Dean called me! . . . Dean called me! . . .Dean called me! . . .

DG Family, It's been way too long since I made a post. It's been a busy year, and I have much exciting to report!
I joined the Success Academy in June 2009. Determined to close my 5 deals and get my tuition back. Guess what? I did it.
Guess what? I got 100% of my tuition back. And Guess What????
Dean called me personally to say congratulations!!!!!!!
I'm not kidding. He was so wonderful to take the time to talk to me. And he is as kind and genuine as you would think. THANK YOU DEAN!
Further, I have just enrolled in Dean's Insider Edge training coming to Seattle next week. And I'm studying Profit Strategies from Tax Liens, also under Dean's mighty umbrella.
I'm taking it to the next level!

No money or credit really works!!

Some people on here know where i started from, so those who dont and feel they cant do this, I will tell you I did it from nothing.
I dont like to post my personal business, but i see too many people saying that they cant do this because of.........
When I bought Deans BARM kit I was kneee high in debt and worrying on what was coming next for me and how i was going to put food on the table for my kids. I was never lazy and worked long hrs and very hard.
My wife got sick, gave up working and then went into depression and spent all our money. CC maxed out mortgage fell behind and so on. I cant tell you how much money I lost but it was thousands.

Closing my first 3 deals today...WAHOO!

I feel like screaming from the rooftopts. I'M CLOSING MY FIRST 3 DEALS TODAY! There are 2 duplexes and 1 sfr. I am using Private money to buy them rehab the duplexes and have a bank lined up to do the refinance. I'm cashing out some equity and will walk away with about $45k and $1,000 monthly in positive cash flow when all is said and done!

I wanted to post it on here because unfortunately, there are some negative people in my life and I can't tell them about this because they don't believe I can do it. Fortunately, my husband is my business partner and he's wonderful! We are so excited for this huge step. It is the first of MANY MANY deals we will do!

Thank you Dean and DG family! Your help and motivation has truly been a blessing to us!

Tiare and Spencer


OK Guys I am going to call it like I see it. Dean Gives you all the tools you need to succeed. You cannot change the curves life give you. But you can change what you do. It so easy to blame what life has throw in front of you. My spouse is sick, I have no money. My credit is shot. Been their done that. Been on the top and I have seen the bottom. The only thing I could change was my self. and If I really loved the people around me and take care of what cards were dealt me I had to take action, and be responsible for my action. If you want to whine and cry please don't PM me. I only want positive people in my life. If you want to succeed I am more than willing to help. If this post hurts your feelings I am truly sorry, But I think its time you take a look in the mirror.

Stories of Success Contest!

Don't miss your chance to win a dream vacation and a chance to partner with Dean on your next real estate deal!

50 States put moratorium on Foreclosures. Now what?

Sure would love to hear what Dean has to say about this latest challenge in buying foreclosures! Maybe since everyone has been on a news diet they haven't heard yet? There are other guys trying to get me to buy there advice on what to do now. Tell us great leader, How will this effect what we have been doing or learning?

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