Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #192 - Worst Case Scenarios

This week Dean reveals how he fell into old habits and let negative thoughts take control of him for three long days. Then he remembered a techniques he used to use that always resolved the problem. This is so simple you won't believe it, but if peace of mind and solving problems is important to won't want to miss this. The technique he shares will shut destructive thoughts down in a snap...Enjoy!

Great Advice

I'm 18 and I've already been practicing looking at both extremes for years. I've recently started your newest book and am ridiculously excited. I figure, worst case scenario, I will learn a ton (which is always what I strive to do), and best case scenario, I learn a lot and gain a lot of profit.

Thank you Dean.

Thank you

This is a comment 'in general'.

I am realizing how much help it is to hear inspiring stories, encouragement and comments. I have tended to go at it alone, without checking out the encouragement that is available. Thank you so much for your weekly wisdom and for all of the tools on your website. This is becoming one of the sources for the inner 'can-do' attitude that I need to tackle each day's delimmas with energy.

Thank you,

Something new to share

Deans List's picture

Hi Dean. I buy and sell RE because I wanted cash flow and to build my net worth. We've developed a way to sell cash flowing property... at 60% of the property's value and triple the monthly cash flow.

That means others can buy the property at 60% of value and get equity and a cash flowing property.

I didn't start out with the idea or the concept in
mind. It evolved out of a business transaction we structured to secure the principal. We applied the concept to real estate and it works.

I'd like to share it with you. It's a game changer.
I am best reached by email. Let's visit.

Amazing blog

Jay Sthilaire's picture

This week as always. Another learning method to poke holes in our Dailey obstacles!!! It sounds dumb but it is soothing to hear you have the same challenges as us. Being on track MOST of the time but still falling into old habits .... .. We KNOW how to SNAP out of it with your welcomed and cherished CONSTANT and PERSISTENT wisdom in bringing us back between the yellow lines !!
THANK YOU !!! I may not comment EVERY blog but I do read and listen to EVERY one!!!! I learn something EVERY WEEK !!!!

Great Advice!!

Courtney's picture

Thank you for the wisdom! I have done this in the past and it really works, but I haven't used it in a while. So I will be using this technique again starting today!!

Also I just want to thank you for bringing real estate into my life. I went to the edge this year and when I came home I had my 2 grandmas die in the same week which made me do some real soul searching. Now my "WHY" is stronger than ever thanks to you, and in 2 weeks I am closing my 7th deal!! YAY!!

Draw and Pray ... THE POWER TO HEAL ... The Power of Prayer*,

Shayshay000's picture

Mr. Graziosi ... reminds me that thinking at Bedtime is not the way to bring your problems HOME with you... America can not pay for it and neither should you ( when I say you ; I mean , ) , Grandmother ( Flag ) and Grandfather*, (( Country*, )) , ... Draw a picture in your mind if you do not pray, and disassemble it to take the pieces to be put in areas of your mind where you know they will politely remind you and others that WORK is prime and secondary it stress. Relax with that! Say a prayer and go to sleep ... Healing as the body does means just that the Body is screaming Thank you for a clean bed , clean sheets, and pj's to sleep in ( or a nightgown ) ... and Your Body will do the rest Let it Be. Let it be written ; let it be so. Let your Body DO The Work That God Intended it to do so you can feel good about just relaxing and letting things go TO SLEEP. do not pre-occupy your desires with profit, and loss ... it is not the right time ... ask Deans Simple Philosophy Questions ... What is the best thing that can Happen... and Second what is the Worst thing that can happen? ... you answered your questions and now you can roll over or close your eyes to a free-state of mind where the Real WORK begins so you can head out the door tomorrow with accomplishments and desires you Dreamed of !

Sweet Dreams

Thank you for this

That's really great hear that, now I must move on. Thanks again

staying positive

jcwp's picture

Thanks for delivering a great message (and reminder) again this week Dean.
I am happy and positive most of the time, but I struggle with negative thoughts or "funky" moods like everyone else, and I have to practice the same stuff you talked about.
It's all about perspective, and I know that when I am in a "funk" it won't last. We need to feel bad once in a while, so that we can appreciate feeling good right?
Smiling Have a great week!!!

You are so Right On the mark!

propertycircle's picture

Thanks, Dean, for your ever inspiring Words of Wisdom! You are so right about what doesn't kill us, makes us stronger (they even write songs about it!)We just celebrated my husband's brain tumor being benign and now we found out that I have stage 1 cancer. Yet we still do our homework for the Academy and determined to close on a property this month. Crazy? Or just determined? We have alot to be grateful for and I feel very blessed to have you & DG family & the Academy in our lives. Thank you for your encouragement and education! Oh...and you will be the 1st to know about our 1st closing!
Mark & Mary

You are spot on!

thishousebuyer's picture

The same things happen to me, too, Dean ~ Thank you for an easy fix. I love it! I love the weekly wisdom videos, too. They are inspiring to us all!

worst case scenario

Thanks, I will wear this technique out...Fantastic. I am new to the DG group and learning.. Again Thanks


Worse out come best outcome = POSITIVE OUTCOME THANKS for the wisdom . NOW that they are no longer as one i can focus on the the positive outcome thanks liked knowing what to do.And knowing the right time to do it which is now.

Right on time I really needed your words of wisdom today

DebraAnn's picture

Dear Dean,
Your weekly wisdom's are always really help full to pick me up every time I take a spill. Today really spoke to me as for thinking about something too much put me in the emergency room 4 in a month. I am going to start trying about writing things down worse and best & out comes. Tonight I will write down what lessen I can learn from this issue. One thing is something I am going to put in my renal agreements once I get properties of my own.

I will not stop fighting to find a way to get into your program I have to find a way!! As if I don’t get into a home of my own where I am the landlord my health is in real danger. I am really sorry for not being as involved as I have been in the past. I pray I am not letting you down.

I must continue to fight to get into your courses where I can finally have a career and get away from what I call Mr. boom boom boy living in an home of my own.

My investors turned out to be a drug addict who was using the money on everything but paying those who worked for him. Every time I want to give up, God always uses your words of engorgement each week to just get out there fighting for what I want again. Good job coach.

when I feel well enough and keep looking for properties even though I don’t know what to do with them if I did find out they were foreclose. Is there a way I can ask your students to help me with the next steps without braking your rules?

What can I do with the properties if I found out they are abandoned and foreclosed as I am finding a quite few places that appeared to be abandoned I just need to get to those locations on paper and where can I send the it so I can get money to get into your program? I am keeping an eye on the abandoned house across the street from my apartment and it is now owned by a broker,

I wish I could buy it and turn it into a play ground for the children in my apartment who are being forbidden to play in our court yard by the Management company over our building. I have been inside that house and there is mold and all kinds of thing that I would not want to keep the house. It would however be a great refuge for the children in my building told they can not play in the court yard as they are disturbing the peace of the other tenants.

I have Addresses of possible properties to flip if I could find someone who is willing to help me take the next steps we split the profits. I just need enough money to get in to your classes and buy your product and tools so that I could be successful in this business. So I can start making money on my own How can I do this? How what I do? How can I make this dream a reality without braking any rules?

When I feel up to it I still look for foreclosure properties, I stopping at looking and writing down addresses. Without money I don’t know what to do with the properties as how do I buy them and flip them, without money? What is the next step in CA it is against the law to do a contract unless you are a broker?

I have been in and out of the hospital 4 times in less than two months because of what I call Mr. Boomb boom boy. Boom boom boy in a man who lives right under me with speakers from distance look to be about 4-5 feet tall right under my bed. For 6 months I was forced to live with the bass it was so loud it would not only wake the dead but shake the lids off the crips in the grave yard 24/7. Management did nothing even when I was begging for their help. I was called the problem. Even told to move and I would if I had the money for higher rents.

He now has his speakers in the living room Last year. When I broke my leg I was away for 4 months and came back home from my parents and it started all over again. I have been forbidden through a letter that Boom boom boy received from the management company and I never did Which is against the law as I have a right to a letter telling me to stop harassing a neighbor, just by going down stairs every day to nicely ask him to please turn down his bass. A I think about it now I should have referred to the book on Real Estate Law my father had read during the time I broke my leg. If

I had written it down like you talked about to day I would have started thinking and would have made wiser dissension and maybe wouldn't been taken for a ride in an ambluance to the hospitable twice in one week because of all the stress. There is a law on the books I think it is called enjoyable quiet.

Dean I really need help and how can I receive help from your students when they offer, without getting myself or others in trouble for braking the rules of communication on line? I really need someone who would want to help take these properties to the next level and split the profits, without breaking any of your rules? How can I do that?

Is there a way I can do this with out braking the contract I made with you when signing up for this privilege to blog with you and others? As I will not break your rules even if it could save me from all of this mess I am now living in now.

The paramedic told me I really need to change my living situation or I could die from a hart attack(Worse scenario not bad, I could go home to heaven and live with Jesus, why am I stressing?) or even have a stork. Is there any way I can get help without braking any of the rules you set in place I realize are for our safety?

Dean is there any of your students willing to help me and if so how can we work together on properties under the rules we agreed to abide by, so no one is braking the contract you put in place for everyone's safety?

My dad just called, I got to go as. We just put my car put to rest yesterday it is no longer drivable even on prayer. My dad called just now and told me that we need to go to AAA and do the paper work to make it an non operable car.

Dean Thank you for your seminar at the Marriott that is why I am so excited to see your class in Woodland Hills as I only need one buss to get there. I only have my fathers 30 year old truck and would have a hard time getting to other locations as while using his truck I am limited to how far I can go as it belongs to my father.

But will still try to get to as many seminars as I can get to because that is the only training I can afford at this moment in time, are your weakly wisdom's,your free books and your free seminars. I am going to try to got to as many as I can so I can learn something new from each one until I can one day find a way to get into your academy. I am going to do it I just don't know how or when. I only know that God will make a way when there is no way.


Perfect timing for this WW. I do have this problem occasionally, and do find it helps to write things down, but I will try this exact technique. I also have the knowledge that, though I still need to due my own research, my due diligence, I know that through prayer, the Lord will direct me to where he wants me...whether a "good" result, or a learning one. Being raised with this belief takes a lot of the pressure off. My partner however, was not raised in this paradigm, so it is much more difficult for her. This will be an excellent exercise for her. We have discussed the necessity of such, because it is getting difficult to get deals done because of the fear. Here's PRAYING the PRACTICAL will help. Thanks as always Dean!

Thanks Dean

I will try this the next time I can't sleep.

weekly post

you always have such sound advise, and it is plain to see that you truly do care about your extended family. Thanks so much Dean for your continued motivation.


RickInAmarillo's picture

That's a nice shirt, Dean. I like that. I wonder if they come in fat guy sizes? LOL

Re: Weekly Wisdom #192 - Worst Case Scenarios

Hi Dean,
Thank you for the positive messages.

Great Post Dean

I will use your infor and pass it on Dean Thanks again.


jlewis's picture

OMG Hope this works! My parents have sold the house I live in (out in less than 30 days.) Did I mention they lived here 30 years and left everything. We found great rental and stopped looking, four days later and six days before we need to be out the rental sold. Just like that! It was not even on the market. Soooooo you see cant sleep at all.

dean graziosi

week wisdom 192 did not have any volume

dean graziosi

week wisdom 192 did not have any volume


Dean, I have all your books and attended a seminar. Presently in my county I'm the HOMELESS CHAIRMAN of Viet-Nam Veterans 862. The one thing I found in this county we need homeless housing and access to housing for for low income people. I live in Pittsburgh with Jim Toner who dominates the airwaves in this area. He is a Frank Mckinny student and I like what Frank does for the homeless but you put out this information and I like the support you give to Richard Branson. God is putting me in front of successsful people. I'm starting to focus again on looking for properties in my area. I'm 63 and I just read again about Honest Abe and even Ben Franklin did his best work after 60. I think I have ADD and can't focus on issues But I think I'm going to get diagnosed and take some action on working on getting properties for the homeless vets Bill Porupsky, Beaver,Pa

still here,alittle late

Dean, you said it all,you know the medicine but do not take it. I recall this in the past,but we complicate the moment and need to be reminded the course of action.Two three days isn't that bad but knowing you,ha ha bet it drove you sideways for a bit.Thank you for all you keep on doing and pushing. The day of pay off will be real one day. thankyou
Until & Enjoy

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You so much Dean!!!

DebraAnn's picture

Hi Dean
As I wrote my first blog this week I was having a lot of dizzy spells from the stress of being forbidden to ask BOom Boom Boy to turn down the bass. I did the homework here is my list on paper. This is what I came up with

What happened that is causing you to stress
Having problems with the neighbor who has been harassing me with his bass and Boom Boom Boy even coming to my door violently pounding on my window almost braking my window and afraid he would hurt me. The management company put a letter on my next store neighbor’s door and it was meant for me. I never got the letter but Boom Boom boy brought the letter to me waving it in my face in a treating manner that I could no longer tell him to turn down his bass as that was harassing him.

Worst possible outcome next to that.
I could be evicted or I could die from all the stress.

What lesson would you learn from it?

Not to allow the harassment to continue for so long get a third party to deal with it for me.
Go to the California housing authority law book and start reading it and finding out my renter rights.

One is the to right a safe and habitable place to live when you cannot sleep in your own home that is not a habitable place to live.

When you are feeling too dizzy to do your dishes wash your dishes because you feel the vibration under your feet or you hear the boom booming and it puts you into a panic attack because you are forbidden to ask , Boom Boom Boy to turn down his bass that is not a habitable place to live. It is bringing illness on that the landlord could have stopped and did not.On a website I went to it stated the landlord is libel.

No Protection form the tenant under me playing his bass under by bedroom so loud I was unable to sleep and has sleep deprivation for 6 months and ended up I urgent care. This year I have been in the hospital 4 time in less thano1 or 2 months I have to check my Emergency room records. As the management tells me Boom Boom Boy is not the problem I am. The Management Company May have breached their own contract I have to find it and see what it says about noise.

With all the privacy laws it must be illegal to put correspondence on someone else door that belongs to you that a neighbor opens the correspondence thinking it belongs to them and the neighbors know your business.

Forbidding me to tell Boom Boom Boy to turn down the bass and telling me to take drugs from the doctor to coup with the noise and vibration especially telling me that I need to take (doctors tell you are addictive) addictive drugs just so that they can be fair to Boom Boom Boy.

who because of his loud bass under my bedroom for 6 months with management telling me that I was the problem not Boom Boom Boy has caused extreme bass sensitivity.

Forbidding me to tell Boom Boom Boy to turn down his bass has Causing my body to go into shock whenever I hear or feel bass and I start reliving all the nights violent vibration and boom boom booming all night.

If I really learn the law I could put the fear of God into the Management Company and they would treat me with respect in the future.

Find a 3rd party to help me with this situation as I do have rights but Dean I don't want to hurt anyone I just want my life back and attorney may be the only way to get it back

I found this on line and many other things when I can I am going to research this further and when I have it all down I will send it to you if I can get an address to mail it to.

Warranty of Quiet Possession
o California Civil Code 1927 adds a warranty of quiet enjoyment to all rental agreements according to the Housing Rights Committee of San Francisco. What quiet enjoyment actually is varies depending on the local noise ordinances, but even if your lease does not specifically mention noise issues you have the legal right to call the police for noise disturbances. The Housing Rights Committee recommends sending a letter to the tenant disturbing your peace, listing each incidence in full detail, and forwarding a copy to your landlord.

Tomorrow I see my doctor but thanks to your wisdom I think I will be able to get my life back and really start focusing on a plan for this situation and back on my plans to try and get into your academy.
Thank you SO Much You are such a blessing to me.
Debra Ann

Worst Case Scenarios

Dean, thank you for sharing your wisdom! I just learned something new! Gracias, Sarah

Worst Case Scenarios

Dean, you are awesome! I'm taking action! Sarah

It Helped me a lot !!

Saif Harbia1's picture

This technique have helped me to go through a lot of problems that has been hitting my mine.

This counting of what is the worst and the best thing could happen solves many problems I have been struggling with the past few weeks.

But still one problem I couldn't use this technique for, which is not starting my first deal yet!!

Dean please still with contact to me and as I promised I will not disappoint you.

Thanks for your weekly videos ...
Good job Dean..


Jimi K.'s picture

You are an inspirational human being. I look forward to the day when I can help others the way you do. When I can achieve a level of success that makes me proud of myself.

Selling my house with back taxes

Dean this is archie r turner 3rd look i have a house my mama left me wen she past away and they told me that even if i pay the taxes on tha house it still hers...but i wanna know could i still sell my house wen turn it over to me can i sell it as is cause if so i can get my other house in docena so can it happen dean hit me back asap on that...thank you much!....

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