Message from Dean: As promised, here is wave one of my "Blitzkrieg!"
A gift for you and a reminder of the call you can
take part in this Thursday.
If you remember, last week I told you I was going to
launch information that will leave my critics in awe,
but most importantly, it will financially improve the
lifestyles for you, my reader and subscriber.
In this email, you have a link to grab a very special
newsletter I put together for you.
This newsletter is NOT being sent to everyone, you
have to go to the link to get it.
Why? Because I only want my readers who are serious
about making money with real estate to have it!
Here is the link to grab your copy:
Second, I'm holding an EXCLUSIVE training call this
Thursday and if you miss the call, you're gonna
be kicking yourself when everyone else on the DG
forum is talking about it on Friday.
My special guest will be JEFF JENSEN, one of THE
TOP TRAINERS from my Real Estate Success Academy.
So here's what you need to do now.
First - go to this link now if you want to sign
up for this call. Only a limited number of people
are going to be able to participate, so you snooze,
you lose!
The call is Thursday, June 18th, at 9:00pm EST (6pm PST).
Click Here to register for the call now!
(Or copy and paste the link below into your browser
address bar.)
The call in number is 507-726-3300 and the passcode
is 88171. An alternate call in number is 712-338-8100
with the passcode 88171.
Talk Soon,
Dean Graziosi
Real Estate Expert
P.S. This is just the beginning. Wait until you see what I do to finish off this Success Blitzkrieg - DON'T YOU DARE MISS
P.P.S. Don't forget to grab your copy of the newsletter.
Thanks so much for posting the newsletter link information. There were several people that wanted a copy and did not know where to get it from. We appreciate your swift action in getting the information listed on the DG website. Thanks again and have a great day. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
Dean, this is really awesome stuff you are doing for us, thanks so much.
I can't wait until we get deeper in to the Dean Graziosi Blitzkrieg.
Can't wait, Thanks for doing what you do.
I'm doing my home work, hope everyone else is!
Todd H. Brown
Cajun Investments LLC.
Bless you Dean,the email was TOTALLY BLITZKRIEG. Am I glad I picked a great time to finaly send for your books. All this is almost unbelieveable....the information,the web site,and the help from not only you, but from everybody helping everybody. I can't help but feel great things are about to happen and this is only the beginning! Thankyou again. Silverhound.
Silverhound(WHAT BOX?)
Dean is really Fired UP! That's great! He is right, this will really inspire us to do great things.
I can't wait.
This was awesome !!
Hopefully someday I will be up there with you and the rest of us in our team.
I am fired up and ready to finally move forward!!!
Dean You are amazing and a great person thank you so much for what you have done for all of us.
The Area of Real Estate that REALLY Excites Me The Most Is…
I am mainly interested in the technique in Deans new book like purchasing properties and reselling them in a 30 day period with out spending a penny of my own money.
I Find This Area of Real Estate Exciting Because…
I find this part Real Estate exciting because I get to help people and make money. I mainly want pursue pre foreclosures and FSBO that way I am really helping people that need it
My Real Estate Investing Dream Is To Accomplish…
my dream of giving my family the life they never had and helping people in need. Thats the one thing that keeps me going. I try everyday to give my family what we need. And Real Estate Investing is my key to Accomplishing my goals to give them what we need with out struggling every single day and worrying about tommorrow.
I Want To Accomplish It Within This Time Period
2 months. In two months I want to have had made enough money to pay off my car which is not much just 8,000.
This way it will give me more money to give my family what we need and even what we want. In one year I want to have atleast half a million in my banking account. I will also be able to donate to charities with out being completely broke or help people in need With this amount of money.
I posted this to inspire people to actually fill this out and not be shy about what they want in life. Nothing is to far out of reach if you really desire it. My gaols for a years time might be a little outragous for some, but for me I am positive I can make this happen. Please take the steps Dean tells you to, that way you can start successing just as I want to.....
you never know until you find out...
I just finished reading the newsletter and I am really glad to have someone like Dean as a mentor. You are truly one-of-a-kind. It's nice to see so many people giving back through charities like Mr. Branson's. You guys looked like you had a blast and I hope to one day join you in success.
Thanks again for all you do.
Rick Merritt
Trident Realty, LLC
Weak is he who permits his thoughts to control his actions; Strong is he who forces his actions to control his thoughts. --Og Mandino
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Thank you so much, Dean. I just read the newsletter on my commuter train ride to work and it was a wonderful way to begin my day. It's positive and uplifting. I am very much looking forward to the call this evening and sharing in this experience. I've had to "go away" from this for awhile so this is all a great way to bring me back and begin again on my real estate path.
I so appreciate what you do for us and what you've created here. Your sincerity shines through. You work does help people.
Nancy D.
Help feed the hungry -
This is true for RE..."The best way to learn this business is to do this business." - John Addision, co-chief executive officer, Primerica
Aerialist's Journal - Because Life Is a Circus
Thanks for posting your newsletter. It was full of real life moments and
spoken from the heart. We can all learn from what you said and apply
directly to our own lives.
Well I am pumped up and ready to see what comes next. I will do my homework
and be ready for the next big wave of the DG BLITZKRIEG!
Thanks for all you do Dean.
I ordered the books and I am starting the success acadamy courses (first live class is Tues.) and I confirmed I was a book owner. I thought I was on a mailing list from that.
I can follow the link here and my info lets me DL the pdf file so I can read it... but why didn't I get the email?
yes, I checked my "junk mail" folder.
Can I just say again how great this website is and the forum!!! I appreciate all the insightful advice I've received, I've so encouraged to continue on my fight for financial freedom.
Reading the newsletter is exactly what I needed to do today....I was ready to give up on my dreams not too long ago, I felt like everything was just going to continue to go down and I had no way out. I even felt like maybe I would never get into real estate investing with everything that is going on with me right now.
Then I read this newsletter and it gave me the strength to keep going and never give up. Dean has helped me to see that even though things are bad now it will not continue, I am the only obstacle that I need to conquer!!!!
I will continue to PUSH
Thank you Dean for all you do to keep your students encouraged and motivated.
thanks for creating all that u have !!this site,books,the charities u support.i have in the past read many self help books,tapes,cds,took courses,bought games,studied,talked about and took some action BUT ......YOUR SYSTEM,BOOKS,PEOPLE ,SUCCESS ACADEMY,SPIRIT,ENERGY,AND I COULD GO ON AND ON .... have never made me want to succeed as much as i do now !! hopefully one day i will meet you in person to thank you and see first hand the great person that you are.i believe you have found or i need to say created this site to have people helping people with your guidance which is exactly the "master mind " in which a few very successful people have mastered!! and YOU are one of them. thanks again and i hope to learn and work together from here on out.
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Just today I wrote in my journal how depressing a day I was having...
WELL NOT ANYMORE!!! This is the kick in the butt I needed! I can't believe how motivated I am right now!!!! You're Godlike!
You are truly inspiring Dean, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!
Nice pics too, really enjoyed the hairdoo in the first one!
Life's a Dance you learn as you go...GET HAPPY FEET!
"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed no hope at all." ~Dale Carnegie
I just read the newsletter, awesome!!! I can't wait to see what is comming up in the next few weeks!!!
What doesn't kill me,,makes me stronger!
This newsletter came at just the right time for me. I loved his honesty about his mistakes and overcoming obstacles. Every great man or woman has to start somewhere. Sometimes we forget that. Thanks for reminding us that you are the real deal.
thanks for posting the newsletter for dean !! after reading many posts it sounds like you do a terrific job!!you must feel great to be on such an awesome team, as they do, i am sure to have you on theirs!!just got off deans live call sure do appreciate what you and the rest of team do to make sure we become real estate millionaires !!
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I have been on this website a few times and I am usually a silent observer of what is going on. This is actually my first post. I just wanted to say that I have never heard that acronym for PUSH P-persevere U-until S-something H- happens. It is amazing how one little saying or encouraging thing from others can put things in perspective for someone else. Thanks for the encouragement. I will have to write that down and put it next to my goals!
Wow metals at 57 points! Any way Im going to try to post info too!
~ Grace (If Donald Trump can do it YOU BETTER BELIEVE I CAN!!) btw I drew my display pic
Well I do not really believe that a sleeping giant was awaken, because the giant was always awake. The problem here is that someone stepped on the giant's corn and heard his roar. The road to success could not have been explained any simpler. The points also are not new to us either. What is evident and must be done is having a plan of action. With everything in life, action is key. In action comes progress, that is leaving off those things that are behind and pressing or pushing forward to what is ahead. Will we take action? Only time will tell. We need to think positive, act, and let things happen. Dean our captain who is at the helm will guide give us along. Good Luck and Happy sailing to all.
"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.