Okay before you start thinking Dean has gone off the deep end, he is NOT referring to a talisman as a mystical or magical object. Instead, he's tying in the big "WHY" from last week's exercise, with anything that produces a remarkable or powerful influence on your feelings or actions. In this Weekly Wisdom, he shares about two objects he keeps close to his heart. They remind him of his BIG WHY when times get tough. This is a great practical suggestion you too can implement today.
Thanks Dean
Thanks for more of that great weekly wisdom Dean. Dean I hope whatever is going on in your life gets better. I know you are a good Dad and you are a great mentor.
Dean you are going to need a permit for your guns man, your getting big. Keep up the work outs.
Thanks for all that you do for the DG family Dean.
Take care
Steve and Veronica.
Great wisdom!!!
It's great when you can forge forward and not let obstacles stop you and you feel invincible. However, when you're feeling "vincible", it's okay to pause to regroup. Sometimes it's even necessary to pause and regroup. When you know your "WHY", every step is a step towards forward and your goals.
Great re-lesson !
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC member
Your timing, once again, is
Your timing, once again, is psychic! Honestly Dean, how do you get inside my brain and know what it is I need to hear most each week? It's gettin' kinda SPOOKY.
(But in the Best way!)
Thank you.
I have to tell you Dean
I am ever so grateful for Carmella Post (hope I spelled the name correctly). God's plan was/is incredible and beyond words as HE put individuals in the plan at the right time so as to effect a lot of people ongoing. That is what I call a legacy. Because of the blessings bestowed upon you millions of people have the opportunity to benefit from your lifes work and mission. Awesome.
I am going to have quite a story to tell you one day and maybe at next years EDGE13 event. The story is still unfolding and I want to get my deals 1-5 before I tell the story. BTW I was at the EDGE12 event and I feel very certain that you remember me even though it was a brief meeting. I pray to God that you don't have the wrong impression of me. I am not some nut case -- I am just trying to maneuver strategically thru my obstacles.
In this weeks message you hit on something when you said that even though you have money you still have obstacles and challenges and that they are just bigger. It made me think and wonder about how deep down that may be what holds some of us back. I mean to say that when we realize reaching success does mean accepting with the success the new challenges and responsibilities that come with success. Maybe a little self doubt comes into play if we think hmmmm If I struggle now and can barely keep up, how will I ever be able to handle bigger challenges. JUST THINKING
Maybe you could talk to us about that. What would Gramma say?
Well anyway! Have a great week! I feel my ship turning and will stay the course.
As Always
Thanks Dean for letting us take that special time to love and appreciate our love ones and others close to us.
Simple, sweet, but ohhh so meaningful!
Thank you Dean for another great weekly wisdom; this one was very simple and sweet, but ohhh, how meaningful it is!
Thank you for helping us find ways to keep up the momentum towards our rei success, especially when we encounter our own obstacles or negativity that surrounds us.
Without a WHY, focus doesn't
Without a WHY, focus doesn't have as much power. Thanks for the heart you put into everything Dean! And for your untiring diligence in bringing positive, uplifting messages to help us all keep forging ahead. And for this site! I think of all the lifelong friends I've made here that are such a part of my continued success! Thank you and God bless!! (My Grandma was one of my huge inspirations too. An influence like that cannot be measured, and never ends. So cool!)
weekly wisdom=187
HI Dean,You are such a good person with the heart of a lion,and your passion to help people expand their possibilities is your legacy. I appreciate the honesty you reveal in all your blogs. Your ability to stay positive is truly a gift and an inspiration to us all.
All the Best,June K
Wow, this is truly opening your heart
I am amazed at how transparent you are, but today is just awesome. It's like you want to take me by the hand and lead me into happiness and success. I have never tried anything like that. I am going to trust you and give it a try. I still have a commitment that I am going to get up and out of the financial poverty I am in and have been all my life. My family deserves more than this, and we need to take action to save the American dream before it's too late. By the way, it's listed "Dean's Video Blog", Thanks again Dean.
Thank you. Great to hear
Thank you. Great to hear about your Grandmother's influence in your life. A great idea to have something with you to remind you of your loved ones and help to keep focus.
Trying to be a Lady
My Talisman has been with me since I was a young girl. In the beginning I hated it now I love it and it always reminds me to be true to myself. What is it? A picture given to me when I was like 5yrs old. The picture is a drawing of this wiry head girl, in a dress, looking all out of sorts with a band-aid on her knee. Written on the bottom the words "Trying to be a Lady". I cannot begin to tell you how much I hated that thing growing up. I was a tomboy all my life and no matter how hard I tried I never fit in. I remember distinctly the day in catholic school when Sister Marita Daniels brought the entire school to church to pray for the ENTIRE day. At some pt. my mind ran out of things to think about and I started to take the old nuns request seriously. I couldn't tell you how long I knelt there quietly but I can tell you what I heard. "Just be yourself" I looked around. Cause that was weird. No one was talking even thinking about me. For the rest of the day I tried to reconsile what had happened to me. Today, I love that picture. My nailpolish may be chipped, that is only because my hands are never idle. I love the parts of me that don't fit in because those are the parts that make me--ME!!!
Köszönöm a biztató szavakat a mai bölcsességben.
Igazán rám fért még ma is amikor felnőtt fejjel gondolkodom.
17 éves korom óta csak a küzdelem az életben való jólétért a családomnak és mindíg félretéve az igazi
Most amikor már ők is felnőttek lettek, az élet még nehezebb és újra csak őket kell segíteni, nem is beszélve az idős anyukámról.
A legjobbkor jött ez az üzenet, hogy előre és
felfelé kell nézni, hogy a csüggedés ne vegyen rajtunk erőt.
Find Your Talisman
I will look to find my talisman this week. A great reminder of why. Why any one us aspire to more.
I have been at this for about a year now and it looks like my first deal is on the horizon.
While everyone goes at their own speed, the one thing I know - is that get to that first deal requires perseverance... take that next step. There have been challenges to get where I am going but as I look back it has all been worth it. While a profitable deal has been the goal, it is what I am learning about myself that is most rewarding.
"Always Look Forward To Your Weekly Wisdom Blogs"
Thank you again Dean for always giving me (us) all the why's and that HUGE motivational pushes to keep us going even when the bumps in life get thrown at us.
God has always blessed me in my life,and I always tell my wife of 30 years and children
"The Lord Has Always Taken Care Of Us And He Always Will"
We are all so blessed to have you in our life's helping us on our journey's to be successful REI'S Looking forward to attending the EDGE 2013 and personally shake your hand,could not afford to go to 2012 EDGE.Trying my best to start saving for it, I know Deals Will Start To Happen,working on getting offers out there.
Thank You Again Dean !!!
Darren (Yosemite Guy)
Once Again, your passion fuels me!
Thank you Dean, for being you.
The idea of the Tailsman, trinkets, sentimental reminders— they help us stay grounded. They remind us to feel gratitude. At least that's how it is for me. And being the Italian girl I am I have lots of things I believe in and several "tailsmen".
When my oldest daughter Gina was 2, her baby ring was too tight and I stuck it on my finger-- but it only went part way up. After 6 miscarriages, I had my next daughter Brianna. Still wearing Gina's tiny gold band halfway up my finger, I liked the reminder of having her "with me" all the time, so I got another for Bri. Then I had Beau 11 months later and got another. Over the next 6 years and 3 more miscarriages, I had Maxwell. Two years later, and after yet another loss, I had Christopher. Four years later we had another baby girl, Gianna. She and I had complications and both of us were dying. She passed and the heavens cried that day. It rained and rained here in the desert. My husband and I both wear a ring for her; she is our Angel. It took a long time for us as a family to accept and come to feel her passing as a reminder to be grateful-- for us. My parents remind me often that it is unique to have a family of five children, now 17 - 33 years old that truly like each other. We get together almost every week for dinner and we talk, chat, catch up and enjoy Gina's 2 babies. Gina wears a necklace with charms for her two girls.
Five tiny gold bands, plus one for Gianna along with my wedding ring keep me focused on my "why".
Thanks to Dean, I know my "why" and after years of seeking; trying to figure out my destination, knowing I am here to do something great to help others, I found my "how" in Real Estate. For me, passion is energy, reminders of "why" keep me grounded even on the toughest days.
Dean, another reminder for you-- you taught us about the people in our lives: A Reason, A Season, A Lifetime. Don't know what your tough thing is right now, but thought that might help.
Love, gratitude and good wishes to you all--
I too loved your grandmothers influence on your life
I think I need to go find my talisman. Great message to keep us motivated! Tammy
Thank you Dean, I'm so grateful for all your support. We will find that talisman which represents our why and wear it.
We really need some kind of hope... coming to the end of our rope! Your support group knows us really well they know how hard we have been pushing it day in and day out 24-7 we eat and breathe your program... But here in CA it's getting more and more difficult to find a deal. But I got that... Don't give up attitude!! WE REALLY NEED TO CLOSE ON OUR FIRST DEAL... (Both of us are out of work)
Please God (Dean) help us make that first deal!
Totally Fulfilled.
I had to read the book first, really enjoyed, so many things to do, and so truly stated. Thank god for faith, not for that we wouldn't be able to handle the challenges in life. I have been multitasking on alot of things at the same time, so much to read absorb and learn. If not for your team helping to make this work, we your family would not make it, of course through the grace of God, without him we are nothing. I have alot of fields to read and go through, however it's all great. I am learning how to understand this, at the same time doing my best to keep up, so if seems as though I am not on top of things, because I am working on them. Thanks so much for your kind unconditional caring, as the world needs more of examples of us, you truly understand your calling. Look forward to more of your educational classes, God Bless everyone, have a great and safe week, Maureen & Clifford.
Weekly Wisdom
Dean i have stall for awhile but looking at the weekly wisdom have motivated me again iam looking at four property to bid on i am ordering the edge to keep me motivated,what you is doing is working. thanks
Keep coming back for more !
Keep coming back for more ! I visit this blog often, especially if I'm feeling down, or just need a little inspiration. I found that putting one foot in front of the other helps me to keep going. Right now I am juggling 3 businesses offered to me because I took action! I don't have the cash to buy these biz's, but, I'm working on that as well. ALways an inspiration Dean, we appreciate you! ~Bob
Find your Talisman
Dean, Thank you for a wonderful blog. My talisman is my Son...He is everything to me! And I will never quit Dean Graziosi's family because you, and all of you give me a lot of support and warmth. God Bless You, All! Regards, Sarah
great talisman
Love your pendants! What a great way to also remember your grandmother, whom I know meant so much to you!
I feel the love already-why I'm doing it.
Action. I put on my "charm bracelet" that my daughters gave me years ago- WOW WHAT A GREAT REMINDER to keep at it. Love is a very powerful thing. Thank you again and again.
Thanks Dean
Great message this week Dean! I love hearing about your grandma. My dad was always my rock growing up(still is). He always encouraged me to follow my heart and "do what you think is right". When he does leave this earth, he will still be nestled in my heart always, and I am grateful for that.
Life comes with tough times, and truly knowing my why helps me to forge through those.
Since this past Edge Event I continue to practice keeping my nose out of the books (I do our accounting) to keep focusing on what I think is my unique ability; and that is reaching out to people. I was more in the background before and the more I get out there, the more I love it. Just because you are good at something (like accounting)that does not mean that's what you were meant to do. That is a huge take away for me from this year's edge. I did the 7 levels deep exercise again too. It's like a booster shot! Thank you for continuing to ispire!!!
Have a great week!! Julie
Hey Dean – Not only do I wear my talisman around my neck but I also have one hanging from my vehicle mirror and these are a cross to remind me of who’s I am and also a dog tag that I received after completing a course on the armor of God. These things remind me to honor my wife and keep my marriage pure and that I have responsibilities to those other than myself and to always have a servants heart toward others.
This weeks weekly wisdom
Thanks Dean for all your powerful & inspirational words every week. It makes all the difference.
thanks Again Dean,
I was just sitting here thinking of all the times I've seen your weekly wisdom, formerly the weekly blog and gotten some inspiration or insight or a word of motivation. It usually comes right around the time I'm low and feeling like I will never get a deal done.
You and Matt always do it for me. I know you're busy, but don't ever stop, there are so many others like me that are trying to find a way out of the chains of poverty and paycheck to paycheck repetition. You alone have invented a way out for people. It's called self empowerment. The government will one day run out of money to give away in the form of pensions, social security, welfare and one will only be able to rely on ONESELF. I know you hear this all the time.
From my heart--THANK YOU.
My best to you and your family.
Hi Dean,
Dean I hope whatever is going on in your life gets better.But i still need help with this.
hi this is Amer,can you help me out here?
Keeping with the motivation and inspiration - keeping it always with you, see it, touch it, talk to it -
Once again - thank you for the weekly wisdom reminders!