Hello Everyone,
This is another great idea from the E.D.G.E 2009 Conference. At the end of the conference we were asked to choose an :investing buddy"
The role of this person is to help keep each other accountable. Its a way for us to have that One-On-One support when we need it.
Lets use Rina and I as an example. We call and text each other on a regular and at times, daily, basis. We discuss REI, personal stuff, ups and downs and so much more. WOW!!!..... isnt that a great thing to have...a person you really can communicate with and also have the same person be your support base in your REI career!
Now for the sake of growing and improving I am suggeesting that WE all select our "Real Estate Investing Buddy"
I partnered with Brenda, Victorville, CA and Lloyd, Louisiana while at the conference. So from now on we will be each others guidance, mentors, supporters and al around NEW friends.
Remember....surround yourself with like minded people and you will have NO CHOICE but to SUCCEED!
So lets start here and tell us who your investing buddy is or better yet post it here that you need or are looking for one.
This community is the best I have ever encountered and all I can say is that if I were looking for great support for me in my REI career, what a better place to start then
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
Hi Mark
I know the ATL area well I used to live in Stone Mountain right off of
Redan. Listen, I am not looking to buy in that area myself but my I pass your contact info on to a friend of mine. He lives in ATL and he has other investments, one of which is a semi-pro womens football team. But I think with your experience you two may be a fit.
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
Hi everybody,
Highly motivated and new to REI. Have been reading a ton of material; books, websites (this one in particular), etc and my head is swimming. I joined the Academy a month ago and am progressing, but not at the pace I'd like; mostly in the "setup" stages, which is pretty frustrating. I'd like to buddy up with someone who has actually done some deals (I know, don't we all, sorry). If I could just get thru that first deal, I'm sure I would take off.
I'm in New Mexico and oddly enough, I haven't seen/heard anybody post from here. Going to my first REI MeetUp Meeting next week.
Tech savvy, lots of energy, quick to pick concepts up, logical thinker (maybe that's my problem!!). ANY TAKERS!! Send me a PM, thanks in advance!!
Without a vision the people parish. Prov 29:18
I have been looking for people to partner up in NY. Have been difficult. Are you game? I am in Brooklyn.
I know PA market somewhat ok. If you are still looking for a buddy, send me PM
My Buddies are SanBern, BostonDolphan and pretty much anyone else who PMs me LOL
If anyone is interested in partnering up with a stand-up comic turned RE Investor from Brooklyn NY -- I am here!
I do agree a sponsor will only help our cause...Buying propertys,this all comes back to goal sheet as REI!
not DG/only 2for1
P.S. That could be something DG might say...okrand!
I am feeling overwhelmed I need some help..well alot of help!
If you still need help figuring it out, PM me and we can work on it together. I have a lot of free time now being unemployed and all LOL
Thanks for your kind words and referral. I will look forward to hearing from your friend here in Atlanta. I think there may be a fit here in several capacities. My recruiting business for one and the real estate for sure.
BTW - one of my rentals is in Hidden Hills subdivision over off of South Hairiston in Stone Mountain.
It appears that you are a mover and a shaker... is that accurate... LOL!!!
Thanks for your help and time.
Warm regards,
Savannah Rose LLC Property Management & Investments
PS I have family in AZ... Paradise Valley, Phoenix and Tempe
Anita thank you for posting this. What a great site for information! Haven't done any deals yet but am striving and stretching myself. Having a buddy would really help me keep focused. I feel like this is the best site ever! Does anyone want to be my buddy?
I am in Oregon.... PM me.
BTW have to comment on your website it looks awesome!
Hello everyone,
I'm a newbie to REI and I would greatly appreciate a buddy to show and guide me along the way. I've looked around this site and found a couple of people's post like ANITA, RINA, and CBRPOWER very helpful.
I'm still reading the book and I know that I have a great deal to learn. I have yet to try the success academy since money is tight right now. Anyone who's willing to spend some time with me and share their knowledge about REI would be helpful. Plus, I need someone to motivate me along the way since right now there's not a lot of people that share the same enthusiasm as me all because of our economy. But I'm following Dean's advice and I've been successful at blocking all the negative news and people from ruining my dream of becoming a successful RE investor.
I believe that having a buddy in REI is just like having a gym partner. They are the ones that motivate you and persuade you to get off your butt and go work out. Having a partner will definitely keep me on my toes and allow me to take action.
So if anyone out there is interested, please let me know. I live in Southern California if that matters.
Thanks and I look forward to meeting some new people.
Take action and Just Do it!
Hello DG Family,
I am new to REI and I think the buddy idea is cool, especially for newcomers like me. I want to say thank you to all of you for the knowledge that comes out of these forums. I learn something everytime I am here. I wish I knew about this years ago,I really do feel like I am surrounded by family. I am truly amazed what I got for taking a chance buying a book from "that INFOMERCIAL GUY." Im in So Cal and looking for a bud too.
I just wanted to say thank you to all that hav responded to this post. If you are looking for a buddy, please read thr this forum and FIND one. PM each other and get the ball rolling.
You guys are Awesome!
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
Welcome to the DG Family! What part of So CA are you from? We are in the Inland Empire Area. There are a few of us that are within 2 hours of each other. If you are close we could meet up at an REI meeting!
Dom and Kim
Hey Kim & Dom, Let me know when all of you go to an REI meeting and I'll see if I can make it up your way.
Jason S.
San Diego, CA.
**All CASH House Buyer!**
Refer Us To Neighbors, Friends & Family, Earn $1,000
LIKE my FB page
Hey BC my name is Charlie I just finished the book and could use a buddy I'm beginning The Success Academy and am a little apprehensive I live out in Suffolk County in Holbrook I could use some pointers on afew things I won't get into right now PM me back and we'll talk
THX Charlie
We definitely will! There is one in Rancho Cucamonga on the third Thursday of each month. I'll PM you more info! It would be great to see you!
See how important your RE buddy is... if I wasn't talking to my RE buddy on a regular basis, I would have missed, yet another, great post from Anita! Thanks Jason for letting me know about the post.
Yes, I have a couple of RE buddies and let me tell you they are the best. When I am feeling blue or need another brain to figure out an RE strategy, Jason, Dom & Kim are ALWAYS there for me! Thanks you guys! You're the best!
I believe the investment buddy idea suggested at the Edge conference was another great idea (actually, one of a million great ideas I learned at the Edge Conference). I enjoy reading, offering and getting investing advice. Whenever, I want to get more motivated I always come to the DG site to hear what all the DG investors (buddies) are doing. Keep the good news flowing and we are all in this together.....destination Financial Freedom! Believe and Achieve
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
Hey guys, this is just a thought bt along the lines of finding an ivestment buddy, try and find those that compliement you and what you have to offer.
(1)If you have good credit but no REI knowledge then find some else that does or
(2)If you have a buyers list and good listings find someone that has a great sellers list and let great minds thin alike.
(3) If you need a REI realtor or broker then find a partner thats a realtor (I think I will take
OK I think you get the idea. Use this as an opportunity to GROW. More than one partner is good too, its goes back to BARM and building our TEAM!
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
i would prefer an investment buddy here in utah so we can get together live too on occasion. i am so new that i havent even really begun yet. i have reals almost all of buying realistate in todays market and will be reading how to be a realistate millionare as soon as i finish the one i am reading. i am so ancious to get started and would like a mentor who is a bit more ok maby a lot more experienced who is willing to devote some of their valuable time to helping me learn the ropes here in utah. i live in layton and have been scouting in both layton and ogden. i work in west valley and my dad lives in murry so i am sorta but not a bunch familure with those areas. i want to invest locally. i want to do the assignment or finders fee type of investing to start with because to say i NEED the cash now is a temendous understatement. i know i am drownding and i NEED to make some money and it needs to be faster than now if that is possible. i am a creative outside of the box thinker already and i am highly motivated. so i would be a good buddy to have once i grasp everything. i am ready to jump both feet no looking and i know the water will be there so i dont splat on impact. incredo ve da! by believing one sees! ok so i BELIEVE! i await your responce... oh yeah i have only library access to a computer at the moment so it may be better to connect by phome. not sure how this whole site works for me to get my phone # to someone so please advise. thank you in advance
your firend Misty Bowers
i'm newbie, looking for a buddy in alabama area
I think that having investment buddies is a great idea. It will help me keep my priorities in line. If there is anyone out there who is also looking for a buddy, feel free to PM. I am looking forward to finding a buddy.
To my new DG family. I'm a NEWBIE almost finished the book and excited about getting started and changing my financial situation. Eager to take the steps to get started. I'm in NYC.
I will be looking for a Realtor and following the steps outlined in the book to get ahead. So if anyone is interested PM me. Reading all the messages just let me know I'm not alone and will get that needed support.
I think this is an excellent idea to help everyone out. I've read both books and the possibilities are there, BUT... I'm in desparate need of some support from a buddy here in my area or elsewhere. I have some (well many LOL) questions. I'm looking to do something FAST, FAST, FAST as I'm like some here are in desperate need of cash. So right now assignments or a finders fee is right up my alley.
Please PM me.
Becaise I am in Lancaster, not too far and also because your post just crack me you pm for my info
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
I'm half way through the new book...I found this topic interesting seeing as how I have a friend who said he wanted to "partner" with me. He's a good friend and all but I think he wants to share in the potential profits seeing as how he has a real estate agent friend that he would like to include who may be beneficial...I thought this topic was about that "partnering in the business" but this is more of a support partnership by the looks of it...Ok, I'm game...If you're in L.A. (particularly the San Fernando Valley) hit me up.
Needs some serious motivation...Should i contact agents with short sales or the sellers themselves, Have the address but only agent's number.
Anita, Thanks for the input. New REI like me need that as an encouragement factor. I live in a good location and I know the prevailing FMV in the neighborhood. There are at least 7 here in my area. No need for me to drive around. I reproduced all the necessary forms needed already.
Anita, you have everyone jumped on board. You take the lead and we will follow. I'm just truly blessed to have you not only as a REI buddy, but you are like an angel from God. You have overcome every obsticals that has come your way and i'm so proud of you and for all your accomplishments.
I'm very glad that i was able to make it to the "Gain the Edge" conference and had the opportunity to interact with you and many others who attended this exciting and educational event. My friends Rina, Elena, Laura, Brenda, Walter and so many others. So, prop goes out to you Anita for creating this thread. I think this is a great idea to hold each of us accountable for any progress we make in our REI. Everyone feel free to PM anyone that you may think could help you on your investing regardless of where they live. Although i think that helps, but i like to expand my real estate investing in other areas such as Utah, California and Phoenix.
Thank you my friend. Accountability is priceless in this field. Hey I just put in offers on 37 properties, 14 of which were 2-16 unit multi family prop. I will let you know what I get accepted, most were 40% BELOW asking/FMV
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny