Hi all - I havent posted in a while- (I've fallen off the top user list, boo hoo!) Bu finally have some new info to post! Closing my first flip on monday, the 29th. There was a little delay when at the last minute the buyers title company wanted info on my LLC - but its all good to go. And amazingly - for those of you who read my story in other posts - this house sold in ONE week! There is another on the street 4 doors down that has been for sale for months. And now I have found a bank repo/short sale right next door to that - 3 doors down from my flip! Its in awful shape, and I am preparing a detailed proposal backing my low offer with pictures, repair estimates, low comps - and best of all - the fact that I am 'experienced' from just buying/fixing/selling one on same street. The one I just sold I paid 225,00 for, and it was in better shape than this one that the bank is asking 269,000! So I figure if they dont take my offer I'll tell them to hold on to it and call me when they're ready. Oh - I'm offering 150,500, figuring on countering back and forth a little. So we'll see....I just cant wait to get my hand on my next rehab! I will be submitting the offer by end of the week, and will share this experience as it goes along.
Best to everyone,
my story:
Cant believe how long its been since I"ve been on the site...the time really flies! Happy 2010 to you....its going to be a great year for us all, I can feel it. Glad you got to get away with your son and have FUN. We all need to turn things off once and awhile and just chill out. Enjoy your meetings - hope they are full of great connections for you!
my story:
In reflecting over my journal its amazing to me how real estate, Dean, this site, and the tremendous friends I've made on this site have changed my life!
I put my house on the market asap!!!!! As the market here hasnt slowed down, and the first time homebuyer credit extended until April I expect a pretty quick sale. So needless to say - I am SO excited to go out and live by Rina, a tremendous friend and mentor, and also honored by the opportunity it presents to me to learn from one of the best!!!!! So thank you Rina - we had so much fun the last time I was out for only a few days I cant imagine how its going to be to live there....we're going to take RE by storm
I've done two flips, bought a land investment, and own two income properties in Wisconsin assigned by the fabulous Rina!
I was blessed to attend last years EDGE event and meet Dean, his great staff and so many of my online friends face to face. Words cant describe the transformation in my self confidence and hope for my future.
Then, for various personal reasons, in the past month I've decided New Jersey was not the place for me anymore. I was deciding where to go to start a new chapter in my life, and sent a prayer out for a sign. Well...the next DAY I was talking with Rina and she said "why dont you move out to Wisconsin and work with me"!!!!!!!!!!! Talk about an answer to a prayer!!!!! So after making sure she was sure
So 2010 didnt start off the best for me - but now I know its going to be one of the most exciting and successful I've ever had on so many levels!
This just proves when one door closes - another opens....you just have to look for it and then have the courage to walk through!
my story:
Hey Laura,
I just saw your post on FB and thought I should check here to see if you wrote anything about the move to WI...
Although it's sad you're leaving NJ, I can't say I'm sorry you're coming to WI!
How cool is that? And you get to work with Rina the RE Queen? That's great...what I wouldn't give...anyway, When will you get here? We will have to get together for sure! Hope your house sell quickly!
Life's a Dance you learn as you go...GET HAPPY FEET!
"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed no hope at all." ~Dale Carnegie
Laura, I wish you luck on your move. I know you will do fine in your new State of residence. You and Rina teaming up means trouble for the rest of the investors in that area. now there is going to be a Lauraville right next to Rinaville
good luck and god bless my friend.
keep in touch.
remember what i said, if you need a hand with anything . Just give me notice ahead of time.
Thanks for your encouragement! Dawn, I look forward to getting together with you too! And working with Rina....what can I say? What a gift! Richie my friend, it was great fun trying to make a deal happen together....you keep at it and I'll see you at the top
And thanks for your offer of help - really appreciate it!
my story:
happy new year to you!!congratulations on all your accomplishments and most important the new chapter in your life!!moving to wiscon?coooooooool
amazing,awesome,fantastic that you and Rina will be close and working together!!way to walk through that door and take a chance on multiple avenues!!you go girl!!2010 will be YOUR year! hope to meet both you and rina at the edge event.take care and keep me informed on all your rei adventures.have a great day and an AWESOME year laura!!!!!!!!!!!!
Click Here For homepage www.jaysthilaire.com
need to sell ? http://www.jayhousebuyers.com
Need me to FINANCE a home ? http://www.jaysrenttoown.com
CHECK OUT MY JOURNAL http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/20063/...
Yes - I can feel 2010 blowing wide open with new adventures and new levels of learning and success! I am so excited about everything....especially of course my move to Wisconsin.....I just LOVE chasing down the dream and making it real
Look forward to the day we all get to meet and hang out!
my story:
Wow - so much happening its hard to believe how fast the days go by without getting on the site!

I am busy pre-packing anticipating my move to Wisconsin - just cant wait!!!but at the same time have to keep my house clean with people coming through all the time. ugh! Visualizing a great cash buyer
Picturing the day soon when Rina and I are having morning coffee meetings to plan our strategies in real estate!!!!!!!!!!!!
Closing Friday on another income property she turned me onto....renters in place so it will cash flow right away! And then going in together on a super deal the end of next month....all very exciting!
Well - going to go catch up with everyone else
my story:
Hey Laura, great to hear you are doing well and have some great things going with Rina. Are you going to miss the garden state???
This train, Dreams will not be thwarted
This train, Faith will be rewarded
Big wheel roll through fields where sunlight streams
Meet me in the Land Of Hope And Dreams
Bruce Springsteen
I'm sure I'll miss some things as I was born and raised here. I know I'll miss my few really good friends for sure - but thanks to the great communications today we'll never be far apart, and hey - I'm going to be able to afford to come back and visit anytime I want, right!
I will definitely not miss the cost of living-especially taxes! But I have no regrets moving on. I was really stuck lately - and sent out a prayer for a sign of what to do with my life....and Rina called
So I'm pretty much already moved in my mind haha....now just have to sell my house! Hope all is well with you!
my story:
I have so much catching up to do on your journal, but I SAW YOU ARE MOVING TO WISCONSIN!! YAY!! You and Rina are going to be the Dynamic Duo and will probably soon be taking over the world (with Dean owning the Universe of course
I am thrilled for both you and Rina, and how exciting this time in your life must be...moving on to your "new endeavor" and your next million deals! YAY for you! So exciting! And sorry I've been out of the loop with you guys until now....I have been meaning to write this to you for a while!
Current Journal on Dean's site: The Second Chapter: http://tinyurl.com/p986al3
First Journal on Dean's Site: From the Beginning: http://bit.ly/ocv10
Great to hear from you -and see your smiling face in that beautiful picture
and thanks for the well wishes. Yes, its VERY exciting and I cant wait to get out there! I know its hard to find enough time in everyday to do all we have to and then come on and keep up with everyone here....too bad we humans need sleep haha. I have bookmarked your journal and see there are 11 posts since I last read it!!! That will be my next stop
Have a great day!!!
my story:
I keep reading about your anticipated trip to Wisconsin and all the good times you and Rina are planning. Cooperating and partnering is so much more fun than going it alone. You can only share the true depth of satisfaction and success with someone who is there also. I will continue to track you two as things progress. What shall I do when you two appear on the Good Morning Show or some other talk show. Now that is getting nationally famous - like Dean.
Keep on Keeping On !!! Expect it, God has already given it to you. You just need to get out there and grab it!
If you want to follow my journal:
Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10
This real estate journey is like the most amazing dream - I keep pinching myself! And YOU my friend are one MY great inspirations....I mean that. You are doing incredible things under incredible circumstances and I love following your journal! The next best thing to having someone in your town to share with is this site - its hard to get better than this!
my story:
on my third income property today! Another long distance closing in Wisconsin....man I cant wait to get out there! This is a single family, already rented in the university section of town..instant cash flow...woohoo!!!!!..and soon Rina and I will be closing on our first true 'partner' deal out there....includes farm buildings we can lease out, land we can sell, and the house I'll be living in only a few miles away from her!!!!! I am so grateful for all the blessings in my life - and everyone here on DG is counted at the top of that list! If not for Dean, the support of all my friends on this site and the great success academy I would not be where I am in my life today....accomplishing things I never thought possible a few short years ago. Keep focused everyone - success is within everyones grasp!
my story:
How are you making out with your house sale Laura? DO you plan on moving if its not sold soon? I am glad to see your happy again my friend. Things happen for a reason in life and I am sure this is all part of the plan for you.
I will always remember the day we first met when we were looking at the house near the water, I have to confess I was nervous as hell going to meet you there for the first time lol,but in the end I had fun.
Please keep in touch and I will be following your progress with RINA and your move.
thats too funny! I was nervous to meet you too...and we end up partners in crime breaking and entering ha! As far as my Jersey house - lots of action, no offers. Alot of people coming through today actually, so I just popped on here before heading out for the day. I would love to stay and "sell" all the wonderful attributes about my house - but the agents dont like it! Pretty silly. But just thinking positive....as soon as I have a solid contract I'm outta here! The place in Wisc is empty and waiting for me
I read your post in Rinas journal about getting your wife on board - YAY!!!!! A team - awesome!! Imagine how much more you will be able to accomplish together - thats great Richie!
my story:
Yea B& E as they say lol. Yea I am hoping my wife will follow through with helping me, she would be a great addition because she is good on the phones and talking and finding out info. I am giving her info tonight to try and track down the person in control of the house i just got info on from the woman i work with. I found a doc with an attorneys name who did the estate transfer on it in 2000. maybe he will have something for us on it. If I read the title correctly it is a tax lien now.
I hope you sell soon so you can get on your way with your new start in WI. Well its got to be colder than here right now so a few wks wont hurt
good luck
Well, there has been alot of action in my house, but no offers yet. One couple who loves it and is planning on putting in an offer wanted to to come back through a second time...and of course it snowed over a foot last Saturday! And another foot due tonight (am I in Wisconsin yet haha). So we'll see. I have been busy reading the new book, watching Empowering Conversations, and going crazy staying idle while waiting to make my move. I finally decided I couldnt do that anymore and the last few days began actively seeking deals again. I actually may have found one here in Jersey - its going to auction but you can bid before. I will get in it on Thursday I hope. 2 houses on one property..just have to check out the rental possibilities because there are alot available in that town. Also, before deciding to go to Wisconsin I had been building a team in a college town in S.C. The realtor kept sending me listings and yesterday an awesome one popped up in my inbox and I thought - no reason I cant be investing in multiple areas, right? So I am putting in an offer on that, but have a few exit clauses while I have the major items inspected and speak to a local bank about cash out refi. I know buying off the MLS that can be a problem as far as appraisal goes. Well, thats about it for me. A moving truck is due here any moment to take my sons things out to him in Washington state. He finally got to move off base and the Air Force is coming to get his stuff. Sure wish it was coming to take me to Wisconsin!!!! Well, I'm rambling - the truck is here....but it feels so good to be working real estate in any form every day...I'm just so impatient to close another deal!! Its addicting and I need my fix
my story:
Hi Laura,
I am doing a quick "catch up" with some people on the site since I've been await from it for the past few months. Seems like you've had much happening (and it seems possibly both good and not so good) but this year seems like great things are in store! All my best on the sale of your home and your move to Wisconsin. I moved to the state three and a half years ago and my husband and I have really enjoyed being here. It's great to hear how you and Rina are partnering and I know that together you both will have tremendous success. What a great adventure you are on!
All the best,
Help feed the hungry - www.freerice.com
This is true for RE..."The best way to learn this business is to do this business." - John Addision, co-chief executive officer, Primerica
Aerialist's Journal - Because Life Is a Circus
I've been wondering where you've been! Hope all is well. I didnt realize you were in Wisconsin? Where abouts? Can you believe I didnt realize how you could 'bookmark' things until just a little while ago? It makes it so easy to keep up with people and their stories...so I am going to go find yours and do just that
Thanks for taking the time to catch up with mine....and yes, I've had good and bad come my way - but thats life, right? I've learned to look for the lessons and move forward - I am SO excited for 2010!!!
my story:
Today I went to look at the property I mentioned above with 2 homes on it...rental potential is really good. Got a notice in the mail that its going to auction on the 20th. Not sheriff sale - but real auction with auctioneer etc! The realtor was really experienced and we talked a long time. Man, my toes were frozen because they had been winterized...whew, talk about cold! And we had to trudge through drifts thigh deep to get in haha. Turns out you can make a pre-auction bid online, which I'm going to do....super low. You never know, right?
Lots of interest and action on my house here Jersey...the last few snow storms have slowed that up, and we have more due again monday too. I can tell you my house has never been so clean and organized. Actually - too organized. I'm a person of organized chaos, so now I cant find anything
Getting ready to complete paperwork to see if I can get a cash out refi done long distance in Wisconsin instead of waiting till i get out there. That would be cool.
Well, thats about it for today in Jersey.
TGIF for tomorrow!!!
my story:
keep on going Laura!! sounds like a possible deal in the works in the on line auction,like you said you never know.

hopefully you get the refi in WI before you get there, that will be a plus. some how i am starting to see a little Rina in you ,but in your own way
I know you will soon be full time in REI and enjoying life. I think you and Rina will have to invest in some horses for the farm so you have something to do with your spare time
Good luck my friend, I am pulling for ya.
Whats going on Laura. I have the priviledge of corresponding with you over the last few days and I must tell you I thank Dean everyday for having an interactive site like this where we can meet and communicate with like minded individuals. I think meeting you is definately a blessing straight from the Gods of REI (lol but seriously though).
I have read some of your recent post and its so ironic you mention the college town in SC. I was born in NY and everything but my family is originally from SC and I went to school down there. I know all about SC and was really waiting to build capital up here in NY so I could invest some Hard Cash in the South. I bet I probably know alot about the college town you are mentioning and probably know someone down there where you mention. Which town is it Orangeburg, Columbia, Clemson,Aiken, Charleston, etc....Im sure the town is one of these but I know even more. My aunt and uncle who raised me use to travel alot so I had the priviledge of going all over SC. My Aunt passed away but my uncle still lives down there. If you ever down there, say the word and you would be sure of a nice warm, comfortable, stay and a tasty meal like only the south can produce. Call it a bed and breakfast. LOL
WoW its a small world but the possibilities are endless............
Best Regards,
Shane Gore
"People Build People"
Richie you always make me smile
I love your vision - you'll have to come out and saddle up with us when that day happens!
Shane - it is a small world, isnt it! And I'm telling you honestly that if not for this site - I would have never made it in RE! The town I'm going to invest in in SC is Spartanburg...5 universities there. I lived down there for several years and it just popped into my head. I'm building a team right now - found a dynamo realtor and just spoke with a mgmt company today. They are going to send me info on the hottest areas for buying rental income props, and the areas to keep clear of! So I'm off to a good start. My realtor also gave me referrals for handymen, attorneys and banks. Since I love him so much I am going to trust the referrals as well. So I'm pretty excited about another door opening to a great area where I can buy low and generate cash flow!
And I think the three of us need to get together for a cup of coffee and talk real estate real soon!
my story:
Just a quick note to say "HI" and see how you're doing...
Any word on the sale of your house? I can't wait for you to get here!
Keep me posted K?
Life's a Dance you learn as you go...GET HAPPY FEET!
"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed no hope at all." ~Dale Carnegie
Laura, I truly enjoyed your Empowering conversations with Dean this month. Your strategies are very similar to what I’m in the process of trying. Thanks for sharing your story with us. It was truly inspiring.
Owen Properties, LLC
First - Rina told me you closed your deal!!! YAY!!!!
Its killing me waiting to get out there.....so many people through my house but no offers yet. Its a very unique house and will take a unique buyer....just need them sooner than later 
I am sooooo happy for you
We are going to have so many good times...cant wait!!!xoxoxoxox me
my story:
I knew you couldn't help but visit us in here!
i hope you had a WONDERFUL evening out, and I owe you a glorious night on the town when you get here!!! Love you, sister!!!!
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249
Thank you Rina
I cant wait to celebrate with you in Wisconsin!!!
I did have a nice night with the girls, but of course the minute I'm home my head is in real estate!!!
I am going to send an email to my insurance co. about the property for closing next week.....get ready to answer the standard questions for me
Love you tons my friend and partner and mentor!
my story: