Dean's Weekly Blog

Weekly Wisdom #268 - 5 Minutes of Gold

There are as many techniques for time management as there are ways to waste time. The most common approach to managing time is by looking at it from a linear approach and prioritizing actions. Well, if those approaches work for you... great. If not, here's a revolutionary approach to making the most of your time by shifting what you do with your thinking and your senses.

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Weekly Wisdom #267 - Doug Clark from Flip Men

If you doubt you can succeed in real estate, then this video is going to change your mind. You'll meet the guy who went from making $17,000 a year and accidentally discovered real estate, to having his own reality TV show. You'll also find out the winner of the free iPhone and get a peek at 10 of the most successful investing tips that you can steal and start using this week. It's like an early Christmas present.

Vote For Your Favorite Secret From The Top 10

Weekly Wisdom #266 - Uncertainty

While hanging out with Tony Robbins over the weekend, I heard something that was very counter-intuitive.
We are all so focused on “being sure.” We want guarantees, sure things, no-risk. But what if being safe keeps you stuck? I’m not suggesting you get crazy, but maybe your future is worth looking at your present relationship with certainty.

Weekly Wisdom #265 - The One About...Sleeping Dogs?

There is a saying "let sleeping dogs lie" and it means leave something alone if it might cause trouble. Well in this Weekly Wisdom, Dean Graziosi suggests that maybe there are some "sleeping dogs" that need a nudge. The challenge here is to wake up the part of you that desperately wants to change your life, but for some reason has gone to sleep.

Weekly Wisdom #264 - Flip Your Fear Upside Down

Goal setting is great, but are you ignoring the important, often overlooked plateaus of success? By failing to reward yourself for the little things, you may secretly sabotage yourself. This video piggybacks on the previous Weekly Wisdom and encourages you to do a few simple, but important things like; patting yourself on the back sooner and celebrating little successes. Also, it’s worth exploring the times when you don’t TAKE ACTION to FIND OUT WHY. Last, but not least, Dean introduces the concept of flipping your fear. How to stop the fear that paralyzes find the fear that motivates you. There’s a lot to be thankful in this segment. Enjoy!

Weekly Wisdom #263 - Your 30 Day Plan

The year is winding down. If you haven’t achieved the goals you hoped for in 2013, this Weekly Wisdom will give you an action plan to get on track before Christmas. Dean takes to the whiteboard to show you 4 specific actions that can produce results for you.

If you missed the LiveCast from November 12th, Click Here To Watch The Livecast Replay

Weekly Wisdom #262 - Dig the Well Before You Thirst

We all have those moments when life throws us a curve. Something completely unexpected that throws you for a loop. Here’s what Dean learned from one such “scary” event involving his son, it’s something worth applying to your life and goals.

Weekly Wisdom #261 - Making an Impact

A few months ago we did a promotion for the “Abundance” book. Here’s an update on what you helped to do for the tornado victims. You’ll also hear how making an impact in the lives of others is often easier than you think – and does wonders for your own sense of worth too.

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Weekly Wisdom #260 - Scary Good Contest

There ain't no trick this week, just a big fat treat. This is your chance to win $5,000 by just telling us what your best secret is. Something you have discovered that changed your life and that you think can change others. Watch the video and then click the link below to enter the contest.

Click Here To Add Your Entry To The Contest!

Weekly Wisdom #259 - Check Ya'Self

...'Before Ya Wreck Yourself' as the saying goes. Are you being intentional in your thinking, your conversations and what you focus on? Here's some food for thought on how that is affecting your success and your happiness.

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