This week's Dean has some simple, sound tips to get ready for the new year. Tips that can be applied anytime you want to make some serious progress in your life. Plus, there are some URGENT, time sensitive announcements too, (like how to win a FREE trip on Dean’s dime and partner with him on a deal..
In this weeks video Dean also shares to register for his live cast training.. Well if you are reading this now you missed it live, but don't fear;-)) You can watch the replay by clicking the link below..
Dean was doing a live training for his IE members, yet felt it was important everyone got to share in the amazing training that was delivered by him and his good friend Joe Polish..
So watch the weekly wisdom, do the goal setting exercise and then watch the replay.
Have a great weekend;-)
End of Year Goodies
Hi Dean,
Another great weekly wisdom.....Thank you for the goodies......I love the book...and I will be at the live session on Tues.....WOW....Santa came early this year......
I will be doing the assignment " The 2013 List "....
only 3 questions on this list......but very important ones.......
Again......Thank You For All You Do.....
Kindest Regards,
I will look forward to Tuesday as I need all the help I can get right now with the focus on acquiring more insight and knowledge. I already have a long list of goals for 2013 but to do a short list is to get that wholesale deal ASAP in the now for ME. If I don't do it for me then I won't be any good to anyone else. I need to be able to share the wealth and give to others as I believe that is my purpose in this life. In the end it really isn't about me but it is about others.
Thank you for all you do and have a Merry Christmas.
I have a ? Dean
Just so that I can clearly understand it would you be kind enough to explain the term "turnkey"? Looks like you own a huge chunk of Mi. Is turnkey a buy and sell after rehab and if so how does it differ from buy, fix and flip?
Hi Dean
Thank you for another fantastic weekly wisdom. My wife and I watch you every week and gain such inspiration from hearing your knowledge and motivation. I have submitted my "Send Me Away" video and when I did, I was feeling very accomplished. We recently relocated from Anchorage, AK to Kansas City, MO where all my real estate deals have been done. It has been a trying 3 months since living here. Things moved slower than I anticipated when I got here. But through the help of the coaching staff, and my life-coach sessions and watching you, I have continued pushing on and this month I will close 5 deals, just in the month of December! And I feel like I am getting more and more versed in different types of real estate transactions, all with your expert guidance! So thank you!
As far as the goal-setting. I am pleased to see these guidelines to follow. My wife and I were just talking about sitting down together to create goals for the new year and these parameters will help us to be more focused and help us continue to visualize our success.
Thanks again, Dean!
Thanks Dean:)
Thanks Dean:)
Live Cast with Joe
What time does it start in the middle of the day on Tuesday 18, 2012? Thank you for your time and interest.
Looking forward to Live Webinar!
Thank you Dean!
for doing another Live Webinar on Tuesday, I am looking forward to it! Your webinars are always full of positive energy and so much great information!
I can't believe the year 2012 is coming to an end, it was a great year, but 2013 will be even better! I am ready!!! Bring it on!!!
Thank you for doing the Weekly Wisdoms!!!
another great nudge. i know i've done this before, but it helps to be reminded often. on another note, i can't wait to hear what you and joe have in store for us. i enjoyed the last time and i'm stoked to hear more. cya then.
keep moving forward, rob
blowing 2012 out of the water!!
Thanks Dean! Great blog!
Shoot, honestly I have totally forgotten about the Send Me Away Contest. Couple monthly ago sent Megan about a 1/4 of my stuff/backup. Got busy doing deals and haven't looked up from the trenches. Out of sight, out of mind. lol Still something I want to do. Just added to my notepad for attention items to be done. Will get it handled!
I'm a HUGE goal setter! I am continually assessing, adjusting, improving and raising the bar for myself. Goals work, If you work towards your goals! Today marks my one year anniversary that I fired my boss ~~ Freedom Date!
All because I set a goal, made a quality decision and worked at it as if my life depended on it (it did!)!!!
This blog is on time -- I've spent a lot of time in the evenings over last 2 wks game planning for 2013. I've been using your 'where you want to be in a year'. Then turn around, looking back how you got there technique. Have my what I want to accomplish this year goals set, then broken down by qtr, monthly, weekly to daily actions, to # of daily offers, etc. that I must do to achieve.
Another thing that helps me is that I do a dream board. Pics, images of some of the stuff that fires me up also I put into a PowerPoint and save it to my phone. For mid-day pick me ups when the world gets a shot in. I go back flip through my dreams and goals and ready for the next round!! Goals and images are with 24/7!
Going to be an INCREDIBLE year!! Because I will MAKE it so!
Looking forward to seeing ya Live on Tuesday!
Make it a terrific week!
Appreciate you!
Jen Gray
Thanks for another great weekly wisdom! Looking forward for the webinar!
Thanks again Dean for all you do
With Jen
I went crazy at the end of the year with deals and managed to clear 59k for the month...holy molly Worked on setting goals and laying out my business plans for 2013 as well. Finished my send me away video today and will mail it in this coming week. I think I hit the real meaning of all my hard work I did this past year in this video. It is not just about money.....It's about helping others.... Anyway you will see it soon enough and you can let me know what you think Dean. Boy have I changed since we last meet.....Great weekly as always dean...See you soon...
your right
I have been here a while and even took one of your classes. The class expires in April and I don't even have a buyers list. I haven't even made it far enough to make the coaching worth while. Nobody is going to make me do this but myself. You know, I really don't like being disappointed w/myself. I really need to take some action.
Looking forward to the live
Looking forward to the live webcast! I'm sure we're in for some great information! Thanks Dean!
Crazy Year
There is a huge lesson for me that I learned this year....stop procrastinating! Every year has been the same struggles financially but this year I got my very own jolt! As a stay at home mom, my-ex was our financial provider. Even after divorce, I relied on his help financially (although it was never consistent and without a fight) he did his best and wham! I received the news that my ex-husband was killed in a single vehicle accident(Oct 2012). My world changed over night because the reality of now being the financial provider for my two boys is my motivation. I purchased Dean's products/books only to give them to my ex-husband and who knows where they are today, because he was the one who would do the deals. You see I am afraid. I don't have the confidence to make calls, see people, talk to people. I was a stay at home Mom raising my boys and loved doing it. Next year HAS to be our Year! Thanks Dean!
Hey Dean, You always come up with good STUFF, this is another great idea. Good job!!!
Merry Christmas,
Kevin & Jill
Excellent blog
Thanks Dean: I cant wait until tuesday for all the information we will be learning. This blog: Goals: I like the way you direct us for 2013. I look forward to getting your book Take care. Happy Holidays too you and your family. Thanks again for all your teaching. and education, Carol in Texas
Hi Dean and Happy Holidays!
I'am looking forward to Tuesdays presentation. My birthday is the 19Th so I consider the Live Presentation as a birthday gift from you. Thanks!
I'am a member ot the Success Academy and have learned very much through the academy school courses.I have yet to do a deal, though I have looked at many houses, and believe some of those would have been pretty good deals.
My hold back is the fact that I,am "Computer Stupid".I did not grow up with a computer in my hands and I just do not understand the language used in communicating with the machine. Can anyone help by referring me to some easy to understand books for guidence ? I do mean EASY!
Thank you for your wisdom!
First of all thank you for your weekly wisdom. I actually started the 30 days to fast cash 4 weeks ago and am slowly making progress. I've not made my first deal, but I find I'm still moving forward. Have had some setbacks with "procrastination" but my thoughts continue to go forward, so I'm not going to beat up on myself. My goal: first wholesale deal by Jan 15 (I started in Nov!), Who's it for: Dave, my son with Down Syndrome who wants a "house with a pool" and me; How will I feel: I put myself in the "feeling place" almost everyday: wonderful, confident and like my user name says a millionaire mom!
To the DG family: thank you to everyone who shares their accomplishments, setbacks, and worries, you don't know how much it helps me move forward. Happy Holidays, Denise
A Nation in Mourning for Sandy Hook Elementary
And A Sword Shall Pierce Your Heart - Luke 2:35
Yes it has...
Jesus said " Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these " - Matthew 19:14
Rest in Peace 20 Little Angels and 6 heroines....
You will be Missed....
great reminders
Always great to get these reminders!
Thank you
Thank you Dean for the great opportunity to get away and the upcoming presentation on Tuesday.
Thank you for your book as well!
Will record the Webinar?
Hi Dean,
Thank you for all that you do for us.
I have to work so I cannot view the webinar live.
...Warmly, Norbert Montoya
My heart is saddened.
My heart is saddened from the events in CT this past week. I am praying for those families who are suffering and for this country.
Thank you, Dean for the opportunity to be a part of your live webcast tomorrow with Joe Polish. I am looking forward to being there! Thank you for you book, too.
I am hoping and praying for a better 2013 for everyone! God bless you all!
Goal setting
I am so in synch with so many of your suggestions! For example, a week before your WW on getting a talisman, I had already taken three wedding rings from mother and grandmothers to jewellers to have them made concentric as a necklace piece. Right in the middle I put something of mine precious to me. It's a reminder to keep life and the giving going forward.
Once again, I had already determined to make the last few weeks of December the time to plant seeds that will sprout early in the new year. It makes me feel quite "on track" psychically. Thank you so much for confirming my gut feelings and for all the work you do for us. I have so many dreams of making a difference in this world. You prod me to take the steps necessary to turn the dreams into action steps into reality!
What is inside
Is what matters. We have to access our why constantly and adding the how will you feel if you meet the goal vs how will you feel if you don't meet the goal is painfully effective!
New year, new contest - can't wait to see all the videos! In fact I should go watch some today.
Hello Dean Graziosi,
Hope the Christmas season caught you & your family in the best mood ever.
I want to say thank you very much for the upcoming FREE ONLINE TRAINING ( Dec.18th, 2012 ) & the BIG BOOK. I really have considered this, a very nice Christmas gift. I have already downloaded the PDF of the big book and excited to go through all the properties that you have bought & invested into.
Once more, thanks a lot for your gift.
Have a great day you and your family!
Noel Powell.
Another great weekly wisdom!
Another great weekly wisdom! Thanks so much for the little nuggets that were contained in this video. Happy Holidays Dean and to all the DG family!
Hope and Good Wishes are the most important for us!
First, thank you Dean for your continuing support!
I've registered to your Tue. online Event.
Today I got another Email from you about a terrible, terrible tragedy. It is heart breaking!! And what we can do about it to protect our children and grandchildren?
I was crying all day yesterday and today. I am not easy crying person.
Your blogs are so helpful to me!
Hope is very important to all of us in a desasterous situation. Support for each other that what we need the most!
Thanks Dean!
Looking forward to seeing you and Joe Polish on the LiveCast and I'm set on making it happen in 2013!!
Hi Dean
Hi Dean, Hope all is well today
Great video like always. got my goals all ready written down and posted in my bathroom mirror where I can see it and read it everyday. 2012 was great and now 2013 has and must be super amazing!
I'm also registered for tomorrows live call
Thanks a million Dean for all that you give us
Mike Lopez