Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #67 - Perception is Reality

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Thank you

Anitarny's picture

Dane I just wantedto say thank you for this one. It addressed a lot of things from this week and was much needed.


Jan Malek's picture

My unemployment has created OPPORTUNITY for Jeremy and I to go to the next level again. Thanks Dean


Indiana-Joe's picture

Thanks for doing another weekly video blog. It is true that a person's perception can be their reality. Often people see where they might be but do not realize the potential opportuinities to take them where they want to go.

I can totally relate to having people be rather agressive in traffic, driving in and out of the Chicago loop on a regular basis. Everyone is in a hurry to get to where they are going. Sometimes it can be nice to relax and see things that other miss and not be so much in a hurry or getting into an angry state of mind. Those negative thoughts take up space and prevent the positive or creative thoughts at times from entering your mind. Thanks for this week's lesson and continued success in all you do! Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe


Regina's picture

This is so true. The way we handle a situation all depends on us. Don't let someone else change the way you act, be who you are in spite of someone else's behavior. That way you have nothing to be embarrassed about and nothing to apologize for.

Dean's Weekly Blog

WealthyBlessings's picture

Greetings Dean,
What a great message. I agree it takes too much motto is just kill everyone with kindness and you will be amazed at the response. You have a great week also.

Peace and Blessings,

Thanks Dean

EliteHoldings's picture

It had been a down mood week for me. As much as you try to pull yourself out of a rut, sometimes it takes validation and a 2 minute Pep Talk to do the Trick.

Thanks Again,


Great Blog Dean

laurajohnson's picture

So true how many people can look at the same thing and all have a different perception of it! Training our minds to see the positive side of life is not always easy...but VERY powerful. Our brains are recording devices, and if we are playing the same negative song over and over so to speak - its time to erase that and record a new one! And writing down positive thoughts and goals daily is the way to do it. With so much negativity all around the world - we actually have to reteach ourselves to think in a new way. Its so true that what you focus on the most is what you attract to yourself - and WOW - when you truly focus on the positive its incredible how doors open for you. And when they do my friends - be sure to have the courage to step through Smiling

Great Blog Dean

randy428's picture

I really liked your blog. I have always got a choice is my glass half full are half empty. If its half empty I.m not going anywhere. If I choose for it to be half full then the sky is the limit.


Face Value

Thanks Dean for another great weekly blog. Many times as we search for success, we fail to be thankful for the success we already have. This ultimately occurs when we view life though our eyes and not our minds. Every new day creates for us another opportunity to help ourselves as well as others. In this whole scheme of things we also have to see the good in others and celebrate it. God Bless.


Great Blog Dean

asiebert's picture

I tell my son something like that,I'm bless and have a place I call home, some people out there don't. I may not have money but I am learning about real estate and the money will come. I love your blog.

I agree too

Rick888's picture

I am currently reading "The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People" and it talks about the same thing. About changing your perception of events that happen in your daily life. If you choose to let the little inconveniences get in the way of life then you will have a life full of wasted opportunities to grow.
To put it another way, "don't sweat the petty things" ... (and "don't pet the sweaty things.")Smiling
Good luck to all and thanks Dean for all you do for all of us.

Rick Merritt
Trident Realty, LLC

Thanks Dean

Valiant's picture

Thanks for today's blog. I agree 1000%. Ohters may not agree with how I see things, that OK. I wish them the best in 2010 and I'll see you at the top.

Thanks Dean you are such a

bevnowak's picture

Thanks Dean you are such a Blessing.

Thanks Dean

EricIsReady's picture

It's a great thing to change our view of the world in these days of need and want. I will keep my focus on the prize and look at things a little differently. Trying to look at things from the other perspective(positive) is necessary.

Thanks again..


New Blog


Just want to say thanks for another great blog. How
very true it is that our perception colors our world and the way we see things. I recently had another heart attack, but all I see is just another small blip in the story of life. I truly feel blessed and I'm happy to be a part of your growing family. Looking forward to the call on Thursday, I already know it's going to be great! Hope everyone has a great week, I know I am.


Thank you, that was right on time.

I am in the process of trying to hook up with the right mortgage broker and I am meeting with two today but the more negativity I run in to, the harder I press because I know I can do it. Prices are right and the conditions are great so I am sticking to my goal of becoming an extremely successful real estate investor. I am just eating that elephant one bite at a time. Some of my bites are bigger than others but everyday I wake up feeling I am one step closer to obtaining my goal.


ido understand what it is your talking about as i am the most incredibly optomistic person and also tha four properties i have owned for years i aquired the same way you are teaching.Only there was no net then or automatic phone systems then so it took alot of work looking through records and offices ect... but still i got my hands on six and kept four.And when this eco. problem came about I knew this is is the time to moveAnd i still stand by that and i will not give up.Although i have had some big set bakes in my life in the past two years but i am working them out and will going full time on this soon. KBB

Great Comments in your Weekly Blog

Thanks, Dean for the wisdom you impart to all we readers, viewers. And just keep them coming.

Hey Dean thanks a bunch

I believe we all can build of what you just said in the blog and truly life is based on these exact factors of preception. I will get in the success acadamy i beleive that i can achieve.

P.S. No sruggle No progress!!!!!!!!!!!

Great message!

That's a message that I always try very hard to believe and LIVE every day. It's one that I also try to remind my kids too. Thanks, Dean.

Thanks Dean

fnyzep4749's picture

You always have a great message. This is no exception. Thanks.


On Time Message Dean!

Anointed1's picture

Thanks Dean! The trick really is our perception. We can control how we think and what we do with those thoughts our perceptions. It is so vitally important to perceive (Think) things as we would have them to be in our lives and not on things we don't want to be in our lives.

Have A Blessed Day!


new vision

Thank you Dean for all the information you are sending out for us what is going on with real estate some people see it us a tragedy some people see it as good oportuinity to make money in this down market
Candido Bran
Long Island

Weekly Blog

davejinpa's picture

Thanks Dean for the reminder about being positive, its kind of like, is the glass half empty or half full? Its all in how you look at life! I am thankful for your encouragement and integrity to say what's on your heart! Quitters never win and Winners never quit!


Great DEALS for Quick Cash BUYERS in Albany-Georgia!

Thanks Dean!

I've just signed in today. And I enjoy your blog. For I believe that our PERCEPTION determines our ATTITUDE; and our ATTITUDE determines our ALTITUDE, LONGITUDE and LATITUDE for either SUCCESS or FAILURE in life!


Dean you hit the nail right on the head!

hwoody41's picture

That was great and absolutly needed in these economic times. Everyone needs to concentrate on being positive and forge ahead.


Thank you Dean

You are so right in all that you said! I tell my friends that I don't read the newspaper, watch the news etc. and they think I'm naive, or unaware of what's going on in the world. Well, I prefer to preserve my energy and direct it towards a more joyful and productive life! Thank you for sharing this...I know many people will benefit.



You are so right - perception is extremely important in how you live your life and how you handle it. To be positive is the only way. Negativity will get you nowhere. Good message Dean! Today, as I listened to one of my friends warn me about the risks I am taking, I smiled and said thank you for caring. This friend really does care - just doesn't understand.

Thanks for the reminder Smiling

Dean, you are THE MAN

Thanks Dean for another uplifting and positive message. It's great that we can "tune in" to your site anytime and count on encouragment with sound advice. Thanks for all that you do.

Dean Scot

Weekly Video Blog #67

westerwayne's picture

Hi Dean,

You're absolutely right. I know that I have a tendency to get more upset about situations like you described than I should and I thank you for the reminder. I wonder how much time I have wasted in my 64 years being upset about something that is totally out of my control.

Thanks again for taking the time to speak to us and keep us propped up (for those who need it, like me), focused (for those who need it, like me), motivated (for those who need it, like me), and most of all, for maintaining the connection with you and your positive, caring attitude.

We are all so fortunate to have a relationship with you, if only in the form of being recipients of your e-mails. I so look forward to this weekly event, and you as the patriarch of this incredible creation, the DG family, need to know how important your communications are to us and how very much you are appreciated. Thanks again for caring. God Bless You !
