Plain old Sick

Plain old Sick

I am sick sick sick of making phone calls, viewing houses, putting up bandit signs, posting CL ads, and hearing the word "No"...It takes soooo much patience and persistence, especially when you've never done a deal. I'm pouring in my energy and time only to wake up the next morning to the same dam thing. My motivation is GONE!!!

After feeling these overwhelming and depressing emotions I lay down in my room, close my eyes, and take a deep look inside to visualize the big picture. What does my future look like? What does my mom's future look like? Where will I go? Who will I meet? What will I do? Who will I be able to help?

The next thing ya know I'm up making phone calls, viewing houses, putting up bandit signs, posting CL Ads, and patiently waiting for my first "YES."

Marching Onward Smiling



"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you stop and look fear in the face. Do the things you think you cannot do. Tough times never last, but tough people do"

Way to be!

Good Post. Your asking yourself good questions and doing the right thing when you get overwhelmed and frustrated.


Quad City Real Estate Investors Association

Here is the proof of getting a loan to buy a deal with a 585 Credit Score.

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It is okay to get no and no. All successful people heard no hundreds of times and don't forget, they still hear no. But it is the one yes that changes everything. Don't over focus on where and what and everything else. My life totally changed when I joined the REI club.
Because it offers free training. Last night we had a speaker about PML and what we learned was very valuable.
I had already signed up for Saturday for an all day workshop from this same speaker, who will do more training how to finance your deals without money or good credit. It was really good last night. And again, I met several more people. And have a good network.
We have free food for the first half hour, then announcements, and it is far from boring. We have a raffle for services or gift cards for Menards or Home Depot. Then we break up into small groups for 15mins. This gives you a chance to just say hi to others and share what you are doing or trying to do.
Then the speaker for about an hour. But this really is important. It will give you local support. Even if you have to drive a distance, it is only once a month, and if they have special things going on.
So try that. Or when I got started, I put an ad on CL saying, Do you need a bird dog? And had a few investors call me. Go to an auction and just ask questions and watch. This will give you exposure, and have a simple business card. Your name and phone number, and an email and that you are an investor. I promise, your world will start to change just by networking.
At the auctions, you get more business cards from others. And when you find a seller with problems, you have someone else to help you with it.
So spring is here, and people get more motivated now.
Good luck

Whats your game plan???

drplunk05 wrote:
I am sick sick sick of making phone calls, viewing houses, putting up bandit signs, posting CL ads, and hearing the word "No"...It takes soooo much patience and persistence, especially when you've never done a deal. I'm pouring in my energy and time only to wake up the next morning to the same dam thing. My motivation is GONE!!!

Putting up bandit signs and having CL ads for homes you don't have aren't always the best way to go.

Not sure what your resources are like, but maybe you should focus solely on FSBO's. Posting ads on monday about a house you have to get a phone call the next day telling people its sold is not a good look for anyone and makes you look like a fraud.

Work smart and good luck to you


I just saw this very simple saying this morning on the top of a page in a local news really made me stop and think... "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says "I'm possible!" ... Sandi has some good advice I joined a local REI Group and doors are opening that I didn't know were there.
Keep the faith,

Areas are Slightly Different

You have to tweak for your area. CL does not do much for us here, bandit signs are against codes so are taken down. We've been doing this full time for
11 years & there are times we feel the same way. If it were easy, everyone would not only be doing it, but would also be a millionaire. Just "keep on trucking" & something will come down the pike.

Know how you feel

Jordan, there are times I feel like that as well, as for cl ads I have ran many just to get only two calls from other investors to add to my buyers list but that is two I did not have either. I have tried bandit signs in a town that I work in a normal job just to have them taken down as well because it is against the city code, I posted a flyer on an atm in the same town, well got one call from this, person is trying to sell a mobile home that has to be moved and explained to the seller that I am not looking for these types at the moment and if some one contacts me looking for this type I would let him know. I am currently in the process of making bandit signs to post in a town nearby where I go shopping, I have seen many bandit signs here for other things so they must not have a problem with them being there and will post them on private property instead on a major street where there is a lot of traffic and see what comes out of it. Yes there have been many times I have thought about giving up too but I have not done this either. I have no alternative but to keep on driving due to my situation I have and I want my family to have a better life than what we have now. Like gceriani said all areas are not the same as others, one has to find out what will work in their area. I know where I live here in NE Tx things are not that easy either as the market is not bad and people are getting what they are asking for their homes or maybe 2k less than asking price unless it is a foreclosure and these are few, as for reos, I have talked with banks in the area, guess how many at this moment, yes zero according to the people I have talked to that are in charge of this. Every area is not the same and one just have to keep their eyes open at all times and see what comes up.


My dear drplunk05

I first want to say thank you for bravely putting out this post. I next want to tell you that you are a very smart young man for getting into real estate. As my Dad use to tell me when I was a kid "you are on top of the world and don't know it". You think about this and the opportunities that you have. Now I just noticed that you joined this site on 6-3-09. This means something to me because this year on 6-3-11 I will be 63 years of age and hoping to make it beyond 100 years of age. I am sorry to say that I have not made my first deal yet since I started with Deans programs but I will. I was working full time and had to retire end of dec 2010. During that time I was working and going to college and earned a 2 year Associates degree. Since January I have been working on all kinds of things including getting my home in order. Now I am looking to get a job and have found a position that will put me in contact with a lot of people all around my area. I figure this will give me an opportunity to meet people that I probably would otherwise not meet and find properties that might go undetected. Its an idea ! I think it all happens with and IDEA. Maybe you could find part time or full time if you wish job as a driver. In my mind part time would be best because you would still have a good amount of time to plan and scheme and make offers and track your time. Anyway you hang in there. We can do this. It will happen. This life is full of endless opportunities and we just have to go out and make it happen.

Thanks Everybody

*Sandi - I know I do need to put myself out there more and attend meetings. I will get on that. Thank you

*Elix - My CL ads are just "I buy houses," but I do have ghost ads to attarct tenant buyers which I've found to be quite successful. Thanks for your your input.

*Barbara - Thanks for the words of encouragment

*Gary and Jill - Thanks, I'll probly try and work with my realtor and do a closer marekt analysis to get an exact idea of what's happening in my area.

*Shawn - I agree. And as for the bandit signs, mine usually last about 30 days or so. I've noticed a few locations are much better than others as I've been asking my callers where they see my sign which can be quite helpful. Thanks for your input

*Diane - Thanks for the encouragement. I will hang in there. Giving up is not an option Smiling


"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you stop and look fear in the face. Do the things you think you cannot do. Tough times never last, but tough people do"


We get no's everyday of the week. I get so many no's I don't even hear them anymore, but that has never stopped us at all. The first house Jeremy and I bought, the owner said no 5 times before we finished viewing the prop. The very next day the owner called me and said yes to owner financing. Now when someone tells me no, I just figure they realy mean yes. There are so many ways to turn deals around into your favor, you just have to learn and tweek them...Jan


....Keep doing what you doing and the deals will happen. The odds are with you. If you have a positive attitude and confidnece in what you are doing the deals will come. Try to network with as many invetsors as you can. Join REI clubs in your area. If the nearest clubs are in Seattle than consider making the drive.

You may also want to try your best to focus on motivated sellers. Days on market, price reductions, estate/probate sales, reos, vacant as-is properties, etc. Also, call the for rent signs you see in your area, in the newspaper and on Craigslist. This will help you network with all investors, maybe find buyers to add to your list or even find a tired landlord or two. That next call could be your next deal! You can do it! Persistence pays off! Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe


YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures

TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA

Jan, Joe, Keith

Thanks for the wise words of encouragement.

Very Much appreciated



"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you stop and look fear in the face. Do the things you think you cannot do. Tough times never last, but tough people do"

Everything helps

If you do automatically learn and get better. Even if you fail, you figure out that you need to do something different. I think half the battle is just doing something, even if it doesn't get the best results. You never know when the great hit will come along, often from some of the most mundane tasks.

Great attitude Jordan

Never let it get you down... just pause, re-group, and keep going!


Thanks, Nadine
** Realtor/Investor in Lancaster County, PA
His Hope Enterprises LLC

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Hey Jordan,

I heard someone say one time, 'Every no puts you closer to a yes' Is that what I want to hear on my first no or my 10th no? Probably not, but like everyone here says, you just keep going until you get that yes.

I have seen others say find other DG's in your area to partner with. Some like working with a partner like that, others have no desire and just want to do it themselves and get help from on here. I had someone contact me that lives about 5 miles from me. At first I wasn't so sure about partnering up but thought we could talk and at least bounce some ideas off each other and help each other be accountable. After talking with her I found out she is in the military and has already done some REI, so I told her I would be in touch. A day or two later I found out I just locked up a house and will close on Wed, I called her to see if she by chance wanted to go in as partners on another one I am hoping to find out about soon. Do I need her help to make it happen, not really, but it would help me not stretch ourselves so much, plus I get to help out another DG that happens to be one of our brave heros in the military. Good luck and keep plugging!
