are u afraid to make that call to a for sale by owner ?
are u not sure what to do tomorrow morning ??
did u read deans books and still dont know what to do ??
do u think real estate cant be done by you !!
you can do it !!!! THE FIRST STEP is believing you can in your own mind!!
lets do an action plan for RIGHT NOW !!
get up right now and get in your car,drive your town and FIND a for sale by owner!! write down the # and the address on all that you find.come back on this site and post how many you found and CALL THAT OWNER TODAY !!! just say hi mr jones i am calling about your house for sale,can i ask you what you are asking for it?then go on to say it looks great ,could you tell me how many bedrooms it has and bathrooms? next does it have any acres included ? get as much info as possible
why r u selling will tell u how motivated they r.DO IT NOW and come back to this post and tell us how u did !! cant wait to hear your story fight your fear and do it !!!!
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if u need help in what to say or r afraid of not saying the right thing to a for sale by owner pm me and we will walk through a mock call and practice it until u can excell at it before u make the REAL ONE !!!
no excusses do it now .
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Your willingness to put yourself out there for the benefit of others is great!
I, myself, remind myself that fear is a part of the process.
Instead of pretending it's not there, I try and understand what my fear is telling me.
And then I make plans to counteract whatever it is I feel might be the cause of fear.
It's all about taking steps, despite the fear -- the first step, and continual baby steps afterwards...
Your friend,
thanks for stopping by this post and reminding us that YES fear is a big part of the process.pretend or not we know it is there in our face.when we learn to overcome fear and control it ,then we learn to take things to the next level.
i know there r many out there that has the fear of calling that homeowner and it would be great to see someone overcome this as really it is nothing more than taking action on their part.picking up the phone and communicating.i myself was fearful of doing this and after i practiced it with guidance,it became second nature and now i look forward to talking to sellers and finding their MAGIC BUTTONS !!
shine congratulations on finding what it takes to overcome YOUR FEARS and the courage to take the steps and learn how to put fear behind you!!
IF YOU WANT TO PUT THE FEAR OF CALLING UP A SELLER BEHIND YOU .........PM ME NOW and i will schedule a phone call with you to practice a mock call.
take action today !!!
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Hey Jay,i know that you have a busy life between your job and your family! I just wanted to say thanks, that you would put yourself out there to help other DGers conquer there fear, thats awesome! Have a HAPPY 4th, mike in ct..
anything to help out a fellow dger!! i just know the fear of something as simple as THE CALL and i also know the extreme self gratification of conquering the fear of that some even many this is so small a thing but i know for me when i first started it was HUGE!! i want any one who has this fear to experience the power of overcoming this and starting their new real estate career.when they finally decide to take this step it is the beginning of many more obstacles they can overcome!!
thanks mike for contributing to this post and you have a happy 4th too!!
mine is awesome so far and will only get better when i see someone who has the call fear BUST THROUGH !!
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Just stopped in to say HI and keep the deals going. Hope you are having a good 4th.
Keep up the encouragement for others.
I remember when we first started Dan and I would sit and banter back and forth about who was going to make the call. "I'm not going to, you do it"
So I am with Jay....JUST DO IT!!
"Don't tell me I can't, Tell me how I can."
You motivated me sooooo much that the deal we are working on, I told the seller that you want to pay all the closing costs for us and him to!!!!!!
Have a great 4th BUDDY!! I'm switching to an all BEER day today. Stepping outside the box......Jan
Great advice Jay! You gotta try to succeed, if you don't take action you will always be in the same place you are. Jan, I sent you and email on a better offer to the seller for the 3 family for Jay, you, and I. No wine for you today? That's a shocker, I'm sure you will sneak one in with all that beer by the end of the day.
This train, Dreams will not be thwarted
This train, Faith will be rewarded
Big wheel roll through fields where sunlight streams
Meet me in the Land Of Hope And Dreams
Bruce Springsteen
thanks for stopping in randy!! am on a couple FREE days and LOVING IT!! been on for awhile and i miss it .currently at the mall just down from the campground i am at for the weekend sitting in the eatery online.hope u have a great weekend too!! take a break today randy YOU DESERVE IT!!!
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yeah i am sure there r many who r afraid and i am still waiting to get a pm from someone but alot of people may be gone for the weekend .any way when they get home they need to DO IT !! your right!!
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herkimer hounddog:hey jan i dont think you should be making the CALL after a bottle of merlot!!! although i would pay them costs if it meant i would recieve my $ back 100% profit the first mnth!! have a great 4th to u too pal!! keep in touch on the deal !! ps i just recieved a call on one of the utica fsbo that we called on last week will fill u in when i talk to ya!
jeremy: you are a prime example for overcoming fear as young as u r and stepping out to hook up with your crazy[ but great] partner jan,you faced fear head on and anyone looking on can see the results you guys have attained!!
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Great work Jay, you are a great guy and I WOULD HOPE someone who is afraid to make that leap and will take you up on your offer.
Jan and Jeremy, You guys are awsome together but I am glad Jeremy didnt give you a sychiatric test or you would never have been partners lol.
keep up the good work guys.
I do love your intesity Jan
I am so laid back, calm,easy going.....NOT
When Terese told me last night to give her the car keys and she will drive home....Well lets just say I gave her NO crap at all about her driving.
Must admit, everything is a little fuzzy today!!! Can't imagine why!
My answer is No. My problem is, I want to wholesale some properties to buyers. But have not had any luck posting ads on CL. Just trying to build capital and have more buyers so that I will not be stuck with properties and tips?
Great post my friend! I remember well sitting and staring at the phone paralyzed with fear to make the call on my first FSBO. Then a coach reminded me we are all just people - they have something to sell and I may be the solution. Duh! That simple thought opened everything up and that turned out to become my very first successful real estate deal! I do admit I still have a bit of fear in this aspect - just not wanting to sound like I dont know what I'm doing......but each time gets easier. So anyone in that position - take Jay up on his offer...doing a mock call is an awesome idea!
my story:
Your so rite.
Hey Jay, I really like your call to action.
Guys did you ever make a prank call when you
Were a kid lol. Just do it.
Think positive and make offers.
OK ! Walked around my neighbor hood this past weekend Found a few FSBOs.. Call the first one on my list " no answer left msg "
Second one was disconnected I thought I wrote down the wrong number. just got back and its the right number . I might want to research this one they might be scrapped for cash.
The third one was the one to make me crawl back into my shell. I asked how much he was looking to get out of the property. He told me 225000.00. Pricey for this neighbor hood. asked how many bedrooms its a 3 bdr 1.5 bath on .18 acre. I asked if there was a time today I could look at it. This is where I dont think he wants to sell. I think he dropped the f bomb about 17 times. after I asked to view the home.
Now what? just move on or? call his wife and tell her about his bad behavior?
I am saying move on !
When Life comes down to push and shove.. Its time for a 1 Ton truck.
- The Belt Group -
richie:thanks pal,you r an awesome guy also!! i hope someone will step out of their comfort zone and take some action cause u r not gonna tell me there is NO ONE that is afraid to make that call. just think of how you would feel when you mastered making these calls and all it is or takes is to DO IT!! A FEW TIMES AND YOUR CONFIDENCE LEVEL SKYROCKETS!! not only on the calls but on other areas as well at least in my case. great job on taking action yourself richie you also are an example of someone who stepped out of your comfort zone and just look what amazing things you have accomplished due to you taking control of fear !!! you deserve it man !!!
jan: boy terese treats u good....u better take care of her cause she will be the judge of u in the nursing home at some point.i know i know u dont care as long as u own it right??
rerookie: sounds like u have a plan!!! great have u contacted carol stinson yet and utilized her national buyers list??? keep up your hard work pal !!
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yes u r def right as re rookie says..i like what the coaches said and for sure WE AS INVESTORS R THE SOLUTION to their problem!! we can make win win situations as long as we ask the right questions on the phone.we have to listen to what the sellers have to say after we ask the questions.they WILL tell you their life story and what THEY NEED if u have the patience to can find out WHY they r selling and WHEN they need to sell and do they have OTHER properties ,maybe they lost their job or divorced or had an unfortunate accident ,or death in the family and YOU can help them in this situation!!
as u stated laura when u took that step past fear and made that call u ended up steaming past your first deal!!!!! how cooool. AND it was the start of MANY exciting deals for you not to mention starting a whole new real estate career and path for you!!! now look at you!!!!!congratulations laura ,keep up the great work!!
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I guess this is a sign for me not to ask anymore questions on this site anymore,because for one reason, I cant get a response from the message I have already sent.I usaully dont ask questions unless I really need to,and will try to figure it out until I get it.I will get it believe me.Some people try to make like they are sincerely out to help,but in essence they are not.Like when you send a message, and you know for sure that the person is online,but then they act like they dont see your message.I guess they have a right to respond to what they want to respond to.But dont say that a person can send u a message then you see it and dont respond.We all know who is online and who is offline.But congrat to those of you whom have gotten a question or more answered.I dont want to seem defensive,but I like to deal with truth and honesty.I am just trying to make my first deal, I have bought alot of books and kits, and business information,but truly believe that DG is the truth,and I am trying to grasp hold of his concepts the best that I can.I have no money,and I have no credit.Everybody have a wonderful and a blessed day.I dont believe in hype, I believe in reality in real life.thnx
Nathan L Howard
NO your sign is DONT GIVE UP NOW !! you are on the right site to get every bit of info you are looking for.what reference r u talking about that u didnt get a response? some people have to get off their computer sometimes and cannot log off so they MAY be gone but comp still online.thats just my take on it and my own experience .as for me i have a wireless connection and can only get on e few minutes each day as i work 60-80 hrs per week out of town.i get on here to learn and study EVERY minute i can .sometimes actually alot of times i lose connection from poor service and it LOOKS like i am online when i am not.i am not sure who or what u r talking about truth and honesty??
we all want to deal with these qualities.i just recieved a pm from u when i got online and responded to u right back even before i came to this post.we r all here to listen and help as many dgers as we can with the limited time we have but some get many of the same questions and have not read deans books or studied the posts on here.
you say u made the calls but dont know where to go from here? like i said in the pm read and read some your buyers list try to focus on 1 area such as maybe the lease option.this is an area where u dont need any credit or money. study greg murphys lease option strategy.also assignment is a great strategy for u to learn with no money or credit.reread deans books.
natan if u need to verbaly talk and ask any question pm me again to request my phone # and i will help u any way i can. but dont give up !!you can do it!!
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yes its as easy as that!!although i never did a prank calland gave my actually u can call the fsbo and say u r calling for another investor or a family frien so u wont feel obligated to buy on the phone!!this is not far from the truth cause u may assign it or pass it off to another investor or family can use the " my friend needs to know these answers before he is willing to narrow down the list of properties he wants to see." how many bedrooms,how big is the yard,garage,pool? how much land? taxes per yr,insurance per yr, water bill? sewer bill? things of that nature.
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i agree with what Jay said. i stay logged in all day on this website, but i can't be on it all the time. are you keeping a journal? that is one of the best ways to get help and to keep YOU accountable. i get a lot of PM's myself asking for my help. it may take me a day or two to answer because i want to think about how i'm going to answer that person. in fact, i'm doing that right now because i need to get back to a DG friend asking for help, but i have to think on it first. we're all here to help and sometimes it just takes a little time. posting in other journals, keeping one yourself and reading all the information in the books and journals, forums, etc., will help you a lot. hang in there!
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
Fear equals:
Jay/Linda you 2 are true persons of your word. Thank you for being who are are on this sight and stepping up being welling to serve and help others. That is what it is about going before and not mind shining the light to help others.
Nathan I'm telling you some on this site are true and real and so are just busy with life on top of everything else. Don't give up on the fam. Don't forget build the relationship.
Erika, REI
Brownstone Investment Group
Job 22:21 Submit to God, and you will have peace; then things will go well for you.
Job 22:28 You will succeed in whatever you choose to do, and light will shine on the road ahead of you.
Deut 28:8 The Lord will guarantee a blessing on everything yo do and will fill your storehouses with grain. The Lord you God will bless you in the land he is giving you.
great advice!! yes i hear u when someone asks for advice u want to give them the best possible so u/we may have to research something asked .i had that happen not long ago and had to go back and refresh my notes and memory,but learned something in the process!!
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thanks,you said it !!there are some great people on here that will go out of their way to help you fact there are ALOT on here that have helped more than words can say !!!this is ONE AWESOME SITE !! we r all here to give give give.then watch what happens!!!!!!!!!!! no nate dont give up .stay on this site ,learn all u can and help others along the way.sometimes only something simple learned and then posting about it will make a huge impact on someone just getting started and that may be the difference between them quiting or succeeding AND helping many others succeed !!!!
thanks again erika !!
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FSBO;write number down,get home,call it ask them hows thing are going? and ask about the property that they have for sale,how many bed rooms ,bath rms ,anything pertent to the property and what is it that they are asking for it.{during the conversation see if you find out why they are selling?} you guys kill me i cant figuer my self out,why i seem not to be able to make this call ,reading the forms all the time i see where people get good and for real help, from others, this getts me ,i can do this i know i can....I KNOW I HAD LITTLE TO DO WITH ME, BUT YOU PUT THE SHAME ON ME...THIS I CAN DO...I KNOW IT...tHANKS TO ALL ON THIS SITE IM NEEDEN A KICK IN TH.....FORWARD I MUST GO..JJAY
John W McCarty {Jay}
you got it bud!! keep makin those calls one after another and your confidence will skyrocket!! as a post from focus states "u have to have an UNBREAKABLE MINDSET!!! DONT STOP CALLING AND OVERCOME THAT FEAR!!DO IT and it will become second nature for you.
let me know how u make out!!
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