I am irritated...
I have been seeing a post that talks about making even more money and wanted to post a reply that i thought we could all learn from... I am a little put off by how people try to make as much as they can on this business by being completely greedy! Just go do a deal, why are we trying to figure out how to screw someone over by charging people twice as much or selling the property at the highest possible price??
There is alot of money in any deal and even if you make $1,000 it is worth it is it not? I don't understand why we are trying to make this a greedy business, I think that totally ruins our rep and your personal rep. Just do the deal, and get onto the next one, who cares about making even MORE money... Maybe I just didn't understand but I just want to keep my integrity instead of getting caught up with trying to make as much money as possible!
We need to help people get out of their homes that are in a bad situation, give an investor a good deal while we make our money(BY DOING HARDLY ANYTHING), and help the end buyer get into an awesome house that is totally rehabbed and at cheaper price then everything else is going for. ?????
HELP PEOPLE people!!! That is all that matters!!!
Matt Behrens
FR Properties LLC
"Our Priority... You and Your Family!"
Journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/67147/...
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I will bring this to the top, I figured this would be good for us to all think about... Am I being ridiculous?
Matt Behrens
FR Properties LLC
"Our Priority... You and Your Family!"
Journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/67147/...
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I feel the same way Matt.
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"In order for me to think outside the box, that would require me to acknowledge that the box actually exists. In my world, there is no box."
~Matt Larson~
I don't want to be negative but people need to conduct themselves with integrity. If you take advantage of people your name WILL get around. It is way easier to get a bad reputation then to earn trust and gain referrals. REI provides thousands more than you would make without it so why are we trying for even more. Consider yourself passionate about people and blessed to have this opportunity without ruining the name of investors.
Matt Behrens
FR Properties LLC
"Our Priority... You and Your Family!"
Journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/67147/...
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You're absolutely %100 correct! This is NOT a numbers game, it IS a people business. I soly got into this to help others, now I know that you can make money in real estate and of course that appealed to me. But I NEVER agreed with evicting people out of homes they worked their whole lives to own, or putting in mass offers like a contract spitting machine. In my transactions I have ALWAYS met the owner personally, shook their hand, listened to their needs and treated them as I would want to be treated if I was in their position. I talk to many people about Foreclosure, especially those who are currently in that situation. I don't approach them with "I'm an investor and I can buy your home so you can avoid foreclosure". The first thing I do is give them advice on what they can do to "save it", because I have been in their position. Only if they've had it and are ready to walk away do I come in as an investor. I believe you have the right frame of mind and because of your convictions you will be very successful. Look at what a great humanitarian Dean is, he's given houses and trips and so much to help change people's lives, not just make money. This is what will set you apart from other investors, I wish we ALL thought like that but we can be the examples. Thanks for posting this, I think it needed to be said.
Best of luck to you!
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
Most of the time people that come up with these idiotic ideas and ways to scam people NEVER do a deal anyway! Or only 1 deal! They are to busy trying to figure out an easy way to make money with no consideration for anyone else. While they should be learning what a deal is. They would not know a real deal if someone dropped it on their head!
Don't be to bugged about it, just judge the source and go make an offer! Leave em in the dirt!
Michael Mangham
MD Home Acquisitions LLC
Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins
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Thank you for your response! I couldn't agree with you more. To be honest I don't know how people that are greedy make it as far as they do sometimes but in the long term it is those that do it right that will be rewarded...
Matt Behrens
FR Properties LLC
"Our Priority... You and Your Family!"
Journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/67147/...
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You put a smile on my face... Thanks, wasn't really dwelling on it but again I like helping everyone I can so I hope this is something that makes people think a little bit!
Matt Behrens
FR Properties LLC
"Our Priority... You and Your Family!"
Journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/67147/...
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You have the right attitude. I agree with your convictions and everyone who puts people first will reap the rewards in the long run. People will know you for who you really are and trust doing business with you over and over again. Your reputation will hold value and bring you success while others who are greedy may reap a fast reward and loose business in the future as their reputation reveals who they really are....greedy! Good word bro!!!
God Bless!!!
Brian Balazsi
I agree 100% Thank you for your response. It truly is amazing that there is so many amazing people with such honesty and integrity on this site!
Matt Behrens
FR Properties LLC
"Our Priority... You and Your Family!"
Journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/67147/...
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I think we were both on the same forum this morning. I made the comment that it usually works that you split... . Didn't want to sound mean . Frankly yes we are trying to make this a business . BUT, NOT by triple charging.
Michael Radtke
Slide Show:
I have alot of agreements with wholesalers where we split profits if we bring the property to the buyer or if we bring the buyer to the property. You have to work together and build relationships, why not? More deals done is better for everyone! Best of luck for the EDGE 11 contest btw!
Matt Behrens
FR Properties LLC
"Our Priority... You and Your Family!"
Journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/67147/...
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The guys that are posting that are definately not the majority of the people on this site. Anyone that really follows what Dean says or what most of the people on this site say will tell you it must be a Win Win Win situation or walk away. The biggest reason people fail in this business is because they are greedy. Greed is not good and will eventually destroy you. I'm glad you posted this and we could discuss it a little that way the new people to the site know what the majority thinks.
People with integrity and honor will succeed, the greedy will fail.
"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."
Shaun Omar
DSD Investor Group Inc
Well "new investors" reading this you can't be lazy either nuff said...
Matt Behrens
FR Properties LLC
"Our Priority... You and Your Family!"
Journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/67147/...
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Downward spiraling marketing... I may have to take this term, I have a few people I can use this with =)
Matt Behrens
FR Properties LLC
"Our Priority... You and Your Family!"
Journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/67147/...
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I just emailed to a couple of people I know doing REI on their own without any guidance and their philosophies have always been to screw hard those that are desparate. I've tried to explain the win win philosophy but they know better. So I just sent them that phrase maybe it will sink in.
"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."
Shaun Omar
DSD Investor Group Inc
It includes double the help since you are offering none at $5 cheaper! $992 a month! LIFE TIME CONTRACT!
Matt Behrens
FR Properties LLC
"Our Priority... You and Your Family!"
Journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/67147/...
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Its funny I just read this, I agree with you 100%! I just got off the phone telling someone pretty much the same thing about 2 hours ago. Its not the sellers problem that your new or you need money cause you spent yours the wrong way. Dont make them suffer cause you did something wacky. Just do the deal, get a referral and move on.
SKY Real Estate Services, Inc.
"Money Doesn't Grow On Trees, But It Does Fall From The SKY!"
I'm ready Matt I'm buying yours....where do I sign up??? Bernard I couldn't have said it better, unfortunately one of the posts Matt was talking about I think was from someone that has been doing it for a while.
"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."
Shaun Omar
DSD Investor Group Inc
Help is what i need,pm messege me please it takes me to long to type a response cause of disiblity in hands,with funds of any type...ty for time..
I think it was from someone who has been on this site for awhile but either way it is flat out the wrong mindset to have. Tazz, you started 3 days after I did, I will PM you but you need to spend the hours a day i did on this site and learn. Read forums and there are THOUSANDS of them...
Matt Behrens
FR Properties LLC
"Our Priority... You and Your Family!"
Journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/67147/...
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Matt, I'm not sure what greedy posts you are referring to - I have been absent for a while - but as stated above you are 100% dead on. Integrity is what this business - what LIFE is all about. When your actions are done with good intent behind them, then you will be successful in what you do and never have any regrets. In real estate honesty and integrity are qualities that anyone who is successful will have. To build a good reputation is essential, and as you grow your business on all levels you want to build relationships with everyone along the way - never burn any bridges! Its those who take the time to build a solid foundation that will still be standing and enjoying the rewards of their work in the future...those that are in it for pure greed may make some fast bucks now - but will be looking for another scheme down the road while we enjoy our hard, and well earned success
my story:
As always thank you for your responses! They are always appreciated! That was the best wording of what I have been trying to say in this whole post and I hope others can learn from it!
Matt Behrens
FR Properties LLC
"Our Priority... You and Your Family!"
Journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/67147/...
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offended anyone sorry, will stop posting have put in time since 1994.(carlton sheets course) funds have always be issue,found deals all the time thousand to millions. the bible says where 2 or more, am only one.
did not offend anyone Tazz, I will PM you... Stay involved.
Matt Behrens
FR Properties LLC
"Our Priority... You and Your Family!"
Journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/67147/...
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Talk IS Cheap!
I couldn't have said it better, that's the message we've been trying to send with this entire forum. THANK YOU!!!
Tazz - you're not offending anyone you need to continue to post that's how we learn. But you also need to go beyond that on your own to read and study books, forums, blogs, etc. Everyone will help you to get over the speed bumps but you have to be willing to put in the time as well. Good Luck
"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."
Shaun Omar
DSD Investor Group Inc
Isn't this what we have been taught already as investors, that it is about helping those home owners in distress? If integrity and honesty aren't part of your make up, you shouldn't be in a people business!!
I have a guy who called be Friday night, and even though I might make $500 because he has hardly any equity, I still put his house under an assignment. He has had again, other investors, and yesterday another agent pressure him, and he said that I answered all his questions and told him upfront the good and the bad about his property, and he asked me to try anyways. Not only did I write up the contract buy have in it that my fee would be that small even if we can get more, because he needs it. So do I, but isn't that bond better to have then more money?
And we have become friends, he even called while I was in the hospital that he was praying for me and asked if he could do anything to help me, he is 2 hours away.
We are in this to make a living also, but if we keep our priorities in place and remember why we chose this as our career, then the blessings will come back to us in many different ways.
I do have a question though..he advertises his home FSBO and has a MLS and an agent called and has someone interested. He asked what he should do. I said show it, and if these people want to put in an offer to him, just do it, I can step aside. But how does that work if an agent calls him because of his mls, will that agent have to do some sort of contract with him to legally sell the house to these people?
From what I understand, Yes they would need to come to some sort of agreement and I am sure that their commission would be alot higher thatn what you are offering... I may be wrong however.
Matt Behrens
FR Properties LLC
"Our Priority... You and Your Family!"
Journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/67147/...
F.E.A.R- False. Evidence. Apprearing. Real.
Talk IS Cheap!
We all need to make a "reasonable" fee for the service we provide, but if we come across someone in dire straits the game changes. We should do all possible to help that brother or sister. Once God gives us an opportunity like that...we HAD BETTER do the right thing! It takes no more effort to act like an angel than it does to act like a greedy AHO. Plus we will sleep much better and the blessings will follow. Thank you Matt for starting this thread.
We seldom get what we want, but we will always get what we expect.
Btw, your post was wonderful, and I hope your assignment happens. Also, I hope you are feeling stronger today.
We seldom get what we want, but we will always get what we expect.
Matt, thanks for starting this thread and reminding everyone on this site what we are doing... helping others in their time of need. If I lose my integrity and repuation along the way, then I've lost my ability to do good in this world.
Helping others is the foundation of how I look at my day, each and every day. My first thought is not "what can I get out of it", but "how can I help this person to take one step forward to being the best them they can be". That mindset helps me set aside temptation and only serving myself.
For me, praying to God for continued strength in my efforts to help others always seems to help -- especially when I'm having a bad day.
WHat a much better world this would be if everyone was praying for God's help with ...
Greed. Amen
Thanks, Nadine
** Realtor/Investor in Lancaster County, PA
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