Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #73 - Dean's Been REPLACED!!!???

It's true, this week some mystery man has swooped in and taken Dean's place in the weekly blog!

Fortunately, he's provided a great video for you to watch and learn from...check it out now.


mason101's picture

Great job stepping in for Dean this week you did an amazing job.

good job buddy

Parkergavin0608's picture

good job buddy


Great video,
we all must change our mindset in order to be succeaful

We Call That "Taking The Initiative"

Ryan, we missed not seeing Dean this week, but as a great team player, you stepped up to the plate and did a wonderful job. The replay of Carol and Dean was a great video footage. Thanks for sharing. God Bless.


new blog 73

good stuff, very insperational, need more like this, great job .


Thanks Ryan for stepping in you did great, although I do agree that we missed seeing Dean this week maybe he can come visit I am in New York too (ha ha ha wishful thinking). Thanks for the clip of Carol she is soo very inspriational.

Ryan and Dean

randy428's picture

Think both you, Like I said before Dean never forgets about us no matter whats going on. That's a lot of dedication.


Thanks for blog

thebossspringsteenfan's picture

Ryan, great blog, lots of inspiration indeed. We all need motivation sometimes.


Great Job Ryan!

Carol Stinson's picture

Glad you decided to pull me out of the closet...LOL! I hope it inspires and encourages all of my DG family Smiling

Even though we missed seeing Dean I think we all agree You are a great Dean Graziosi stand in!

Great Job!

Good, good, good.

mbjoseph's picture

Yes, it's all good and it's so true that we have to change our mindset. Some days I'm all excited and other days I question myself. I have to remember that everything takes time and I can get there one step at a time, even if I'm the slowest one on the block.


mason101's picture

I totally agree with Carol here when she said that you made a great Dean Graziosi stand in and if he ever needed a stunt double.....well give it some thought (hahahaha) just kidding

freeindeed wrote:
Glad you decided to pull me out of the closet...LOL! I hope it inspires and encourages all of my DG family Smiling

Even though we missed seeing Dean I think we all agree You are a great Dean Graziosi stand in!

Great Job!

Take your Buyer out to Lunch.

What an inexpensive and fabulous way to learn what's working and who they are working with. They would also love to split profits on future deals in return for more mentoring. It is true, your nearest loved ones don't want to see you get hurt so they pull you back to their comfort zone. To start we all have to practice our
D oing
R eal
E state
A ction
M atters

Lets get out there and start shaking hands.

-Michael Gunn
Partners Welcome

great post

Thanks for more inspiration. I wondered if any DG members have created sub groups in their states. I'm from Ct. and would love to network with some fellow DGers. I'll be attending the CTREIA meeting tonight to get more connections in my area but would like to invite anyone in Ct. to contact me to discuss creating a mastermind type group. Have a great day every one.

Great Blog!

jazzingcoco's picture

Great blog!!!

Thank you for sharing your story, very inspirational!!!
You also look very lovely Smiling Smiling Smiling

Have a smilely Monday, DG Family!
~Coco a.k.a. Miyuki

Weekly Video Blog #73

westerwayne's picture

THANKS RYAN for filling in for Dean this week. You did a great job and the selection of Carol's interview to replay was a good choice. I think we are all inspired by her tenacity and the passion she has for real estate investing. The message in her interview was one that can't be over-stated. As she said, we must change our surroundings if we expect a different outcome. To spend time with like-minded people can only help us. THANKS CAROL.

THANKS DEAN for continuing to always be there for us. The fact that you consider it important enough to make other arrangements when you were going to be unavailable to do the weekly video blog is not lost on us. Speaking for myself, I need "constants" in my life. Your weekly message is extremely important and is a "constant" that I need and look forward to every Monday. There's always a good message plus it reminds me that I'm still on the road and haven't run off into a ditch somewhere. It re-orients me. THANKS AGAIN AND...


Terry Smith

Have a great week everybody!

Hey Ryan

laurajohnson's picture

Nice to see you! Thanks for making sure we didnt miss a video blog - and great choice of clip from Carol....have a great week everyone!

Hi Ryan

This is the first week I have not had an email reminder from Dean about his weekly blog. When I checked out the website, I saw your picture. Thanks for making sure we still had the Monday blog we have come to expect. Have a great week.

Kathy in California


Indiana-Joe's picture

Thanks for posting and providing the weekly blog for all of us. I know many people look forward to the weekly video blog and its message and inspiration. Good luck in all you do. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe

Carol dear...

Elena M's picture

I'm so glad that I was able to help you through those rough patches, because look at you now. You make us ALL so proud that you stuck with it. You're an inspiration to so many people including me and it's truly amazing to see you reap the rewards of all your hard work and perserverance. Was it easy? No! But you did it and now you and your family never have to worry about money again.
I remember those conversations we had. I'd been there myself, everyone around me was so negative and saying I couldn't do it, telling me to give it up and get a job. I joined because I desperately needed some support.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart... I appreciate you mentioning me. It's truly a blessing to know that you've touched someone's life in a positive way. Even if you've never met them face to face.
In all honesty, you've touched my heart as much as I touched yours. I pray we meet face to face someday soon and wish you continued success in everything you do dear, no one deserves it more!
All my best,

P.S. Great job Ryan, thanks!

Good job

Ryan, good job but who is Ryan?

Great blog!

Rick888's picture

It's always inspirational to hear from Carol. You did a great job filling in for Dean and I hope he has a safe and prosperous trip.
Best wishes to all.

Rick Merritt
Trident Realty, LLC


jason king's picture

This is a great video blog this week, even though Dean wasn't able to make it. It reminds me of a quote by

Wayne Dyer

"Most people are searching for happiness. They're looking for it. They're trying to find it in someone or something outside of themselves. That's a fundamental mistake. Happiness is something that you are, and it comes from the way you think."

Another Great Blog

Great Blog from Really enjoy all the tips, inspiration you give out weekly. Please keep it UP!

Good Job

Ryan i must say that you did a wonderful job and Dean knew you could do it, keep up the good work and we may see more of you in the future.

new kid on the block

hi, Ryan kind a cute but young i'm new in this thing i need a lot of helping hand to get this business on the road. good job ryan...

Great Job

This was great. I needed to hear and see this. It is so true about the people we are around. For some reason people do not like other people to grow even if they love them. I am in the same boat. My husband doesn't believe this can be done and I know it can.

So thanks so much for sharing this with us. You did a great job filling in for Dean.

Thanks Ryan...cutie pie!

WealthyBlessings's picture

I loved the interview with Carol and Dean. Very inspirational.

Peace and Blessings,

Great Blog

I really enjoyed the video with Carol and Dean. The only thing is it cut off short. I didn't hear what all 3 things she changed in her life. I only heard 2, the people and places. What is the third?



That was a great little piece on getting away from negative people and finding the positive person or people!! I am around alot of negativity and it is hard to break away from always saying you can't do this and you can't do that,so great job for filling in for Dean.

How True

Sometimes you need to be thick skinned and sometimes you need to find different surroundings. Being around like minded people helps you stay motivated and on course to your success.

Thanks Ryan for filling in.

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