I just want everyone to know that when you ask for my advice I am going to tell you like it is. The sugar coating is all worn off. Dean does not pay me to post on dg.com. I do it to help people. I am going to tell you what you need to hear. Some people will be offended and I am ok with that because I am saying it with love
Listen up people. The world is a tough place. The world wants to destroy you. In order to win, you have to have guts. You have to have the mindset that you CAN NOT BE DENIED.
When you ask me for help I am going to be a drill sergant. I am going to toughen you up. Thank God my Dad taught me how to be tough. There was no "easy going". It was "get tough" or go put a dress on. He knocked me down and made me get back up. Guess what, Dean has the same mindset. Once you get to know Dean you will find out he always gets back up, no matter what.
Don't be denied.
You've got to find your obstacles and call them out! Unsheath the sword, and do battle with whatever it is that holds you back!
well said !! that is what makes you a great motivator and mentor .You have the experience now to teach others what you have learned from dean and being straight forward with everyone is admirable and what we want from you !!!
this is the ONLY way to learn how and what to do to be a success.any thing sugercoated would be a waste of advice.Thank you matt for all your advice and being who you are !! i admire what you have become and the sharing of your knowledge !!
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Tough girls wear dresses too!
Cathy B
Follow my progress at:
You're totally correct, Matt; it's a mean world out there and the only real
way to survive and thrive is to know what it takes to be not only a survivor
but to be determined to not let the punches wear you down.
Nothing is easy but there are things that can be done to make living and
surviving -- having the guts to do what others say is a waste of time will
be to help yourself to a better life by doing whatever it takes to become
what Matt now is- a true winner!
Thank you Matt for telling it like it is; I value your opinion and hopefully
I will keep on striving to be a winner like you. Thanks.
One famous author by the name of Dale Carnegie once wrote, "Don't be afraid of enemies who attack you, Be afraid of friends who Flatter you". That's being sincere of you Matt, and bing frank and straight forward is a true sign of being yourself and I know you don't single out anyone here. You address it to everybody. Blessings to all. LA
Everytime you repeat the words "I CAN DO IT" with conviction, you cancel or override your fear and increase your confidence. By repeating this affirmation over and over, you can eventually build your courage and confidence to the point where you are unafraid. -Brian Tracy-
Am a newbie with no deals under my belt yet, seems the more I read here the more confused i get---paralysis by analysis. I have just gotten a kick ass agent...I need to do a couple of assignment deals as I have no money, no credit etc....to build my "war chest" (To me, this is war and I'm starting now!
My agent is charging 2.1% commission or 1000.00 on assignment deals, whichever is higher.
Question 1- when pricing an offer,I know I am paying him, is it 2.1% of the purchase price I negotiate with the seller, or 2.1 % of the price I am giving to the end buyer? I need to know this to price in alll my expenses.
Question 2- when giving me this info, he also said "less broker fees". What exactly does that mean?
Since I am so new I do not want to ask him these questions, although I was completely honest up fron with him as far as my real estate experience goes. I lost my job a month ago and am going to make this my income source, so I need to move quickly.
Any help would be appreciated on these two specific questions.
I am a member of the Success Academy, and would like to have you as a mentor or advisory expert. How does one go about getting in touch with you. I have very few, short questions and won't take up any of your time. I just need to be pointed in the right direction.
Matt tells the truth and in the process sometimes hurts peoples feelings and he's praised
I ask two questions about a persons constant postings about a site they seemingly always want to promote and i'm being told i'll be sued for harrassment.
On a message board. Because I asked a question. Amazing.
I love Matt Larson, he tell's it like it is and he pull's No punches.
If you dont like what he tells you then move on to something else.He is straight forward.
Thanks Matt, keep them coming !!!!
For being straight forward. Every time I see a post from you Matt it makes me want to do this REI even more. Thanks for coming back to DG.com when you don't have to do this.
Thank You
Steve and Veronica
Steve and Veronica's Journal.
Hi Matt,
My dad was a drill sergeant too. The only word he knew was work. He never gave you a compliment either. He was one of those nay sayers too. The farm was all there was.
Life does get tough. I have been giving into it, and letting it get to me, wanting to give up. It always comes back to me that there is somebody out there that has it tougher than myself. There is no excuses. Thanks for pushing us on. We have so much to be greatful for. Thanks for helping with the healing process. God bless ya
Matt is definately right.But just for Jokes to lighten the mood,I would like everyone to return to matts post at the top of this page,re read it and take a deep breath, then Imagine matt larson standing over you with a D.I.Boonie hat on wearing a dress and screaming obscenity's in your face as he pushes you down and makes you get back up.That will get you taking action.
Having been on the receiving end of one of Matt's replies to help, I can tell you that he holds nothing back. When Jeremy and I recorded Empowering Conversations with Dean I made mention of this.
Looking back it was just the kick in the pants that I needed. Jeremy and I would not be where we are today if it wasn't for pieces of advice handed out Matt Larson style.
The Boot Mark is still on my back side!!!!...Jan
Yes sir drill sergent sir! Matt has helped me many many times when I was a brand new REI. Matt is tough but he will help you produce results if you seriously apply his advice. Thanks Matt for all the kicks in the seat of the pants! LOL! You are one in a million my friend.
Because people are different, what they respond to "effectively" will also be different.
Some folks probably need (and appreciate) 'gentle' encouragement to get started.
But many of us want (and appreciate) the truth, served straight with no chaser.
It is, indeed, a tough world out there!
Bottom line: With the impressive amount of content here on this site -- we can choose the "delivery" of information that fits best with our own style and personality.
Hopefully, for those who might find Matt too abrasive, straight-forward, or blunt ... you can still separate the wisdom and use it.
What he says is good stuff!
Ignoring the "truth" because of its delivery would be like sending back a check that comes to you -- because it arrives by UPS instead of the US Postal Service.
~ Sherri
P.S. Thanks, ML, for keeping us sober and out of any danger of a sugar coma !!!
lol! thought this was just to good not to resurface!
appreciate each and every love tap aka swift kick!
God bless,
I love your posts

Nothing you have said has ever sounded offensive to me.
Just wanted you to know.
Started tracking your old posts today.
Bookmarking most.
Thanks for taking the time
Best wishes for yor abundant life
Peace,Love and $$$
Life is hard but it's not the week that survives but the strong...Life will get you down but you got to get up and try again until you make it.
keep moving forward, rob
whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob