi's professional team. they were very professional & clear to the point. Also, Matt Larson was a good advisor to me. It was also a pleasure to meet Dean in person, live, the real deal....... Great defining moments.... really brought out the momentum in me & my wife.... Thank you so much & look forward to buying summitt & camp..... i know it will be even more exciting & ''''educational''''.....

another great blog

Dean thank you so much,these weekly wisdoms amaze me.I think that is wonderful,you wear, your grandmas ring. Pictures of your 2 kids. I am so excited, you are having seminars, in Texas. Your help everywhere,and to everyone. I just got done with the edge home course. So much training,and knowledge from everyone.I will find out, my why? this week. Thanks Carol in Texas

Weekly Wisdom 187

Thank you so much Dean for all the information in which you share, but also the great attitude and energy that is given when a person is able to watch these weekly wisdom videos. I have been so inspired that I am working on my first deal and looking forward to sharing it with all of the dg family. This family is like nothing I have ever expereinced and I am so very blessed to have the opportunity to work on my "BIG WHY" with all of dg family. I know that when I come to weekly wisdom I am going to be alright.

Why Encouragement

You're right. The fire in me goes up and I am empowered. Got my first set of listings today from my super agent. Thanks for bein there. Karen

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Okay before you start thinking Dean has gone off the deep end, he is NOT referring to a talisman as a mystical or magical object. Instead, he's tying in the big "WHY" from last week's exercise, with anything that produces a remarkable or powerful influence on your feelings or actions. In this Weekly Wisdom, he shares about two objects he keeps close to his heart. They remind him of his BIG WHY when times get tough. This is a great practical suggestion you too can implement today.

Beautiful message

Angiec's picture

Hi Dean,

Thank you for sharing this beautiful message with us and for being so open. This is something I really needed to hear Smiling

Warm regards,

It's contagious

shinton's picture

Your passion, that is. I've heard you talk many times about your grandmother. I'm sure she's watching how she has influenced your life by living hers. Her passion to help others has overflowed into your life. I'm sure she's proud. Thanks for sharing your personal life. It shows how genuine you are. I understand that urge to help others. That is why I do what I do. Now I just need to take action to accomplish what I need to do so I can continue to help others. Helping others gives you a feeling that cannot be described....just felt.

Dean, Thank you!

Zion Properties's picture

Thank you for giving us a little bit of yourself every week! Truly appreciate it so much and your excellent tidbits. Wow, your grandma sure was an amazing person; I look at my 13 year old son and 12 year old daughter going into 8th grade and can't imagine them raising my kids if something were to happen to me and my husband.

No wonder you are such a strong and amazing person, you had a terrific example! Keep being you! Smiling

Find Your Talisman

SKL Properties's picture

Hi Dean.....

Another great motivational & Wisdom Video. It was very nice of you to show your DG family your talisman. And you told all of us to find ours, if we didn't already have one.

Well I thought long and hard about that, & looked at all my mementos, and all of them are special to me. And then I realized that I had mine with me all my life, wherever I go, whatever I do......You see Dean a person can't see it, or touch it, or feel it....And it can't be taken from me.....It's always with me.

It's my memories, that I hold dear to me, that will always be in my heart....

Thank You Dean for all you do.....

Kindest Regards,

Thank you

mtobin.'s picture

That was an awesome Weekly Wisdom. This message came at the right time for me. I truly appreciate you sharing with us that you still deal with obstcales.

Thank You Dean.

Touched by your self-disclosure

Your authenticity really shines through each week, and this week's video is no exception. Thank you so much for your profound message and brutal honesty. Your own story of personal and family struggles is amazing, touching, and so inspiring. Thank you for sharing them with us. You are truly a brilliant role model. I wish you all the best with whatever difficulties you are currently facing. Given your history, you will undoubtedly persevere and conquer whatever is challenging you. God bless you always. --Jennifer

Thanks Again Dean!

You always seem to know what we need to keep moving forward. I was just thinking I needed to step back, regroup and charge forward but my inner self was telling me don't go backwards, you can't do that you'll be failing and whoa la...that was exactly what I heard you say in today's message - go back to a safe spot, regroup and then charge forward so now I know it's ok to do that!

Thanks again and God Bless!

Thanks Dean

Without you and your DG Family, I wouldn't be where I am at now. Will be closing on my 4th property soon, all SFR's that I rent. Just did a lease option on my 3rd property. Thanks again.
Minnesota Bill

I feel you

killer blog

Great Job

Great Job Bill works for me.


sphi99's picture

Thank you for another inspiring weekly wisdom. I did the Why last week and was amazed at my 7th level deep why. It was to show my ex husband that I don't need him.. Silly I know, but he once made a statement that indicated without him I could do nothing. I've proven him wrong time and time again through the years and although I've had many obstacles and many heartaches to go through to get where I am, I made it without him. So I don't know what symbol to use..... a devil with a pitchfork maybe? Smiling

My talisman

Another good blog. I carry two rosaries in my purse (one that my mom gave me many years ago) and I have 5 hanging in my vehicle mirror. I always look forward to reading your weekly wisdom every week.

Weekly Wisdom

RTMynard's picture

I find of mine gave a saying to help me at work.






I read this before I go to wrk and before wrking on my realestate.

Now when I get those neg. feed back,they just go away.

My one Talisman ,I have already,MY WEDDING BANDS.

Thank you for reminding

Good blog

FLAREI's picture

Another great blog. So many motivational speakers talk about what makes us do what we do. Having a "talisman" is a great way to remember our "why's".

As a suggestion for a future blog, Establishing a army of wholesalers, partnering with other REIs, and networking. Just a few ideas.

Great call

Davemchs's picture

As always great weekly wisdom. Already had a key chain that says dad on it, but now I look at it more and really think about what it means to mean everytime I look at it. Thanks a lot Dean!


Great wisdom as always.

RD2Invest1980's picture

Great wisdom as always. There is always a story behind the story and thanks for sharing yours with us! This just reminds me of no matter what obstacles and circumstances you face, you can become what you desire to be!

7 layers

jedoss55's picture

Thanks Dean. That's about all I can say.

A tailsman? :)

thishousebuyer's picture

When I saw the title to this weeks long, immediately though, "What the heck is a tailsman? Is it some guy who chases your tail all day?"... Funny thought? To me, yes. It makes sense, if you can tie something visual with the reasons why you do what you do, and it helps you to try to stay on track, too, no matter what it is in your life. So, thank you, Dean ~ Another excellent blog for this week!

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